Bps sberbank game prizes for checks.  New service

Bps sberbank game prizes for checks. New service "Sberbank Together. Funds for cooperation

New service Sberbank Together is help in three clicks.

"Sberbank together" - what is it?

Sberbank Together is a joint partnership project between Sberbank and Visa aimed at expanding charitable opportunities for each Sberbank client. The program website collects real stories and real charitable projects that need the support of caring people.

The mission of the Sberbank Together program is to make charity simple, accessible, and in demand. This is facilitated by bringing relations between non-profit organizations and people to a fundamentally new level.

Benefits of the Sberbank Together program

  1. 9 areas of charity are available to you: You can help a variety of categories of the population or charitable foundations;
  2. Reliability: before publishing a story or a charity project, all information is carefully checked - your donations will be spent as intended;
  3. Comfort: You can donate any amount to a story or charity project that interests you. Every charitable contribution is very important;
  4. Transparency: You will always know where your money went and what it was spent on, as well as all the information about the course of the story you have chosen. Before, after and during the collection of donations, Sberbank sends activity reports by e-mail.
  5. Variation: You can choose one or more charitable foundations or areas of assistance and distribute your funds to different charitable projects. You can also concentrate on one fund or direction and transfer funds only there.

How to start helping?

Go to the official website of the Sberbank Together program https://sberbankvmeste.ru, register on it and click the "Help" button.

Please select one or more areas of assistance.

Click on the button "Transfer money" and select the amount of monthly assistance.

You can also choose your favorite story among those presented on the site https://today.sberbankvmeste.ru/landing and help a specific project.

Directions for help

Sberbank provides assistance in nine areas, some of which are also divided into groups:

  • Development of culture and art;
  • Protection of nature, animals and ecology: reserves and rare species of animals, homeless animals
  • Help those who help: volunteers, development of charity;
  • Help for the elderly and veterans;
  • Development of science and education;
  • Help for children: children without parental care, talented children, children in a difficult life situation, children in a family, seriously ill children, children with disabilities;
  • Development and support of sports;
  • Help for people with disabilities;
  • Support for people in difficult life situations: homeless citizens, adults with serious illnesses, people in need of psychological help.

