Subjects and objects of financial management.  Financial plans approved in the form of law.  Own revenues of local budgets

Subjects and objects of financial management. Financial plans approved in the form of law. Own revenues of local budgets

The financial activity of the enterprise is the organization of financial relations that arise in it in the process of working with other legal entities and individuals.

main goal financial activities is to ensure the normal circulation of funds as a condition for uninterrupted activity, the implementation of all necessary expenses and payments and the receipt of profit, and then cash. Identification of the causes of violations of the normal circulation allows you to make decisions on methods for their elimination.

Normal financial work ensures the excess of cash income over cash expenditures, the implementation of the necessary investments, the possibility of forming reserves to compensate for damage or loss in the event of risk situations. In practice, risks arise in the implementation of all types of activities by the enterprise.

In normal financial activities, sales revenue is the main source of reimbursement for production costs and the formation of cash funds. Timely and complete receipt of sales proceeds ensures the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, the continuity of the circulation of funds. The receipt of proceeds from sales indicates the completion of the circulation of funds. Prior to its receipt, the costs of production and circulation are financed from the sources of the formation of current assets. The result of the circulation of funds invested in activities is the reimbursement of costs and the creation of own sources of financing in the form of depreciation and profit.

Under financial management understand:

  • management system for the formation, distribution and use of financial resources of an economic entity and the effective circulation of its funds;
  • a system of relationships between various entities regarding the attraction and use of financial resources;
  • science and practice of financial management of enterprises, aimed at achieving its tactical and strategic goals;
  • management of financial resources and property of the enterprise;
  • management of the system of monetary relations (finances), expressed in the formation of income (cash funds and resources), the implementation of expenses (distribution and redistribution of funds, resources), monitoring the effectiveness of the above processes;
  • management of assets and liabilities of the enterprise in order to maintain the balance of payments and ensure the necessary liquidity of the enterprise;
  • control financial flows enterprises..

purpose of financial management- maximizing the wealth of owners through rational financial policy based:

  • long-term profit maximization;
  • maximizing the market value of the enterprise.

Tasks of financial management

Tasks financial management in modern business conditions of enterprises:

  • formation of the volume of financial resources necessary to ensure the current activities of the organization and directions of its development;
  • most effective use financial resources;
  • optimization of cash flow and expenses (costs);
  • elimination of inefficient areas of activity;
  • maximizing the profit of the enterprise;
  • minimization of the level of financial risk;
  • effective resource management in order to increase the value of the enterprise;
  • ensuring sustainable growth of the economic potential of the enterprise;
  • assessment of the potential financial capabilities of the enterprise for the coming periods;
  • application of methods for assessing the effectiveness of financial decisions;
  • avoidance of bankruptcy (anti-crisis management);
  • ensuring current financial stability and target profitability based on the constructed system of performance indicators.

Subjects and objects of financial management

As a management system, financial management presupposes the existence of a subject and an object of management. As subjects of management at the enterprise, officials of the financial service or employees whose competence includes managing the organization of the enterprise's cash flow can act. Financial activities can be distributed among services and performers located at different hierarchical levels of management. Since small business does not imply a deep division of management functions, the head of the enterprise and the accountant can act as subjects of financial management.

At large enterprises, independent divisions are created for financial management - financial services and directorates. Chief Financial Officer (Vice President for Financial Affairs) - the chief responsible financier. The functions of the subject of financial management can also be delegated to the financial manager, chief accountant, administrative director, head of the financial and sales service, treasurer, and other authorized persons. The creation of a financial directorate, the definition of the range of its tasks and capabilities are the prerogative of the supreme management body of the enterprise - the board of directors, the supervisory board, etc.

Control objects in financial management are cash receipts and payments that make up the cash flow of the enterprise. Managed cash flow represents a closed cycle of inflow and outflow of funds of the enterprise, the size of which depends on sales volume, receivables and payables, required reserves, capital structure, financial resources, etc. The cash flows of the enterprise have certain sources: equity, borrowed funds, other liabilities. The direction of the use of funds involves the creation of various assets.

Thus, the objects of financial management are assets and liabilities (financial liabilities) of an enterprise that are formed in the course of current activities, investments.

The objects of financial management - the assets and liabilities of the enterprise are closely related. The decision to invest in certain assets requires the availability of funding sources. The price of attracted sources may be different, and this will affect the decision. Own resources, unlike borrowed ones, cannot be evaluated in terms of payment for resources, but can be used quite effectively when choosing an investment option. Thus, the objects of financial management are in constant interaction and their interdependence sets the subject of management the task of developing options for possible actions, ensuring the rational mobilization and use of funds. The question: where to get the funds and how to dispose of them with the greatest benefit, will never have an unambiguous answer. Finding alternatives, the most good options making decisions is the art of a financial manager.

4 Essence financial mechanism

The financial mechanism of an enterprise The financial mechanism is a tool for the impact of finance on the economic process, which is understood as a set of production, investment and financial activities of an economic entity. Therefore, the Financial Mechanism performs the same functions as finance. At the same time, the financial mechanism, as an instrument of financial influence, has its own specific functions, namely: a) organization of financial relations; b) management of cash flow, the movement of financial resources and the corresponding organization of financial relations. The content of the first function of the financial mechanism is the creation of a coherent system of monetary relations, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of the economic process in a particular area of ​​business or non-commercial activity. The operation of the second function of the financial mechanism is expressed through the functioning of financial management. Financial management is a system of rational management of the processes of financing the economic activities of an entrepreneurial organization. In the process of functioning, financial management relies on the Financial Mechanism. The financial mechanism consists of two subsystems: control; managed. The control subsystem includes the financial service of the enterprise and its subdivisions, thus, the subject of the management of the financial mechanism is the financial service and its divisions (departments), as well as financial managers.

5Functions of the financial services of the enterprise

The main functions of the financial service of the enterprise are: liquidity management of the company's assets; organization of effective relationships with banks and other investors; management of borrowed funds; financial risk management; formation of the optimal capital structure of the enterprise; search for new sources of financing; evaluation and implementation investment projects; control foreign exchange transactions; conducting transactions with securities and forming a portfolio of securities that can ensure the financial stability and stability of the enterprise; reasonable dividend policy; diversification of investment activities; forecasting financial conditions (situations); financial planning; regulation of money circulation; accounting of costs and results of production, investment, and financial activities; analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use and investment of capital; control over the spending and receipt of funds at all stages of the production and commercial cycle; ensuring legal legitimacy and security business transactions with the capital and financial resources of the enterprise; establishing normal financial relationships with all participants commercial operation; identification of the rating of the enterprise and its main competitors; analysis of financial results and financial condition enterprise and its clients.

6 Information Support financial management is a unity of internal and external sources of information. It consists in the preparation, finding and use of general economic, accounting, financial, commercial, statistical and other information for the needs of financial management.

The main source of information for financial management in the enterprise are financial statements, as well as providing management electronic systems communications.

For large enterprises and organizations, management is one of the most acute, and sometimes critical problems, therefore, constant professional development and computer literacy of financial managers are necessary. The system is currently accounting is automated.

But, despite the obvious advantages, converting paper documents into electronic form is a difficult problem. For large enterprises, this is due to a huge flow of documents, for small ones - with their financial capabilities, the availability of qualified personnel, etc. Automated workstations (AWS) of financial managers are being created, which are small computing systems focused on automating the financial management of an enterprise.

used in financial management accounting and non-accounting sources of information.

Accounting sources of information include accounting and reporting; statistical accounting and reporting; operational accounting and reporting; selective credentials.

AT financial statements businesses include:

1) the balance of the enterprise - it consists of two parts. The first part shows the assets, the second - the liabilities of the enterprise. Both parts are always balanced: the total amount of asset lines is equal to the total amount of liability lines;

2) Report on financial results- it contains a comparison of the sum of all income of the enterprise from the sale of goods and services or other items of income and receipts with the sum of all expenses incurred by the enterprise to maintain its activities since the beginning of the year;

3) capital flow statement - this form reflects data on the presence and movement of capital components: authorized (share) capital, additional capital, reserve capital, accumulation funds and the social sphere, formed in accordance with the constituent documents and adopted accounting policy, as well as special-purpose financing (receipts and retained earnings) previous years;

4) cash flow statement. Information on cash flows is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation. information is presented in the context of types of activity (it can be main, financial and investment);

5) application to balance sheet. This form provides a breakdown of individual articles of the main reporting forms, i.e. there are articles “Movement of borrowed funds”, “Accounts receivable and accounts payable”, “Depreciable property”, “ Intangible assets”, “Rights to objects of intellectual (industrial) property”, “Rights to use isolated natural objects”, “Organizational expenses”, “Business reputation of the organization”, “Intangible assets”, etc.

Non-recording information includes: directive information in the form of laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, instructions from higher organizations, instructions; regulatory and planning information in the form of business plans, regulations, price lists, reference books; materials of audits, inventories, inspections of banks and tax inspections; explanatory and memos, etc.

Topic 1. Financial activities

(11 questions)

1) the totality of cash and non-cash funds;

2) economic monetary relations on the formation, distribution and use of financial resources of the state, its territorial subdivisions, as well as institutions and organizations necessary to ensure their tasks and functions;

3) the totality of funds of funds and property belonging to the state;

4) the form of the economic impact of the state on the system of production and social relations, which is implemented on the basis of the method of legal equality;

No. 2. Under the financial activities of the state understand:

1) activities of the state in the formation, redistribution and use management of centralized and decentralized funds of funds, in order to meet the needs of the state in monetary resources;

2) a set of forms and methods of managing economic processes in society;

3) the activities of the authorized bodies of the state to create sufficient economic conditions functioning of the public sector of the economy;

No. 3. The methods of distribution and use of funds are:

1) financing and lending;

2) tax and non-tax;

3) imperative and dispositive;

1) bodies carrying out financial activities of the state;

2) individuals;

3) an authority carrying out financial activities of the state, and a citizen

No. 5. The following relations are not included in the subject of financial law:

1) relations between the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and commercial banks regarding the formation of the mandatory reserve fund of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

2) operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to service the public debt;

3) lending by a bank to a state unitary enterprise;

4) acceptance by the bank of a payment order for the payment of federal tax;
No. 6. The main method of accumulating funds is:

1) tax;

2) non-tax;

3) issue of government securities;

4) privatization of state and municipal property;
No. 7. Centralized funds of the state are:

1) the budget, off-budget funds and all other property assigned to the treasury;

2) all cash owned by the state;

3) funds budget system the state, including state non-budgetary funds, as well as funds accumulated through state insurance;

4) funds and other property assigned on the basis of the rights of operational management to public authorities;
No. 8. Decentralized funds of the state are:

1) all property, including funds, assigned on the basis of the rights of operational management or economic management to enterprises and organizations;

2) finances of state enterprises and organizations assigned to them on the basis of the rights of operational management or economic management;

3) all funds of economic entities of all forms of ownership, functioning either by virtue of state prescriptions or at the discretion of economic entities;

4) property and funds of funds created at state and municipal enterprises by virtue of state prescriptions;
No. 9. Financial system Russian Federation- this is:

1) a set of interrelated financial institutions that promote the formation and use of monetary funds, as well as a set of state bodies and institutions that carry out financial activities on behalf of the state activity;

2) a set of financial institutions and legal acts regulating relations regarding the formation of funds of funds, the use of property expressed in value terms;

3) the budgetary system, off-budget funds, finances of enterprises and organizations, credit organizations, insurance organizations, financial control;

4) a set of government bodies and control over the formation, distribution and consumption of centralized and decentralized funds of funds of the non-state sector of the economy;
No. 10. The financial system includes:

1) The budget system of the Russian Federation, gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, subsoil, expressed in value form, state extra-budgetary funds, finances of economic entities;

2) Centralized and decentralized funds of the state, forms, methods and principles of accumulation and spending of funds, the system of legislation that determines the procedure for the functioning of institutions financial system;

3) budgetary system, including state non-budgetary funds, insurance funds, credit, finance of business entities;

4) The value form of property objects, all funds of funds, the system of state bodies, financial legislation;
No. 11. The statement is true: “The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - ...

1) it is a body of general competence, obliged to determine the strategy of the state in the financial sector”;

2) is a body of special competence, obliged to develop and implement a unified financial policycountries»;

3) it is an organ of the federal government, obliged to control the receipt of all revenues federal budget, as well as the implementation of all expenses of the budgetary system”;

4) this is a body of special competence, having the right to manage other state executive bodies in terms of areas of spending by them budget funds»;
Topic 2. Financial right

(3 question)

No. 1. Financial law as a branch of law is understood as:

1) a set of regulatory legal acts regulating relations regarding the formation, distribution and expenditure of funds of funds by business entities;

2) a set of legal norms regulating monetary relations by various methods;

3) a set of legal norms, principles, methods for regulating the financial activities of economic entities;

4) a set of rules of law governing economic relations that arise in the course of the financial activities of the state and local government, carried out in order to provide monetary resources of their tasks and functions;

5) a set of legal norms and regulations that ensure the procedure for adopting the budget, budget execution, tax collection, as well as the functioning of other institutions of the financial system;
No. 2. Sources of financial law are:

1) laws and other normative acts of representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government, which contain financial and legal norms;

2) laws that contain rules of law adopted for the purpose of regulating property and other monetary relations;

3) Tax, Budget and Civil Codes, as well as other laws and regulations governing financial relations

No. 3. The peculiarity of financial and legal norms is that:

1) they are accepted only by the legislative (representative) bodies of the state and are based on various legal methods;

2) they are state-imperious, imperative in nature;

3) they are always based on the imperative method and are accepted only by legislative bodies at the federal, regional and local levels;

Topic 3. Financial control

(13 questions)

№1.Accounts Chamber RF is accountable to:

1) the President of the Russian Federation;

2) the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) Only the Federation Council of the Russian Federation;

5) the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
No. 2. The Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation is:

1) an independent body of the Government of the Russian Federation;

2) federal service subordinated to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

3) a division of the Bank of Russia;

4) an independent body under the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
No. 3. According to the timing, financial control is distinguished:

1) preliminary, current and subsequent;

2) factual and documentary;

3) preliminary, current, subsequent, actual and documentary;

4) scheduled and unscheduled;
No. 4. Is it mandatory auditing for commercial banks and insurance organizations?

