Sayings of famous people about debt. Aphorisms about money debts. Lev Tolstoy

No personal considerations should interfere with the performance of civic duty.

W. Grant

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The idea of ​​duty and of the moral law in general has a much stronger influence on the human heart than all other motives.

I. Kant

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Our duty is a right that others have over us.

F. Nietzsche

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Not out of fear, but out of a sense of duty, one should refrain from evil deeds.


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Consider whether what you promise is true and possible, for a promise is a debt.


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Duty! You are sublime, great word. This is precisely the great thing that elevates a person above himself.

I. Kant

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Do as the duty of man commands you.


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Each person should primarily take what is possible for him and what is proper for him.


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To be faithful to duty in adversity is a great thing.


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Duty and right are brothers, they have one mother - freedom. They are born on the same day, they grow, develop and die together.

V. Cousin

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Not that one can be called a truly moral person who endures the dictates of duty over himself as some kind of heavy yoke, like "moral chains", but precisely the one who takes care to merge the demands of duty with the needs of his inner being so that they not only become instinctively necessary. , but also brought inner pleasure.

N. Dobrolyubov

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Debt is a bottomless sea.

T. Carlyle

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We all have one anchor from which, if you do not want to, you will never break: a sense of duty.

I. Turgenev

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Do not forget duty - this is the only music. There is no life and passion without duty.

A. Blok

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Never leave the road of duty and honor - this is the only thing in which we draw happiness.

J. Buffon

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In man, the sense of duty must prevail over the thirst for glory.

B. Johnson

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A duty fulfilled almost always leaves the consciousness of one who is not fully fulfilled, for one can never satisfy oneself.

I. Goethe

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From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out!

Leonardo da Vinnie

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If you don't love your duty, you can't fulfill it.

I. Goncharov

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A sense of duty is what people want to see in others.

O. Wilde

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We must consider a person not as we want to see him, but as he really is - often vile and always insecure.

S. Johnson

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Everyone's duty is to love their homeland, to be incorruptible and courageous, to remain faithful to it, even at the cost of life.

J. J. Rousseau

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We have changed our environment so radically that we must now change ourselves in order to live in this new environment.

N. Wiener

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Duty is love for what you command yourself. Debt is the beginning of slavery, even worse than slavery, because the creditor is more inexorable than the slave owner: he owns not only your body, but also your dignity and can, on occasion, inflict grave insults on him.

V. Hugo

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Nothing strengthens the sense of duty so much as the impossibility of evading its fulfillment.

Tristan Bernard

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It is simply amazing what purposefulness, courage and willpower awaken from the confidence that we are doing our duty.

W. Scott

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For diligent performance of his duty, a noble person rewards himself with the satisfaction that he experiences, and does not care about praise, honor and gratitude, which he is sometimes denied.

J. La Bruyère

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Man's first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. The second duty of man has not yet been discovered by anyone.

Oscar Wilde

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Even the most extraordinary person must perform his ordinary duties.

Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

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Duty is reduced to the consciousness of inner power. To feel inwardly that one is capable of something is to be aware of the obligation to do it.

J. Guyot

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He is decent who measures his right by his duty.

J. Lacordaire

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Everyone should have the courage to stand up for their beliefs.

A. Humboldt

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Duty is something much more substantial than even words, and its fulfillment should be more reverently pursued.

D. Milton

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Only one thing is truly difficult for us - the fulfillment of duty, because it involves such actions that we are all p, ^ obviously forced to do, although they do not bring us approval - the only thing that pushes us to laudable deeds and supports us in our undertakings.

J. La Bruyère

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A noble man knows duty, but a low man knows profit.


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Do your duty and leave the rest to the gods.

Pierre Corneille

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The duty is to often do what you don't feel like doing and not to do what you want to do.

T. Kempis

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All lofty motives, ideas, intentions and feelings of a person are not worth a penny if they do not strengthen him for a better performance of duty in everyday life.

Man's duty is to work and, to the best of his ability, turn the earth into heaven.

It is not right that gives rise to duty, but duty gives birth to right.

All mankind, in fact, is divided into two categories: some borrow, others give.

A sense of duty is just what we want to see in others.

Debts must be paid on a national scale, otherwise they must be paid.

Strive to pay your debt, and you will achieve a double goal, for in doing so you will fulfill it.