Funds for cooperation

  1. "Teacher for Russia"
    The "Teacher for Russia" program is implemented by the New Teacher Charitable Foundation for the Support and Development of Education. "Teacher for Russia" is a Russian public project based on public-private partnership, attracting young professionals, graduates of the country's leading universities to teaching in regular schools. The long-term goal of the program is to create a community of talented professionals who have studied the education system from the inside and are able to give impetus to its renewal and development.
    Official website: www.choosetoteach.ru
  2. "Generation"
    ANO "Center for Educational and Cultural Initiatives" GENERATION "was established in 2014 to implement programs aimed at creating an environment conducive to the identification and disclosure of talented children, the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of young people, as well as the preservation historical heritage and cultural traditions of multinational Russia. One of the projects of ANO "Generation" is international competition children's creativity "The beauty of God's world."
    Official website: www.anopokolenie.ru
  3. "Artist"
    The charitable foundation for supporting de-i-te-lei art "Artist" was established in 2008 by Evgeny Mironov, Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Natalia Shaginyan-Needham. The mission of the Fund-yes "Artist" is financial assistance and moral support to ak-te-ram te-at-ra and ki-but of an older generation who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The Foundation was created in order to encourage us to think about the attitude towards our parents, teachers, mentors, all those who taught us to rejoice, feel, love, thank, but today it does not have the opportunity to lead a worthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
    Official website: www.fond-artist.ru
  4. "Plus Help Children"
    "Plus Help for Children" (CF "Fund for Support of Children with Serious Illnesses in the First Three Years of Life - Help for Children") provides comprehensive assistance to families in which small children from birth to 3 years are seriously ill. In addition to diagnostics, medical examination, drawing up a route of care and paying for the treatment of the baby, the fund helps the family to safely survive the most difficult life period, master special parental competencies and successfully cope with the difficulties that arise.
    Official site: www.bbhelp.ru
  5. "Warm house"
    Home and loved ones are the best place in the world for children. When adults have difficult times, it is best to support and strengthen the child's family of origin, and not place him in an orphanage. Since 2007, the Warm House Foundation has been helping parents to cope with difficult life situations, and children to stay in the family, and not in an orphanage or on the street. Every year, the foundation supports at least 120 families with ~300 children. For 8 years, the fund "released" 497 families who now live independently, raise children and do not need support.
    Official site: www.domgdeteplo.ru
  6. "Galchonok"
    The Galchonok Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Organic Lesions of the Central Nervous System was established in 2012.
    The Fund provides multilateral assistance to children with cerebral palsy and other organic lesions of the central nervous system: pays for rehabilitation courses and technical means of rehabilitation, provides legal and psychological assistance to wards and their families.
  7. "Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements"
    Social volunteering is gratuitous assistance to people in need: children, the elderly, the disabled. Volunteers give a chance to those suffering not to be left alone with illness and problems. In order for volunteers to act, they must be attracted, trained and professionally supported. Association "Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements" helps volunteer organizations to work and develop.
    Official website: www.volontery.ru
  8. "Leukemia Foundation"
    The Leukemia Foundation Charitable Foundation helps adult patients with blood cancer. Our foundation works in three main areas:
    Charitable program No. 1 "Bone marrow transplantation" - payment for the search, activation of an unrelated donor in Russia and abroad and transplant preparation;
    Program No. 2 "Targeted assistance to patients";
    Program №3 "Free donation of blood and its components"
    Official website: www.leikozu.net
  9. "Protecting Children from Violence"
    The Foundation "Protection of children from violence" has been helping children affected by violence since 1993 on a non-reimbursable basis. The Fund provides psychological and legal support to affected children during investigations and in court to prevent re-traumatization of the child. The Foundation also helps orphans, victims of psychological bullying at school, manipulation of divorced parents.
    Official site: www.zadetey.ru
  10. "Constellation of Hearts"
    Charitable Foundation "Constellation of Hearts" helps children with disabilities improve their health - undergo treatment and rehabilitation; provides an opportunity for education, creates conditions for sports and creative self-realization, helps to overcome social isolation and organize cultural leisure.
    Official site: www.sozvezdieserdec.ru
  11. "Good deed"
    Since 2000, the Regional Public Fund for Helping the Elderly “Good Deed” has been helping to improve the quality of life of older people by organizing medical and social rehabilitation; assists in the formation of gerontological non-profit organizations in the regions of the country; conducts scientific research in the field of social gerontology.
    Official website: www.dobroedelo.org
  12. "Foundation for Cancer Prevention"
    Cancer Prevention Foundation - Independent non-profit organization, founded in 2010, which implements charitable projects in the field of cancer prevention throughout the Russian Federation and is the only organization that brings together major experts in matters of mass prevention of cancer from Russia and Europe.
    Official website: www.nenaprasno.ru
  13. "Love Syndrome"
    The mission of the Love Syndrome Foundation: we create opportunities for a full life for people with Down syndrome. The result of the foundation's work is a world in which many opportunities are open for people with Down syndrome: grow up in loving families, get an education, work, play sports and create.
  14. "Victoria"
    The Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation was established in 2004 to help children in difficult situations. For 12 years of work, the Foundation has helped more than 13,000 children, more than 360 children's institutions from 47 regions of Russia have taken part in the programs. Since 2011, the priority areas of the Foundation's activities have been the prevention of social orphanhood and the development of family forms of placement for orphans.
    Official site: www.victoriacf.ru
  15. "My Mio"
    The wards of the Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Duchenne Myodystrophy and Other Serious Neuromuscular Diseases "MyMyo" are children with a complex and progressive disease, children in wheelchairs.
    But THIS IS THE KIDS who want to make friends, play pranks, sing, dance and fish. To give brave children CHILDHOOD, ADVENTURE, SUMMER we need your participation.
    Every donation has a purpose and a result.
    The smiles and happiness of children who struggle daily with a cruel disease are such a treasure!
    Official website: www.mymiofond.ru
  16. "Children without mothers
    Charitable foundation "Children without mothers" has been operating since July 2011. The main part of the organization's activities is aimed at paying for nannies who take care of abandoned babies and orphans and assist them during their stay in hospitals. If the baby feels love and attention, he endures the hardships of the disease more easily, recovers faster and develops better, which means that his chances of getting into a family and staying in it become significantly higher.
    Official website: www.detibezmam.ru
  17. "Sheredar"
    The mission of the Sheredar Charitable Foundation is to develop affordable children's rehabilitation in Russia after serious illnesses. The Foundation organizes free rehabilitation sessions for children aged 7-17 who have overcome cancer, as well as for their brothers and sisters. Programs take place in our own center, accessible to children with special needs. The Foundation also holds scientific conferences and trainings on rehabilitation.
    Official site:
  18. "It's a miracle"
    The charity fund "It's a miracle" helps children in need of expensive treatment. First of all, we transfer funds to children growing up in families experiencing serious financial difficulties. We are sure that the life of a person, especially a very small one, should not depend on his financial well-being. Life is a fantastic gift that has no price.
    Official site: www.itchudo.ru
  19. "Charitable Foundation of Vladimir Spivakov"
    The Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1994 on the initiative of the world famous violinist, conductor and public figure Vladimir Spivakov. Direction of activity of Vladimir Spivakov ICF is to help children gifted in music and fine arts in developing their talents, organizing their creative process in Russia and abroad. Also, one of the most important areas is the preservation and development of cultural values ​​and the provision of comprehensive charitable support.
    Official site: www.spivakov.ru
  20. "Center for Curative Pedagogics"
    The Center for Curative Pedagogy was established in 1989 on the initiative of parents and specialists. More than 400 children with special needs receive monthly assistance at the Center. We help children and young people with autism, genetic syndromes, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy and other disorders, as well as their families.
    Official site: www.ccp.org.ru
  21. "Memory of generations"
    The Memory of Generations Charitable Foundation is a unique project on a federal scale.
    Foundation forms a new charitable tradition modern Russia to assist veterans of all military operations.
    The objective of the Fund is to provide targeted high-tech medical assistance to war veterans, aimed at returning them to a full life.
    Official website: www.carnation.rf
  22. "Dawn"
    Since 2012, the Charitable Public Organization "Rassvet" has been carrying out charitable activities aimed at helping socially unprotected segments of the population (homeless people, former prisoners). The organization has shelters where a person can receive assistance in the form of accommodation, food, clothing, medical, legal and other assistance.
    Official website: www.rassvet-altruism.ru
  23. "Rebirth"
    Interregional charitable public organization "Vozrozhdeniye" - created in 2007, an association of volunteers and parents whose children suffer from rheumatic diseases. Rheumatic diseases are one of the main causes of childhood disability. We are doing everything possible so that the public and the authorities of the country turn their faces to the problems facing sick children and their parents. We are concerned not only with the medical aspect of the problem, but also with the psychological and social component. Mission: protect the rights of children with rheumatic diseases, help children return to a normal life and other joys of a cloudless childhood!
    Official website: www.childhope.ru
  24. "Mercy"
    The Orthodox Relief Service "Mercy" brings together 26 projects to help various categories of people in need: orphans, lonely old people, children and adults with disabilities, the homeless, pregnant women and people in need. Since 1991, the Mercy Service has been providing charitable assistance in Russia to those who need support. Sisters of mercy, social workers, lawyers, speech therapists, defectologists and other specialists provide assistance to the wards of the service.
