How to create passive income from scratch?  Proven ways to achieve financial independence.  Multiple sources of income.  Sources of family income What is personal income

How to create passive income from scratch? Proven ways to achieve financial independence. Multiple sources of income. Sources of family income What is personal income

Multiple Sources of Income is a phrase that has migrated into our lexicon from books on personal finance by foreign authors. In this publication, I would like to talk a little about how in modern realities ordinary person you can create additional multiple sources income and what benefits they bring.

Previously, I always believed that you need to find a good well-paid job and work for the good of the Motherland, climbing the career ladder. And I thought so until the moment the company was sold and the reorganization began. The new management of the company decided to optimize many processes, in connection with which it was decided to reduce some of the employees.

My career was in jeopardy overnight. My lifestyle has been threatened. After all, I used to consistently receive my thousand dollars, on which I lived as I wanted. I suddenly realized that my stability is in the hands of other people. Their decision depended on whether I would go to my favorite sushi bar next month, whether I could buy new sneakers, whether I would go on vacation.

It was then that I thought about the fact that I need insurance. Money insurance. I realized that I needed additional sources of income that would insure each other in case one of the sources dries up.

I began to actively look for such and work on them. Some of these sources are literally under our feet. But many do not notice them. Or they don't get the point.

If you look at everyday things from a different perspective, namely from the perspective of multiple sources of income, then there are solutions to many financial problems.

Basic concepts

First you need to determine all your money streams, which, when combined, form your financial river. Personally, I am a huge fan of this approach to the topic of multiple sources of income. And I work in two directions:

  • Increasing Multiple Sources of Income
  • Increasing the depth (width) of each source of income

Our personal record (my wife and I) for the number of multiple streams of income created is 10. This means that we had ten streams of income at the same time.

Types of multiple sources of income

I propose to get acquainted with them, on my personal example:

  1. My main work;
  2. Wife's main job;
  3. Additional work: Preparation of photo reports for an advertising company;
  4. Additional work: Mystery shopper;
  5. Own small business (tanning studio);
  6. Rental Property;
  7. Intermittent earnings.

And this is what my list of sources of income looks like now:

  1. Income from Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords contextual advertising posted on the blog;
  2. Income from banners placed on the blog (see also: );
  3. Income from the Nolix advertising line posted on the blog;
  4. Income from affiliate programs;
  5. Income from hosting webinars;
  6. Income from the sale of information products;
  7. Income from consultations on the development of your own blog, earnings on it, investments;
  8. Income from coaching and mentoring;
  9. Income from the online store;
  10. Wife's income (she recently launched small project in social networks for the sale of stylish shoes from the USA);
  11. Child benefits (for the child, the wife receives social benefits for a while maternity leave);
  12. Intermittent earnings.

As you can imagine, all these sources of income together bring a good income. And most importantly, I am insured. If something happens to one source (dries up), then I always have a bunch of others that will not let me die of hunger.

Moreover, I have in mind a few dozen more options for creating additional sources of income for which now I simply do not have enough time. I say this to the fact that even if all the listed sources of income suddenly “bend” and cease to exist, then I will start earning in other ways that will replace those that were.

Where do all these ideas come from?

In fact, everything is simple. Creating sources of income on the Internet required me to develop various skills. For example, I learned how to write articles for this site. This is called copywriting, see an article on this topic, which will also teach you how to make money on the Internet by writing various texts to order:

I can also create high-quality contextual advertising. I also learned this in the process of creating the income streams listed above. Now I place contextual advertising for my projects. But if something happens to them, I can easily find a job and promote other people's projects using Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords.

For me, it's a continuous process. I am constantly looking for somewhere to earn extra money. I am always interested in various, new opportunities for obtaining multiple sources of income. This is called increasing the number of sources of income.

Increasing the depth of each source of income is the work of increasing income from a particular source. For example, if you have a deposit in a bank, then regularly save from your main sources additional amount money and increase the amount of the deposit. This will allow you to receive a higher return on investment. Yes, yes, on bank deposits you can also earn.

Today there are a huge number of different possibilities. It's all about you! How lazy are you to take care of your future. I have many friends who have a lot of free time, but use this time mediocre. They're just being stupid.

My position on this issue is this: create conditions for yourself to be idle. Create such a passive source of income that will more than cover all your current expenses, and then do what you want. That is why I work hard now so that I can work less later, in the future. I understand that apart from myself, no one can change fate. There will be time for rest, but for now I will work. Especially since I enjoy it.


When someone tells me that I can't or I'm not like you, I understand that a person simply does not want to change his life and his destiny. This is a person who lives in illusions and hopes that someday the time will come and his whole life will change by magic. I'm not like that!

Open books, internet, newspapers free ads. Chat with friends not about how cool you “drank” all weekend, but about where and how you can make money. Try it, do it

There are no mistakes in life, there are only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn, and move forward on the path of self-improvement. Strength comes from struggle. Even pain can be a wonderful teacher. (Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

How to create multiple streams of income

Before we start creating multiple sources of income, you need to understand and decide how to do it correctly, what to spend your energy on at the beginning of the journey, and what later.

We need to have a map of the area on hand that will help us get from point A to point B in the shortest possible way.

People's time is limited, as well as forces and resources (resources mean connections, acquaintances). If only one job for hire takes 8-12 hours a day, then there will simply be no time and energy left for anything else.

Therefore, you must understand that creating multiple sources of income is an art, which implies the presence of an action plan, the ability to prioritize, a strategy for achieving the goal, and many other skills and abilities.

Using these skills wisely turns the process of creating multiple streams of income into an art that is no less enjoyable than participating in sports, going to the ballet, going to the theater, watching a movie, or attending a concert of a popular rock band.

Step #1: Foundation in the form of the main work

So where do you start building multiple streams of income?