1) No, it is not;

2) Yes, all of them are obliged to organize an audit for themselves once a year;

3) These issues are resolved individually by the tax authorities, depending on the state of tax discipline of these entities;

4) Only those business entities whose authorized capital exceeds 10 thousand minimum wages have such an obligation;
No. 5. Is an individual entrepreneur obliged to conduct an audit at his place?

1) Yes, I must;

2) Yes, he is obliged if his income exceeds 10 thousand minimum wages;

3) No, you don't have to;

4) Yes, it is required, if the tax authorities insist on it;
No. 6. The following shall be subject to publication and (or) presentation to third parties:

2) introductory and final parts of the auditor's report;

3) only the final part of the audit report;

4) audit report is not provided to third parties;
No. 7. The certificate for the right to carry out audit activities is issued for a period of:

4) indefinitely;
No. 8. The staff of an organization wishing to obtain a license for the right to carry out audit activities should include:

1) at least 2 specialists with an auditor's certificate;

2) at least 2 specialists with an auditor's certificate for the type of audit that the applicant is going to carry out;

3) at least five auditors;

4) the number of specialists is not regulated by regulatory legal acts;
No. 9. An auditor (audit firm) can obtain a license for the right to audit:

1) banking;

2) insurance;

3) exchanges, off-budget funds and investment institutions;

4) general;

5) all listed business entities;

No. 10. A license for the right to carry out audit activities is issued for a period of:

4) 5 years;

5) indefinitely

No. 11. According to the degree of obligation, financial control can be:

1) documentary and factual;

2) mandatory and voluntary;

3) initial and agreed;

4) internal and external;
No. 12. The main method of financial control is:

1) analysis;

2) verification;

3) counter check;

4) revision;
No. 13. The supreme body of financial control in the Russian Federation is:

1) Ministry of Finance;

2) federal Service budgetary and financial supervision;

3) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

4) Federal Treasury;
Topic 4. Budget law and device

(13 questions)

No. 1. Under the grouping of income, expenses and sources of financing the budget deficits of the budget system of the Russian Federation, used for the preparation and execution of budgets, drawing up budget reporting, providing comparability of indicators of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation is understood as:

1) budget classification of the Russian Federation;

2) budget list;

3) consolidated financial balance;

4) cash plan;

5) consolidated budget;
No. 2. Which of the following principles does not apply to the principles of the budget system?

1) the principle of equality of budgetary rights of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

2) the principle of effectiveness and efficiency of the use of budgetary funds;

3) the principle of general coverage of budget expenditures;

4) the principle of subordination of expenses;

5) the principle of publicity;

No. 3. The legal form of the budgets of state off-budget funds of the Russian Federation are:

1) Laws of the Russian Federation;

2) Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

4) Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

5) Another answer;

No. 4. City or settlement in which local self-government is carried out by the population directly and (or) through elected bodies, not part of municipal district called:

1) inter-village territory;

2) city ​​district;

3) intracity territory of a city of federal significance;

4) rural settlement;

5) regional center;

#5. What budgetary powers apply to the Russian Federation?

1) definition of bases of drawing up and consideration of projects of budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;

2) establishment of standards for deductions of income to local budgets from federal taxes and fees to be credited in accordance with the RF BC and the legislation on taxes and fees to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) establishing, detailing and determining the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation in the part related to the local budget;

4) regulation of the implementation of the budget process at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

5) all of the above;

No. 6. Legal relations include budgetary:

1) regarding the functioning of government bodies in connection with the budget process, as well as the collection of taxes to budgets and extra-budgetary funds;

2) emerging between the authorized bodies of the state and credit organizations regarding the transfer of tax payments to budgets, the implementation of budget expenditures, as well as control over the lawful use of state property;

3) about income generation and implementation effects of budgetary system expenditures, implementation of state and municipal borrowings, regulation of public debt;

No. 7. The budget is:

1) form of formation and spending of the fund of funds intended for financial supportdefinition of tasks and functions of the state and local self-government;

2) a centralized state fund of funds intended for financing public spending, accumulation of state funds for the formation of strategic reserves of the state and business entities;

3) the system of economic relations regarding the provision of the state, municipalities and enterprises with appropriate financial reserves;

4) the system of economic relations that develop regarding the collection of tax and non-tax payments to budgets and extra-budgetary funds, as well as spending budget funds;
No. 8. The principle of budget reliability implies:

1) the need to take into account the debt obligations of the budget of a lower level in future expenses of the consolidated budget;

2) reliability of forecast indicators for the socio-economic development of the relevant territory and the realistic calculation of budget revenues and expenditures;

3) mandatory publication of approved budgets in the press;

4) the obligation of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to submit their reports and other information that are necessary for the development of reliable indicators of the consolidated budget;
No. 9. Consolidated budget is:

1) unification of budgets and off-budget funds at all levels of the budget system;

2) a set of budgets and state non-budgetary funds in a certain territory;

3) relations on inclusion in the budget of a higher level of budgets of a lower level in a certain territory;

4) vault byu jets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation in the relevant territory, excluding intergovernmental transfers between these budgets;

5) the combined budget of the federal and regional levels of the budget system, as well as state off-budget funds;

No. 10. The consolidated budget of the Russian Federation is:

1) a set of the federal budget, regional budgets and off-budget funds (excluding interbudgetary transfers);

2) the difference between the budget indicators of the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) the federal budget and the code of budgets of other levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (excluding interbudgetary transfers between these budgets and with the exception of the budgets of state and territorial state non-budgetary funds);

4) the method of including all indicators of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the summary tables of the budget of the Russian Federation;
No. 11. The budget system of the Russian Federation includes:

1) the budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets:

2) the budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and off-budget funds;

3) the budget of the Russian Federation and federal state extra-budgetary funds, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the state extra-budgetary funds of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local budgets;

4) the budget of the Russian Federation and federal state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and state extra-budgetary funds of subjects of the Russian Federation, local budgets and local extra-budgetary funds;

5) a different answer;

No. 12. The Budget Code of the Russian Federation came into force

1) 01/01/2001;

2) 01.01.2000 G.;

3) 01.01.1999;

4) July 31, 1998;
No. 13. The principle of the unity of the cash desk in the process of budget execution involves:

1) crediting all incoming budget revenues, attracting and repaying sources of financing the budget deficit and making all expenses from a single budget account;

2) the use of only one bank account in the process of servicing revenues and expenditures of budgets of all levels;

3) transfer of rights for the formation of revenues and expenditures of budgets of the federal, regional and local levels to the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation;

4) the procedure for opening only one account with the Bank of Russia, to which all incomes must be credited and from which all budget expenditures must be made;
Topic 5. Budget revenues

(8 questions)

No. 1. The transfer of income to budgets by the Federal Treasury includes:

1) their distribution by standards between budgets;

2) their accounting in accordance with the established procedure;

3) their transfer to the unified accounts of the respective budgets;

4) their return (offset, clarification);

5) all of the above;
No. 2. Budget revenues are formed in accordance with:

1) budget legislation;

2) legislation on taxes and fees;

3) budget legislation, legislation on taxes and fees and other obligatory payments;

4) legislation on tax and non-tax revenues;

5) budgetary, tax and banking legislation;

No. 3. Accounting for income received by the budget system of the Russian Federation and their distribution between budgets is carried out by:

1) financial authorities;

2) bodies of the Federal Treasury;

3) administrators of budget revenues;

4) tax authorities;

5) main managers and managers of budgetary funds;

No. 4. K not tax revenue budgets do not include:

1) income from the use of state or municipal property;

2) income from the sale of state or municipal property;

3) income from paidservices provided by legal entities;

4) means of self-taxation of citizens;

5) amounts of forced withdrawal;

No. 5. Budget revenues do not include:

1) tax revenues;

2) non-tax revenues;

3) gratuitous receipts;

4) financial aid;
No. 6. Budget revenues are understood as:

1) funds, with the exception of funds that are a source of repayment of the budget deficit, received in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the disposal of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of sub objects of the Russian Federation and local governments;

2) all funds that go to budgets, off-budget funds and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as state and municipal enterprises and institutions;

3) tax and non-tax revenues to the budget system, as well as borrowings from internal and external sources, carried out by authorized bodies on behalf of the state or local governments;

No. 7. Tax revenues of budgets include:

1) taxes, fees and all penalties imposed for violation of the law provided for by budgetary and tax legislation;

2) federal, regional and local taxes and fees, as well as penalties and fines;

3) only one taxes;

4) only taxes and fees established by tax legislation;
No. 8. Funds received in the form of rent or other payment for the temporary possession and use of property in state or municipal ownership are taken into account:

1) in dohodes of the relevant budgets;

2) in the income of enterprises and institutions to which this property is assigned;

3) in the income of the consolidated budget;

4) in the budget of a higher level, which gave permission for the use of property in the lease mode;
Topic 6. Budget expenditures

(9 questions)

No. 1. Budgetary institutions, state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, state and municipal customers are required to maintain registers of purchases made:

1) without the conclusion of state or municipal contracts;

2) when concluding state or municipal contracts;

3) in any form;

4) only at auctions;

5) only at competitions;
No. 2. Budget appropriations do not include appropriations for:

1) provision of subsidies to state (municipal) institutions;

2) social security of the population;

3) provision of interbudgetary transfers;

4) servicing the state (municipal) debt;

5) provision of contributions, payments, gratuitous transfers to subjects of international law;

No. 3. The set of regulations that stipulate public regulatory obligations, indicating the relevant articles and assessing the volume of budget allocations, used in the preparation of the draft budget is called:

1) a register of expenditure obligations;

2) a register of monetary obligations;

3) a register of budgetary obligations;

4) budget classification;
No. 4. In the expenditure side of the budgets of the budget system, it is prohibited to create reserve funds:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) local administrations;

4) representative authorities;
No. 5. Budget expenses are:

1) a set of forms and methods of transferring budgetary resources to their recipients, as well as control over the legality of financing and lending;

2) funds allocated for financial support of the tasks and functions of the state and local self-government;

3) the procedure for financing, lending, as well as control and application of liability measures for violation of the relevant provisions of budget legislation;

4) the procedure for the transfer and subsequent use by recipients of budgetary funds, as well as income received by state enterprises and institutions;
No. 6. Separation of powers to implement expenditures between the budgets of different levels of the budget system ...

1) is within the competence federal bodies state power;

2) is determined jointly by federal and regional authorities;

3) is determined by each level of power independently;

No. 7. Budget allocations are:

1) part of the budget funds transferred on a returnable basis to ensure investment tasks the public sector of the economy;

2) marginal the amount of funds provided in the relevant financial year for the fulfillment of budgetary obligations;

3) budget funds intended for transfer to state extra-budgetary funds in case of a deficit in their budgets;

4) funds from the federal budget intended for their transfer to the budgets of a lower level, or to the budgets of state off-budget funds;
No. 8. Budget obligations are:

1) the obligations of some participants in the budget process in relation to other participants in the budget process;

2) the obligations of the bodies executing the budget to provide budgetary funds in accordance with the law (decision) on the budget and the estimate of income and expenses;

3) expenditure obligations, the fulfillment of which is provided for by the law (decision) on thejet for the relevant financial year;

4) obligations of the main managers and managers of budgetary funds to finance budget recipients;
No. 9. A budget loan is:

1) cash provided to another budget of the budget systemwe, a foreign state, legal entities on a returnable and reimbursable basis;

2) credit funds that the budget is entitled to receive on reimbursable terms from a credit institution;

3) part of the budget expenditures sent on a reimbursable basis to foreign states, including the CIS countries;

4) the form of providing non-refundable assistance to recipients of budgetary funds, in accordance with the approved budget schedule;
Topic 7. Budget balance

(9 questions)

No. 1. The difference between the volume of federal budget revenues, excluding oil and gas revenues of the federal budget and revenues from the management of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund, and the total volume of federal budget expenditures in the corresponding financial year is:

1) non-oil and gas deficit of the federal budget;

2) oil and gas deficit of the federal budget;

3) reserve fund;

4) national wealth fund;

5) stabilization fund;
No. 2. Oil and gas revenues of the federal budget do not include federal budget revenues from the payment of:

1) tax on the extraction of minerals in the form of hydrocarbon raw materials;

2) export customs duties on crude oil;

3) export customs duties on natural gas;

4) export customs duties on goods produced from oil;

5) excises on hydrocarbon raw materials;

No. 3. The ways to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of a legal entity, a municipality to repay a budget loan, pay interest and other payments provided for by law and (or) an agreement can be:

1) bank guarantees;

2) state and municipal guarantees;

3) guarantees;

4) pledge of property in the amount of 100% of the loan;

5) all of the above methods;

No. 4. Cash provided by the budget to another budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation, a legal entity (with the exception of state (municipal) institutions), a foreign state, a foreign legal entity on a returnable and reimbursable basis are called:

1) budget credit;

2) a budget loan;

3) subsidies;

4) subsidies;

5) subventions;

#5. For what purposes can federal budget oil and gas revenues be used?