    Official site: www.miloserdie.ru
  25. "Alive"
    The Zhivoi Charitable Foundation for Adults is the first foundation in Russia to help seriously ill Russian citizens aged 18 to 60. The Fund helps pay for examinations, treatment, rehabilitation and the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment and medical materials. The Foundation cooperates with leading Russian clinics and research centers and has an expert medical council.
    Official website: www.livefund.ru
  26. "Nizhny Novgorod Cancer Research Center"
    The Nizhny Novgorod Cancer Research Center Foundation has been helping Nizhny Novgorod children with cancer since 2008. the main task Fund - providing targeted assistance to children for: the purchase of medicines; passing examinations and procedures; payment for travel and accommodation during examinations; rehabilitation programs. The Fund receives information about children who need help directly from the doctors of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. The foundation also organizes leisure activities and improves the conditions for children in the hospital.
    Official site: www.fondnonc.ru
  27. "Coast of Hope
    The Coast of Hope Charitable Foundation of the Kaliningrad Region provides assistance to seriously ill children living in the Kaliningrad Region in paying for treatment, and also implements projects for children with disabilities. The Fund helps in paying for medical expenses (including operations, consumables for operations); medicines; travel to the place of treatment; parents living near the place of treatment of the child; other expenses. Expenses are paid that for some reason cannot be made at the expense of budgetary funds.
    Official site: www.bereg-nadejdy.ru
  28. "Giving Hope"
    The International Animal Charitable Foundation "Giving Hope" was established in 2010. Our main tasks: promotion of a humane, responsible attitude towards animals;
    unification of constructive animal protection forces; involvement of the population in solving the problem of homeless animals in humane ways (accommodation of animals from shelters, sterilization), etc.
    Official site: www.ghope.ru
  29. "Help the child.ru"
    The main task of the Help a Child.ru Charitable Foundation is to raise funds to pay for the treatment of children with serious illnesses from low-income families. Every day, all donations received in their address are published on the pages of children. On a monthly basis, the “reports” section contains information about all collected donations, and all information about children, about financial condition Families are screened.
    Official website: www.fondpr.ru
  30. "Our children"
    Charitable Foundation "Our Children" has been helping orphans since 2006. Our main areas of work:
    - socialization and adaptation of orphans, preparation for life after graduation from the institution,
    - improving the quality of life and health of babies in orphanages,
    - assistance to the family placement of orphans and the creation in institutions of a complex of conditions close to family ones.
    Official website: www.detinashi.ru
  31. "Center for Humanitarian Programs"
    The regional public organization of the disabled "Center for Humanitarian Programs" provides assistance in paying for the expensive treatment of children in the National Center for Agricultural Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva, CITO im. N.N. Priorov and the Institute of Congenital Diseases of the Maxillofacial Region, children with a disease of the organ of hearing in payment for hearing aids of bone conduction, as well as children after cochlear implantation surgery in payment for hearing and speech rehabilitation.
    Official website: www.cgp.ru
  32. "Mercy Star"
    Charitable Foundation for Assistance "Star of Mercy", field of activity - traumatology and orthopedics. The Fund pays for expensive imported implants for the correction of spinal deformities, total hip arthroplasty for seriously ill children under 18 years of age undergoing treatment at the CITO named after. N.N. Priorov, Russian Children's Clinical Hospital and Kaluga Regional Children's Hospital. It introduces modern methods of surgical treatment in Russian clinics and purchases medical instruments and equipment for this.
    Official site: http://www.zvezda-m.ru
  33. "World Wildlife Fund (WWF)"
    The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent international conservation organizations, uniting about 5 million permanent supporters and working in more than 100 countries.
    The mission of WWF is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and to achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.
    Official website: www.wwf.ru
  34. "Rainbow"
    Omsk regional public organization "Charity Center for Helping Children "Rainbow" is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization whose goal is to help orphans, sick children, disabled children, low-income, large families who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Center "Rainbow" constantly cooperates with medical and educational institutions cities and regions, with local executive authorities, with other public organizations. The work of the Center is based on the initiative of citizens and the voluntary work of volunteers.
    Official site: www.radugaomsk.ru
  35. "Sun in the palms
    The Sun in the Palms Charitable Foundation was founded on January 21, 2014. The Foundation provided assistance to 116 children and collected more than 59 million rubles. Assistance is provided to the children of Russia in the treatment, rehabilitation, purchase of medicines and medical equipment. Directions of work: holding festive events, charity fairs, promotions, exhibitions, there are 15 charity programs. Branches were opened in Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don.
    Official website: www.solncevladoshkah.ru
  36. "AiF. Kind heart"
    Charitable Foundation "AiF. Good Heart” was created in 2005 on the initiative of the weekly newspaper “Arguments and Facts”. The Fund provides targeted assistance to sick children, the disabled, pensioners, people in difficult life situations, large families and low-income families. Another area of ​​the foundation's activity is the socialization and career guidance of children from orphanages.
    Official website: www.dobroe.aif.ru
  37. "Children and parents against cancer"
    The regional public organization "Children and Parents Against Cancer" was founded in May 1998 by parents whose children had suffered childhood cancer. The main activities are the provision of social assistance to children with cancer and their families. We patronize 5 hospitals in the city.
    Official website: www.capac.ru
  38. "Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation"
    Since 2008, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation has been helping children with cancer and other severe brain diseases receive all the necessary medical care on time and return to a full life as soon as possible. The Fund pays for diagnostics and treatment, conducts information work with parents, using courses and trainings, improves the qualifications of doctors, helps to equip specialized departments of Russian medical institutions, and also organizes rehabilitation programs.
    Official website: www.bfkh.ru
  39. Charitable Foundation "Nicholas the Wonderworker"
    Since 2008, the Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation has been providing targeted assistance to seriously ill children, the disabled, orphans, children from large families and children of single mothers. The Foundation takes an active part in the life of orphanages, centers for helping children with disabilities in Rostov and Rostov region, interacts with the Southern Diabetes Association, the Society for the Disabled "Spark of Hope".
    Official website: www.fondpribylova.ru
  40. "Togliatti Foundation"
    Since 1998, the city charitable foundation “Togliatti Fund” has been uniting people and organizations actively solving social problems and supporting social projects. Programs: "In the name of life" - funds are directed to expensive medical care for children; "Our forest" - restoration and preservation of the Togliatti forest after the fire.
    Official site: www.fondtol.ru
  41. "Volunteers to help orphans"
    The Volunteers to Help Orphans Charitable Foundation aims to help every child in Russia realize their right to life and upbringing in a family. The Foundation provides assistance to families in difficult life situations, supports children left without parental care and who are in orphanages or hospitals, and seeks foster families for orphans. With the help of the foundation, more than 5,000 children were able to find foster parents. The main objective of the fund is to change the family support system in Russia.
    Official website: otkazniki.ru
  42. "Mercy for Children"
    The Charitable Foundation "Mercy for Children", relying on the support of the Benefactors, has been providing charitable assistance to those in need for more than 7 years. We help orphans, children with disabilities who need to pay for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as lonely elderly people.
    Official site: www.mirdetiam.ru
  43. "Different Children"
    The Different Children Charitable Foundation was established in 2011 on the basis of the Raduga Personality Development Center to provide assistance and support to children from orphanages and boarding schools, children with disabilities (including children with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and other diagnoses). ) and their parents.
    Official website: www.razniedeti.ru
  44. "Charity Foundation of Elena Isinbayeva"
    The Elena Isinbayeva Charitable Foundation was founded in 2013 to support children from social institutions through sports; support for young talented athletes, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle. The Foundation holds sports events for children from orphanages, boarding schools, creates conditions for mass sports activities - opens sports grounds for team sports, power gymnastics in yards and park areas, as well as on the territory of social institutions.
  45. "Center for social adaptation of St. Basil the Great"
    The charitable foundation "Center for Social Adaptation of St. Basil the Great" implements projects aimed at the socialization of "difficult" adolescents and the prevention of crime among adolescents. The center accepts teenagers for a course of social rehabilitation with living in small social groups according to sentences district courts, juvenile police departments. The Center employs highly qualified specialists: social educators, social workers, psychologists, psychotherapists, heads of creative workshops. All assistance to teenagers and their families is provided free of charge.
    Official website: www.svtvasilij.ru
  46. "Children's Villages - SOS"
    Children's Villages - SOS is a place where orphans and children left without parental care live in family homes, together with SOS mothers, brothers and sisters, receiving everything necessary for full development in an atmosphere of love, respect and trust. We provide children with a caring family environment, help them shape their future, and support the development of the community in which they live. Our programs are present in 6 regions: Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Murmansk region, Orel and Oryol region, Pskov and Pskov region, Vologda, Cherepovets and Vologda region
    Official site: www.sos-dd.ru
  47. "mother's heart"
    The activities of the Karelian regional charitable foundation "Mother's Heart" are aimed at: promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood, fatherhood and the development of family forms of life; comprehensive support for orphans; support for citizen initiatives and legal entities to solve social, charitable and other socially significant problems.