First of all, it is necessary move from simple to complex. One of the features of Russian people is that we want to get everything at once. We do not like to wait, we do not like to deny ourselves something, we want everything at once.

You need to understand that such a position is harmful and will not give you anything good. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule. However, each case must be considered in detail. And if you have examples when people are for short term created a lot of capital for themselves through several sources of income, then you need to understand the details of what helped them.

Often we don't see the real facts that helped people take off. Someone received support from relatives or friends, someone was at the right time in the right place, someone is not afraid to take risks, etc.

Building multiple streams of income starts with the foundation. And most of the time, that foundation is employment. Working for an uncle is a linear source of income, it can be compared to a shovel. While we are digging, income is coming in, as soon as we sit down to take a break and put down the shovel, the income stops coming. There is also passive income, which, unlike the linear one, is similar to an automatic movement. Once you set it up further, it works at full automatic. We will talk more about passive income in the next section.

For me personally, the construction of my profitable streams began with a job for hire. I was 20 years old, I did not know and did not know how to earn money.

Pay attention to these words. You have to be able to earn money. And the more versatile you can do it, the more sources of income you can create!

When you are 20 years old and you are a student who spent all previous years sitting on the neck of your parents, is it worth it to say about making money? This skill does not exist and needs to be learned. Of course, there are people who start earning at the age of 15-16, and even earlier.

This is not about this now, but about the fact that if you do not know how to create several sources of income, then start with one. The easiest option in this case is to find a job for hire.

Employment will be your first source of knowledge about making money and it will give you the opportunity to create some kind of savings with which you can later create new sources of income. It helped me find a high paying job.

As noted above, work for hire takes a lot of time, which has a significant impact on the creation of the following ways to earn money. This can be an obstacle to building multiple sources of income.

And in such a situation, it would be optimal to turn your attention to such sources of income, which are called passive.

Step #2: Passive Sources of Income

Passive sources of income work for you. Having spent your efforts once, then you will only reap the fruits of your activities.

An example is . For example, you are employed and you have little free time to create new sources of income. You can save a couple of thousand rubles from your salary and.

Then, you can forget about this deposit until the next month, when you will receive your salary again and you will have the opportunity to put another thousand rubles in the bank, for example.

That is, as you understand, you do not need to take care of this type of income every day. will work for you around the clock, without breaks and weekends. It will generate new money for you, this is its passivity.

Thus, you will already have two sources of income, after which you proceed to consider the next option.

But when choosing the next way to earn money, you also start from your opportunities, from existing circumstances, such as employment, family, children, etc.

You can continue to dig further towards investments and play with more complex financial instruments, for example. Or look for new ways to make money in some completely new topic, for example, start in your free time from your main job.

As a result, starting with one type of income, from work for hire, you need to gradually create new sources of income that will increase your income. Income growth may not be immediate. But in any case, your total capital must constantly increase. By capital in this situation, we mean not only money.

For example, when I started creating multiple sources of income, for a long time my main source of income was work. For several years, I saved a part of the money from each salary.

I distributed the deferred money into various ones, among which were,,. Also, I used some of the money to buy something for myself. So I subsequently purchased the car.

I didn't have any pure cash. I had a car and also a contract with financial institutions and statements that I deposited funds into their account.

In this example, it was not money that was capital, but what I invested it in. And every day the amount of my capital changed in proportion to the value of those financial instruments in which I have invested money.

The same car depreciated every day. Share prices went up and down. Bank deposit increased regularly, etc.

As you understand, I started small, with the first thousand rubles set aside, which eventually turned into a million, which I wrote about.

To consolidate the understanding of capital, I will give another example from my own practice. In 2007, I worked as an ordinary manager in a telecommunications company. I worked there for about 3 years, I had a good salary, but there was no career growth.

It so happened that in our parent company the management changed, which began the reorganization of the entire enterprise. Somehow the manager called me and warned that layoffs were coming and I would be one of the first candidates for relegation due to the fact that.

At the same time, the head added that he would be glad to lay off someone else, since there were less useful employees in our department, but he would not be able to do this, since the head management, in order to reduce costs, in order not to pay compensation, would first of all cut those people who do not comply with job descriptions.

In general, it did not matter to them who to cut. It was important for them to reduce costs at any cost. At that moment, I had a turning point, which radically influenced my attitude to work for hire and all subsequent fate.

I realized that no matter how good an employee you are, it will not help you keep your job. Your destiny and career will always be in jeopardy.

And then I decided to start my own business, so as not to depend on someone

When I found a business idea that was interesting to me, in order to bring it to life, I had to cut off the head of all other sources of income.

I quit my job without waiting for a shameful layoff. I sold all mine and, withdrew money from . It turned out a tidy sum for which I opened a small tanning studio.

I rented a room where I made cosmetic repairs. Bought the necessary equipment. I invited specialists who installed everything for me, set it up and started working for themselves.

Before we continue, I should make a small digression, since initially we are talking about creating multiple sources of income. in this case, flexibility is needed. Sometimes there are moments when you focus on one thing. Sometimes you can churn out one source of income after another.

The ideal option is when you create some kind of source of income, which can then work without your active participation. This will make it much easier for you to create one source of income after another. You will have time and money for this.

Life can change. Various circumstances, your principles, outlook on life, etc. may change. The same can happen with your sources of income.

Let's get back to the tanning studio. The first month after the opening, my wife and I worked together in this studio. Then we established a stable flow of clients and calculated that we could well hire several operators who would work for us.

By hiring two young girls, we began to receive less from this source of income, but freed up a lot of time, which allowed us to create new sources of income.

Thus we have created new source income and built such a scheme of work in which it was enough for us to call in once a week for .

Next, I decided to find myself another job for hire and combine it with my business. Why did I decide so? Because in that situation, I had no other options. Create new business I didn't have the funds. And any other new source of income one way or another requires money.