1) for the formation of the Reserve Fund;

2) to ensure oil and gas transfer;

3) for the formation of the National Welfare Fund;

4) all of the above;
No. 6. Interbudgetary transfers are:

1) grants, subventions and subsidies;

2) funds of one budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation transferred to another budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;

3) funds of the Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation;

4) budgetary funds for financing mandatory payments to the population;
No. 7. Budget deficit is:

1) additional income budget received during the financial year;

2) additional budget expenditures that have arisen due to the adoption by authorities of a different level of decision, as a result of which budget expenditures have increased;

3) excess of budget expenditures over its revenues;

4) budget expenditures that the state is forced to carry out due to emergencies;

5) additional expenses of the budget system, which are directed to replenish the income of extra-budgetary funds;

No. 8. Budget surplus is:

1) excess of budget revenues over its expenditures;

2) excess of expenditures over budget revenues;

3) those incomes that are intended for transfer to state off-budget funds during the current financial year;

4) these are the incomes that are received in addition to the approved plan by state enterprises;
No. 9. Subsidies are:

1) funds transferred to state extra-budgetary funds and state enterprises for the performance of their functional tasks;

2) budgetary funds intended for the payment of the public debt;

3) budgetary funds intended for the budget of another level in order to cover the costs of civil law transactions;

4) interbudgetary transfers transferred to the budget of another level on an irrevocable and gratuitous basis without establishing directions and conditions for their use;

5) budgetary funds provided to the budget of another level of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis to cover current expenses;

Topic 8. Budget Process

(14 questions)

No. 1. Cash service for the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation is carried out:

1) the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

2) federalth Treasury of the Russian Federation;

3) the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) each level of power independently;

No. 2. What documents serve as the basis for drafting a budget?

1) forecast of socio-economic development of the relevant territory;

2) medium-term financial plan of the respective territorial entity;

3) consolidated financial balance of the territory;

4) long-term targeted programs;

5) a plan for the development of the state and municipal development sectors of the economy;

No. 3. The budget process is:

1) regulated by the norms of law, the activities of state authorities, local governments and participants in the budget process in the preparation and consideration of draft budgets, draft budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, approval and execution of budgets and budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, as well as control over their execution;

2) the method of budget execution in terms of revenue and expenditure, as well as the application of liability measures for violations of the established procedure in this area;

3) the way of interaction between budgets and extra-budgetary funds within the framework of the functioning of the budget system;

4) the procedure for preparing draft budgets, their approval, as well as the state management of budgetary activities and the application of liability measures for violations of budget legislation;
No. 4. They are not subjects of the budget process:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) municipalities;

3) executive authorities of subjects;

4) budgets and off-budget funds;
No. 5. Budget period:

1) lasts 1 calendar year;

2) consists of the stage of budget execution - the budget year;

3) includes the period of time from the beginning of the preparation of the draft budget to the approval of the report on budget execution;

No. 6. The draft federal law on the federal budget must be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation no later than:

4) a different answer;
No. 7. The draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period is being held in the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

1) 3 reading;

2) 4 readings;

3) the number of readings is determined by the Regulations of the State Duma;

No. 8. The President of the Russian Federation, no later than March of the year preceding the financial year, speaks before the State Duma with:

1) forecast of socio-economic development;

2) an annual message to the Federal Assembly;

3) budget message;

4) a report on the execution of the budget;
No. 9. Establishment and fulfillment of expenditure obligations of the municipality:

1) are defined in full by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation;

2) are under the jurisdiction of the local authorities themselves;

3) are resolved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

4) are decided by local governments in agreement with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
No. 10. Budget painting is:

1) a document submitted by a budgetary institution to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in order to receive budgetary allocations provided for by the budget;

2) a document sent by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to all recipients of budgetary funds in order to confirm their consent to the established mode of their financing;

3) a document that is compiled and maintained by the main manager of budgetary funds for the purpose of executing the budget for expenditures;

4) a document specifying the budget classification in order to take into account the characteristics of each recipient of budgetary funds;
No. 11. With a budget message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is:

1) President of the Russian Federation;

2) Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

3) Minister of Finance;

4) Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
No. 12. The financial year in the Russian Federation is equal to:

1) calendarmu year;

2) budget period;

3) agricultural year;

No. 13. Completion of the budget occurs:

4) 31 December of the current year;

5) a different answer;

No. 14. The quarterly distribution of expenses between managers and recipients of budget funds is called:

1) estimate;

2) budget classification;

3) budget painting;

4) emergency budget;
Topic 9. Budget responsibility

(8 questions)

No. 1. Reducing the limits of budgetary obligations in comparison with budgetary appropriations or refusal to confirm the accepted budgetary obligations to the main manager or recipient of budgetary funds constitute the content of:

1) cost blocking;

2) suspension of operations on personal accounts of the main manager or recipient of budgetary funds;

3) withdrawal of budgetary funds;

4) changes in the limit of budgetary obligations;

No. 2. Issues of determining the list and procedure for the implementation of state internal borrowings of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ...

1) are decided jointly by federal and regional authorities;

2) are resolved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

3) are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) are determined by the agreement between the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
No. 3. State borrowing is:

1) the transfer to the ownership of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of funds that the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation undertakes to return in the same amount with interest on the loan amount;

2) the form of monetary relations between budgets and credit institutions, as a result of which both parties undertake to provide each other with loans on a fee basis;

3) the way the state receives funds through the issuance of government securities or the method of restructuring previous debt obligations;

No. 4. State or municipal debt is:

1) obligations arising from state or municipal borrowings, guarantees for obligations of third parties, other obligations assumed by the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipality

2) the totality of all debt obligations of the state or municipality for several years received by them from credit institutions or from public sector enterprises, indicating the procedure for repaying debt obligations;

3) obligations of the state or municipalities expressed in monetary terms, which the state and municipalities have not paid to the population through social payments;

4) all debentures the state and municipalities, which they are subject to repay in cash and in kind to business entities and other creditors in the current financial year;
No. 5. External debt is:

1) the totality of obligations to foreign creditors;

2) obligations of the CIS countries to our state;

3) obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the federal budget;

4) obligations of each level of the budget to the budgets and extra-budgetary funds of another level of the budget system;

5) obligations arisingin foreign currency;

No. 6. Domestic debt is:

1) the totality of all types of debt obligations to budgets of another level;

2) obligations arising in the currency of the Russian Federation;

3) obligations of economic entities to the state;

4) obligations of the state to the CIS countries;
No. 7. Management of the public debt of the Russian Federation is carried out by:

1) President of the Russian Federation;

2) Government of the Russian Federation;

3) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

5) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

No. 8. The following measures are not a measure of budgetary responsibility:

1) warning about improper execution of the budget process;

2) withdrawal of budgetary funds;

3) imposition of a fine;

4) bringing to criminal responsibility;

5) demand for remedybudget process;

Topic 10. insurance law

(10 questions)

No. 1. Collateral for mandatory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases is carried out:

1) in the form of temporary disability benefits;

2) in the form of insurance payments;

3) in the form of payment of additional expenses related to the medical, social and professional rehabilitation of the insured;

4) all of the above;

No. 2. Are not subjects of insurance legal relations:

1) beneficiaries;

2) insurance brokers;

3) insurance agents;

4) associations of insurance business entities, including self-regulatory organizations;

5) insurance agencies;

No. 3. To methods state regulation insurance includes:

1) direct participation of the statein insurance;

2) organization of insurance payments;

3) performance by the state of the functions of an insurance company;

4) provision of benefits to insurers;

5) stimulation of insurance activity;

No. 4. Under insurance, by virtue of the instructions of the law, life, health, property and civil liability at the expense of the insurers means:

1) compulsory non-state insurance;

2) compulsory state insurance;

3) voluntary insurance;

4) social insurance;

5) non-contractual insurance;

No. 5. What is the name of the activity of insuring the same object of insurance by several insurers under one insurance contract?

1) coinsurance;

2) reinsurance;

3) insurance pool;

4) diversification;
#6. Who has the right to obtain a license for insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, insurance brokerage?

1) subjects of insurance business;

2) insurers;

3) policyholders;

4) insurance agents;

5) insurance organizations;

No. 7. For how long is a license to carry out insurance activities issued?

1) indefinitely, except in cases established by law;

2) from one to three years;

3) not more than three years;

4) for five years;

5) the period of validity of the license is determined depending on the type of insurance;

No. 8. State supervision of insurance activities is carried out by:

1) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

2) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

3) Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

4) Specialists in the field of insurance of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation;

5) Federal Service of Insurance Supervision;

No. 9. Placement of insurance reserves of insurers is:

1) the procedure for transferring all monetary resources of insurers to the budget, from where the insurance sums are paid;

2) transactions carried out by insurers with real estate sellers in foreign countries and securities in foreign currency;

3) assets accepted as security for insurance reserves. These assets must meet the conditions of diversification, repayment, profitability and liquidity;

4) a set of methods for reinsurance of risks of insurance companies, taking into account the state of their assets;
No. 10. Legally established forms of insurance are:

1) compulsory, property, personal, liability insurance, etc.;

2) obligatory andvoluntary;

3) insurance provided by Russian and foreign insurers;

4) compulsory, personal, in case of fire, life insurance, civil liability, etc.;
Topic 11. Topic 11

(7 questions)

No. 1. The issue of cash in the Russian Federation is carried out by:

1) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

2) Government of the Russian Federation;

3) Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

4) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

5) President of the Russian Federation;
No. 2. Supervision of banking carries out:


2) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

3) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

4) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

5) State Duma of the Russian Federation;

No. 3. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) is accountable to:

1) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

2) the President of the Russian Federation;

3) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) the Government of the Russian Federation;

5) the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

No. 4. The size of the authorized capital of credit institutions is determined by:

1) Credit institutions independently, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulations of the Bank of the Russian Federation;

2) the minimum amount of the authorized capital is established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

3) for each bank separately by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities";
No. 5. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes capital adequacy ratios:

1) for all creditorganizations;

2) only for commercial banks;

3) for commercial banks that have the organizational and legal form of economic companies;

4) for pawnshops and other non-bank credit organizations;
No. 6. The legal regime of property assigned to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is that:

1) as a legal entity, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation owns, uses and disposes of property assigned to it under the right of economic management, it is obliged to pay all its expenses at the expense of this property, while it is not used to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of the state, except in cases specified by law;

2) the state transferred the property to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as an independent legal entity with the rights of operational management for the purpose of using the monetary unit of the Russian Federation to ensure the stability of the monetary unit of the Russian Federation, performing other functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, while this property can under no circumstances be seized for purposes not related to the activity the Central Bank of Russia;

3) The Central Bank has the right to have property on the rights of operational management and can use it at its own discretion, while the state is not liable for the obligations of the Central Bank, and the Central Bank is not liable with its property for the obligations of the state;

No. 7. Are not credit organizations under the legislation of the Russian Federation:

2) foreign banks;

3) non-bank credit organizations;

4) insurance organizations;
Topic 12. Topic 12

(6 questions)

No. 1. The procedure for conducting cash transactions on the territory of the Russian Federation establishes:

1) Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

2) Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation;

3) Ministry of Finance;

4) Government of the Russian Federation;

No. 2. Settlements between legal entities in the Russian Federation must be carried out:

1) in non-cash form;

2) in cash;

3) in non-cash and cash form;

4) using credit cards;
No. 3. To ways legal regulation monetary circulation include:

1) monetary reform;

2) denomination;

3) issue of money;

4) all of the above;
No. 4. The stability of the monetary system of the Russian Federation provides:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) President of the Russian Federation;

3) Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

4) Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia);

5) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

No. 5. A legal entity is obliged to agree on a cash balance limit:

1) with the tax office;

2) with the bank where r is openedchecking account;

3) with the local administration;

4) with its auditor;

5) with the financial body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

No. 6. The maximum amount of cash that legal entities are entitled to transfer to other legal entities as a payment under one transaction is:

1) 10 thousand rubles;

2) 60 thousand rubles;

3) 100 thousand rubles;

Topic 13. Tax law

(25 questions)

No. 1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees includes:

1) the totality of all normative acts on taxes and fees;

2) the totality of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws on taxes and fees adopted in accordance with it;

3) a set of federal laws and by-laws on taxes and fees;

4) a set of federal laws and norms of law on taxes and fees;

No. 2. The legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees includes:

1) a set of laws and other regulatory legal acts on taxes and fees of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted in accordance with tax code;

2) the totality of only one laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees;

3) the totality of the Tax Code, laws of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and by-laws on taxes and fees;

4) the totality of adopted laws and other legal norms adopted by the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Tax Code;
No. 3. The regulatory legal acts of local governments on taxes and fees include:

1) all normative acts adopted by the representative and executive authorities of municipalities;

2) butnormative acts adopted by the representative bodies of local self-government;

3) regulatory and individual legal acts that operate on the territory of municipalities;

4) all normative acts and norms of law that are adopted by local governments;
No. 4. Legislation on taxes and fees governs the relationship:

1) which are formed between all participants regarding the establishment, introduction and collection of taxes and fees;

2) power relations to establish, introduce and collect yu taxes and fees in the Russian Federation, as well as relations arising in the process of implementation tax control, appeals against acts tax authorities, actions of their officials and bringing to responsibility for committing a tax offense;

3) power relations between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, tax police, customs authorities, as well as between tax authorities and taxpayers, tax agents;

4) between taxpayers and tax agents, between tax authorities and bodies of general competence, between law enforcement agencies and taxpayers;
No. 5. Is it possible to apply tax legislation to relations on the establishment, introduction and collection of customs payments, as well as to relations of control over the payment of customs payments and bringing to responsibility those responsible?

