The highest death rate in Europe.  Countries with high mortality rates.  The lowest life expectancy

The highest death rate in Europe. Countries with high mortality rates. The lowest life expectancy

    per year per 100,000 people. The definition of intentional homicide varies from country to country. Different countries may or may not include infanticide, euthanasia, or assisted suicide. The demographics of intentional homicide are affected by the level of ... ... Wikipedia

    Infant mortality rate by country in 2008 Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths of children under the age of one year per 1,000 live births. This indicator is often used as a comparison of p level ... Wikipedia

    Migration and public health- Migration of the population generates many economic, political and social problems, including the problem of the impact of migration on the state of public health of the population of the host society and the migrants themselves. This problem has been little studied. One… … Migration: a glossary of key terms

    "Immigrant" redirects here; see also other meanings ... Wikipedia

    - (other Greek δῆμος people, other Greek γράφω I write) the science of the patterns of population reproduction, the dependence of its character on socio-economic, natural conditions, migration, studying numbers, territorial ... ... Wikipedia

    The number of deaths per year in the world for every thousand people. Mortality is a statistic that estimates the number of deaths ... Wikipedia

    UN Members HDI World Map 2011 (2009 data) ... Wikipedia

    - (also sometimes called infant mortality, although this is not entirely accurate) mortality among children under one year old; one of the basic statistical indicators of demography that makes up the mortality of the population. Infant mortality is ... ... Wikipedia

    Dissected frog (Tomopterna cryptotis), (chloroform was used) Vivisection (from Latin vivus live and sectio dissection) operations on a living animal in order to study the functions of the body, the mechanisms of action of drugs ... Wikipedia

    Europe- (Europe) Europe is a densely populated, highly urbanized part of the world named after a mythological goddess, forming together with Asia the continent of Eurasia and having an area of ​​​​about 10.5 million km² (about 2% of the total Earth area) and ... Encyclopedia of the investor

In order to understand where the highest mortality rate is, it is necessary to understand the causes and conditions that contribute to this.

If we consider the state in which people live the longest on the planet and look at its development history, location, neighboring countries, climatic conditions, it will become clear how people live on average to 82-83 years.

Here they live happily ever after

Such a country is the Principality of Andorra. It is located in the southern part of Europe, on the border with France and Spain.

Increases life contributes to:

  • the location of the dwarf state, as it is among the developed European states,
  • in this territory, all viral and epidemic diseases, which are still rampant in third world countries, have long been defeated. Newly born citizens are vaccinated against all known diseases.
  • weather and climatic conditions are conducive for a long life.
  • the presence of a sufficiently ancient history of the existence of the nation. The genetic code of this nation is quite strong, allowing the population to live up to 100 years.

Remarkably, the difference between the life span of a woman and a man is only 5 years. Which is an average for the level of developed countries.

At the same time, according to the CIA world fact book, the principality ranks as much as 147 out of 192 countries of the world, with a mortality rate of 5.9 people per 1,000 people.

The lowest life expectancy

If we consider the territory in which life expectancy is at the lowest level of all countries in the world, in 1st place out of 192 possible countries.

In this country, life expectancy and the mortality rate of the population are directly proportional to each other.

The Kingdom of Swaziland is a territory located in South Africa. They do not have access to the sea, however, 6 percent of the water masses are located on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth.

Life expectancy and mortality rates are simply frightening and deplorable.

  • Lack of proper medical care.
  • Lack of vaccination of newborns, normal human conditions for coexistence in a civilized society,
  • constantly ongoing hostilities between the tribes for power in the kingdom, all this largely does not contribute to the level and life expectancy of the population.

In the country, the average life expectancy of people is only 32.2 years. Of which men, on average, in the literal sense, exist up to 31.8 years, and women only up to 32.6 years. It can be seen that the gap in life expectancy is very small, only 1 year on average. And as seen in developed countries the gap reaches up to 10-12 years.

The death rate of the population is also frightening as much as 30.8 people per 1000 people of the population. With a population of 1 million 200 thousand.

Digression from the topic. It is noteworthy that the king of Swaziland has 12 wives and about 30 children. To a greater extent, he is engaged in enriching his personal budget. And since there are a lot of wives and mostly all young, a lot of money is needed. Naturally, there is no time left to think about the people. At the same time, a holiday is held annually, at which from 50 to 100 thousand virgins come to the ruler who would like to become the next wife of the king.

The current king has been fulfilling his duties since the end of the last century, since 1986. Accordingly, it can be assumed that the presence of an absolute monarchy, which is in the same hands, cannot contribute to the well-being of people's lives.

Perhaps this is why all civilized countries have moved away from the remnants of the Middle Ages to a more modern system of government.

Information on the number of people who die each year is important for assessing the impact of environmental and other causes on human health. The World Health Organization maintains statistics by cause of death to determine the necessary corrective action in a given country. So this statistic is importance to promote health and combat causes of death where possible.

The population of the Earth at the moment is about 7,555,850,000 people. About 114.4 million people were born this year, and 45.1 million died. The average life expectancy is increasing.