The fundamental changes that happened to me earlier told me that this would be a temporary option until I save up money to create another business or increase the profitability of the first one.

By the way, the tanning studio did not bring me much income. Something about 30,000 rubles. About the same amount I received when I worked as an ordinary manager in a telecommunications company.

I am writing this so that you understand another reason for looking for a job. Many people paint themselves an ideal picture of a future where they don't have to work, where they have enough money to live happily. I'm not an exception. But as you understand, a business income of 30,000 rubles will not allow realizing this ideal picture of the future.

At the same time, the business I created gave me a great sense of peace and comfort. I had a completely different job search. If earlier, when I did not have such powerful financial support in the face of a tanning studio, at times when I was unemployed, then circumstances pressing from all sides urged me to look for any job and as soon as possible.

What are the circumstances?

  • Subsistence;
  • Paying for a roof over your head
  • Clothing;
  • Transport;
  • The opinion of others;
  • Etc.

When a person has no money to live on, he will clutch at any straw. After all, each person has a list of some kind of monetary addiction.

We all eat and drink every day, we need to pay or rent an apartment, we need to somehow move around on business. No less important is the pressure that others put on us. Indeed, at times when we are not working, we have to take money from somewhere, and most often on such days we live at the expense of our relatives, who soon begin to look crookedly at us if we cannot find a job for a long time.

All this leads to the fact that we are in a dependent position when looking for a job. We don't choose work, work chooses us.

When you have some kind of additional source of income that can insure in difficult situations, then everything changes exactly the opposite. You can easily search for the job you need. It is no longer work that chooses you, but you choose work and can dictate your terms to it.

That's what happened to me at the time. I firmly decided for myself that I did not want to work as an ordinary specialist. I wanted to take a leadership position. I had many reasons for this:

  • First, executives get more.
  • Secondly, leaders have more freedom than subordinates. Ordinary employees have to coordinate their every step with the manager. The leader can determine his own work plan. I needed a greater level of freedom in order to control my existing business.
  • Thirdly, I needed experience in managing people. Since at that time I already had two operators in the tanning studio, in fact, I was already the leader. Therefore, I wanted to develop my skills and abilities in this area.

As a result, I was hired ... in a bank! And not by anyone, but by the head of the lending department.

We were selling loan products jar. I had about 6 people under me.

Thus, the tanning studio brought me about 30,000 rubles + employment gave me another 45,000 rubles. At that time I was already married. The wife earned about 25,000 rubles more. In the same year, we took out a mortgage on an apartment, which we began to rent out, which brought us about another 18,000 rubles, but this money can not be counted, since it was used to pay off the loan.

All these sources of income allowed us to save about 30,000 rubles a month. Well, as you understand, we created new sources of income on them: we bought shares again, invested money in mutual funds, put part of the funds on bank deposits, etc.

As you can see, I started creating multiple sources of income from one, from work for hire, brought them to several sources (about 6-8), then for the sake of creating my own business, read a new source of income, I sold and abandoned all multiple sources, that I had before.

Then I created one source of income again, thanks to which I then increased the number of income sources to 10.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: there is no need to focus on a large number of sources of income. The goal is not this. We create multiple sources of income just so that we have a positive difference between income and expenses.

It is important that at the end of the month you have extra money left, which can later be spent on creating additional income, which will allow you to achieve financial independence and freedom.


Most people live paycheck to paycheck. They do not have enough money to live, they are all in. What kind of financial independence can we talk about? Although each of them dreams of not working, living for his own pleasure, traveling, dressing beautifully, in general, not denying himself anything.

This is where multiple sources of income will help us.

There may be 10 of them, which together will bring you 300,000 rubles a month, or maybe 1, which will bring you 500,000 rubles a month.

You don't have to chase quantity. Better go for quality. You can create one source of income, the main thing is that it gives as much profit as possible. It is equally important what kind of income it will be - linear or passive. The priority is passive income, which will free up a lot of time for you. This time can be spent on your favorite things, health, children, hobbies.

When you have extra money, you still need to put it somewhere. The first option is to spend everything, as most do. The second option is to invest them in something that will create new money for you.

That is, the model of creating multiple sources of income in the second case is inevitable.

Another goal of creating multiple sources of income is safety and security. The fact is that when you have one source of income, you take a big risk. As soon as it dries up, your usual life will be in jeopardy.

In the case when you have several sources of income, then you will not be afraid of any crisis. If you are laid off at your main job, then you will not starve, as other sources of income will save you.

P.S. I look forward to your multiple sources of income in the comments. If they are not, then write what you could do in this direction ...

This article will focus on the question of why multiple sources of income are needed and how they can be created.

One salary is not enough

If the main sources of income are only salaries, then this is a rather unstable financial situation. This is especially true if another financial crisis is traced outside the window.

This issue is of no small importance if these sources of income are blocked due to the loss of a job, and the family needs to be fed, and there are other financial obligations(for example, Bank loan). In this case, the option of earning money in another place will help.

Therefore, in the thematic literature, one can find an interpretation of such a concept as multiple sources of income. It is the creation of such that will contribute to the formation of real financial freedom. Especially if such sources of income generation are passive. In other words, this is the profit that a person receives, regardless of whether he works or rests.

Passive sources of income

So, what is it and by what criteria can they be evaluated:

1. Opening your own business. This is a type of activity that does not require special participation in the process of functioning, but will require a lot of attention at the initial stage.

2. Income from rental property. It can be personal property both in Russia and abroad. Such sources of family income are fairly stable. At the first stage, it is advisable to have such real estate abroad.

3. Copyrights are quite interesting sources of income generated by various printed or audio, video materials, as well as inventions created personally. The source of such earnings is the receipt of royalties.

4. Bank deposit, which is the most common source of additional income. It is formed by investing a certain amount of money in a bank at interest, which refers to the passive type of earnings.