    Official website: www.daridobro.com
  48. "Downside AP"
    Since 1997, the Downside Up Charitable Foundation has been a leader in providing early psychological, educational and social assistance to children with Down syndrome in Russia. The Foundation helps children with Down syndrome from birth to 7 years old and their families. Every year, about 900 new families from all over the country apply to the fund, in total 5,500 families are registered in Downside Up programs.
    Official site: www.downsideup.org
  49. "Facing the World"
    Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization of the Disabled "Facing the World" today unites more than 300 families raising special children (with Down syndrome, autism, mental retardation, etc.) from three months to 40 years.
    Official site: facekmiru.rf
  50. "Krasnoyarsk Center for Curative Pedagogics"
    The Krasnoyarsk Center for Curative Pedagogics is a regional public organization that brings together specialists who provide assistance to families with young children and children with developmental disabilities. For 17 years in our work we have been using the latest knowledge and technologies to help families and children with special needs.
    Official site: www.kras-kids.ru
  51. "Gulfstream"
    Charitable Foundation "Gulfstream" provides assistance to seriously ill children and adults. The main activities are payment for treatment and rehabilitation, purchase of necessary medicines and medical equipment.
    Official website: www.golfstreamfond.ru
  52. "Give me hope"
    Non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "Give Hope" was established in 2004. All funds raised are directed to the implementation of the charitable program "There are no other people's children." The Fund provides targeted assistance to seriously ill children and young people who need: operations on the spine, chest and head using implants that the Fund pays for; in the purchase of oxygen concentrators and pulse oximeters for patients with cystic fibrosis.
    Official website: www.fond.euroset.ru
    Charitable Foundation "Give Tomorrow!" was established in 2013 to help disabled children in Udmurtia. The Fund pays for diagnostics and treatment, purchases medicines, medical supplies and equipment for disabled children. He also organizes festive events, is engaged in the socio-cultural adaptation of children with serious illnesses, and provides educational and informational assistance to their parents.
    Official website: www.podarizavtra.ru
  54. "Bright life"
    Charitable Foundation "Bright Life" provides assistance to orphans, aimed at their socialization and adaptation in society, facilitating adoption; assistance to children with serious illnesses, improvement of the moral, psychological and physical condition of children, by financing treatment and assistance to the family; assistance to lonely elderly people through the organization of leisure activities for them.
    Official website: www.brightlifefund.ru
  55. "Your Territory"
    The Your Territory Foundation provides a portal for psychological assistance to children and adolescents in Russia who are in crisis situation- www.yourterritory.online. The service connects children with various organizations that can provide assistance and rehabilitation. Protects the rights of children and, first of all, those who are experiencing the loss of a loved one, suffered from physical, sexual, emotional abuse, are in special. institutions, is seriously ill.
    Official site: www.helpteens.ru
  56. "naked hearts"
    The Naked Heart Foundation for Children is a charitable organization founded by Natalia Vodianova in 2004. The main areas of work - the creation of a system free services for families raising children with developmental disabilities, and the construction of inclusive play parks and playgrounds for children of all ages and abilities. Through these programs, the Foundation seeks to realize its main mission: to help build an inclusive society that is open to people with disabilities.
    Official website: www.nakedheart.org
  57. "Old age is joy"
    The Joy of Old Age Charitable Foundation provides comprehensive assistance to the elderly and disabled living in public nursing homes. For 8 years now, the fund has been purchasing the most necessary things for the elderly to live in decent conditions (diapers, medical equipment, hires additional staff to care for the bedridden, and conducts rehabilitation programs). Volunteers of the Foundation every week visit the elderly in 158 boarding schools across the country and give them the joy of communication.
    Official website: www.starikam.org
  58. "Guardianship"
    Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for innovation in social and medical care "Opeka" is an organization that helps lonely elderly people and disabled people in the Tambov region. It is engaged in improving medical and social care for elderly and senile patients, lonely and other people suffering from chronic diseases health to those in need of supportive care and nursing care.
    Official website: www.opeka365.ru
  59. "Need help"
    The Need Help Charitable Foundation for Socially Unprotected Citizens is developing infrastructure charitable, public and socially significant initiatives aimed at supporting all segments of the population in all regions of the country. solving social problems through supporting the project activities of trusted charitable foundations.
    Official website: www.nuzhnapomosh.ru
  60. "Children's Houses"
    Charitable Foundation "Children's Houses" specifically helps children with special needs in orphanages and families to receive the necessary care, treatment, upbringing and education, the opportunity to live and develop in a safe and comfortable environment. Since 2006, the Foundation has been implementing 6 charitable programs of targeted assistance throughout Russia, providing assistance to 20,000 children in the amount of more than 450,000,000 rubles donated by companies and individuals.
    Official website: www.fond.detskiedomiki.ru
  61. "Compound"
    The charitable foundation for the support of the deaf-blind “Connection” helps people with simultaneous hearing and vision impairments to become full-fledged members of society, and for this it creates a sustainable system of assistance in the country.
    Official website: www.so-edinenie.org
  62. "Small country - We are!
    Public organization "Small country - We are!" Since 2006, it has been uniting parents of children with autism and other developmental disabilities. All our work is aimed at teaching children with disabilities the usual everyday skills, adapting them to such a multifaceted world. And so that in the future, when we are gone, they will be able to live not in boarding schools, but in apartments with minimal support, to have employment, personal space, useful leisure, hobbies, friends and everything that adults with disabilities are deprived of in state institutions.
    Official website: http://autism71.ru
  63. "Journey to Life"
    Charitable Foundation "Start in Life" is a non-profit charitable organization that provides support to talented children from low-income families. As part of its statutory activities, the Foundation implements the “Support Talents” charity program, which allows low-income children, even from the most remote regions develop and master in-demand professions through preparation for admission to leading Russian universities.
    Official website: www.putevka-v-zhizn.ru
  64. "Russian School of Economics"
    The Russian School of Economics (NES) provides state-of-the-art economics education and world-class research for Russian society, business and government. The diploma of the School is highly valued in Russia and abroad, graduates build careers in prestigious international and Russian companies, continue their studies on PhD and MBA programs at leading universities in the world. The main activities of NES are education, research, corporate training and development economic education in Russia.
    Official site: www.nes.ru
  65. "Ali"
    The Ali Charitable Foundation for Children with Cerebral Palsy was established in 2012 by Olga Georgieva and named after her son Ali. The main goal of the Foundation is social support for children with cerebral palsy and their families. The Foundation provides home rehabilitation equipment, as well as recreational activities to improve the emotional state of children, free seminars with the involvement of specialists various areas for parents.
    Official site: www.alifund.ru
  66. "Santa Claus"
    "Dedmorozim" is a Perm fund to help orphans and children with life-threatening diseases. The areas in which Dedmorozim provides support are limited in order to achieve concrete results and radical changes for the better. As part of Dedmorozim's activities, Permians annually organize hundreds of cases to help children - from collecting hygiene products and accompanying orphans to hospitals to paying for expensive treatment and creating a palliative care service.
    Official website: www.dedmorozim.ru
  67. "Life Line"
    The Life Line Charitable Foundation for Rescue of Seriously Ill Children provides assistance to children under 18 years of age in cases of establishing the following diagnoses: congenital vascular pathology of the brain, craniocerebral hernia, craniostenosis, hydrocephalus, severe scoliotic spinal deformities.
    Life Line foundation website
  68. "Prospects"
    The St. Petersburg charitable public organization "Perspectives" has been working with children and adults with severe multiple developmental disorders since 1996. We support 98 children with severe disabilities in Orphanage No. 4 in Pavlovsk, 160 adults with developmental disabilities in the Psychoneurological Boarding School No. 3 in Peterhof, and 140 St. Petersburg families with children with special needs.
    Official site: www.perspektivy.ru
  69. "WorldVita"
    The WorldVita Children's Charitable Foundation is one of the leading charitable foundations in Russia. The Foundation helps children with rare, severe and intractable diseases and cooperates with more than 100 leading medical institutions in Russia, Germany, Israel, Great Britain, the USA and other countries.
    The Foundation is supported by REN TV and RBC TV channels, Ekho Moskvy and OUR Radio radio stations, Forbes, Kommersant, and more than 80 other federal and regional media outlets.
    Over the 9 years of the WorldVita Foundation's work, more than 3,000 children from different regions of Russia have received assistance.
    Official site: https://worldvita.ru
  70. "RAY"
    The RAY Charitable Foundation provides support to 25 animal shelters. In our work, we have combined love for animals with a professional approach to solving problems. We provide shelters with food, medicine, household equipment and building materials; we treat and sterilize animals from the streets and help them find a loving home.
    Official site: www.rayfund.ru
  71. "Tradition"
    The Tradition Foundation is a site for good deeds.
    We are working to make the world a better place. We work so that you do not have to waste time: check information, search better ways treatment, to come up with schemes for safe care ...
  72. "Adults - children
    Charitable foundation for helping children with oncological and hematological diseases "Adults-Children" was established in 2014 in the city of Yoshkar-Ola to help patients of the oncohematology department of the Children's City Hospital of Yoshkar-Ola. The Fund works in three directions: attracting donations to pay for medicines, treatment and medical equipment; development of free blood donation in the Republic of Mari El; promoting the development of a volunteer group in the Children's Hospital.
    Official site:

- Olga Mikhailovna, the validity of the card and access to Sberbank Online (if any) have been suspended as part of the implementation of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of 08/07/2001. If you require cash, then to receive them, you can contact the bank office within the region where the card is opened, with an identity document, the message said.

Olga received the shocking news about the blocking of her card only after arriving on vacation in Italy. Ironically, she took this card in order to pay in stores. There was almost no cash.

Olga immediately started calling the contact center. I spent almost a thousand rubles on negotiations, but the card was never unlocked. The call center operator offered to receive cash at any branch of the bank, but only in Moscow. Accordingly, Olga could not manage her money in Italy.

The SMS from the bank also contained another solution to the problem - in order to be able to unlock the card within seven days, you need to send documents confirming the economic sense transactions performed on the card. Only now Olga did not have any documents at hand abroad.

There was only one benefit from calling the call center: Olga found out why her card was blocked. She is registered as individual entrepreneur. And right before the trip, I decided to transfer my earnings from the IP account in another bank to my personal account of an individual in Sberbank. This transfer was the cause of further troubles for the business woman. The account was blocked as part of the execution federal law, preventing the legalization of income and the financing of terrorism.

Nikolai Kotov, a specialist in the analytics department of the Analytics Online company, also faced a similar problem. He transferred a small amount from a Sberbank card to an Alfa-Bank card. She raised questions from the financial monitoring service of Sberbank. After lengthy proceedings and the provision of documents, the translation was nevertheless made. But Nikolay has not cooperated with Sberbank since then.

“We are increasingly faced with complaints from Sberbank clients, in particular from entrepreneurs who have IP settlement accounts in other banks and who decide to transfer IP profits to an individual’s card in Sberbank,” says Nikolay Kotov. - Complain about the reduction of transfer limits or the complete blocking of the account. According to the law, if competent accounting is maintained and taxes are paid on time, and also each transaction has a comment justifying the income, the bank should not set limits cuts. Only in the event that the client immediately or in the coming days cashes out especially large amounts. On paper it is. Only in practice, Sberbank customers are increasingly faced with such troubles. The bank requires to justify the economic sense. In other words, Sberbank acts as a "semi-tax", as a regulator and auditor not only of individual entrepreneurs, but also of individuals.

One of the reasons for this behavior is that Sberbank is not afraid of a massive outflow of customers, perhaps because the latter have nowhere to go. There are fewer and fewer banks on the market, and people are choosing large and reliable credit organizations. At the same time, the bank can also earn on blocking and cutting limits.

- To withdraw money from a blocked account, you need to submit a lot of documents, and the bank can return the money, withholding 10% according to the law, - adds Nikolay Kotov. - Considering that cuts in limits are mainly for large amounts, we can conclude that the bank will take 10 million from 100 million rubles, and the amount of blocked accounts per year is much higher. In general, from year to year, the popularity of Sberbank falls by an average of 2–2.5%. This is related to the rising financial literacy population and with the fact that young people are increasingly finding more profitable terms in other banks.

As explained to Life in the press service of Sberbank, the bank card of an individual, according to the terms of service, is not intended for entrepreneurial activity, therefore, mass transfers from an individual entrepreneur's account to an individual's account may raise questions from the bank. In such cases, the bank may restrict access to the card and Internet banking and send a request to the client to provide explanations and supporting documents for transactions.

- We recommend that you do not use your bank cards for illegal business activities, issue a business card, make transfers to your own bank card an individual received profit based on the results of the activities of the IP, and not all revenue, - representatives of Sberbank concluded.

It is not uncommon for a card to be blocked simply because the client decided to withdraw cash or pay in a place that is suspicious from the point of view of bank security. For example, Petr Pushkarev, chief analyst at TeleTrade Group of Companies, faced such a situation. According to him, in order to avoid such a problem, the client should contact the bank himself before the trip. Notify which country he is going to and how long he plans to stay there. And if you wish, even set a limit on the funds that can be debited during his trip. This will also help you avoid scams. However, other stories were connected with the spending limit at Sberbank.

In early March, Sergei received an SMS from Rostelecom. It turned out that his account lacked 1 ruble to pay for the Internet. The young man decided not to postpone the payment and opened Sberbank Online. Imagine his surprise when he failed to transfer the missing ruble to the operator's account. At first, Sergey thought that the application on the smartphone was just junk. But it was not possible to make a payment from a stationary computer.

- You have set limits on the amount of transactions in the Internet Bank. To confirm the transaction, contact the contact center or change the restrictions in the "Expense limits for transfers and payments" settings section - such a message was displayed in the online banking application.

Sergey was amazed: he did not set any restrictions on the amount of transactions in the Internet bank. Yes, if there were any restrictions, then obviously not for the amount of one ruble. However, at first it seemed to the unfortunate client that the problem was easily solved. It is enough to remove the restrictions on the transfer - you never know where you accidentally pressed which button and an unnecessary service was connected. But Sergey could not do this. It turned out that he could not remove the restrictions on transfers in his own online bank.

headlines announcements

12:38 The court refused Kolomoisky to arrest the shares of Sberbank

The court did not see a connection between the subject of the dispute and the rights of Kolomoisky's company.


10:54 Sberbank filed a lawsuit against the Murmansk Shipping Company for 4.4 billion rubles

Sberbank filed a lawsuit against Court of Arbitration Murmansk Region with a demand to recover almost 4.4 billion rubles from the Murmansk Shipping Company (MMP), including almost 2.3 billion rubles, 7 million euros (about 478 million rubles million rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank) and about 25.6 million dollars (about 1.6 billion rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank). According to the ruling of the court...

10:48 Sberbank lowers interest rates on certain ruble deposits

Sberbank of Russia has lowered rates on some ruble deposits.
The "Save" deposit is opened at 2.7-4.5% per annum (previously - at 2.95-4.65%). The term of the deposit is from one month to three years. Additional contributions are not provided.
"Replenish" is issued at 3.1-4.15% (previously - at 3.3-4.25%), and "Manage" - at 2.45-3.8% per annum (previously - at 2.55- 3.95%).
Term - from three months to three years. Additional contributions are possible.
Product widget The minimum amount of deposits "Save" and "Replenish" is 1 thousand rubles, "Manage" - 30 thousand rubles.
Interest on deposits is paid monthly or capitalized monthly.

09:51 Murmansk shipping company is on the verge of ruin. Sberbank requires 4.8 billion rubles

Sberbank demanded 4.8 billion rubles from the Murmansk Shipping Company (MPP). This is the total amount of the two claims. One of them will be considered already in January by the Arbitration Court of the Murmansk Region...

18:02 Sberbank summed up banking results of the year

In 2019, there was a significant slowdown in all banking markets. For 10 months of 2019, budget deposits in banks increased by 2.5 trillion rubles. Depositors are in no hurry to switch to rubles: the convergence of foreign exchange and ruble rates even stimulates foreign exchange savings, which again began to grow.

16:24 Sberbank predicts ruble strengthening to 60 per dollar

13:53 Perm developer bought the building of the Tyumen branch of Sberbank

LLC IVA-Stroy (Perm) bought the building of the Tyumen branch of Sberbank

13:43 SberCloud headed by Vice President of Sberbank

Evgeny Kolbin received the position of CEO of Sberbank's cloud platform SberCloud. There were also several additional reshuffles among the company's management.

12:31 Vice President of Sberbank Evgeny Kolbin headed SberCloud

MOSCOW, Jan 9 - PRIME. Vice President, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank division of Sberbank Evgeny Kolbin has been appointed CEO of the bank's cloud provider - SberCloud, the press service reported. credit institution.