Top 20 causes of death in the world in 2017

  1. Cardiac ischemia
  2. Stroke
  3. Acute lower respiratory infections
  4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  5. Cancer of the lungs, trachea and bronchi
  6. Diabetes
  7. Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
  8. Diarrhea
  9. Tuberculosis
  10. Road traffic accidents (RTA)
  11. Cirrhosis of the liver
  12. kidney disease
  13. HIV AIDS
  14. prematurity
  15. Hypertensive heart disease
  16. Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)
  17. Suicide
  18. colorectal cancer
  19. Stomach cancer
  20. Afixia and trauma at birth

Causes of death in Russia

According to Rosstat, the population of Russia as of June 1 was about 146.8 million people. Unlike global statistics, in Russia the death rate exceeds the birth rate by 1.2 times. In some regions, the death rate exceeds the birth rate twice. The causes of death also vary by region, but the main one coincides with the global one - diseases of the circulatory system. The mortality rate for men is almost twice as high as for women.

It should be borne in mind that the peak of mortality from circulatory diseases occurs in old age, and among the younger population other causes of death prevail, including respiratory diseases, HIV and tuberculosis.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the most common diseases in Russia are respiratory diseases: pneumonia, acute laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Since 2012, the death rate from these diseases has increased in the country. Experts believe that the reason is that many patients prefer not to go to the doctor. Many people try to get sick at home, or even at work, not wanting to go on sick leave. As you can see, 3 of the top 5 causes of death in the world are also related to the respiratory system.

The mortality rate is the number of deaths in 12 months / 1.0 thousand people. According to the UN data, there are countries with high and low mortality.

In many ways, the indicator depends on the average age of citizens. In some states, despite the decline in mortality, the total number of deaths is increasing. This is due to the fact that the aging of the population occurs simultaneously with the fall in the birth rate.

Death rate (1) and birth rate (2)

The reason for the violence, according to experts, is the withdrawal of most of the international military contingent.

Another factor in mortality is the lack of a normal health policy. Many Afghans are dying for the same reason as the unfortunate residents of the Central African Republic. But under normal conditions, most of their diseases can be easily cured.

The situation in Namibia

This is one of the poorest African states. Residents are constantly suffering from a lack of basic needs.

The main cause of death in this country is hunger. And also people die due to lack of drinking water, unsanitary conditions and the development of various infectious pathologies.

Such a high coefficient is due to the shortest duration. Lithuanian men live an average of 65.4 years, women - 77.4 years. The main diseases in Lithuania are oncology, pathologies of the circulatory system and external causes. These include:

  • injuries incompatible with life;
  • poisoning;
  • accidents.

And also this Baltic state is in a leading position in Europe in the ranking of countries in terms of the number of suicides.

The population of the country is on average reduced by 60 thousand people a year.

Bulgaria's population has been steadily declining since the 1980s.

The death rate here far exceeds the birth rate. Another reason is the emigration of young people. Young people go to other countries in search of work: low, and prices - as in Western Europe.

According to experts, the acute political crisis also had a negative impact on demography.

Mortality in Lesotho (number of people per 1000)

Most citizens live in unsanitary conditions. Against this background, dangerous epidemics are developing.

Which regions are most likely to die from cancer?

Cancer mortality by country is presented in the table:

More than 10 million cancers are diagnosed every year in the world. At the same time, about 40 million people are registered in oncological dispensaries.

On the 1st place is lung cancer. It occurs mainly in men aged 60-70 years. On the 2nd place - liver cancer, on the 3rd - stomach cancer. The rarest cancer is kidney cancer. Women most often die from breast cancer.

Video about cancer deaths in the United States

The safest roads are in Iceland. You can read about it by following this link.

Countries with the highest rates of drug overdose deaths.
The United Nations Office has published statistics on countries with the highest number of deaths per 1,000,000 inhabitants related to drug overdose. According to the study, the United States has the highest rate of drug overdose-related deaths per 1 million inhabitants. Iceland, El Salvador and Sweden are the next countries on the list in terms of mortality.


Over the past 20 years, drug overdose deaths in Sweden have risen by 770%. Severe punishments for drug use were introduced due to a large number dependent and the level of mortality caused by overdose.


In Central America, El Salvador has long suffered from the illegal drug trade and free access to narcotic substances. The UN reported that the death rate in El Salvador is 160.1 people, this is one of the highest high performance in the world.


Iceland is seeing an increase in the use of narcotic substances, mainly opioids. According to statistics, over the past 10 years, consumption has increased by 18%. Drug addicts are often afraid to seek help, this is due to strict laws and liability for drug use. Another factor that increases drug use is depression caused by long, cold and dark winters.
The Icelandic Health Authority cites a drug overdose death rate of 75 people. per 1 million inhabitants, which is significantly less than the data provided by the UN. In addition, it must be taken into account that less than 1 million people live in the state, which reduces accuracy.


With a population of 327 million, the United States has historically been an ideal market for drug cartels. Some areas have some of the highest levels of poverty in the world, fueling the spread of drugs. In addition, the high mortality may be due to the fact that the United States is currently experiencing an opioid crisis.

Factors affecting drug-related mortality vary by location and economic status.
Russia ranks 9th with 81.1 deaths per 1 million inhabitants.
The table shows 10 countries with drug overdose deaths per 1 million inhabitants.

PositionCountryOverdose deaths per 1 million people
1 USA245,8
2 221,2
3 160,1
4 124,5
5 Australia116,2
6 Ukraine104,9
7 Canada104,5
8 Estonia102,9
9 Russia81,1
10 Seychelles80,2