1) No, it does not apply in this case;

2) It applies whenever such a relationship exists;

3) It applies only when it ism is expressly stated in the Tax Code;

4) It applies only in cases where it is provided for by the customs legislation;
No. 6. The difference between taxes and duties is that:

1) duties inherent special purpose, and taxes - no;

2) duesuschi special interests (compensation), but taxes - no;

3) duties are set in a fixed amount, and taxes can be set as a percentage of the tax base;

No. 7. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation general principles taxes and fees should be established:

1) federal law of the Russian Federation;

2) the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

3) federal constitutional law of the Russian Federation;

4) an international agreement;
No. 8. Mandatory elements of the tax law are:

1) the object of taxation, the body that established the tax, the tax base, tax rate, taxable period;

2) the body that established the tax, the reasons for establishing the tax, the object of taxation, the tax rate, the tax period, the procedure for calculating the tax;

3) object of taxation, tax base, tax new period, tax rate, tax calculation procedure, tax payment procedure and terms, as well as taxpayers;

4) object of taxation, tax agent, taxpayer, tax base, tax period, tax rate, tax calculation procedure, tax payment procedure and terms;
No. 9. Taxpayers and payers of fees in accordance with the Tax Code are:

1) organizations, individuals, tax agents;

2) organizations and individuals;

3) organizations and their branches that have a separate balance sheet and current account, as well as individuals;

No. 10. The tax base is:

1) cost, physical or other characteristics of the object of taxation;

2) the amount of tax to be paid to the budget;

3) the difference between the object of taxation in value form and the amount of tax to be paid to the budget;

4) interest accrued by the tax inspectorate on the unpaid amount of tax;
No. 11. The tax rate is:

1) part of the tax payment credited to the federal budget;

2) value ontax charges per unit of measurement of the tax base;

3) the amount that the taxpayer is obliged to pay to the budget in case of untimely fulfillment of tax obligations;

4) part of the tax payment, which the court assesses in case of untimely fulfillment by the taxpayer of his obligations;
#12. Tax incentives are:

1) the main element of the legal composition of the tax;

2) an essential element of the legal composition of the tax;

3) an optional element of the legal composition of the tax;

No. 13. A tax agent is:

1) an informer of the tax authorities;

2) a person who is charged by the Tax Code with the obligation to calculate, withhold from the taxpayer and transfer to the relevant budget and off-budget funds of taxes;

3) a representative of the taxpayer in the tax authorities;

No. 14. The decision to collect tax from the accounts of a taxpayer - an organization or tax agent the bank accepts:

1) only the court;

2) financial authority;

3) tax authority;

No. 15. The decision to apply a penalty to the property of a taxpayer - an individual is made:

1) financial authority;

2) the head of the tax authority (his deputy);

3) court;

4) the Federal Tax Service;
No. 16. Investment tax credit can be submitted:

1) for all taxes;

2) only for federal taxes;

3) income tax, as well as regional and local taxes;

4) on indirect taxes;
No. 17. Ways to ensure the fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes and fees are:

1) measures of legal liability, measures of tax control, seizure of property and suspension of operations on the accounts of the taxpayer;

2) a bank guarantee, a fine, criminal liability measures and other measures determined by the Tax Code;

3) any measures that are permitted by tax legislation;

4) pledge of property, guarantee, penalties, suspension of operations on bank accounts, seizure of property;
No. 18. The limitation period for collecting tax sanctions is:

1) 6 months;

No. 19. Views tax audits are:

1) documentary and cameral;

2) documentary, traveling and cameral;

3) visiting and cameral;

No. 20. A non-normative act of a tax authority adopted based on the results of an audit is:

1) checking act;

2) decision (resolution) of the tax authority;

3) certificate of the inspection carried out;

4) all named documents;
No. 21. Protecting the rights of a taxpayer in court:

1) is possible regardless of the filing of a complaint in an administrative procedure;

2) is possible only after filing an administrative complaint;

3) is possible only if the complaint has not been filed under administrative procedure;

No. 22. Appeal against actions and acts of tax authorities by individuals is carried out:

1) in all cases in a court of general jurisdiction;

2) in all cases in an arbitration court;

3) in the arbitration court individual entrepreneurs, in a court of general jurisdiction - by other individuals;

No. 23. Measures may be applied for violation of tax laws:

1) administrative responsibility;

2) tax, administrative andcriminal liability;

3) administrative, criminal, disciplinary and material liability;

No. 24. A person may be held liable for violation of the legislation on taxes and fees upon reaching:

2) 16 years;

No. 25. If the violation of the legislation on taxes and fees is committed due to a combination of difficult personal or family circumstances, then liability:

1) can be relaxed;

2) must be mitigated;

3) may be mitigated in relation to persons brought to responsibility for the first time for violation of the legislation on taxes and fees;

Topic 14. Topic 14

(4 question)

No. 1. Authorized banks include:

1) Russian credit institutions licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out transactions with foreign currenciesoh;

2) Russian credit institutions licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out transactions with foreign currency, branches of foreign credit institutions operating in the territory of the Russian Federation and entitled to carry out transactions with foreign currency;

3) banks licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out operations with foreign currency;

4) any credit institutions authorized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to supervise the performance of foreign exchange transactions by residents and non-residents;

No. 2. Currency values ​​include:

1) foreign shaftutah and outside securities;

2) foreign currency;

3) foreign currency, precious metals and stones;

4) foreign currency, foreign securities and precious metals;
No. 3. Currency control in the Russian Federation is carried out:

1) currency control bodies;

2) currency control agents;

3) bodies and agents of currency control;

No. 4. Not subject to customs declaration in the event of a one-time export from the Russian Federation by individuals, currency in an amount equal to the equivalent of:

2) 3 000 $;

4) 2 000 $;
Total questions: 140

1. Finance - ...

objectively necessary

driven by the needs of social development

- subjective in nature

- generated by the activities of the state

- necessary only for the lower level of management (enterprises, organizations, institutions)

2. The subjects of the value distribution of the social product through finance are:

- the owners of the national wealth of the country

the state represented by the relevant subjects of power participating in the cost distribution public product

legal entities that sell manufactured products and provide services to consumers

- individuals producing material values ​​for personal consumption

individual entrepreneurs

3. The process of value distribution of the social product is carried out using the following categories:

price (if deviated from cost)

- money





4. Financial relations include monetary relations:

payment of life insurance premiums

– use of working capital in short-term assets

granting a loan to the budget of the Nizhny Novgorod region from the federal budget

payment of taxes to the budget

– payment by the enterprise for goods and services in non-cash form

5. Material carriers of financial relations are:

- all cash

financial resources

income and expenses of earmarked funds

- gross domestic product

- national income

6. Interpretation of finance as economic category corresponds to:

- the beginning of the twentieth century

- late 1920s

mid 1940s

- the end of the 70s of the XX century

– the start of market reforms

– A. M. Aleksandrov

– D. A. Allahverdyan

– A. M. Birman

– E. A. Voznesensky

V. P. Dyachenko

8. Relations characterizing finance as an economic category:

- arising at the stage of consumption of a social product


- government regulated

- commodity


9. Spheres of the country's financial system:

state and municipal finance

– state off-budget funds

finances of economic entities

– finances of insurance companies

– finances of individual entrepreneurs

10. Functional links in the sphere of state and municipal finance:

– municipal finance

– regional finance

budgets of three levels

- federal budget

11. The finances of an insurance company are in the area of ​​finance:

economic entities

- state and municipal

12. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation belongs to the field of finance ...

– economic entities

13. The Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation belongs to the field of finance ...

state and municipal

– economic entities

14. Financial relations in the field of finance of economic entities can be grouped according to:

management methods

legal forms


- temporary sign.

15. The links of the financial system in the field of finance of economic entities (when grouping financial relations according to management methods) - finance ...

– state enterprises

– public organizations

commercial organizations

non-profit organizations

– joint-stock companies

entrepreneurship without formation of a legal entity

16. The grouping of finance in the field of state and municipal finance is carried out according to:

functional purpose

– operating time

forms of ownership

management levels

17. The relationship between the concepts of "finance" and "financial system":

the economic content of finance predetermines the construction of the financial system

– the structure of the financial system determines the content of finance

Finance is transformed into a financial system based on the grouping of financial relations according to certain criteria.

- the financial system in the course of historical development turns into finance

18. The source of financial resources of the company, if duplication is excluded, are:

- federal budget

- depreciation deductions

proceeds from foreign economic activity

- national income

19. The structure of municipal financial resources includes:

- federal budget funds

- means of state off-budget funds

municipal budget funds

- financial resources of commercial organizations located on the territory of the Odintsovo municipality

- funds of the regional budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

20. Signs that allow to allocate financial resources as part of cash:

- type of ownership

belonging to a business entity or a subject of power

directions of use of funds

– management methods

21. Financial resources of economic entities are used for:

- payment wages employees

– purchase of working capital

capital investments

replenishment of the lack of working capital

– financing of the current repair of fixed assets

material incentives for employees

22. The state financial resources of the Russian Federation include:

federal budget funds

means of state off-budget funds

- funds of municipal budgets

– financial resources of municipal unitary enterprises

funds of the regional budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

23. Financial resources of economic entities include:


– working capital

depreciation deductions

- income tax

- unified social tax

surplus working capital

24. State financial resources are:

funds at the disposal of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

- money and property of citizens

- monetary income of workers and employees

- debt obligations of the state

- funds at the disposal of economic entities

funds at the disposal of federal government bodies

25. The statements are true:

- the concept of "financial resources" is broader than the concept of "finance"

– financial funds are the only form of using financial resources

financial resources are the tangible embodiment of finance

financial resources are used, as a rule, in the form of stock

financial funds - the main form of functioning of finance

26. Factors affecting the amount of profit remaining at the disposal of business entities:

– increase in the value added tax rate

– increase in deductions from profits to the reserve fund of the organization

change in corporate income tax rate

increase in non-operating income

increase in product profitability

27. Factors affecting the amount of depreciation deductions of the enterprise:

change in depreciation method

growth in the value of fixed assets

– change in income tax rate

reduction in the life of fixed assets

– reduction of material consumption of manufactured products

– increase in product profitability

28. Financial support for reproduction costs is carried out in the form of:


– taxation

public funding


29. Financial incentives:

budgetary methods of production intensification

tax incentives

– directions of spending funds

incentive funds

30. The financial market functions in the form of a market ...

valuable papers

– informational

– commercial services

loan capital

31. The quantitative impact of finance on social production is characterized by:

volume of financial resources withdrawn from economic entities

– tax calculation methods

volumes of financial resources allocated for investments in the real sector of the economy

financial incentives for economic entities

– methods of providing funds

32. The qualitative impact of finance on social production is characterized by:

use of tax incentives

use of incentive funds

– volumes of mobilized and distributed financial resources

proportions of funds used for accumulation and consumption

– methods of formation of budgets of different levels

33. The instruments of state financial regulation of reproduction and sectoral proportions are:

tax incentives

– various forms of support for lower budgets

- transfer payments

change in depreciation policy

budget financing and other forms of support for business entities

34. The instruments of state financial regulation of territorial proportions are:

various forms of support for lower budgets

formation and use of off-budget funds

– tax incentives and sanctions

- social insurance

– depreciation policy

35. The instruments of state financial regulation of social proportions are:

tax incentives and sanctions against individuals

transfer payments to the population

budget financing of organizations providing socially significant services

– depreciation policy

social insurance

36. Self-financing is typical for:

– all economic entities

– only for enterprises based on private property

all commercial organizations

- all non-profit organizations

- basis


- combining elements of the base and superstructure

- non-basic and non-superstructure

38. The main instruments for implementing the financial policy of the state are:

- the system of cash funds of enterprises

country's budget system

– system of state financial reserves

system of state off-budget funds

39. The totality of purposeful measures of the state in the field of the use of finance is:

financial policy

- financial mechanism

- financial sanctions

40. The financial mechanism is:

– types of financial relations

- a set of objects of financial distribution

- activities of the country's financial apparatus

A set of forms of organization of financial relations, ways and methods of formation and use of financial resources