What is the best way to generate income

If today there is only one type of income in the family, then experts recommend adding others gradually.

Multiple Streams of Income: Creating Them

For the successful implementation of their achievements and developments in order to receive in the future, it is necessary to draw up a certain algorithm of actions:

The direction of activity in which it is planned to create a source of income is selected;

A specific plan for its formation is drawn up;

This plan is being implemented.

Other sources of income

In addition to passive, there are also such sources of income as:

work award;

Compensation and compensation for damage;



Income and expenses

Provided that the family receives regular income, it has the opportunity to plan the appropriate level of expenses. Often, however, by spreading out spending on future monthly payments, you can find the need for additional payments. Thus, additional financial plans may appear.

It is a completely different matter when it comes to irregular earnings. In this case, it is more difficult to plan the sources of income and expenses, since the size of such an average remains uncertain. family budget per prior year and a moment concerning what the minimum monthly amount is expected to be.

An important issue for the budget of any family is its planning in accordance with minimum size source of income. And if there are surpluses, it will be possible to direct them to cover additional needs.

Security of sources of income

In this case, it is necessary to repeat once again about the need for the family to have, in addition to the main source of income, also additional ones. For example, if a family member receives only a social benefit, then there is a possibility that changes in the current legislation will lead to him losing the status of a citizen who meets the specific criteria for receiving such benefits.

The best option is for all able-bodied family members to work. At the same time, they should have different places of work, so that in the event of any reorganization at the enterprise, the family would not be left without income. Household income depends on a large number of factors, but effective planning will enhance the effect of income growth with their distribution between sources.

Additional source of income

Incidental expenses are:

Capital and current repairs;

Purchase of equipment;

Expenses for examination and sickness.

There are also so-called "undesirable" expenses, consisting of:

fines and penalties;

Various compensations (for example, repairing the housing of neighbors flooded with water);

Interest on unpaid obligations.

Summing up the material presented in this article, it should be noted that the preparation of a family budget is an integral part of any "cell of society". Only through effective planning will be able to sufficiently financial level family to exist.

Constantly and most importantly guaranteed, getting a certain income every month is the dream of any investor. Money works without your participation and any effort and brings even more money. How to achieve this? Answer - you need to know where to invest money. Of course, the amount of profit will directly depend on the amount invested funds. And let's say, for novice investors, the profit received from their investments will be relatively small. But you need to start somewhere. After all, the very fact of generating very attractive. In order for income to grow, you need 2 things: periodically invest additional money and constant. In law - over time, even the most modest capital can turn into a rather impressive amount, the profit from which will give you a significant financial flow as monthly income from allocated funds.

Where can you invest money to get a constant monthly income?

We buy with different coupon dates. It is on these dates that you will accrue profit. You can build a portfolio of bonds in such a way that monthly profits will be credited to your account. Usually the duration of the coupon is 91 or 182 days. Every 3 months or half a year, the profit from the purchased bond will go to your account.

Advantages. Higher yield. Clearly predicted and fixed income. High (you can instantly sell bonds without losing accrued profits).

Flaws. The probability of bankruptcy of the issuer who issued the bonds. For blue chips, this probability is small. For OFZ (federal loan bonds) and municipal bonds, it is practically zero. Usually (although very rarely) the so-called third-tier companies (junk bonds) go bankrupt. Avoid buying them and you'll be fine.

4. Dividend shares . Buy, which consistently pay dividends. And not just dividends, but. On average for Russian market this amount is 3-6% of the value of shares. There are companies (but there are few of them) whose dividends are slightly higher and amount to 8-10%. Judging by the latest payments, these are Surgutneftegaz, MTS and M-video.

Of course, the profitability is still small, but if you consider that you are buying a piece of a working (and successful) business, then with the further development of the company, the profit will also grow.

For example. The price of shares in the stock market is very volatile. They can "walk" within 20-30% during the year, both up and down. At the beginning of the year, the shares of SurgutNeftegazP cost almost 50 rubles a share, then the price fell almost 2 times within six months, to 28 rubles. Considering that the yield on average is 10% per share (at a price of 45 rubles) or 4.5 rubles, buying at the “day” at 28 you would secure a future yield of 17% per annum. And if the company's profit continues to grow, then the annual yield will easily exceed 20%.

Advantages. Having bought a "piece of business" in the form of dividend shares, you will be entitled to count on a share of the company's profits. You can find, thereby obtaining even more annual profitability. With the development of the company, profits will increase, which means that dividends will also grow.

Flaws. Uneven distribution of dividends. The lion's share of payments occurs in the second quarter. Some companies pay dividends twice a year. High volatility in the stock market. Purchased shares can significantly fall in price. But if you are aiming (several years), then it will give you the opportunity to purchase additional shares at bargain prices.


It is possible (and even necessary) to receive passive income every month. There is nothing complicated about this. The listed methods are available to everyone. And don't forget. Divide your funds into several parts, and use them to make a profit in each way. So, of course, the overall profit will decrease, but you will greatly reduce the risks when investing.

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Live in modern world constantly exposes a person to all sorts of tests, including financial ones. Not every person can say with certainty that he is financially secure, because most people, as a rule, have only one source of income - the money they receive for the work they do. And it doesn’t matter if it’s for hire or own business, the important thing is that there is only one source of income. But what if, for some reason, this source ceases to bring money? It is for this reason that some people think about additional sources of income. And for those who do not think, we strongly recommend doing this, because. in the future, and in the present, it can do an excellent job. Below we will consider several options for alternative sources of inflow of finance and some of their nuances.

In general, sources of income can be divided into active and passive. Active ones are those in which we are directly involved in order to make a profit and make efforts to receive money. Passive ones are those in which a person practically does not make any efforts to make a profit and his investments (time, effort, money) work for him. Let's see what active or passive source of income can become additional?