11:50 Sberbank registered 11 issues of investment bonds for 21.5 billion rubles

On December 31, the Moscow Exchange made a decision to register and include in the Third level of listing the issue of bonds of Sberbank of the series IOS-BRENT_RA_FIX-1Y-001R-205R – IOS-BSK_FIX_MEM-5Y-001R-215R, the exchange reports. Assigned identification numbers - 4B0220501481B001P - 4B0221501481B001P, respectively. The output of the IOS-BRENT_RA_FIX-1Y-001R-205R series is 3 billion rubles. The nominal value of one bond is 1,000 rubles. The placement price is 100% of the face value. The maturity date is February 17, 2021. Ra

11:41 Vice President of Sberbank headed Sbercloud

Evgeny Kolbin, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank division, became CEO Sbercloud

11:00 SberCloud company from the Sberbank ecosystem was headed by Evgeny Kolbin

Vice President, Director of the Digital Corporate Bank division of Sberbank Evgeny Kolbin has been appointed CEO of SberCloud. This was announced on Thursday, January 9, in a credit institution.
As recalled in the financial institution, SberCloud is a market company that provides a cloud platform for the Sberbank ecosystem for the tasks of the public sector, the largest, medium and small businesses.
“Over the five years of work at Sberbank, Evgeny, together with the team, created a new Internet bank for legal entities, which was recognized as the best in Eastern Europe, received Global Finance, Red Dot Awards, Financial Innovation Awards, Banking Technology Awards. Evgeny Kolbin was directly involved in the creation of a line of remote control products banking service for corporate clients and development of an ecosystem of non-banking services "Sberbank Business Online", - is noted in the release


After the last re-election of President V.V. Putin, the liberals stepped up their attack on everything reasonable and honest that still survived in our society, multiplying their efforts to prepare the Maidan, which is designed to return the country to the holy for them and bloody for everyone else 90s.

08:24 Mikhail Delyagin: Sberbank is deftly shoved into pockets

Privatization of the country's largest bank is a liberal solution to the issue of the transit of power

06:22 Yakutia is a leader in connecting partner agency outlets of Sberbank in the countryside

On the territory of the Baikal Bank of Sberbank, the "Agent Network" project was launched in May 2019, and at the moment more than 270 partners have already become its partners. trade enterprises working in a remote area. The greatest dynamics in connecting the service is now noted in Yakutia.

09:44 Eldar Tenizbaev took over as Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank Kazakhstan

The UN commented on the US threats against Iran The new Chairman of the Board of SB Sberbank JSC Eldar Tenizbaev, who previously served as First Deputy Chairman...

09:12 Sberbank warned about the activation of scammers in the last days of the holidays

Representatives of Sberbank announced the awakening of telephone scammers by the end of the New Year holidays.

04:44 Sberbank of Russia: scammers come out of hibernation at Christmas

Almost inactive during the winter holidays, digital scammers can wake up again. Fans of "grabbing a piece" from someone else's bank card are most active when they are least expected to do so - at the end of the New Year holidays, according to DEITA. EN Such conclusions come from...

22:33 Sberbank warned about the activity of scammers at the end of the New Year holidays

Sberbank warned about the activity of scammers at the end of the New Year holidays

19:28 Sberbank spoke about the activation of scammers by the end of the holidays

Sberbank specialists studied the activity of scammers during the New Year holidays and came to the conclusion that by the end of the holidays, the attackers will enter the “working mode”.


Fraudsters are practically inactive in the first days of the New Year holidays, they enter the usual mode by the end of the winter holidays. This conclusion was reached in Sberbank, having studied the activity of scammers on holidays for TASS.
In the past new year holidays scammers tried to steal more than 280 million rubles from Sberbank clients, but the bank prevented all attempts, and the clients' money was not affected, the press service of Sberbank reported.
“The difference in the activity of scammers between working weeks and New Year holidays is significant. At the same time, as a rule, there is practically no activity in the first days of the holidays, but by the end of the holidays, scammers gradually enter the “working mode,” the press service noted.
Sberbank emphasized that the decrease in the activity of fraudsters should not be a reason for customers to lose their vigilance. “According to our data, 89% of total fraud is social engineering,

16:01 Sberbank warned about the return of scammers from the "New Year holidays"

In the first days of January, there is a minimum activity of criminals, but by the end of the holidays it increases.Read more...

14:03 Sberbank warns of fraud activity at the end of the New Year holidays

The credit institution noted that the most common scheme is calling customers under the guise of a bank security service.

10:32 Sberbank strikes with its weakness

The situation around the Middle East conflict is accelerating, mutual threats have begun from both sides. Action has not yet come, but I personally have no doubt that they will. The question is how the markets will react to this. Oil and gold are already rising, and there is a risk of an aggravation of US-Chinese relations in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, because. the Chinese signed a number of documents with the Iranian side. So far, no particularly negative reaction has been observed. In America, a flat is drawn under the high, the divergence has not formed at the top (except for the spike from 02.01, but it was not observed by closes). In the event of an exit from trading down, I see support for the S&P index futures at 3153 points, by which time the RSI will discharge enough and the S&P futures will be ready to conquer historical highs again. So far, the topic of the fall is closed, although a correction is very possible.

12:01 Target for Sberbank shares - 290 rubles

Industry trends. In 2019, the Bank of Russia increased the requirements for capital adequacy and liquidity requirements for banks. This had a positive impact on the sustainability of the sector. The macroeconomic environment allowed banks to increase their profitability in 2019. Nevertheless, the shares of the largest banks practically did not win back these positive changes. As a result, the dividend yield of bank shares increased. Price and Equity Source: Company data, PSB Analytics & Strategy Corporate events. Sberbank fulfills the key indicators of the 2018-2020 strategy.

04:02 Sberbank of Russia will create an index of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Sberbank of Russia intends to process more than 1 billion transactions in order to compile the Ded Moroz and Snegurochka index, it will allow comparing pre-New Year expenses of men and women.


21:40 Sberbank will summarize Russians' New Year spending in the Santa Claus index, taking into account 1 billion transactions

Sberbank of Russia will process more than 1 billion transactions of bank customers to compile the index of Father Frost and Snegurochka, which will allow comparing the pre-New Year expenses of men and women, the results of the study will be published on January 13, on the eve of the Old New Year. This was announced on Tuesday by the press service of the bank. "Sberbank...

21:31 Sberbank will summarize the New Year spending of Russians in the Santa Claus index

The bank will process more than 1 billion transactions for this

20:32 Sberbank calculates the "Index of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus"

Sberbank analyzed the expenses of Russians from December 15 to December 31, 2019. The study was called the Index of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The credit institution plans to publish the results on the eve of the Old New Year, January 13, 2020...

17:52 Russia will spend less on scientific research than on salaries of top managers of Sberbank

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed rules for allocating grants that universities and research institutes will be able to receive for priority areas of scientific development in the Russian Federation. In the next three years, more than 12.2 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes, follows from the government decree,

16:48 New Year's indices. Special project of Sberbank

One of the largest banks in the country presents the New Year indices of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

16:02 Sberbank will analyze the expenses of Russians in the Father Frost and Snow Maiden Index

Sberbank prepared for the New Year special project- Index of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. It will reflect the expenses of men and women before the holiday in different categories. This was reported on the Sberbank website on December 31.


14:59 Sberbank presents Ded Moroz and Snegurochka indices

Sberbank has presented the New Year's indices of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, the bank said in a statement. It is noted that special New Year indicators reflect the spending of men and women in the period from December 15 to December 31, 2019. Spending will...

14:58 Sberbank introduced the Father Frost and Snow Maiden Index, reflecting spending before the New Year

Sberbank for the New Year, as part of the Sberdata project, presented the Ded Moroz and Snegurochka Indices. These indices reflect the spending of men and women in different categories of expenses in the period leading up to the celebration of the New Year - from December 15 to December 31, 2019. The index will be published on the eve of the Old

14:21 Sberbank will calculate the spending of Russians for the New Year

Sberbank congratulated clients on the upcoming New Year by presenting the Ded Moroz and Snegurochka Indices, which reflects spending from December 15 to 31. The indices reflect the expenditures of men and women in different categories. To systematize the data, an array of information is used, which includes more than one billion transactions.