– ways to mobilize financial resources

41. Financial law governs:

all financial relationships

- all monetary relations

- only financial relations of business entities with the state

42. The statements are true:

– financial policy determines the content of finance

financial policy is transformed into the norms of financial law

the state of finance determines the goals and objectives of financial policy

– financial law determines financial policy

Financial policy, thanks to financial law, is formalized by new regulations and implemented through a financial mechanism

43. The long-term course of financial policy, designed for the future, is called financial (th) ...

- tactics


– planning

– programming

44. Components of the financial policy, revealing its content:

– development of a financial mechanism

development of a science-based concept for the development of finance

– creation of a financial management apparatus

development of the main directions for the use of finance for the near future and the future

adoption of regulations and specific organizational measures in the field of the use of finance

45. Logical sequence of concepts:

1. Financial policy

2. Financial mechanism

3. Financial law

46. ​​The components of the financial mechanism, based on the areas of functioning of finance and avoiding duplication:

financial mechanism of economic entities

- financial mechanism of commercial enterprises

- financial mechanism of individual entrepreneurship

budget mechanism

- tax mechanism

47. Functional elements of financial management:

- finance authorities

- financial resources

financial planning

operational management

– strategic management

financial control

48. Objects in the financial management system are ...

various types of financial relations

- financial apparatus

– financial planning

- financial control

– strategic management

49. State bodies financial management in the Russian Federation:

financial authorities at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation

- credit organizations

– municipal financial authorities

50. The following functions correspond to the powers of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

drafting the federal budget

development of government borrowing programs

adoption of financial legislation

51. The powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation correspond to the functions of:

- drafting the federal budget

consideration and approval of the federal budget

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

approval of the report on the execution of the federal budget

52. The powers of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation correspond to the functions of:

– consideration and approval of the federal budget

– development of government borrowing programs

– adoption of financial legislation

rejection and adoption of laws on the federal budget for the next financial year

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

– approval of the report on the execution of the federal budget

53. The Government of the Russian Federation implements the tasks in the public finance management system:

develops proposals for improving the financial mechanism

ensures the implementation of a unified financial policy in the Russian Federation

- Carries out operational financial control

– considers and approves the draft federal budget

submits a draft federal budget to the State Duma of the Russian Federation

54. Tax inspectorates perform functions in the system of national finance management:

determine the amounts of taxes to be paid by taxpayers to the budget and off-budget Funds

– execute decisions of judicial bodies on compensation for damage caused to recipients of budgetary funds

apply sanctions to violators of tax discipline

– conduct investigations of tax crimes on an especially large scale

– carry out currency control

55. Financial management bodies involved in the operational management of interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation:

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Federal Treasury

– Federal Tax Police Service

– Government of the Russian Federation

– Parliament of the Russian Federation

66. The transfer of the existing proportions of the formation and use of financial resources for the planned period is carried out by the method:


– normative

– mathematical modeling

67. The control exercised by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation refers to:


– intradepartmental

- on-farm

– public

– audit

68. Forms of financial control (based on the time of its implementation):

- revision

- analysis

preliminary control

– examination

current control


69. Preliminary financial control is carried out by:


- tax authorities

bodies of the federal treasury

– Department of State Financial Control and Audit of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

– Control and audit departments of ministries and departments

70. Functions performed by the tax police:

investigation of tax crimes

– planning of tax revenues

protection of employees of tax inspections

control over the activities of tax inspectors

– Ensuring the return of excessively collected amounts of taxes

71. Timely crediting of tax payments of enterprises and organizations to budget accounts is controlled by:

state tax authorities

bodies of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation

– branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

– territorial financial authorities

– control and audit departments of ministries and departments

72. The control exercised by the territorial bodies of the Department of State Financial Control and Audit of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is:

– preliminary

- on-farm

- proactive


73. The main issues of financial control carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation:

control over extrabudgetary funds used by ministries and departments

– financial control in the process of drafting the budget and organizing its execution

– control over the timely and complete receipt of tax payments to the budgets of different levels and federal extra-budgetary funds

control over the execution of the federal budget

expertise of draft budget and financial legislation

74. Functions of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the city of Moscow:

– checks the targeted use of federal budget funds and federal off-budget funds

conducts an examination of draft laws, decisions and other regulatory documents of the Government of the city of Moscow. Moscow on Financial and Budgetary Issues

checks the intended use of the budget funds of the city of Moscow

checks the formation and spending of funds from Moscow extra-budgetary funds

– monitors the timely transfer of tax payments to budget accounts of all levels

75. Head office Federal Treasury implements functions in the field of public finance management:

carries out accounting of operations and management of the movement of budget funds on the accounts of the Treasury

regulates interbudgetary relations in the process of executing the federal budget

monitors compliance with budgetary legislation by recipients of budgetary funds

– provides methodological guidance in the tax area

- regulates the activity of the entire financial system of the country

76. Financial plans of economic entities:

estimate of income and expenses of a budgetary institution

balance of income and expenses of an industrial enterprise

insurance company financial plan

- business plan of the enterprise

- the budget of Moscow

- federal budget

77. Types of financial documents developed as a forecast:

prospective financial plan of the Russian Federation

consolidated balance of financial resources of the Russian Federation

consolidated budget of the Russian Federation

- federal budget

– the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

- estimates of budgetary organizations

78. Financial plans approved in the form of law:

federal budget of Russia

budget of the Pskov region

budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

– consolidated financial balance of the region

79. Financial plans approved in the form of law:

budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

regional and regional budgets

- consolidated budget list

- an estimate of income and expenses of a budgetary institution

– consolidated budget of the Russian Federation

80. Financial planning is:

functional element of the financial management system

- an element of the country's financial system

- element of financial policy

- element of the financial mechanism

81. Stages of financial planning:

balancing, bringing together individual items of income and expenses of the financial plan

calculations for specific types of income and expenses for the planned period

analysis of the implementation of the plan for the previous period

– follow-up control over the implementation of the current financial plan

– operational management of the implementation of the plan for the current period

82. The system of financial plans is characterized by:

availability of various types and forms of financial plans

interconnections of different financial plans with each other

different methods drawing up financial plans

– the directive nature of the approved financial plans

83. Factors affecting the organization of finances of economic entities:

type of ownership

organizational and legal form of an economic entity

industry specifics

– natural and climatic conditions of management

- composition of fixed assets

84. The organizational and legal form of an economic entity affects:

composition of the sources of formation of the authorized capital

profit distribution procedure

the procedure for using the property of the organization during its liquidation

- the amount of financial responsibility under a business contract

– procedure for paying income tax

85. Finances of economic entities - monetary relations that develop:

within the subject itself regarding the distribution of proceeds from sold products

between economic entities in connection with the payment of fines for underdelivered products

between an economic entity and the country's budget system

– between an economic entity and employees regarding the payment of wages

– between economic entities in connection with payment for marketable products

86. Financial relations between economic entities arise due to:

application of penalties in accordance with the agreements

formation of the authorized capital of a joint venture

sale of debt securities issued by one enterprise and sold to another enterprise

– payment of invoices for the supply of equipment

- payment of income tax

87. Industry-specific features of the economic activity of an economic entity affect the organization of its finances, affecting:

structure of funding sources capital investments

structure of sources of working capital formation

property insurance needs

- functions performed by finance

– possible sources of capital repairs financing

88. Financial relations arising between economic entities and the country's budget system are characterized by:

strict regulation

mainly (except for some non-profit organizations) two-way movement of financial resources

return of funds provided for credit basis

– obligatory change of forms of ownership

89. Sources of formation of financial resources of the open joint-stock company may perform:

funds received from the issue and placement of bonds of OJSC

- budget resources

- accounts payable

- accrued but not paid wages

90. The sources of financial resources of an economic entity operating on a commercial basis are:

revenue from the sale of goods and services

funds mobilized in the financial market

non-operating income

Temporarily free funds of the population

91. The financial resources of an economic entity operating on a commercial basis are:


depreciation deductions

stable liabilities

- income tax

- unified social tax

92. Directions for the use of financial resources of economic entities operating on a commercial basis:

payment of taxes

distribution of profits among the founders

capital investments

R&D spending

- payment of wages to employees

93. Internal sources of financing capital investments from economic entities operating on a commercial basis:

reinvested profit

depreciation deductions

– issue of securities and their sale in the domestic financial market

– foreign investment

- government loans

94. External sources of financing capital investments from economic entities operating on a commercial basis:

issue of securities and their sale in the domestic financial market

foreign investment

budget loans

– reinvested profit

- depreciation deductions

95. External sources of financing capital investments of economic entities operating on a commercial basis:

budget funds

foreign investment

- depreciation deductions

– operating income

96. Directions of use net profit economic entities operating on a commercial basis:

financing of capital investments

covering the lack of working capital

- payment of wages

- payment of indirect taxes

97. Internal sources of financing for the increase in working capital:


excess working capital for previous periods

increase in sustainable liabilities

- funds of the founders

– bank loans

98. Factors affecting the financial stability of an economic entity operating on a commercial basis:

inflationary processes

tax policy

depreciation policy

- Membership in an industry trade union

- the amount of temporarily free cash from the employees of this enterprise

99. Organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations, profit ( entrepreneurial income) which is distributed among the members of this organization:

consumer society

consumer cooperative

- non-commercial partnership

- social organization

– association

100. Monetary relations that are part of the finances of a public organization - the relationship between the organization and ...

by its members regarding the payment of membership dues

by the state regarding the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds

the state regarding the receipt of subsidies and subventions from the budget

– by its members regarding the distribution of profits from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities

101. Cash receipts used to form the financial resources of a municipal medical institution:

income from paid services

receipts from voluntary health insurance

receipts from local budgets

receipts from compulsory health insurance

- Bank loan

102. Principles of organization of finances of the State Drama Theatre:

estimated funding

responsibility for the results of financial and economic activities

– full self-financing

– joint and several liability of the owner for the results of financial and economic activities

– profit maximization

103. The statements are true:

The types of financial resources of non-profit organizations are determined by its organizational and legal form and type of activity

an institution can receive income from paid services only with the consent of its owner

- a budgetary institution accrues depreciation on fixed assets acquired at the expense of budgetary funds

104. The financial mechanism of a consumer cooperative is characterized by:

formation of financial resources through the contributions of shareholders

distribution of part of the profit (entrepreneurial income) between shareholders

formation of a reserve fund at the expense of a part of the profit (entrepreneurial income)

- budget financing according to the approved estimate

105. The statements are true:

part of the bank's profit is directed to the formation of its reserve capital

Credit organizations and Insurance companies pay the same taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget and off-budget funds as other commercial organizations

– making a profit is the purpose of creating and operating a mutual insurance company

– reserves of insurance companies are formed not only at the expense of deductions from profit, but also at the expense of deductions from the insurance premium

106. Factors that ensure the growth of the financial resources of a credit institution:

reduction in income tax rate

expansion of the number of clients of a credit institution

– increase in the norms of mandatory reserve of a part of attracted funds of a credit institution in the Central Bank of Russia

– increase in receivables

107. Factors affecting the financial stability of a credit institution:

paid up authorized capital of a bank

reserve capital and other reserves of the bank

liquidity of a credit institution

– reinsurance of banking risks in insurance companies

108. The source of profit of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may be interest on:

Loans issued to the Russian Ministry of Finance to cover cash gaps in the process of federal budget execution

loans issued to Russian and foreign credit institutions

deposits, open bank Russia in other credit institutions

- loans issued to the Ministry of Finance of Russia to finance the federal budget deficit

- loans issued to industrial enterprises operating in Russia and abroad

109. Income items of an insurance company licensed to conduct property insurance and reinsurance:

brokerage fee for insurance market

– payment for brokerage services in the securities market

- the receipt of interest in accordance with loan agreement

– payments for collection services

110. Type of income allocated during the initial distribution of the proceeds of business entities without forming a legal entity:

gross income

- payroll fund

- profit

111. Types of monetary relations included in the finances of business entities without forming a legal entity: monetary relations of an entrepreneur with (co) ...


other financial market participants

insurance companies

- suppliers of goods and buyers

112. Taxes levied on the income of business entities without forming a legal entity:

single tax on imputed income

– excises

customs duties

113. Costs most often absent from business entities without forming a legal entity:


material costs

- depreciation of fixed assets

114. Factors affecting the amount of entrepreneurial income of business entities without forming a legal entity:

price level

material costs

- the level of taxes on income

- family budget

115. Directions for the use of entrepreneurial income of business entities without forming a legal entity:

payment of taxes

personal consumption

- payment of salaries to employees

– payment for goods for the needs of production activities

116. The most important social consequence of the development of entrepreneurship without the formation of a legal entity is ...

reducing unemployment

– growth of competitiveness of domestic products

Reduction of non-payments of enterprises of the national economy

- increased tax collection

117. The main source of formation initial capital entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity:

personal savings

- bank loans

– issue of securities

- budget resources

118. Public finance in Russia includes:

federal budget

state off-budget funds

budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation

– local budgets

119. Management levels in the field of state and municipal finance:

regional (subfederal)