Active additional sources of income

In fact, a situation where there may be a need for additional finance, or simply not enough money earned at the main place of work, can arise for everyone. You can, of course, try to achieve a promotion in your career, an increase in wages, or look for a higher paying place, but it is not a fact that this will succeed. You can try to find a second job, but where to get the time and energy for it, if you are already full-time? But there is a way out: you need to pay attention to your hidden resources, which we can simply not notice in everyday bustle, which means we don’t use them. They can become the basis of an active additional source of income.


Think about what knowledge you currently have, but which you do not use to create additional profit. What are you good at? What can you teach? What can you talk about or on what topic can you advise? What ideas did/do you have that you didn't pay enough attention to? Surely you will be able to find something interesting. In addition, if you wish, you can learn something new: take some courses, get a new specialty or a second or even third education, and then use the knowledge gained to make money in a new field.

Technical Resources

One of the most powerful technical resources today, almost everyone has at home is a computer. Usually it is purchased for studying, watching movies, listening to music and other entertainment, but it can also be used as a means of earning money. If you have Internet access and some free time, you can look online for ways to generate additional income. The situation is similar with the presence of a car - it can be used for various kinds of part-time work: as a taxi, for delivering sushi or pizza, etc. Make a list of what you have and see if there is any way you can use it to your advantage.

Hobbies, hobbies, interests, talents

Every person has some distinctive feature: someone writes beautifully, someone understands technology, someone gets along wonderfully with animals. What are you good at doing? Even the simplest ability to embroider or knit beautifully can become an additional source of income. And if you like it, that's even better! What are your hobbies? What are your interests? Can your area of ​​interest serve as a starting point for creating another source of income? Show your imagination, activate your creativity and try to come up with a few interesting ideas that you can implement and improve your financial condition.


Time is the most valuable resource that a person has, but which is often completely mediocrely wasted. Analyze what you spend your time on: how many hours a day do you have useless activities? And how much do you spend on finding a new way to earn money? You must learn your time resource: engage in self-development and personal growth, spiritual practices, analyze your knowledge, technical resources, skills, hobbies, hobbies and interests in order to learn how to turn them into money. This, of course, does not mean that you can not relax and have fun. But if you have a need for additional funds, then "business - time, fun - an hour."

So, with active additional sources of income, we figured it out. The main direction of work is now clear and if you wish, you can find some other interesting active way to earn money. Let's move on to passive sources.

Passive additional sources of income

Oddly enough, the very concept of passive income is rather unusual for Russians, although in the West they have been familiar with it for a long time, and in some schools it is even taught there. financial literacy. In our country this topic very little has been studied yet. And this is mainly due to the stereotypes imposed and brought up in the last decades of the last century. In the post-Soviet space, it was the person who achieved everything that he had, making tremendous efforts, who was considered successful. However, at all times the most successful, wealthy and wealthy have always been people with such qualities as sharpness of mind, prudence, and able to profit from their investments. But let's leave these arguments for another time, and consider those sources of income that can be considered passive, as well as available to people with low and middle incomes.


A pension is a regular cash benefit that is paid to people who have reached retirement age, have a disability or have lost their breadwinner. But, to our great regret, the size of the pension in our country, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Yes, and many people never live to retirement age, and thousands of pensions go into the "bottomless abyss" of our state. That is why only not the families of those people who did not live to see their retirement? Interest Ask. In general, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, a pension is a source of additional passive income.

Bank account

Anyone can open a bank account and deposit money into it at interest. And this can already be considered a source of passive income. But there are a few things to consider here. If the invested amount is small, then the interest of the bank, taking into account inflation, often only contributes to saving money and saving them from depreciation, i.e. it cannot be called a source of passive income. But if the amount is large and the percentage of accruals exceeds the inflation index, then the capital will constantly grow - this is passive income. In short, in order to make a profit at interest, it is worth putting only large amounts.


Owning securities is very profitable, because. this allows you to receive a minimum of 10 to 30 percent of profit per year. But it is recommended to engage in securities only with the help of an experienced specialist in this field. He will be able to offer several investment options that will be the most optimal for you. The richest people in the world resort to working with securities, therefore, if there is an opportunity to start acting in this direction, then in no case should it be missed.

big business

Speaking of a big business, it should be borne in mind that its creation requires a considerable investment of time, effort and finance. But the result is worth it. If the company is “firmly on its feet” and it is run by competent people, then it may well become an excellent source of passive income and even allow the person (or group of people) who organized it to go to. The owner should only control the work of the organization and have a plan of action in case of force majeure.

Website on the Internet

If you approach the issue of creating a site seriously and come to grips with its promotion, then after a while it will be able to bring solid profits to its owner. Contextual advertising, affiliate programs and other ways of monetizing the site play a huge role here. It is interesting that a person is able to create a website both with the help of competent specialists (for a solid fee, of course), and quite independently, having learned this and having studied all the subtleties of the issue.


If you manage to write a good book that will be relevant and in demand by readers, then for the rest of your life you will be able to receive royalties from the sales of your work. And this applies not only to books, but also to inventions, ideas, projects, websites and other creations, regardless of the direction of the activity. Just think how much money a man named Seth Wheeler made when he patented toilet paper in 1871?!

In conclusion, I just want to say that if you really want to create an additional source of income (and even more so if there are several), then you will have to seriously think and reconsider many components of your life: habits, beliefs, personal and, of course, apply for this a lot of effort. And although it is not easy, but it is worth it. You just need to want it - everything is in your hands!

We all dream about getting money and doing nothing. Imagine this. You are sitting by the pool with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The idea creeps into your mind that you need to visit another sunny country. And at this time, every minute there is more and more money in your financial account. Unfortunately, only a few take any steps to make their dreams come true. Creating passive income is not a very difficult task, but the result of such actions gives you a completely different life. I would like to tell you about 5 simple steps that will give you the opportunity to create passive income.