14:21 Sberbank named the most popular New Year films

Sberbank and its ecosystem companies - the Okko online cinema and the Rambler portal - analyzed which New Year's films are especially popular with Russians.
“So, according to the results of the last week of December 2019, according to the Okko online cinema, the top 5 films from the New Year’s selection included Home Alone, Real Love, Family Man, Irony of Fate, or C Easy Ferry and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
According to the study, in the last week of December 2019, old Soviet films are more preferred. To choose which films the respondents are going to watch for the New Year, it was proposed from 15 popular domestic and foreign films, as well as cartoons.
“The Irony of Fate won by a wide margin, with 32% of the vote. "Girls" with 19% of the vote confidently took second place. The third film was "Magicians", which was voted by 12% of respondents. On the

11:44 Sberbank placed two issues of investment bonds of the series for 1.6 billion rubles

Yesterday, Sberbank completed the placement of two issues of investment bonds of the IOS-GMKN_ASN_PRT-42m-001Р-177R series in the amount of 1,436,720 units (95.78% of the nominal issue volume) and IOS-USDRUB_FIX_DGTL-6M-001Р-183R in the amount of 184,839 units (6.16% from the nominal volume of the issue), the issuer reports. The nominal output of the IOS-GMKN_ASN_PRT-42m-001R-177R series is 1.5 billion rubles. The nominal value of one bond is 1,000 rubles. The placement price is 100% of the face value. Maturity date – June 23, 2023

11:32 Sberbank spoke about the most common methods of card fraud

State autonomous institution Tyumen region "Tyumen regional news agency "TyumenMedia"

10:12 The Central Bank registered issues of structural bonds "Sberbank CIB" series CIB-CO-02 and CIB-CO-03

On December 30, the Central Bank registered issues of Sberbank CIB bonds of the CIB-CO-02 and CIB-CO-03 series, the issuer said. The bonds provide for the possibility of early redemption at the request of their holders and early repayment at the discretion of the issuer in cases beyond the will of the issuer Assigned registration numbers – 6-02-01793-А and 6-03-01793-А.

08:29 Sberbank began issuing mortgages to Far Eastern residents at 2%

The Bank launched a large-scale program with state subsidies

06:34 Sberbank issued the first "Far Eastern mortgage"

Today in Blagoveshchensk, Sberbank issued the first loan under the Far Eastern Mortgage program. The family of Annunciators - Elena and Eugene - became the happy owners of a preferential two-percent loan agreement.

21:40 Sberbank has set a special service schedule for offices during the New Year holidays

Bank customers will be able to use its services even during the New Year holidays.

21:10 Uralkali cut credit line at Sberbank to $1bn - disclosure

Uralkali and Sberbank on Monday amended the loan agreement dated March 24, 2016, according to which the total limit of an open company in a bank of a non-revolving credit line is reduced to $1 billion, follows from a notice on the information disclosure portal. It is noted that the date of full repayment credit - 23...

20:38 HR block in Sberbank headed by Natalya Dudina

Natalya Dudina has been appointed Senior Vice President - Head of the HR Block of Sberbank. Sberbank Senior Vice President Yulia Chupina will continue to oversee the HR block and lead the Strategy and Development block, the credit institution said in a statement.
Dudina joined the Sberbank team in September 2016. In June 2017, she was appointed to the position of Senior Managing Director for HR Business Partnerships, and since December 2018, she has been Acting Head of the Unit.
“Over the past year, the HR unit continued to fulfill the tasks set out in the 2020 strategy, including bringing HR services online, creating career planning tools and retraining programs for different categories of employees; improvements have been made in employee insurance programs,” Sberbank said in a release.
Among other things, it is reported that with the active participation of Sberbank, amendments to the Labor Code were adopted

19:52 Sberbank placed two issues of investment bonds for 1.621 billion rubles

RusBonds: bonds in Russia - intended for investors and analysts, as well as anyone interested in bonds of Russian issuers

19:27 Educational centers will be built in Nizhny Novgorod region with the help of Sberbank

Educational centers will be built in the Nizhny Novgorod region with the help of Sberbank. The Bank will take part in the concession agreement for the Prosveshchenie project. Four educational buildings with a total capacity of 4550 places will appear in Nizhny Novgorod and urban district of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region.

18:11 Sberbank: Antipinsky Oil Refinery will continue to process raw materials in the planned volumes.

AT financial institution added that the bankruptcy trustee will be required to take an inventory of the company's property and ultimately sell it to the financial institution, they added that the arbitration manager will be required to take an inventory of the company's property and ultimately sell it to ...

17:02 "Gorelectrotrans" has found a supplier of 55 trolleybuses. These are the subsidiaries of the Belarusian operator and Sberbank

"Gorelectrotrans" summed up the results of two auctions for the provision of leasing services for the supply of 20 and 35 trolleybuses. For another 87 suppliers are still being sought.

16:31 Opening hours of Far Eastern Sberbank branches on New Year's holidays

Branches will operate according to a special schedule>


The Antipinsky Oil Refinery, declared insolvent, will continue to operate and process raw materials according to a tolling scheme in the planned volumes

16:06 Sberbank: Antipinsky Oil Refinery will continue to process raw materials in the planned volumes

14:41 Sberbank customers will be able to buy films in ivi without entering bank card details

With Sberbank, users of the ivi online cinema will be able to pay for the purchase of films without entering bank card details

13:47 Set tables, escrow accounts and agent network: Sberbank talks about new services

On the eve of the New Year, the manager of the Vologda branch of Sberbank Sergey Nechaev told reporters about the results of work in 2019.

12:43 Sberbank informed about working hours on holidays

Even during the New Year holidays, Sberbank customers will be able to use its services. According to a special schedule established by the bank, "duty" offices will operate to serve private clients. As before, most financial transactions can be made at the bank around the clock, without visiting its office, using the Sberbank Online Internet banking.

12:31 Three issues of investment bonds of Sberbank are registered and included in the Third level of listing of the Moscow Exchange

Since December 27, issues of investment bonds of Sberbank of the IOS-GAZP_ASN_PRT-4Y-001R-200R, IOS-BSK_FIX_MEM-2Y-001R-201R and IOS-BSK_FIX_MEM-2Y-001R-202R series have been registered and included in the Third level of listing, the Moscow Exchange said . Assigned identification numbers - 4B0220101481B001P - 4B0220301481B001P. The production volume of the IOS-GAZP_ASN_PRT-4Y-001R-200R series is 2 billion rubles. The nominal value of one bond is 1,000 rubles. The placement price is 100% of the face value. maturity date

12:28 Sberbank broke up with the vice president after criticism of the Central Bank

The board of Sberbank, which remains the leader in salaries of top managers among all state-owned companies in Russia (5.488 billion rubles of remuneration for 2018), has undergone a major resignation. Vice-President of the bank, head of the GR directorate, responsible for relations with the state (represented by the government and the Central Bank) Andrey ...

12:18 Vice President of Sberbank, who was responsible for relations with government agencies, resigned

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR (government relations) directorate, is resigning. This was reported in the press service of the bank.

11:38 Sberbank sets a special work schedule

During the period public holidays December and January, the Siberian Bank of Sberbank PJSC establishes a special office hours. On Tuesday, December 31, offices work in a reduced mode (mainly for 1 hour). From January 1 to January 7, non-working days, but on January 3, 4 and 6 duty offices will operate on a reduced schedule.

