Strength and natural.  Number and natural growth of the population - Hypermarket of knowledge.  Regions with the smallest population

Strength and natural. Number and natural growth of the population - Hypermarket of knowledge. Regions with the smallest population

Number and natural increase of the population (2005-2014)

Current population estimates as of January 1 are based on the 2005 census results plus the number of births and arrivals in the area and subtracting the number of deaths and departures from the area for each year. The calculations take into account the increase or decrease in the population of certain territories as a result of changes in their boundaries that occurred during the year, as well as changes in the number of urban and rural populations as a result of administrative-territorial transformations, i.e. as a result of a change in the category of settlements (conversion of rural settlements to urban or urban to rural on the basis of legislative acts). Population figures are based on permanent population. The permanent population includes persons permanently residing in the territory, as well as Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing in the territory for more than one year. The distribution of the population into urban and rural is carried out according to the place of residence, while urban settlements are considered to be settlements classified as urban in the manner prescribed by law (cities, urban-type settlements, workers and resort settlements). Current estimates of the total population at the beginning of 2014 and the average annual population for 2013 after calculating the age and sex structure of the population can be slightly refined.

Natural population growth is the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths in a given period. Natural increase can be positive if the number of births exceeds the number of deaths, or negative (natural decline) if the number of deaths exceeds the number of births.

Table 5. Number and natural increase population (thousand people)

Population (at the beginning of the year), thousand people human


Share in the total population, percent



Natural increase, decrease (-) of the population, thousand people

Analyzing the main indicator of the demographic situation of any country, which is the population and the corresponding natural increase or decrease, we clearly see that the population of the country is decreasing, almost annually. At the same time, both the number of women and the number of men are decreasing. Just rural population rushes to the city, due to which the indicators of the latter increase, and the rural population decreases. But the numbers of decline are also decreasing, and, hopefully, they will soon take a positive result altogether. Moreover, I would like this result to be improved primarily by increasing the birth rate and reducing mortality, and not by migration.

slide 2

Lesson plan:

1. The population of Russia.

2. Dynamics of the population of Russia.

3. Population censuses.

4. The natural movement of the population.

slide 3

Population of Russia

According to Federal Service state statistics, the number of resident population of the Russian Federation as of August 1, 2010. amounted to 141.8 million people

slide 4

Demography is the science of population and its reproduction.

Consider the table:

1. Name the largest countries in the world in terms of population.

2. What place does Russia occupy in the world?

3. How has the situation changed by the beginning of 2010?

Write down the largest countries in the world by population in a notebook.

slide 5

Population dynamics in Russia

The first census was conducted in Russia in 1897.

Then the population was 67.5 million people.

What year was last census and when will the next one be?

Soviet posters dedicated to the census

slide 6

2010 population census

Emblem and mascot of the 2010 census

Slide 7

Consider Table 5 on page 30.

How has the population changed?

On the graph, name the periods when the population decreased.

How can this be explained?

Periods of population decline are called demographic crisis.

Slide 8

During the 20th century, Russia experienced several demographic crises. Using the content

following slides and tutorial, complete the table:

Slide 9

Slide 10

slide 11

slide 12

Demographic crises in Russia.

Slide 14

The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths in a given time period is called

natural growth (EP = R-S)

  • How did the ratio between the number of births and deaths change from 1989 to 2002?

What are the consequences of such a ratio? (use the text of the textbook p. 31)

slide 15

slide 16

Population change by constituent entities of the Russian Federation between the 1989 and 2002 population censuses

Look at the map and draw a conclusion about the change in population

Slide 17


for the first half of 2010 (According to the Federal State Statistics Service)

Examine the statistics and draw a conclusion about the natural movement of the population for the first half of 2010 compared to 2009

Slide 18

Resources used:

1. To help the school teacher. Zhizina E.A. Pourochnye developments in geography. Population and economy of Russia. Grade 9 "VAKO", Moscow, 2006

2.V.P.Dronov, V.Ya.Rom Geography Russia Population and economy M. : Bustard, 2008