1 step. A burning desire to change your life.

First of all, you must develop a burning desire inside yourself to be free, to do whatever you want, to be with those people who understand and love you. In order to make the desire to create passive income even greater, imagine how every morning you reluctantly go to your unloved job, where you obey your boss, fulfill his stupid wishes, constantly have to stay late. Do you want another? So get angry at this situation and say that you will do everything to receive passive income and do whatever your heart desires. And to maintain your “burning” desire, you must compare the situation that you have at the moment every day and imagine the “life of your dreams”. So we figured out what needs to be done at the very beginning of the path of creating passive income.

2 step. Change the mindset of a poor person to that of a rich man.

Try to answer one question: “Why do you have only your 20,000 rubles of monthly salary from your income?” The answer is simple. You have a poor man's mindset. You don't see any other way to get money other than being hired. You have a lot of fears in your head so that money can come to you in large quantities. As a result, a boring, dim, ordinary life of an ordinary resident of Russia. And I am sure that you want another, and therefore you are reading this article now. So your next step in creating passive income is to change your financial mindset. To do this, I recommend that you read only 2 books. At one time they changed my thinking. These are Rich Dad Poor Dad and the CASHFLOW Quadrant. The author of these books is Robert Kiyosaki. In his books, he shows how you can create passive income by changing your mindset. After reading them, I am sure you will look at your income and expenses, your assets and liabilities differently.

3 step. Learn to save money for investing.

It must be understood that the creation of passive income without investments is impossible. You will definitely need money to create various sources of passive income. Therefore, it is necessary to set aside some part of the money from your main income each time. There is a certain golden rule that must be observed. It's called the 10% Rule. Every time you have to save 10% of your income. I received a salary of 15,000 rubles - be so kind as to set aside 1,500 rubles and don’t touch them at all. At first this will be very difficult to do. Well, then it will become a habit for you. You will understand that it is quite easy and soon you will increase the amount of money set aside. A good result is 25% of the deferred money from income. And when you can save 50%, then you can create passive income for yourself faster.

4 step. Choosing the type and source of passive income.

Next, you will have to figure out what types of passive income are. Someone would be better off if cash flow will come from offline (for example, passive income from real estate), and for some it will be easier to create passive income on the Internet. Maybe you will be great at writing articles on a topic that interests you about bicycles. Then you can run your blog and earn passive income from the site.

5 step. Investing money in a source of passive income.

After that, you need to invest your accumulated money in the chosen source of passive income. Those. in other words, you must buy an asset that would bring you passive income. A simple example is the purchase of an apartment for rent. The purchased apartment will become your asset and will bring you additional income every month.

Video about passive income. Parable of Pablo and Bruno

Pablo and Bruno choose two completely different paths to achieve financial independence. What are you going to see? A great animated film about their adventures. So sit back, relax and watch a lesson on how to change your life - the parable of the plumbing.

Far, far away in a small village near a beautiful valley lived two friends - Pablo and Bruno. Both of them were young and wanted a better life for themselves. Often they shared dreams with each other about how they would become the most successful people in the village. They were not afraid of hard work and looked for opportunities to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. And once such an opportunity presented itself to them.

The village chief decided to hire two people to carry water from a spring on top of a mountain across the valley to the village. The payment for labor depended on the amount of water delivered to the village. Bruno and Pablo enthusiastically set to work.

Every day, from morning to evening, they carried buckets of water from the source to the village. They did their job stubbornly and diligently. Every evening they returned home with their daily wages. Bruno was happy with his job and the money he was making. He was sure that this work could fulfill his dream. Bruno decided that in order to increase his earnings, he needed to take larger buckets so that more water could fit in them. He hoped that the increased income would soon allow him to buy a cow and the house he dreamed of.

But Pablo was unhappy. At the end of each day, his back and legs ached. He felt frazzled. Pablo was looking for an easier way to earn more and one day an idea came to his mind. He imagined how he would build a water pipe to bring water from a mountain spring to the village. This plumbing would allow him to carry more water without carrying any buckets. He soon got excited about the idea and began planning.

Pablo suggested that Bruno build a water pipe together, but he decided that this idea was meaningless. All Bruno was thinking now was how to make money faster. He believed that it would take a lot of time to build a water pipe and that he would achieve his goal later. Instead, Bruno took out a bigger bucket and began to carry water faster. He was sure that this way would bring him more money.

Pablo decided to build the plumbing alone. He understood that it would not be easy and take a lot of time until the plumbing was completed. Pablo knew that it could take him several years to build. But he focused on his idea. Every day he worked and carried water as before, but in his spare time he built his own plumbing. In the first month, he had nothing to brag about. Bruno and the villagers laughed and teased him. They called him Pablo the Plumber.

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At the same time, Bruno's income doubled. He has already bought a cow and a big house. His life changed. Now he spent his time after work at the bar, enjoying what his hard-earned money gave him. But he didn't realize that his back was hunched over because of the hard work. The face was emaciated and the body emaciated. Soon he began to carry less and less water due to the fact that his health was deteriorating and deteriorating.

Pablo worked month after month. Soon a year passed, and then another. Finally the building was completed. Pablo was now making more money than Bruno. The flow of water to the village did not stop for a minute while Pablo rested, slept and ate. Pablo was happy and could be proud of his insight, diligence and perseverance. Now money flowed to him like water in a tap.

The story of Pablo and Bruno is a reflection real life. We usually try to increase our income by working more and more, working in our spare time or working two jobs. We are also trying to increase our monthly salary, which leads to more employment and less free time.

Most of us trade time for money. We know that each person has only 24 hours a day and that it is impossible to devote all the time to work. The hardest times come when we can't trade time for money due to age, health, or any other reason. And then our income stops.