10:57 EDIT:

10:46 Vice President of Sberbank Sharov leaves the bank

He wants to do another project in a small business, a source from the top management of Sberbank told TASS


In a credit institution, Andrey Sharov's departure was called his personal choice Sberbank Vice President Andrey Sharov will leave his post before the end of the year, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the banking market. According to him, the top manager's decision is due to his desire to take on another project in a small business. The Prime source, in turn, also announced the imminent resignation ...

10:41 Sberbank confirms departure of Vice President Sharov

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR directorate, is leaving his post, the press service of the credit institution said. The reasons for the decision of Mr. Sharov are not indicated. The fact that Andrei Sharov will leave his post at Sberbank before the end of the year was previously reported by RIA Novosti. According to the agency’s source in the management of Sberbank, Mr. Sharov’s departure from his position is connected with his desire to take on another project in small business, he also received an offer related to projects in government structures. Andrey Sharov has served as Vice President for Small Business of Sberbank since 2014 . In 2017, he was also appointed head of the directorate of GR Bank.

10:30 Vice President of Sberbank Sharov leaves the bank

Andrey Sharov, Vice President of Sberbank, Head of the GR Directorate, is leaving his post at the end of 2019. This is stated in a press release from the bank. “Andrey and his team managed to build an effective dialogue with the Russian government, federal authorities executive branch and the Bank of Russia. With his participation, a large number of...

10:24 Sberbank Vice President Andrey Sharov leaves the credit institution

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR directorate, is leaving his post at the end of 2019, the credit institution said in a statement.
According to Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of the Corporate and Investment Business block of Sberbank, Sharov and his team managed to build an effective dialogue with the Russian government, federal executive authorities and the Central Bank.
Andrey Sharov joined the Sberbank team in 2014. Under his leadership, more than ten concessional lending programs with state support were launched, developed and implemented jointly with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and other federal bodies. Also, with his participation, changes were made to several dozen legal acts affecting the interests of the bank.
One of the important

08:38 Vice President of Sberbank to step down

Andrey Sharov decided to focus on other projects

00:49 Mikhail Khazin called the privatization of Sberbank a disaster (REGNUM)

In Russia, the regulatory system financial resources was created by liberals so that their friends could escape to London at any moment with all the money, says economist Mikhail Khazin. He stated this when commenting on the news that the government of the Russian Federation is discussing the issue of withdrawing Central Bank from the assets of Sberbank “Everything depends on the circumstances. If they want to privatize Sberbank, then this is a disaster. And if they want to transfer its authorized capital, how will they formalize it? To tell......

22:14 The source announced the resignation of the vice-president of Sberbank

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR directorate, will leave his post at the bank at the end of 2019, a source in the banking market told RIA Novosti.

21:38 The media learned about the imminent resignation of the vice president of Sberbank

Andrey Sharov will leave his post before the end of this year

19:20 ​Sberbank ID users have a discount on movie tickets at Rambler/Kassa and Afisha

Sberbank ID users can get a 15% discount on movie tickets at Rambler/Kassa and Afisha, the press service of the credit institution reports.
“In order to receive a 15% discount on movie tickets, you must log in to the Afisha media service platform or the Rambler/Kassa service from a computer using Sberbank ID. To do this, just scan the QR code through mobile app Sberbank Online, the release says.
Sberbank ID is a single account for convenient and secure access to the ecosystem services of Sberbank and partners. With Sberbank ID, you can already log into more than 35 services, including Delivery Club, Citymobil, Thank you from Sberbank, DomClick, SberMobile and others. More than 5 million people have used the service since the beginning of 2019, the bank says.

19:16 In North Ossetia, Sberbank clients got into a fight over pensions before the New Year

In the capital of North Ossetia, pensioners staged a brawl in Sberbank. People in large numbers came to the department for pensions, a crush formed, according to the Region Online website. The conflict began with the fact that an elderly man pushed a woman. Rising, she hit him on the head with her bag.

19:12 RIA Novosti: Vice President of Sberbank Andrey Sharov leaves his post

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR directorate, will leave his post in the near future, a source in the banking market told RIA Novosti. A source in the bank's management confirmed this information. "Andrey Sharov will leave his post at Sberbank at the end of the year," said the agency's source in the banking market. According to a representative of Sberank, Mr. Sharov's departure from his position is connected with his desire to take up another project in a small business. “There is also a proposal related to projects in government agencies, but what choice he will make in the end, he himself will tell later,” he added. Andrey Sharov has been vice president for small business at Sberbank since 2014. In 2017, he was also appointed head of the directorate of GR Bank.

19:08 Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, leaves his post

Andrey Sharov, vice president of Sberbank, head of the GR directorate, will leave his post at the bank at the end of 2019, a source in the banking market told RIA Novosti.
"Andrey Sharov will leave his post at Sberbank at the end of the year," the source said.
A source in the management of Sberbank confirmed the information, noting that this decision is a personal choice of Sharov himself.
“Andrey's departure is his personal choice, he has worked in a bank for more than six years, he wants to take on another project in a small business. Andrei also has a proposal related to projects in state structures, but what choice he will make in the end, he himself will tell later,” he said.
Sharov joined Sberbank in 2014 as vice president for small business, and in 2017 he was appointed head of the GR (government relations) directorate at Sberbank.

He will take them back and credit them to the account.

09:26 Mikhail Khazin called the privatization of Sberbank a catastrophe

In Russia, the system of regulation of financial resources was created by the liberals so that their friends could escape to London at any moment with all the money, economist Mikhail Khazin believes. About this he...

05:51 Sberbank ATMs have a function to return forgotten money

Sberbank ATMs have got a new feature. Now, if a client withdraws money, but thinks about it and leaves, leaving it at an ATM, the machine returns the funds to the account of the card from which they were withdrawn, Izvestia reports...

12:33 Sberbank has already equipped 95% of all ATMs with contactless technology

Sberbank has already equipped 95% of the entire ATM network with contactless service technology, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the largest Russian bank.
According to Sberbank, today its network consists of 77,000 ATMs throughout the country.
“Today, 95% of all self-service devices are equipped with NFC modules. This allows our customers to receive services in a fast and already familiar way for many - using a smartphone or a watch,” Sberbank said.
In addition, the bank recalled that in August Sberbank launched a transfer service across Russia through Sberbank Online with cash withdrawal from ATMs without cards. “We have significantly expanded the number of devices in which you can receive cash transfers - 52 thousand ATMs in the country are fundamentally changing the experience of receiving money transfers”, - shared in the bank.
In the summer, Sberbank reported

11:44 Sberbank introduces forgotten money return function in ATMs

Sberbank has introduced the function of returning forgotten money in new recycler ATMs, which has already reduced the number of such cases by 30%, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the largest Russian bank.
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov in June said in an interview with the agency that the bank will gradually transfer traditional ATMs to recyclers, which allow using the funds deposited by customers to issue cash.
“We thought about simplifying the lives of our customers even in unusual situations, we introduced the return of forgotten money at recycler ATMs. As a result, cases of forgotten money have decreased by 30%,” the bank said, explaining that if a client ordered a certain amount for withdrawal at an ATM, and then got distracted and left without taking the money, the machine will take it back and automatically credit it to the account of that the card from which the withdrawal operation was carried out.

10:18 Sberbank ATMs began to return forgotten money

The function of returning forgotten money began to operate in the new ATM-recyclers of Sberbank, this was reported in its press service. In the summer, Stanislav Kuznetsov, deputy chairman of the board of the largest Russian bank, promised that traditional …