View all slides

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population of Russia. Number and natural increase.">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population of Russia Since 1992, the country's population has been declining.">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population change in Russia"> Изменение численности населения на территории России В целом, на протяжении почти всего XX столетия население России росло. С 1900 по 1992 гг. оно увеличилось с 71 млн. до 149 млн. человек, то есть более, чем 2 раза (за счет естественного прироста, т. е. разницы между количеством родившихся и умерших). В этом же XX веке регистрировались и периоды уменьшения численности населения - демографические кризисы.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population reproduction is a process of continuous generational change. In the narrow sense"> Воспроизводство населения - процесс непрерывной смены поколений. В узком смысле воспроизводство соответствует естественному движению населения, под которым понимается сочетание показателей рождаемости и смертности.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Natural increase 2002:"> Естественный прирост 2002 год: 1998 год (на 1000 жителей) Родилось 8. 8 человек Родилось 1. 32 млн. человек Умерло 13. 6 человек Умерло 2. 26 мнл. человек Прирост – 0. 94 млн. человек Естественный прирост населения - это разность между числом родившихся и числом умерших за определённый период. Родившиеся ЕП = Р – С, Умершие Р – рождаемость С – смертность ЕП - естественный прирост Положительный естественный прирост Отрицательный естественный прирост - естественная убыль Показатели естественного прироста, рождаемости и смертности измеряются в промилле (‰), т. е. в расчете на 1000 человек населения в год.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population replacement indicators up to 2045 (forecast)"> Показатели воспроизводства населения до 2045 г. (прогноз) 1913 1926 1940 1960 1980 1991 1994 1999 2005 2010 2020 2045 годы Рожда- 47, 44, 33 23, 15, 13, 12, 9, 5 8, 4 5, 4 4, 9 2, 9 1, 8 емость 8 7 2 9 4 1 Смерт- 32, 21, 20, 7, 4 10, 11, 15, 14, 13, 14, 16, 25, ность 4 3 6 6 4 4 7 7 1 5 9 3 Естеств- 15, 23, 12, 15, 5, 3 2, 2 -0, 7 -6, 1 -6, 3 -7, 7 -9, 6 -14 - енный 4 4 4 8 23, прирост 5!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The demographic crisis is a sharp decline in the country's population. In XX"> Демографический кризис - резкое сокращение численности населения страны. В XX в. в СССР и России выделяют 4 демографических кризиса: 1) 1914- 1922 гг. (причины: Первая мировая и Гражданская войны); 2) 1933- 1934 гг. (причины: свёртывание НЭПа, голод и репрессии); 3) 1944- 1945 гг. (причины: Великая Отечественная война); 4) 1992 г. - настоящее время (причины: общая динамика !} demographic processes, social economic crisis, consequences of the previous demographic crisis). The demographic crisis of 1914-1922 (reasons: the First World War and the Civil War) Periods of population decline in Russia in the 20th century. due to gigantic socio-economic the shocks she experienced. In total, due to demographic crises, the country missed more than 120 million people.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The demographic crisis of 1933-1934 (reasons: collectivization, famine and repression); Forced collectivization - association"> Демографический кризис 1933- 1934 гг. (причины: коллективизация, голод и репрессии); Насильственная коллективизация – объединение мелких крестьянских хозяйств в крупные коллективные хозяйства (колхозы) с обобществлением земли, скота, орудий труда и т. д. Выселение сотен тысяч крестьянских семей и упадок !} Agriculture. The drought that befell many areas of southern Russia further aggravated the situation. All this led to the famine of 1933-1934. Repression (from Latin repressio - suppression) - punitive measure, punishment

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Demographic crisis of 1944-1945 (reasons: World War II ) The biggest"> Демографический кризис 1944- 1945 гг. (причины: Великая Отечественная война) Самые большие потери население России понесло в Великой Отечественной войне (1941 -1945 гг.) число погибших на фронте и в тылу приблизилось к 22 млн. , с учётом снижения рождаемости общие потери значительно больше.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Population change in Russia The population of Russia in the XVIII"> Изменение численности населения на территории России Численность населения России в XVIII –XX вв. Изменение численности населения на территории России и СССР по данным всеобщих переписей населения, млн чел. Территория 1897 1926 1939 1959 1970 1979 1989 СССР 125 147 191 209 242 262 286 Россия 68 93 108 118 130 137 147 В 1897 г. на территории !} modern Russia there were 67.5 million inhabitants out of 124.6 million inhabitants Russian Empire. Maximum population Russia was at the beginning of 1992 - 148.7 million people. At the end of 2002, there were 145.2 million permanent residents in Russia.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Change in the population of Russian regions (1926 -1989)">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> "Demographic echo of the war" During the Great Patriotic War, the number of births"> «Демографическое эхо войны» В годы Великой Отечественной войны число родившихся было почти вдвое меньшим, чем в !} previous years. 20-25 years later, in the late 1960s. those born during the war years entered marriageable age, but the number of young families was much smaller, as was the number of those born. A "demographic echo of the war" appeared. After another 20-25 years, in the early 1990s. the situation repeated