– territorial

- Republican

120. The composition of the public finances of Russia by functional purpose:

federal budget

state off-budget funds

budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation

– local finance

– finances of state unitary enterprises

121. Local finances are organized according to the law "On financial fundamentals local self-government" on the principles of:


state financial support


– autonomy

- economy mode

122. Own revenues of local budgets:

local taxes and fees

– proceeds from local loans

– shares of federal taxes assigned to the local budget on a temporary basis

- subsidies from the regional budget

– subventions from the regional budget

123. Features characteristic of the budget fund:

kinds budget revenues not assigned to specific types of budget expenditures

high flexibility of budgetary funds

special purpose budget funds can be allocated as part of the budget

- target budget funds cannot be allocated as part of the budget

- each type of budget revenues is clearly assigned to specific types of budget expenditures

124. The totality of measures taken by the state in the field of formation and use of budgets at all levels is called:

budget policy

- state budget

- budget mechanism

- budget law

- budget planning

- budgeting process

125. Appearance state budget as an economic category due to:

the emergence of the state as a political superstructure of society

– the need for financial support for disabled members of society

– the needs of economic entities in financial resources

– the need to carry out budgetary regulation of the economy

- people's need for money

126. The object of distribution through the budget are:

national income

some elements of national wealth

- value of gross domestic product

- net income

- excess working capital

- profit

127. Types of distribution carried out through the budgets of state authorities and local self-government:



between the sphere of material production and the non-productive sphere

– intra-industry

- on-farm

128. Sources of financing the budget deficits of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current budget legislation:

proceeds from the placement of securities issued by the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

income from securities owned by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

– receipts from external borrowings

- budget loans received from the federal budget

129. Sources of financing the local budget deficit:

income from placement of municipal securities

income from the privatization of municipal property

income from shares owned by the municipality

- income from the placement of government securities in the territory of this municipality

– external borrowings based on loan agreements

130. The number of levels of the budget system depends on:

state structure countries

– principles of building a budget system

– powers of authorities and administration

- the will of the people

– economic feasibility

131. Financial assistance allocated to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation from the federal budget is provided in the form of:




budget loans

- spending powers

132. Functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

drawing up a report on the execution of the federal budget

133. Functions of the Ministry of Economy and social development RF:

federal budget forecast

– consideration of the draft federal budget

– approval of the draft federal budget

– signing and promulgation of the law on the federal budget for the corresponding year

134. Functions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

– federal budget forecast

– adoption or rejection of the law on the federal budget for the next financial year

135. Functions of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Russian Federation

drafting the federal budget and calculations to it

– implementation of the federal budget

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

– approval of the budget execution report

– federal budget forecast

136. Functions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly:

approval of the budget execution report

adoption or rejection of the law on the federal budget for the next financial year

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

– federal budget forecast

137. Functions of the President of the Russian Federation:

signing and promulgation of the law on the federal budget for the corresponding year

– implementation of the federal budget

– preparation of a report on the execution of the federal budget

– approval of the budget execution report

– federal budget forecast

– adoption or rejection of the law on the federal budget for the next financial year

138. Financial documents taken into law:

federal budget

budget of Moscow

budget of the Moscow region

– consolidated budget of the Russian Federation

– consolidated budget of the Novosibirsk region

139. Budget classification RF includes:

departmental classification of expenses

economic classification expenses

classification of sources of financing budget deficits

– functional classification of income

140. Funds from budgetary reserves are used for:

budget sustainability

ensuring uninterrupted funding

coverage of emergency, unforeseen expenses

covering intra-annual cash gaps

– financing of current expenses

141. Methods for delimiting revenues between levels of the budget system:

differentiation of taxes between levels of government

revenue quotas

establishment of allowances for federal and regional taxes

– delegation of spending authority

- provision of budgetary loans

142. The imbalance of the budget is manifested in:



– use of grants and other forms of financial assistance

– use of regulatory revenues

– use of funds for mutual settlements

143. Public debt is a consequence of:

state guarantees given to the creditor in case of default by the borrower of funds

government borrowings

– municipal borrowings

- government loans

144. Forms of state credit in the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation - state ...

guarantees provided by the Russian Federation to foreign legal entities

loans granted to foreign countries

loans provided to international organizations

– loans issued by the Russian Federation

– borrowings from the Russian Federation

145. The criterion according to which the state debt of the Russian Federation is divided into internal and external:

currency in which debt obligations are issued

- the specifics of the loan

- specifics of the borrower

- type of debt

146. Differences between government borrowing and government credit - government borrowing ...

Associated with the attraction of additional funds at the disposal of public authorities, and the state loan with the investment of public funds in foreign assets

They lead to the formation of public debt, and a public loan allows you to eventually get back both the amount of debt and interest on it

is part of the government loan

- have nothing to do with government credit

147. Difference between loan conversion and consolidation:

conversion refers to changes in loan terms, consolidation only maturities

– conversion and consolidation are completely different concepts, there is nothing in common between them

– conversion refers to the maturity of the loan, and consolidation is associated with a change in all the conditions of the issued loan

148. Sources of financial resources for health care:


compulsory health insurance funds

funds of the population

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

– Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

- funds of enterprises and organizations

149. Differences between a pension and a social security benefit:

dependency of the pension on the age of the recipient

connection of pensions with long-term social risks

- duration of receipt

- dependence seniority

- dependence of pension on wages

– connection of pensions with short-term social risks

150. Income of off-budget funds:

special targeted taxes and fees established for this fund

voluntary contributions of individuals and legal entities

budget appropriations

profit from the commercial activities of the fund itself

– depreciation deductions of enterprises, institutions, organizations

- working capital of enterprises, institutions, organizations

151. The amount of temporary disability benefit depends on:



causes of disability

- insurance experience

– the age of the insured

- the duration of the disease

152. The source of payment of contributions to the health insurance of non-working citizens is the funds ...


- unemployed citizens themselves

– Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

– Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

– Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

153. The general management of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by:

Board of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

- Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

– Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

– Government of the Russian Federation

- The State Duma

- Federal Treasury

154. Features characteristic of extrabudgetary funds:

assigning specific sources of income to extrabudgetary funds

local governments are currently not entitled to create off-budget funds

state non-budgetary funds have a social purpose

– off-budget funds can be created at all levels of government

155. The competence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not include:

registration of single social tax payers

exercising control over the activities of non-state pension funds

– organization of work to recover from persons guilty of causing harm to the health of workers, the amount of disability pensions due to industrial injury, etc.

– financing the costs of pension provision of citizens

156. Financial leverage of state influence on the Russian economy:

tax incentives and sanctions

budget financing of investment projects

depreciation rates

– discount rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

– currency control

– funds for economic incentives for enterprises

157. The main sources of funding for science in the Russian Federation:

enterprise funds

federal budget

– local budgets

- targeted loans

- reserve funds

– targeted off-budget state funds

158. Forms of state financing of science in the Russian Federation:

financing according to the thematic plans of organizations

government program funding

– subsidies

– transfers

– subventions

– financing by industries and departments

159. New forms of financing and stimulation of scientific and technical progress:

competitive financing innovative projects

creation of funds for assistance to small research organizations

- incentive premiums to the prices of science-intensive products

- state awards for discoveries and inventions

- tax breaks

160. Financial leverage to stimulate the activities of small businesses:

simplified taxation system

– export customs duties

- budget appropriations

- loans from the Central Bank

161. The expansion of public domestic borrowing affects investment activity enterprises:


– positive, as it always stimulates the activity of enterprises

– positive if used to pay off external debt

162. Introduction compulsory insurance bank deposits affect the investment activity of enterprises:

has a positive effect, because it increases the credit resources of banks

– negative, because the fee for the loan increases

- no noticeable effect

163. The statements are true:

Social security can be carried out both at the expense of direct budget financing and at the expense of social insurance funds

under Russian law, social pensions are classified as state pensions

Under Russian law, pension payments from non-state pension funds do not reduce the amount of state pension payments

– in accordance with Russian legislation, social benefits and pensions are taken into account as income when determining the taxable base for personal income tax

164. The amount of unemployment benefit under Russian law depends on:

average monthly salary paid to an employee until the moment of dismissal

benefit period

reasons for job loss

- the minimum wage

165. The statements are true:

In accordance with Russian legislation, social services and social security are different concepts

The main direction of the state financial policy in solving social problems is to ensure the targeting of social payments

The financial aspects of solving social problems include tax regulation of the production and sale of essential goods and the provision of services in the social sphere.

- expenditures under the section of the functional classification of budget expenditures "Social policy" cover all public expenditures related to the financing of the social sphere

166. Financial methods to mitigate the differentiation of incomes of different social groups:

Direct cash payments to citizens guaranteed by the state (pensions, allowances, scholarships, subsidies, financial material assistance)

– single rate of personal income tax

– regressive rate of the unified social tax

– state support for vital sectors of the economy focused on the production of consumer goods and services

167. The amount of the payment depends on the average monthly salary of the person receiving this payment, the payment is aimed at compensating (including partial) temporarily or permanently lost earnings, financed by insurance premiums (unified social tax)

temporary disability benefit

maternity allowance

labor pension

– allowance for children under 5 years old (until the end of the term of study at a secondary educational institution)

- subsidy for payment of housing and communal services

168. Liabilities included in the internal debt of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

debt on debt securities of the Government (administration) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Unpaid corporate debt bank loans received under the guarantee of the Government of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

obligations to compensate the deposits of the population in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation

– debt on debt securities of the Government of the Russian Federation

– Debt on debt securities of local governments

169. Provide for a preliminary assessment of need, financed directly from the budget:

allowance for children under 5 years of age (until the end of the term of study at a secondary educational institution)

subsidy for payment of housing and communal services

– temporary disability benefit

- maternity allowance

- labor pension

170. Types of monetary relations included in international finance:

monetary relations for the redistribution of the value of gross domestic product between countries

monetary relations on the formation and use of international financial funds

- currency relations

- monetary relations mediating trade exchange between countries

171. Financial resources reallocated between different countries used on:

stimulating the development of the national economy of countries that are significantly lagging behind in terms of the overall level of development

Overcoming the gap in the level of social security of citizens of countries that are significantly lagging behind in their development

increasing the competitiveness of goods that are in demand on the world market

– increasing the level of financial support for the production of goods within the country

172. Forms of liberalization of the regime of admission to the country of foreign capital:

direct foreign investments

providing foreign investors with the same treatment as national companies

elimination of double taxation of goods

favorable tax regime for foreign investment and foreign companies

– introduction of double taxation of goods

173. The contribution of UN member countries to the revenue side of the UN budget is affected by:

solvency of the country

the value of the payment rate, depending on the place of the country in the established scale of contributions

size of the UN budget

- timeliness of payment receipt

174. The income part of the budget of the European Union (EU) is formed by receipts:

general customs duties on products imported into the EU from non-EU countries

special fees levied on imports of agricultural products entering the EU from third countries

deductions of EU member states in the amount of ___ from the collected value added tax

deductions of EU member states from their gross national product

- deductions from income tax from citizens of EU member states

175. International financial funds intended for co-financing and implementation of specific projects in the field of environmental protection and transport development (trans-European lines) in lagging states are:

special cohesion fund

– European Orientation and Guarantee Foundation Agriculture(EFOGA)

– European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

– European social fund(ESF)

– European Union budget

176. Tax havens (as laundering centers for "dirty money") most often occur in countries where:

there is no taxation of income of non-residents

minimum income tax rates for non-residents

the taxpayer is not required to be engaged in economic activity in the given country

there is no effective exchange of information

– the taxpayer is required to be engaged in economic activities in the given country

177. The statements are true:

Prior to the introduction of the unified social tax, the main part of state activities related to ensuring employment of the population was financed by the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides that the issues of social protection of the population relate to the issues of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation

Measures for social protection of the population are financed from the federal, regional and local budgets

– most of the services in the social sphere of Russia are paid for by the federal budget

178. The statements are true:

The program documents of the Government of the Russian Federation provide for the expansion of paid services in the field of non-commercial activities

Subjects of the Russian Federation must transfer hospitals and schools to municipalities, along with the corresponding sources of their financing

– a change in the financial mechanism of universities as part of measures to modernize education provides for a complete rejection of budget funding

179. Own financial resources of insurance companies are:

receipts of insurance payments (premiums) from policyholders

receipt of payments (premiums) for reinsurance

income from placement of insurance reserves

– credit commercial bank

– receipts of insurance payments for social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases

180. Income items of a credit institution holding a general license to conduct banking and equivalent operations:

securities brokerage fee

receipt of interest in accordance with the loan agreement

property rental income

payments for collection services

181. Income items of non-state pension fund:

receipt of contributions for additional pension provision (insurance)

– income from placement in bank deposits

- payment for custody services

- receipt of reinsurance premium

– accrued interest on balances on correspondent accounts with credit institutions

– payment for brokerage services in the insurance market

182. The financial basis for the activities of public authorities is:

set of budgets of state authorities and local self-government

- off-budget funds

– financial resources of budgetary institutions

- target budget funds

- government loans

– financial resources of state-owned commercial organizations

183. Correspondence of organs and their functions:

– Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation -> Executes the federal budget, draws up a report on its execution

– Tax inspections -> Controls timeliness and completeness

– Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation -> Conducts an examination of reports on the execution of the federal budget

– Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation -> Adopts financial legislation

184. Types of financial control exercised by the relevant authorities:

– enterprise accounting -> on-farm

– auditing firm -> auditing

– Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation -> state

- control and audit departments of ministries and departments -> departmental

185. Compliance of sources of formation of financial resources with types of non-profit organizations:

– Local budget funds, receipts from compulsory and voluntary health insurance, income from paid services income from property rental -> Municipal medical institution

– Foundation fee and other income from a public organization, charitable and sponsorship income, income from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities -> Public Fund

Target: consideration of finance as an economic category, the study of their essence, functions and role in modern economy. Determination of the system of finance and its main links. The study of money as the basic unit of financial relations.