And Pablo didn't trade his time for a limited income, but he did use some of his time to build the plumbing. He knew that the plumbing would begin to bring a steady income. Pablo knew that the time would come when he would not be able to exchange time for money. But what about you? Are you still the same as Bruno, or do you want to be like Pablo and earn passive income. You can start building your financial flow right here and now.

7 reasons to create passive income


Everyone needs money to survive in this world. To do this, we go to work, where we “plow” for a whole month for a tiny salary. When we work for someone, we are not free and dependent. We do not have the right to our opinion and choice of actions, everything is already written in job descriptions. And, if you have passive income that exceeds your monthly salary, then you have the opportunity to choose and act. You decide when and what you do. Creating passive income allows you to reach a new level of financial development.


If you create several sources of passive income that bring you high profits, then you have freed up a large number of time. You can use this time as you wish. Someone visits him with people close to him, someone travels, and someone begins to create his own business or another type of passive income.


If you have a passive income, then you will not care about salary delays at work, lost bonuses and bonuses. The resulting profit from liabilities gives you the understanding that you are independent. This removes your fear of being left without money and allows you to be more liberated in your actions.


When you know that every month you will have money from passive income, then a feeling of security comes. You don't have to worry about where to get the money for food, clothing and housing. Even if you get sick and have to quit your job, there is a whole wall of cash flow behind you.

Confident future.

Each of us thinks about our future. What will happen to us when we can no longer go to work. Who will support us? Everyone thinks about retirement all the time. But in the realities of our country, a pension does not provide a secure life in old age. Therefore, by creating various sources of passive income, you create your bright financial future.


If you correctly create a passive flow, you will constantly receive money at the same time.


How it freezes when you have to sit in the office all day. Everything is on schedule, lunch is on schedule. And if you violated the internal regulations, then a deduction from your monthly salary will follow. Passive income saves you the effort of exchanging money for time. At a time when money is earned by yourself, then you can afford anything. You can travel, do yourself and other things that you like.

These are only a small part of the advantages that passive income can give us. I would also like to note that, unlike wages, the passive flow does not have a “ceiling” of profitability. How much money you will receive depends only on you.

Passive income without investment...

Many people want to create passive income and at the same time often enter queries such as “passive income without investment” in the search. Of course, everyone wants to relax in the Maldives, drive a cool car and not lift a finger. Wake up! That doesn't happen...

Creating a passive income is a very difficult and long-term business that requires a burning desire, willpower, motivation and, of course, real action from any person. Passive income arises from the creation or purchase of assets that generate cash flow.

Sometimes, as passive income without investments, you can count such sources of income as partnership programs, creating your own information product or website. Yes, income from such assets can be passive, but first you still need to invest.

Passive income is just a consequence of your investment in some asset. So without what kind of investments you will not be able to secure a cash flow?

Passive income without investing in your education is impossible!

In general, passive income is the result of long investments not only in assets, but also in yourself, in your education. As Robert Kiyosaki says, you need to increase your financial IQ, otherwise you will remain in the cash flow quadrant, where everyone works for a salary. Start reading books and read Rich Dad Poor Dad first. Again, do not limit yourself to the financial sector. Develop spherically, i.e. work on every area of ​​your life. Finance without health will not come to you either.

So sign up for a gym or a martial arts course, buy a bike, or start swimming. Also develop in the field of communication with people. The more you communicate, the more you will have friends who will help you. If you do not develop as a person, then you will not see a money pipeline, as in the parable of Pablo and Bruno. Money comes only to strong and educated individuals.

Passive income without investing your own time is impossible!

Time is one of the main resources in life that we manage. Some people use their time productively, some don't. Any source of passive income requires an investment of personal time. To begin with, you must figure out how a source is created, how much money it can bring per month, what are the risks that you will lose it. All this takes time.

Then comes the process of actually creating or acquiring. And this is also the time. For example, it will take you less time to receive passive income from pamm investments than to create your own website and sell ads from it. Passive income is not created in seconds, this process can take weeks, months and even years.

Passive income without investing money is impossible!

In most cases, it takes money to create an asset. In some cases this big investment, for example, if you want real estate income and buy an apartment to rent out. And some can be done with a small cash investment. For example, to create a website, you need to buy a domain and hosting. This is about 600 rubles. Not so much, right?! Again, you can say that I will take other people's money. Ok, if you can, then why not, but then you will need to invest other resources: time, knowledge and skills, ideas.

Therefore, let's still be honest with ourselves and not say that there is passive income without investments. It's just that the very word passivity is misunderstood by everyone. This is the other side of activity. They must be in balance. That's how much you were active and how many sources of income you created, so much you can be passive in the future ...

So think about what investments you can make today to get financial freedom tomorrow. And I can give very good advice. If you want yourself a decent cash flow in less time and with less investment, then this can only be done with the help of passive income on the Internet.

7 simple rules leading to passive income

Rule 1

Pay a tenth of all income to yourself personally. You need to do this regularly and first of all ... you love yourself;) (in this regard, you need to be a little selfish). Of course, a little willpower and self-discipline is required to comply with this rule, but these are the main qualities necessary to achieve financial goals. Many people think like this: “Money is already not enough in everyday life ... how else to save something?”. Believe me, a tenth will not solve your problems globally...

Rule 2

Control your expenses. It is difficult to "catch" the balance between the necessary expenses, emotions and whims, but nothing is impossible;) There is an old saying "There is never a lot of money", but this happens only when we do not "turn on" our brain. Everything in this world is relative...someone doesn't have enough money for bread, and someone doesn't have enough money for a private jet. It is necessary to make a rule for yourself FOR EVERY RUBLE SPENDED - RECEIVE THE TRUE VALUE. Clearly plan your expenses and do not touch the NZ (the tenth of the deferred part)))). Try to make it your good habit.

Rule 3

Make NZ "work". Of course, the money that you put aside warms the soul, but there is no sense in them if they just lie “under the mattress”. And here our task is to invest our funds correctly, thereby creating a small in the beginning, and in the future a solid inflow of funds into our pocket.