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Population forecasts for Russia vary greatly. This is quite natural, since"> Прогнозы изменения численности населения России сильно различаются. Это вполне естественно, поскольку в значительной мере рост населения связан с состоянием её экономики.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Sex and age structure of the Russian population 2002 Gender and age pyramid- this is a generalized demographic "portrait""> Sex and age structure of the population of Russia 2002 The sex and age pyramid is a generalized demographic "portrait" of the country's population. It shows the population at each age and the sex ratio.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Sex and age structure of the Russian population Age composition Currently in Russia "> Sex and age structure of the population of Russia Age composition At present, in Russia, the population of Russia, the birth rate is about 9‰, the death rate is about 15‰, the natural population decline is about 6‰. There is a gradual aging of the population. The proportion of children is about 18 The proportion of the population of working age is about 61%, of retirement age is about 21%, the proportion of the population of retirement age is increasing quite rapidly.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Gender and age structure of the population of Russian regions Currently Center and North-West"> Половозрастная структура населения регионов России В настоящее время Центр и Северо-Запад России (Псковская, Тверская области и др.) отличаются самой низкой рождаемостью (7- 8%о), самой !} high mortality(15-20%o), the most significant natural decline and the highest proportion of pensioners in the population. Today, the eastern and some northern regions (Magadan, Murmansk regions, etc.) are distinguished by average birth and death rates (about 10%o), approximately zero growth, a small proportion of pensioners in the population, and the largest share of the population of working age. At present, the national autonomies in the south and east of the country (the republics of Dagestan, Tyva, etc.) are distinguished by high birth rates (about 20%o), low mortality (about 7%o), the highest natural increase in Russia, and a large proportion of children in population.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>"> Расселение – это процесс заселения территории и сформировавшаяся в его результате сеть поселений. Зона Севера зона очагового заселения Проживает 7% населения Занимает 2/3 территории Плотность менее 1 человека на 1 км 2 Основная зона расселения Проживает 93% населения Занимает 1/3 территории Плотность более 30 чел. на 1 км 2 Крупнейшие города Главная полоса расселения занимает больше половины европейской части страны, а в азиатской части она протянулась узкой полосой вдоль Транссибирской железнодорожной магистрали.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Russian population density Population density - number"> Плотность населения России Плотность населения – число жителей на единицу площади (чел. /кв. км) Особенно высокой плотностью населения в России Самая низкая плотность населения выделяются Московская область (более 300 человек на 1 км 2) в Эвенкийском АО - и некоторые северокавказские республики. 1 человек почти на 40 км 2 145 млн. человек !} Russian population live on an area of ​​17.1 million square meters. km. In this way, average density Russia's population is less than 9 people. / sq. km. This is almost five times less than the world average (44 people / sq. km).

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Differences in the population of Russia were formed under the influence of interrelated factors:"> Различия в заселённости России складывались под влиянием взаимосвязанных факторов: природных, исторических, социально-экономических. Неблагоприятная зона !} natural conditions determine the favorableness of a particular territory for permanent residence and some types economic activity of people. Favorable zone In Russia, only 10% of the territory has favorable conditions for human life. 30% of the total population is concentrated on them.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Thus, Russia is one of largest countries world in terms of population. In recent "> Thus, Russia is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of population. In last years the population of our country is decreasing, the average population density is low, and it is distributed very unevenly throughout the country.


"Number and natural growth of the population, the national composition of the population of Russia"

The world has long been interested in population. It was necessary to know the size of the labor force, the possibilities for the formation of an army, the collection of taxes, etc. For the first time, population records were given 4 thousand years ago in the states of the East - Egypt, China, India. Later, the counting was carried out in Ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Since the beginning of the 19th century, more than 2,000 censuses have been conducted in the world. At present, there are no countries left in the world (with the exception of Oman and Qatar) that do not have a census. Censuses are carried out in most countries of the world every 10 years, in contrast to population counts. Which carry the function only to find out the population.

According to estimates by demographic statisticians, more than 80 billion people have been born on Earth in the entire history of mankind. Every year 140 million people are born in the world. Every second, 3 people appear, every minute - 175, every hour - 10.4 thousand, every day - 250 thousand new earthlings. Every week on Earth, a new Kharkiv or Hamburg is added, every month - the population of a country like Australia or Tunisia.

How do they find out where they take data on the population of countries?

The last census in Russia took place in 2010 Further changes are detected using current accounting, i.e. take into account how many people were born and died in the village (natural movement ), how many arrived or left (mechanical movement ).

It was approximately calculated that in the Russian Federation, on average, 1 person is born every 21 seconds, 1 person dies every 15 seconds, that is, we see that today in the Russian Federation the death rate is higher than the birth rate. From here, you can approximately calculate what is the population in the Russian Federation at any time.

Birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 inhabitants in a given period of time, such as a year.

Mortality is the number of deaths per 1,000 inhabitants in a given period of time, such as a year.

The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths for a certain time is called natural growth (EP = R-C)

The totality of the processes of fertility and mortality, which determines the magnitude of the natural increase (or decrease) of the population, the change of generations, the life expectancy of each generation, is called natural movement, or reproduction of the life of the population.