  1. Define the content of the concept of finance.
  2. Determine the object and subject of study of the discipline "Finance and Credit".
  3. Determine the essence of finance, their functions.
  4. Explain the differences between the concepts of "system of finance" and "financial system".
  5. Describe money as the basic unit of financial relations.
  6. Determine their types and functions.
  7. Explain the difference between money and finance.

1. Finance as an economic category

1.1. Essence of finance

  • The concept of "finance" is inextricably linked with money and commodity-money relations. In the conditions of commodity-money relations, there is a continuous process of movement of money, their transfer from one owner to another.

Finance(fr. Finance from cf. lat. Financia) - in translation means cash, income; in a broad sense - cash, money turnover.

This definition of finance often gives reason to identify them with the concept of "money". However, these are two different but related concepts. Finance differs significantly from money, both in content and in the functions performed.

Money - a prerequisite for the existence of finance. They are the material carrier of financial relations, which are mediated by the movement of cash flows.

The financial and credit dictionary gives the concept of "finance" the following interpretation.

Finance - a specific sphere of economic relations determined by the movement of money. They are based on the processes that occur as a result of the creation, distribution, exchange and use of gross domestic product and national income, as well as cash income and receipts of enterprises. Finance is related to the functioning of monetary funds and cash flows enterprises and the state.

The totality of monetary relations arising in connection with the movement of monetary funds forms financial relations.

financial relations is the relationship that arises in the process of expanded production between:

  • the state and enterprises (organizations) to pay taxes and other payments to the budget, as well as to finance a number of expenses of enterprises from the budget;
  • the state and citizens when making mandatory and voluntary payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds;
  • enterprises and higher organizations when creating centralized funds of cash and reserves;
  • enterprises and off-budget funds when making insurance contributions to these funds;
  • enterprises and insurance companies when paying insurance premiums and recovering from insurance fund damage in the event of an insured event;
  • enterprises and employees employed at these enterprises when paying wages from the payroll fund;
  • enterprises and organizations in the course of their production and commercial activities when paying for purchased inventory items (raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, etc.), as well as when selling finished products and providing services, etc.

Subjects of financial relations in a market economy can be:

  1. individuals;
  2. a family;
  3. organizations (legal entities);
  4. state;
  5. interstate legal entities;
  6. informal education.

The first four types form internal system objects of finance of each country, the last three - the international sphere.

But financial relations do not cover all monetary relations and not all monetary relations are financial. Financial relations cover only that part of the relations that is associated with the formation and use of funds of funds.

The object of finance are financial resources. They cover real and fictitious values ​​that have a value expression, these are:

  • money(paper, electronic, etc.), which in themselves do not contain value, but are capable of embodying real material, material, spiritual and social values;
  • securities(shares, bonds, etc.), reflecting the tangible and intangible values ​​of individuals, legal and state structures;
  • obligations of economic entities.

Finance has the following main features:

  1. Economic relations between business entities using money. At the same time, money is the material basis for the existence of finance.
  2. In the process of economic relations, the formation of monetary funds from economic entities and the state and their use is carried out.

Finance reveals its essence through its main functions.

1.2. Functions and role of finance in a market economy

Function is “an external manifestation of the properties of an object in a given system of relations” (Philosophical Dictionary). Functions are always derived from the essence they express and show how the social purpose of this economic category is realized.

For finance as an economic category, two functions are characteristic:

  • distribution;
  • control.

distribution function expressed in the distribution and redistribution of the national income of the state. The material basis for creating the national income of the state is the reproduction of the social product (gross domestic product). At all stages of the reproduction of GDP and its distribution, finance is directly used.

At the stage of primary distribution, revenue is broken down into indirect taxes, wages, own working capital, profit and depreciation.

Redistributive processes consist in the further distribution of profits and wages, as well as the use of depreciation deductions using mechanisms inherent exclusively in finance:

  • the main part of the profit is directed to the payment of direct taxes;
  • net profit is distributed in accordance with the financial policy of enterprises and organizations;
  • depreciation charges are involved in the investment process as a source of simple reproduction of fixed assets;
  • wages are used primarily for consumption;
  • wages are redistributed in the financial market: deposit operations, purchase of securities.

AT public sector there is a redistribution of accumulated resources between the levels of the budget system, the links of public finance, as well as the financing of public expenditures.

The result of the distribution function of finance is the formation financial resources (own and borrowed) organizations, households (citizens) and the state.

Financial resources - this is the totality of all funds, financial assets that the state, its enterprises, organizations, institutions as business entities have to cover their costs.

The objectively inherent property of finance, which consists in their ability to “signal” the course of the distribution process, manifests itself through their other function - control . It is generated by the distribution function and manifests itself, first of all, in control over the distribution of the total social product and national income among monetary funds and their targeted spending.

Finance is associated with the distribution of the realized end product of the nation and has the property quantitatively (through the volume of financial resources economic system in general, sectors of the economy, industries, organizations) reflect the results of the reproduction process.

Financial relations make it possible to systematically control the proportions of GNP distribution that are taking shape in society (at the micro level, revenue) and thereby signal the progress and results of the reproduction process.

The property of control, objectively inherent in finance, is used by controlling structures in the course of state, on-farm audit financial control.

The control function of finance operates simultaneously with the distribution function. Thus, the essence of finance as an economic category is manifested.

The functions of finance are implemented through a functional mechanism that consists of cash flows from the formation and use of various funds.

Cash (value) fund represents a certain amount of money (value) for the intended purpose (labor fund, wage fund, depreciation fund, reserve fund, etc.) belonging to a specific economic entity (owner).

Under initial (initial) capital refers to the means received by the individual regardless of any of his activities. They are made up of values ​​transferred in the order of inheritance, donated by domestic and foreign economic entities, cash receipts from state and non-state structures. Their carriers are: movable property(land plots, enterprises, buildings, structures, etc.), movable property (furniture, appliances, vehicles, antiques, luxury goods, etc.), cash, securities, and intangible assets (patents, licenses, and other rights).

consumer funds — funds intended for individual and public consumption.

Insurance funds — funds allocated to compensate for socio-economic losses as a result of accidents, natural and other disasters in the life of people, organizations and the state.

Investment funds is the initial capital invested in the organization of production. In the activities of organizations, they are embodied in their own means.

Non-current funds (assets) - a converted form of investment funds, reflected in the assets of economic entities with a service life of more than one year. Non-current assets can be consumer (housing, land and other valuables) and production purposes (buildings, land and other means of production).

Revolving funds (assets) - a converted form of investment funds, reflected in the assets of economic entities with a service life of less than one year. Current assets can be consumer (food, clothing and other valuables) and production purposes (IBE, finished products, etc.).

financial funds cover the funds mediating the formation and implementation new value, as well as the transfer of embodied value (depreciation fund, payroll fund, etc.).

The final structural element of finance is special purpose funds . Among them, a special role is played by consumption funds and accumulation .

accumulation fund - part of the national income used for expanded reproduction: the growth of fixed assets, material circulating assets and reserves.

consumption fund - part of the national income used to meet the personal needs of the population, as well as for the maintenance of institutions and organizations in the non-productive sphere. The composition of the consumption background includes material goods intended for unproductive consumption.

Schematically, the mechanism of connections and interaction of the most important funds is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. The system of the most important funds of finance

On fig. Figure 2 clearly shows the general direction of the movement of financial resources from the initial initial capital through the production sphere to special-purpose funds, some of which (the accumulation fund and the reserve), while maintaining the patterns of circulation, return to their original level. Moreover, the faster the turnover of funds, the less initial capital is required.

Functioning processes (metamorphosis, transformation, distribution, formation, etc.) of monetary resources constitute cash flows that form the "circulatory system" of finance. Under cash flow refers to the movement of value from one entity to another.

Funds and flows are always in motion. Stops make them lifeless and unnecessary. By themselves, paper and metal money are not consumed, and there are no electronic ones at all.

The described functional mechanism of finance refers to the internal objective content of finance. It receives its real expression in finance as a subjective cost tool for the life of subjects and consists of financial policy, financial law and financial management.

Thus, the role of finance in social reproduction is manifested in the following:

  • optimization of the process of reproduction of labor force, means and objects of labor;
  • overcoming the collapse of the market associated with unequal distribution of income;
  • accelerating the process of capital formation;
  • providing the state with the financial resources necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to it.

1.3. The system of finance and its links

Under financial system is understood as a set various areas financial relations, in the process of which various monetary funds (income) are formed and used. The need to single out individual links in the financial system is associated with the various participation of subjects of economic relations in the formation, distribution and redistribution of GDP, the formation and use of income. Each link in the financial system has its own specific forms and methods of formation and use of monetary funds and income.

The entire financial system of Russia as a whole consists of two enlarged subsystems:

  • state and municipal finance;
  • finance of business entities.

These enlarged subsystems, depending on the specific forms and methods of generating income and monetary funds, in turn, are divided into more specific subsystems (links) shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Subsystems (links) of the financial system

Financial system , in turn, is a set financial markets, intermediary organizations (institutions) and financial instruments and ensures the redistribution (flow) of limited financial resources from economic entities that have an excess of these resources in a certain period of time to economic entities that lack them. The redistribution of funds with the help of various financial instruments and institutions is commonly called the movement of financial flows.

2. Money as the main element of financial relations

2.1. Origin of money

Money has been around for a very long time. Historical monuments testify that money functioned already 4-6 thousand years ago. They arose spontaneously as a result of the development of commodity production and commodity circulation. The development of commodity exchange led to the fact that a specific commodity stood out from the mass of all other commodities, which was assigned the social function of a universal equivalent.

It manifests itself in the fact that with the help of money the value of any commodity is determined and the exchange of one commodity for another is ensured. Having the property of universal immediate exchangeability on all other commodities, money resolves the contradictions contained in the commodity and becomes an independent economic category.

Before the advent of money, different peoples used various goods as a universal equivalent: cattle, furs, etc. Ultimately, the function of the universal equivalent passed to precious metals - gold, silver. Compared to other equivalents, they had numerous advantages:

  • high own cost;
  • homogeneity of the material, which made it possible to divide them into any parts;
  • safety from damage.

Thus, fixing the function of a universal equivalent for any one product was the result of natural selection, which was based on the physical properties of the product, the natural conditions of the country, its geographical and historical position, and traditions. This is how money came about.

With the advent of money, economic relations in society became more complicated. The exchange in kind between producers of goods was replaced by two independent acts:

1) T-D - the sale of goods for money;

2) D-T - the purchase of goods for money.

In a market economy, the main act is the first act - the sale of goods for money, since the buyer occupies a predominant position in the market. By acquiring or rejecting a product, he controls the quantity, quality and assortment of goods with the help of money on behalf of society. Goods that do not meet the requirements of buyers either remain unsold or are sold at reduced prices. Producers bear corresponding losses. Obeying the laws of the market, manufacturers are forced to reduce the production of unnecessary goods, improve their quality and diversify the range. In this, first of all, the active role of money in the organization of social production is manifested.

2.2. Essence and meaning of money. Functions of money

The essence of money is most fully manifested in their functions. Views on the functions of money have been different at all times.

Supporters of the metal theory of money, emphasizing their commodity nature, single out the functions of money as a measure of value, treasure and world money.

The founders of the classical economic theory A. Smith and D. Riccardo believed that main function money is a medium of circulation, and all other functions are derivatives of the function of a medium of circulation.

In the Marxist theory of money and the traditional interpretation of the functions of money based on it in Russian economic science, money is recognized to perform the following functions:

  1. Money as a measure of value. As a measure of value, money serves to express the value of all commodities. The price is based on the value of the commodity, i.e., the amount of socially necessary labor costs associated with its manufacture and sale.
  2. Money as a medium of exchange. Money in this function acts as an intermediary in the exchange of goods. Initially there was a direct exchange of goods for goods (C - C). The appearance of money meant a change in the form of exchange: the commodity is first sold for money, and then the commodity producer buys the goods he needs with the proceeds (C - M - C).

Unlike commodities, which, having realized their value, leave the sphere of circulation, money as a means of circulation is always in it, continuously serving the acts of exchange of commodities. The movement of goods in this case is initial, the movement of money is derivative, but necessary. Moreover, there is a simultaneous movement of goods and money, only in opposite directions: goods - from the seller to the buyer, money - from the buyer to the seller. And the act of transferring the goods to the buyer coincides with the act of transferring money to the seller of the goods, that is, the movement of goods and money coincides in time and space.