Rule 4

Protect your capital from losses and unjustified risks. "Smart" investing is based on the security of the underlying capital. No need to rush into the pool with your head and chase for quick enrichment. Before investing any part of your hard-earned money, you need to study the money-back guarantees.

Rule 5

Home Sweet Home. Profitable to invest in real estate. Everyone should have their own housing, because this is not only a confident rear for the family, but also, in a certain scenario, a “reserve” of funds that can always be sent “to work” and inflation will not devour them.

Rule 6

Create income for the future. It is very important to foresee the needs of a respectable age and create (albeit not a large) financial reserve for yourself and your family at a time when age becomes an obstacle to study and work.

Rule 7

Constantly develop. The more we know and are able, the more we can earn. The world does not stand still, and a person who keeps up with the times, develops intellectually, improves himself, deserves a greater reward.

And so, I hope that these not at all complicated rules will help you acquire good habits, change your worldview, thoughts about money and income in general. After all, our life depends on our thoughts. Use these 7 rules wisely and you will end financial hardship forever and even get rich over time ;)

Sources of passive income

Bank deposit

Everyone knows about bank deposits. You open a deposit and receive from it annual interest. If we suppose to deposit 1,000,000 rubles at 10% per annum, then in a year your asset will increase by 100,000 rubles and amount to 1,100,000.

Pros: no knowledge is needed and practically does not require your activity (only at first choose a deposit with a certain percentage).

Minuses: low income compared to inflation (mostly less than 10%).


This is an investment in shares of various companies on stock markets. In another way, this is called investment in Shares. investment funds(mutual funds)

Pros: accessibility (everyone can do it, because one share is not so expensive), higher profitability (10-30%).

Minuses: it is necessary to choose a long-term investment strategy, i.e. additional knowledge in the field of economics is required.

Real estate

Real estate is one of the most stable types of passive income. People who have a second apartment or some commercial real estate you can easily rent it out.

Pros: stability and a transparent income scheme, income depends on your knowledge and actions in this area.

Minuses: you need real estate (real estate prices are high, it is problematic to purchase the first property).

Find out how much you can earn with passive income not real estate.


Here you can talk about a business as a passive source of income, if you once create it, and then transfer it to other people for management, i.e. delegate. Thus, the business brings money without your participation.

There are two types of business: online and offline. In the first case, it can be a beauty salon, and in the second, your author's blog. Depending on what you choose, there will be different pros and cons. By the way, passive income on the site is a very good source that can be created in the shortest possible time.

Pros: in both cases, high profitability is possible (there is no “ceiling”), online business requires less time and investment.

Minuses: offline business has high risks, it needs a lot of investments at the initial stage, in both cases, great knowledge in the required area is required (you must have the skills of an entrepreneur, a leader, and a manager

If you have created some kind of service or invention, then you can receive royalties from their sale.

Pros: stability and transparent income scheme

Minuses: you need to figure something out first.)

Nothing is more demoralizing than a modest but steady income.

Edmund Wilson

Creating a good source of passive income that will not disappear at any moment and will give you freedom is a very interesting, but at the same time, time-consuming process. But he's worth it.

How to create a passive income of 30,000 rubles?

In order to create a passive income of 30,000 rubles and get financial protection it is necessary to create 3 different sources with a yield of 10,000 rubles. This will be passive income from the site, business and real estate. It is in this order that I recommend creating sources of passive income, i.e. from less expensive to more expensive.

Passive income from the site

Making money on websites has 2 very good advantages that you need to take into account if you are just starting to create passive income from scratch.

Minimum investment

You will only need to create a website and promote it in search engines so that there is a lot of traffic. At first, you only need to buy hosting and a domain. This is approximately 1000 rubles. You can learn how to promote a site and monetize it yourself.

No need to quit your job

You can create a website, promote and monetize it in your free time. Those. you do not need to quit your main job, where you have a stable income. That's when passive income equals the level of your salary, you can throw your "damn" job.

It must be understood that the site will not immediately bring money. With good work, in six months, thanks to the site, you can reach passive income on the Internet at the level of 10 thousand rubles a month.

Examples of passive income from websites

In order to make it more clear how much you can earn, let's consider with you examples of passive income from various sites. - a site for preparing for the exam. Traffic 5 000 people per month. Income - 10,000 rubles. Earnings come from sales - site about construction. Traffic 300 people per month. Income - 4000 rubles. Income from Yandex.Direct contextual advertising and sales of links in Sape.

url is hidden - a game-themed portal. Traffic 3000. Income - $ 5,000. The main source of income is Google Adsense advertising.

Passive income from real estate

Advantages of real estate as a source of passive income

A large number of people invest their money in passive income sources such as securities, precious metals or make investments in business, and some even manage to participate in all sorts of dubious financial pyramids. But you should know that the risks of such investments cannot be compared with the reliability of real estate, which can bring its owner a good monthly passive income from rent.

Disadvantages of real estate as a source of passive income

Of course, it must be acknowledged that real estate income does have its drawbacks.

Expensive. Like any type of passive income generated offline, real estate is an expensive investment. You need to have at least a million rubles to start getting a decent cash flow. Another thing is if you already have a second apartment or house, or maybe an office in the city center or a warehouse.

Low yield. Income from real estate can average from 5-10% per annum. For example, the same passive income as a percentage can be obtained from Pamm investments in a month!

As an option to diversify your investment portfolio, real estate should still be considered as a source of passive income.

An example of passive income in real estate

Let's try to calculate how much money you need to invest in real estate so that it brings passive income equal to a month. wages in a city of millions. For example, I will take the city of Voronezh, where I live. A one-room apartment in Voronezh costs about 1,600,000 rubles. If you rent out such an apartment, then passive income minus rent will be 10,000 rubles.