Vital movement rates are usually calculated per 1,000 population.

If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, then the natural increase will be negative, that is, there will be a natural population decline, which is typical for today's Russia. This process is called the demographic crisis (Demography is the science of the population; the crisis is a sharp turn) - this is a sharp decline in the population.

Since the crude mortality rate depends not only on the intensity of mortality, but also on the composition of the population, primarily age, in regions with a higher proportion of the older population, this coefficient is usually higher than in regions where it is lower. Therefore, in the geographical space of Russia, the level of the total mortality rate decreases from the central and northwestern regions, in whose population the proportion of the elderly is large, to the southern and eastern regions, where it is still relatively small.

Table analysis. Ten regions of Russia with the highest and lowest total mortality rate (CFR) in the first half of 2007, deaths per 1,000 people

Regions with the lowest TACs

Regions with the highest ADRs

Russian Federation - 15,0

The Republic of Ingushetia

Pskov region

Chechen Republic

Tver region

Yamalo-Nenets Aut. county

Tula region

The Republic of Dagestan

Novgorod region

Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. district - Yugra

Smolensk region

Tyumen region

Ryazan Oblast

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Ivanovo region

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Vladimir region

Aginsky Buryat avt. county

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Kamchatka region

Kursk region

The highest overall mortality rate in the Central Federal District- in the first half of 2007 it amounted to 16.6‰(in 2006 - 17.5‰), - and only a little less in the Northwestern Federal District - 16.0‰ (17.7‰ last year). Southern federal district- 12.7‰(13.5‰). It is somewhat higher in the Urals (13.7‰ in January-June 2007) and the Far East (13.8‰) Federal District. The Volga and Siberian federal districts occupy an intermediate position - respectively, 15.5 and 14.8 ‰.

What are the main reasons for population decline?

    Wars(from 1914 to 1922, during the years of war and revolution, 15 million people died, 1933-34 famine -5 million people, WWII 18 million people, Afghan, Chechen wars). Demographers have calculated that with "normal" development, i.e. without losses from wars, repressions, the population of the Russian Federation would be 270 million (almost lost the whole state)


    Diseases(1st place in mortality is occupied by cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, STDs, the first place among which is occupied by HIV)


    car accidents

    Increasing number of older people

    Fertility decline

What are the reasons for the decline in the birth rate? ( economic crisis in the 90s, uncertainty about the future, family planning, in the early 90s "echoes of war")

What do you know about the national composition of the Russian population?

List the peoples living within our country? (Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Germans, Poles, Jews, Koreans, Greeks)

130 peoples live on its territory.

Russia is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Russia's neighbors from the west - European countries- Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine - with the traditions of Christianity.

In the Caucasus, which has a very diverse national and religious composition, the influence of Islam is strong, which means that the influence of Muslim neighbors - Turkey and Iran - is undeniable on the Republic of Azerbaijan. The North Caucasus is a complex region with a predominance of Muslims; only Ossetians, Armenians and Georgians are Christians.

In the south, Russia borders on Kazakhstan. The ethnic and cultural world of Kazakhstan is also very complex. Many Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, Uighurs live here.

So, not only is Russia a multinational country, but its neighbors also have a complex ethnic and religious composition. Therefore, Russia needs to pursue a “soft” national policy.

Each nation has its own language, which is the visiting card of the people. According to the kinship of the language, peoples are united into language families: Indo-European, Altaic, Uralic, Caucasian, etc.

What language families do the peoples of Russia belong to?

The peoples of Russia by language belong to 4 language families:

1. Indo-European family (89% of the population);

2. Altai family (68% of the population);

3. Caucasian family (2.4% of the population);

4. Ural family (1.8% of the population).

Families are divided into groups. So, the Indo-European family includes Slavic, Germanic, Iranian and other groups. And the largest group in this family is Slavic, and among the Slavs the largest people is Russian (82.5% of the total population).

V. Dal, the creator of an explanatory Russian dictionary, wrote that a person's national identity is determined by the language in which he thinks. Thus, the Russian language is native to 86.6% of the population of Russia, and 97.7% of the population is fluent in it.

The Russian regions of Russia are the territories of the European North (Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions), the North-West (Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod regions) and Central regions Russia. Russians dominate there.


Geographic dictation

Geographic dictation

    Change of generations as a result of the natural movement of the population _______________________

    What is the area of ​​Russia? ____________________________________________

    State position on political map of the world, relative to other states. _________________________________________________________________________

    The difference between births and deaths for a certain period of time ____________________________________________________________________________

    The population of Russia is _______ million people

    In what year was the last census taken?

    Natural growth is ________________________________________________

    Fertility is _________________________________________________________________

    Mortality is _________

D / z Message migration of the population, urban and rural settlement