When a narrow-minded person does something shameful, he always declares that it is his duty.

True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the imperturbable performance of one's duty, in spite of any disasters and dangers.

Little sayings about duty

A person feels his duty only if he is free.

If I am aware of my duty, then it is just as much a syllogism, a conclusion, a thought that does not oppress me like any truth, and the fulfillment of which is not a sacrifice for me, not self-sacrifice, but my natural mode of action.

Interesting little sayings about debt

When the philosopher Diogenes needed money, he did not say that he would borrow it from friends; he said that he would ask his friends to return the debt to him.

It is impossible to take a single step on this earth without coming into contact with the responsibility and duty that must be fulfilled.

Consider whether what you promise is true and possible, for a promise is a debt.

If you don't love your duty, you can't fulfill it.

Man not only can, but must associate pleasure with duty: he must joyfully obey his reason.

What is debt? So far, we have no other answer than the following: do what is right and look after your own good and the good of others.

Strive always to do your duty, and humanity will justify you even where you fail.

Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach their children.

Who gives in debt, becomes poor; who borrows, goes bankrupt.

Duty is closely related to truthfulness. A man of duty is above all truthful in his words and actions. He says and does only what he should, how he should and when he should.

Duty is based on a sense of justice.

The reward for a duty fulfilled is to fulfill the next one.

Our respect for common morality is actually a sense of duty.

Clean little sayings about duty

Honor is conscience, but conscience is painfully sensitive. It is respect for oneself and for the dignity of one's own life, brought to the utmost purity and to the greatest passion.

My duty is what I do not do out of principle.

What can be given to a generous person? After the service rendered to him, he immediately turns you into his debtor with his generosity.

It is impossible to neglect the performance of duty out of the mere fear of making enemies or not being liked by someone. The fulfillment of duty gives a person glory, the benefit of which is greater than the harm from a possible enemy.

The consciousness of duty, which binds a man to his obligations, is nothing else than the consciousness of a higher interest, which takes precedence in him over the interests of a lower order.

It is a great mistake to think that a sense of duty and compulsion can contribute to finding joy in looking and seeking.

Duty is reduced to the consciousness of inner power. To feel inwardly that one is capable of something is to be aware of the obligation to do it. Duty is the abundance of life that wants to manifest, to surrender.

All debts are returned, although not always by those to whom we lent.

Duty is respect for the right of another.

Do not be burdened, do not cool down, be patient, sympathetic, good-natured, hurry to love, in the consciousness that you are already standing at the threshold of eternity - that is your duty.

Perfect little sayings about duty

We usually measure our debt to God by our own needs and emotions.

Man is forced to fight the necessity established by nature. His moral duty- to gain independence through their activities and reason.

Even the most extraordinary person must perform his ordinary duties.

It is the duty of every man to cultivate his inner joy.

It used to be thought that duty should become pleasure; now pleasure has become duty.

All our lives we do nothing but borrow from the future in order to pay off the present.

It is simply amazing what purposefulness, courage and willpower awaken from the confidence that we are doing our duty.

All lofty motives, intentions and feelings of a person are not worth a penny if they do not strengthen him for a better fulfillment of duty in everyday life.

Set a goal every day to do something that you don't like. This golden rule will help you do your duty without disgust.

Understanding the need to fulfill one's duty requires forgetting one's own interests.

What could be more beautiful in the world, what could be worthier than a man? He who is able to serve people and does not do so, rejects the highest duty of man, and therefore he must be denied the name and nature of man.

Never leave the road of duty and honor - this is the only thing in which we draw happiness.

Duty to the Fatherland is the shrine of man.

True politeness must be regarded precisely as a duty, for in general we must have favor with others.

A sense of duty is necessary in the work, but insulting in many other ways. People want to be loved, not endured with patient obedience.

Sometimes, in order to lose a friend, an unpaid service is enough: unable to repay the debt, he moves away - the debtor has become an enemy.

For the diligent performance of his duty, a man rewards himself with the satisfaction that he experiences, and does not care about the praise, honor and gratitude that he is denied.

How can a person know himself? To do this, he must not contemplate, but act. Try to fulfill your duty, and you will see at once what you are worth.

It is an excellent thing to do a little duty every day.