The peculiarity of the function of money as a means of circulation is that:

  • this function is performed by real money;
  • since in this function money acts as a fleeting intermediary in the exchange of commodities, it becomes possible to replace the monetary commodity with signs of value: paper and credit money.
  1. Money as a means of payment. Money in the function of a means of payment carries out a relatively independent movement before or after the movement of goods. Money in this function forms the basis for the development of financial and credit relations, the organization of cashless payments. Since money is an independent form of exchange value, its movement may occur earlier or later than the movement of commodities, or it may not be associated with this movement at all (payment of taxes). Money becomes a means of payment in commodity circulation in those cases when a commodity is bought without immediate payment at a given moment, or when a payment between the buyer and seller of the commodity is made with the help of an intermediary.
  2. Money as a means of creating treasures, savings and savings. Money can leave the sphere of circulation and accumulate as such, i.e., money in this function allows the preservation of value in its general form, in which it is always ready to enter the sphere of circulation either as a means of purchase or means of payment. Money as a means of creating treasures, accumulations and savings can be a special kind of asset that provides purchasing power to its owner in the future. In principle, any asset can serve as a store of value to some extent. People store their wealth in the form of jewelry, art, real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. However, money is more suitable for this purpose, since it has such a property as liquidity. A liquid asset is an asset that can be used as a means of purchase or payment (or easily converted into it) and has a fixed nominal value. Money has perfect (absolute) liquidity. Other types of assets have liquidity only to a greater or lesser extent.

Only full-fledged and real money can act as a treasure - gold and silver, which have their own value. Money in the function of treasure acted as a regulator of their quantity in the sphere of circulation. In the first third of the twentieth century. demonetization of gold. Gold money was forced out of internal circulation by credit and paper money. However, the world market for bullion metal has developed and is functioning. The gold reserves of the states are concentrated either in the central banks of issue, or directly in the hands of the state: in the ministry of finance, in the treasury. The gold reserve as part of the gold and foreign exchange reserves is used by the state to regulate the circulation of money in the country, repay international debt. This is the so-called strategic reserve. Credit and paper money perform this function. Monetary savings in the country include the monetary savings of citizens (both in the form of cash and in bank accounts) and the savings of enterprises and organizations. In the function of a store of value, money is a necessary condition for the development of credit relations. Monetary savings are accumulated by banks, the state and directed to the further development of production, covering government spending. Thanks to credit, an acceleration of the turnover of funds in the national economy is achieved, money circulation is strengthened, and distribution costs in the country are reduced.

  1. World money. The development of commodity production on the basis of the international division of labor has become a material prerequisite for the emergence of this function of money. In world circulation, money is presented in three forms:

1) the general purchasing power. Here world money is used in the direct purchase of goods abroad and their payment in cash;

2) universal means of payment. Here, money comes into play in settlements of the balance of payments;

3) materialization of social wealth. In this form, money is used in payments not related to commodity circulation, for example, in the payment of indemnities, reparations, and loans.

At present, due to the growth international trade money is increasingly being used as an international means of payment. Along with this, in connection with the increase in the export of capital, the importance of world money as the universal embodiment of social wealth and the means of its movement from one country to another is increasing.

The state of money circulation in developed countries market economy depends on many factors, but ultimately on the ratio between the commodity and money supply. The law of money circulation, formulated by K. Marx, says: the amount of money necessary for commodity circulation depends on:

  • sums of prices of goods sold;
  • the volume of goods and paid services sold on credit;
  • amounts of payments that are due;
  • the volume of mutually repaid monetary obligations, the settlements for which occurred without the participation of money.

Since each monetary unit serves several transactions for a certain period of time, when determining the amount of money, one should take into account the speed of their circulation.

2.3. money supply

The most important quantitative indicator of money circulation is the indicator of the amount of money supply.

money supply includes the entire set of purchasing and payment means serving the economic turnover in the country. The entire money supply is broken down, taking into account the liquidity of purchasing and payment means, into the following aggregates:

  • M 0 - cash in circulation.
  • M 1 - includes cash in circulation (M 0) and funds in current, checking and savings accounts in banks, which can be immediately used in the function of money or as a medium of exchange, or as a means of payment.
  • M 2 - includes aggregate M 1 and funds of legal entities and individuals on savings accounts and term deposits. Funds from these deposits become available to the depositor only after a certain period of time stipulated in the deposit agreement between the bank and the client. In the economic literature, these funds are called "quasi-money" or "almost money".
  • M 3 - includes M 2 and funds placed on savings deposits for a large amount, long term storage in special financial and credit institutions.
  • L is the broadest of all monetary aggregates, generalizing all money and financial assets.

In the process of organizing and managing money circulation, the money supply is divided into active and passive money. Active money serves cash and non-cash payments in the national economy. Passive money refers to quasi-money, which creates the potential for an increase in active money in money circulation.

With the acceleration of the turnover of money, it is possible to serve a greater economic turnover with a smaller amount of money as a medium of circulation and a means of payment. Thus, the acceleration of the circulation of money (ceteris paribus) is equivalent to an increase in the money supply. An increase in the velocity of circulation of the money supply contributes to the formation of inflationary trends in the economy. The velocity of circulation of money in cash circulation is calculated as the ratio of the amount of cash receipts and withdrawals to the average annual mass of money in circulation. In addition, the rate of return of money to the cash desks of the institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is determined as the ratio of the amount of money received to the bank cash desks to the average annual supply of money in circulation.

Essence and types monetary systems . The objective basis for the existence of the country's monetary system is commodity-money relations. The subjective aspects of its existence are the legal acts of the state that regulate various aspects of the organization of monetary circulation, which make up the concept of the monetary system as a whole.

The monetary system is characterized by:

Stability, or stability, monetary system , which is expressed in the relative constancy of the value of the monetary unit.

Elasticity of the monetary system - this is the ability of money circulation to expand or contract in accordance with the needs of economic turnover in money.

There are two types of monetary systems:

  • The system of metallic circulation, when the monetary commodity - noble metals - performs all the functions of money.
  • The system of circulation of banknotes, when in circulation are inexchangeable for gold and silver, credit or paper money.

In metal circulation, two types of monetary systems are distinguished:

  • Bimetallism. Here, the role of the universal equivalent was simultaneously assigned by law to both gold and silver. Such a system was widespread in the era of the primitive accumulation of capital, when the organization of money circulation was not an absolute prerogative of the state, its monopoly right (mid-14th, late 18th centuries). Bimetallism is divided into three types:
  1. The parallel currency system, when the ratio between gold and silver coins was established spontaneously in the process of circulation in accordance with the market price of the metal.
  2. Dual currency system, when the state established a firm ratio between gold and silver money.
  3. The system of "lame" currency. In this case, gold and silver coins were legal tender to the same extent. But the terms of their issue were different.
  • Monometallism. Under this system, only one metal, gold or silver, acted as a universal equivalent. But the extraction of gold and silver is limited, which hinders the increase in the money supply, and, consequently, the development of commodity production. The contradiction between the quantity of a money commodity and the market's need for money was resolved by issuing into circulation signs of value—credit and paper money.

Depending on the nature of the circulation and exchange of banknotes for gold, in the theory of money, three types of monetary systems are distinguished:

    • Gold coin standard. It is the most stable and elastic monetary system. It is characterized by the circulation of gold coins, the direct performance of all the functions of money by gold, the free minting of gold coins with a fixed gold content, the free exchange of banknotes for gold coins at face value (for example, a five-ruble credit note was exchanged for 5 rubles in gold), the free movement of gold within the country and between countries.
    • gold bullion standard, while retaining the role of a monetary commodity for gold, he limited its use in circulation. Banknotes that could not be exchanged for gold were in circulation, and the free movement of gold from one country to another was prohibited. (In the UK, the gold bullion standard was introduced after the First World War and lasted from May 13, 1924 to September 21, 1931.)
    • Gold exchange standard meant the free exchange of banknotes for foreign currency (mottos) exchanged for gold.

Since the 1930s, monetary systems of non-gold and non-gold credit and paper money have been established. Signs of value - banknotes, checks, bills, treasury notes - drove gold out of circulation. Therefore, they began to distinguish between monetary systems in which full-fledged and defective money function.

Full money These are money coins. nominal cost coin corresponds to the value of the metal contained in it. In the process of circulation, the coins were erased, losing their weight, and, consequently, part of the value. And the money becomes defective.

Currently, the state mints and puts into circulation a token coin for servicing small payments, changing banknotes and full-fledged coins. A token coin is made from various non-monetary metals. The nominal value of small change coins is established by the state. It is much higher than the value of the metal contained in them and the cost of making this money. Therefore, the difference between the nominal value of change coins and the cost of their manufacture is the share premium of the state.

Elements of the monetary system . The concept of "monetary system" includes the following elements:

  • the name of the monetary unit as a unit of the monetary account necessary to express the price of the goods;
  • price scale;
  • types of money and banknotes in circulation and being legal tender;
  • the procedure for issuing and the nature of the security of banknotes put into circulation;
  • methods of regulation of monetary circulation;
  • organization of money circulation in the country.

The formation of the monetary system of the state begins with the establishment names of coins and definitions of the monetary unit. Then it is determined price scale, i.e. the nature of the monetary commodity (gold, silver) and the weight content of the metal in the monetary unit. The scale of prices is set by the state, taking into account purchasing power money in the domestic market and existing prices for gold and silver in the world market.

State determines types of money and banknotes. There is currently no gold circulation in any country. Appearance credit money was predetermined by the development of production relations, including credit - by the credit system headed by the central bank of issue, the expansion of commercial and bank credit.

An important element of the monetary system - issue procedure credit and paper money that cannot be exchanged for gold.

Emission credit money was initially carried out by the issuing bank. The credit money issued into circulation was secured by the "gold reserve" of the issuing bank, foreign exchange reserves, bills of exchange.

The issue of paper money was carried out by the state (state treasury). This money had no special security.

Now the issue of banknotes that cannot be exchanged for gold is monopolized by the state. Regardless of the type of banknotes, their issue is carried out by issuing banks, which organize money circulation in the country and are responsible for its condition. At the same time, credit and paper money are obligatory purchasing and means of payment in the domestic market of the country, and some of the currencies are in the external market (convertible currencies). Both those and others act in the form of bank notes.

The issue of bank notes is carried out by the issuing bank of the country in the process of lending to commercial banks, the state, operations related to the purchase of foreign currency, government securities.

Defining the elements of the monetary system, the state legislatively provides for economic tools for regulating the money supply in circulation. These include:

  • the policy of the discount rate, i.e., the regulation of the amount of interest on loans provided by the central bank to commercial banks;
  • operations on open market associated with the purchase and sale of government and other securities;
  • change in the standard of required reserves of commercial banks in the Central Bank.

The role of money in a market economy. According to many authors, it is as follows:

  1. The appearance of money made it possible to evaluate, express in comparable monetary units all real and virtual life benefits (material, social, spiritual, etc.) regardless of the nature of their origin: natural or artificial.
  2. The existence of money greatly simplifies and accelerates the exchange of goods. There is a formation and development of payment systems that serve a variety of payment relations.
  3. Money contributes to the development of a spectrum of individual, collective and social needs of economic entities.
  4. Money stimulates entrepreneurs to develop the production of goods, expand their range, and maximally focus on consumer needs.
  5. Money serves the production and sale of social capital through a system of cash flows between the sectors of the economy, industries and regions of the country. Money as a means of accumulation and savings is concentrated in credit system and provide the owner with a profit. Functioning in the world market, money provides a flow of value between countries.
  6. The formation of the universal nature of commodity-money relations caused the isolation and development of money as a universal equivalent commodity. Money is becoming the basis for the functioning of the modern financial and credit system.
  7. The qualitatively new role of money lies in the fact that it is transformed into a universal specific value. Money is of great importance as a special tool that allows you to measure and compare various economic indicators.


Thus, in the considered topic, the place and role of finance and credit in modern economic theory and practice was determined. The subject and object of study of the discipline "Finance and Credit", the place of the discipline in the system of sciences are determined.

The essence of finance as an economic category is revealed, and the content of the main functions that finance performs:

  • distributive function;
  • control function.

The concept of the system of finance and its main subsystems and links is defined.

In addition, the concept of money, their meaning and main functions are considered. The essence and types of monetary systems are considered:

  • bimetallism;
  • monometallism:
    • gold coin standard;
    • gold bullion standard;
    • gold standard.

Questions for self-examination

  1. What is the subject and object of the discipline "Finance and Credit"?
  2. What is the mechanism of knowledge of finance?
  3. What is the place of the discipline "Finance and Credit" in the system of sciences?
  4. What are the main tasks of the discipline?
  5. What is the concept of "finance"?
  6. Are finances and money the same thing or not? Justify your answer.
  7. What are financial relationships? Who is involved in financial relationships?
  8. What is the object of finance? What is included in it?
  9. What is the system of financial relations?
  10. Name and describe the characteristics of finance.
  11. What is the essence of finance? Describe the distribution function of finance.
  12. How is the control function of finance implemented?
  13. What financial funds do you know? Give them a description.
  14. What is the role of finance in social reproduction?
  15. Describe the system of finance of the Russian Federation, its main links and their relationship.
  16. What is the origin of money?
  17. What are the main functions of money?
  18. What is money supply? How is it measured?
  19. What types of money systems do you know? Give them a description.
  20. What is the role of money in a modern market economy?


  1. Finance: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Gryaznova, E.V. Mirkina. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2005.
  2. Finance: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / S.A. Belozerov, S.G. Gorbushina and others; ed. V.V. Kovalev. - M .: TK Velby, publishing house Prospekt, 2004. - 512 p.
  3. Enterprise Finance: Textbook / Kolchina N.V., G.B. Polyak, L.P. Pavlova and others; ed. professor N.V. Kolchina. — M.: UNITI, 2000. — 413 p.
  4. Presentations

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