It is not the one who can be called a truly moral person who bears the dictates of duty over himself as some kind of heavy yoke, like moral chains, but precisely the one who takes care to merge the demands of duty with the needs of his inner being, so that they not only become instinctively necessary, but and brought inner pleasure.

People, be human! This is your first duty. Be so for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man.

Life has meaning only as a task or duty.

To command yourself, to rule over yourself, learn from the smallest. Force yourself to do what you don't want to, but you have to. Duty is the main source of will.

Egoists are capricious and cowardly in the face of duty: they have an eternal cowardly aversion to bind themselves to some kind of duty.

It is not right that gives rise to duty, but duty gives birth to right.

Francois Rene de Chateaubriand

Life is a duty, even if it were a moment.

Power is duty; freedom is responsibility.


The reward for a duty fulfilled is the opportunity to fulfill the next one.

George Eliot

Strive to do your duty, and you will immediately know what you are worth.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

A tolerant attitude towards life remains the first duty of all living beings.

Sigmund Freud

I love to be popular - this is happiness; but I want to be useful - it's a duty.

Victor Marie Hugo

Consider whether what you promise is true and possible, for a promise is a debt.


Although Plato and the truth are dear to me, nevertheless, a sacred duty tells me to give preference to the truth.


We all have one anchor from which, if you do not want to, you will never break: a sense of duty.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Strive always to do your duty, and humanity will justify you even where you fail.

Thomas Jefferson

To the memory of your predecessor, be fair and respectful, otherwise this debt will surely be paid to him after you.

Bacon Francis

Suggestions of conscience in connection with repentance and a sense of duty are the most important difference between man and animal.

Charles Robert Darwin

It is simply amazing what purposefulness, courage and willpower awaken from the confidence that we are doing our duty.

Walter Scott

How can you know yourself? Only by action, never by contemplation. Try to do your duty, and you will immediately know yourself.

People, be human! This is your first duty. Be so for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

It is impossible to take a single step on this earth without coming into contact with the responsibility and duty that must be fulfilled.

Thomas Carlyle

It is our special duty that if anyone is in particular need of our help, we must make every effort to help that person.

Debt is a very personal thing. It stems from a sense of the need to do something, and not just from the need to induce other people to do something.

Mother Teresa

From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out!

Leonardo da Vinci

Personal grief must recede before the right of the people to triumph. Let us fulfill our first, our sacred duty - the duty imposed by victory: we will dry the tears of widows and orphans, the tears of those whose intercessors died in the battle for their homeland.

Sheridan Richard Brinsley

The debt is red in payment. (Russian posl.)
Debt by payment is terrible. (Russian epilogue)
Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.
Creditors have a better memory than debtors. (Franklin)
You take someone else's and for a while, but you give yours forever.
A promise to return the debt in a week means only a request not to bother with this issue for a week. (S. Yankovsky)
When you lend money to a friend, you lose both the friend and the money. (French epil.)
Lend money to an enemy and you will gain a friend; lend money to a friend and you will lose him. (B. Franklin)
If the debtor has a chill, the creditor is shaking with a fever. (Alexander Fredro)
You should only borrow money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not be given back. (Tristan Bernard)
Many have become pessimists by funding optimists. (C. T. Jones)
His face expressed a calmness of spirit, arising from a sense of unfulfilled duty. (Hugo Steinhaus revised edition)
Who gives in debt, becomes poor; who borrows, goes bankrupt. (Andre Prevot)
The face of the lender is always unpleasant. (French proverb)
People are growing, and debts along with them. (Wiesław Brudzinski)
Managed to take - be able to give. (worldly wisdom)
To recognize a duty and not fulfill it is cowardice. (Confucius)
Strive always to do your duty, and humanity will justify you even where you fail. (Thomas Jefferson)
The difference between capital and labor: if you lend money to somebody, it is capital; if you're trying to get them back, it's work.
The hardest thing is getting out of debt and out of a warm bed on a cold morning.
A good manager always hires an optimist for the sales position and a pessimist for the credit department.
Most often they forget their duty and their umbrella. (Pierre Veron)
I do not forget about debts, I just forget to pay them back. (Yanina Ipokhorskaya)
The one who violates the contract releases the other party from any obligation. (Pierre Buast)
A sense of duty is just what we want to see in others. (O. Wilde)
Duty is the beginning of slavery. (V. Hugo)
Debt shortens life. (J. Joubert)
Debt is a bottomless sea. (T. Carlyle)
Debt is the most extreme poverty. (M. Likhtver)
You need to make jokes and borrow money suddenly. (Modified Heinrich Heine)
They are more willing to give to the rich than to lend to the poor. (Jean Petit-Senne)
The one who lends money is the servant of the one who lends. (N.A. Nekrasov)
Do not lend anything to anyone, except for mutual mercy and love. (F. Rabelais)
Who borrows, acquires sorrows. (T. Tasso)
A small debt creates a debtor, a larger debt creates an enemy. (Publius Syr)
No one can be forced to love you or lend you money.
If you are overwhelmed with a sense of duty, then try to return at least part
debts. (Yuri Tatarkin)
Rustle banknotes- the best lullaby for conscience. (Yuri Tatarkin)
Saving forgetfulness was late again, and the debt had to be repaid. (Yuri Tatarkin)
The imagination of a person who needs money is limitless. (Alexander Vampilov)
When the money debt is repaid, the debt of gratitude remains. (A. Dumas-father, "The Count of Monte Cristo").
A noble person puts duty first. First he shows duty, then he gains profit, therefore, people do not get bored with his acquisition. (Confucius)
All mankind, in fact, is divided into two categories: some borrow, others give. (Charles Lam)
The main duty of a person in relation to others is truthfulness in words and deeds. (Hegel)
Do what you must. And there be what will be. (Marcus Aurelius)
If your friend makes important mistakes, rebuke him without hesitation - this is the first duty of friendship.
Only he lives freely who finds joy in the performance of his duty.

Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes of great and famous people":

Duty! You are sublime, great word. This is precisely the great thing that elevates a person above himself.
Immanuel Kant
Great, Duty

From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out!
Leonardo da Vinci
Marriage, Children, Duty, Love, Parents

Our respect for general rules morality is actually a sense of duty.
Adam Smith
duty, morality

The extreme degree of fear is expressed in the fact that, succumbing to it, we are even imbued with the very courage that he deprived us of at the moment when it was necessary to fulfill our duty and defend our honor. That's what I fear more than fear itself.
Michel de Montaigne
Duty, Danger

Living on illusions from the past
and we do debts at the expense of the future.
Erich M. Remarque
Duty, Life, Past, Past and Future

In our youth, we are very rich in life and willingly lend our wealth to everyone, but when we go to collect debts in old age, no one gives it. And it's very embarrassing. And this is why the good ones are so rare: in old age, resentment prevents you from seeing good.
Mikhail M. Prishvin
Duty, Youth, Youth and old age, Old age

There can be no freedom or beauty in a home life that relies on loans and debts.
Henrik Ibsen
Duty, Life

The deceiver is the one who takes, knowing that he cannot return.
Publius Cyrus
Duty, Lies, Wise Quotes

The readiness to sacrifice oneself for the fulfillment of duty is the basis of the maintenance of life.
Xun Tzu

To the memory of your predecessor, be fair and respectful, otherwise this debt will surely be paid to him after you.
Francis Bacon
Remembrance and memory, Duty, Memory

Our gratitude is sometimes so great that when we repay our friends for the good done to us, we still leave them indebted to us.
François de La Rochefoucauld
Duty, Friend, Relationship

And in every household, and in a shop, and in every commodity, and in money, and in a house, and in a yard supply, and in needlework, and in loans, and in debts, in everything to have sharpness and quick wit and therefore live and keep everyday life according to the rule: by income and expense.
Debt, Rules

Strive to do your duty, and you will immediately know what you are worth.
Lev N. Tolstoy

And yet I am going, although I have so many reasons to stay, although I will have a good dozen articles for dismissal from military service, especially since I have already been to the war, and even in some alterations. I'm going. (...) It's my duty. I'm going to war. It is unbearable for me to remain aloof when others are starving; I know only one way to be at peace with my own conscience: that way is not to shrink from suffering.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but is, of course, the duty of the one who thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity, and not to be grateful is meanness.
Vasily O. Klyuchevsky
Gratitude, Duty, Wise Quotes

Our only duty to history is to constantly rewrite it.
Oscar Wilde
Duty, History, Wise Quotes

Man is a god to man, as long as he knows his duty.
Statius Caecilius
Duty, Mankind and Man

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money.
Benjamin Franklin
Guest and Hospitality, Duty