Economic efficiency of crop cultivation article. Evaluation of the efficiency of cultivation of agricultural crops. Fruiting in one year, rub

Tsvetkova L.A. Contemporary Issues improving the efficiency of growing fodder crops / L.A. Tsvetkova, S.A. Brit // Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2016. - No. 5. – S. 191-195.



L.A. Tsvetkova, cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor

S.A. Brit, undergraduate

Novosibirsk Stateagricultural university

(Russia, Novosibirsk)

Annotation . In the article considered contemporary issues growing forage cropsand the role of forage production for Agriculture generally. P analysis of modern e changing statefeed productionin the Novosibirsk region. On the example of org a nization of Egida LLC, measures were proposed to improve the efficiency of growing co R mov, in particular for check increasing productivity and using modern technology about gyi forage harvesting.

Keywords: efficiency, feed production, structure, productivity, costs, technology.

In modern conditions market economy main reference point for agricultural organizations are pro production and sale of livestock products as a factor of stability and and financial well-being.But the lack of planning for feed production, reduce e decrease in forage crop yields due to deterioration resource provision, bol b the cost of feed production and ne perfect technology in feed production d caused ami unprofitability of this industry in a number of agricultural enterprises. Ratsi about nal use of feed e increases the efficiency of animal husbandry, about since feed accounts for more than half of all production costs and here about vodka products .

Forage production plays a leading role in Russian agriculture, allowing I to solve many problems of its development. It provides livestock with fodder, plants e leadership - effective crop rotations and about increasing the yield of grain and other crops, agriculture- increase fruit about rhodium soils.

Without the development of fodder production, h it is possible to successfully solve the problems of providing the population with food and about the free security of the country. This has been noted in« State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Markets n products, raw materials and food for 2013– 2020 » approved in decision of the government of the Russian Federation from 14.07. 2012 № 716 .

Forage base mudflow agricultural organizations must be created internally n them r e farm resources, have the necessary reserves and at the same time include the cheapest sources of nutrients. Only under these conditions can be both from the liver growing productivity t nyh, high quality products and after e a gradual reduction in its cost.

H positive developments in the agricultural industry n complex caused by the economic crisis and catfish, appeared in animal husbandry and crop production. Farms annually reduce the volume of animal production about vodka products sunconsequence of low profitability.

Reducing the number of cattle about th cattle in Novosibirsk region is still going on. P bridle of cattle in 2015 compared to 2005 it decreased by 33.1%. Despite this, milk production in Novosibirsk region in 2015 compared to 2005. increased by 19 %. To a large extent this is due to e but productivity growth and here. So, milk yield for 1 koditch for the period of study The increase in income increased by 48.6%, and the average increase increased by 10.24% (Table 1). Although increased productivity and chilas, she stays pretty low level . One of the necessary conditions for increasing the productivity of animals is in lyatsya them fullyand a balanced diet.

Table 1 . P indicators of economic efficiency in the production of animal products about management in the Novosibirsk region








2015 in % to 2005

The livestock is large cattle, thousand heads








Milk produced, thous. tons








Average milk yield from o day cow, kg








Average daily pref e sy cattle on cultivation, oh t stern, g: croup p cattle


For the production of feed at the enterprise and yahs of the Novosibirsk region use 30 % of the total cultivated area. In general, according to H o Vosibirsk regionsown area for fodder crops in 201 Year 5 vs. 2005 fell under the corn at zoo for silage and green fodder and under many about summer herbs, excluding annual herbs(table 2 ). Feed production e.g. I muyu is associated with the sown area and yield about forage crops. Territory With ti is located in the zone of risky land e delia, so the production of crop products is located in strong dependence on climatic conditions . Yield and fodder production in 2015 year in relation to 2005 decreased significantly in almost all crops.

Table 2. Indicators characterizing the size of fodder production in the Novosibirsk region








2015 in % to 2005

sown area

All sown area








Forage crops- Total








including corn on s and moose and green fodder








other silo cult at ry






annual herbs








perennial herbs

4 57,2








Corn for silage and fodder


Other silo cult at ry


annual herbs on e but







Perennial grasses for hay






natural sen about scythes for hay


Studies based on the data of Egida LLC of the Kuibyshev region th she is from the Novosibirsk region, they made it possible and ability to identify growth reserves effectively about cultivation of forage crops and e break-even opportunity thread in co r myproduction.

In structure the area of ​​arable land has increased shares acreage about dn o summer grasses on the green mass.Forage crops account for 79%, of which 19%- a lot of summer herbs for hay and 60%- annual grasses for green mass (table and ca 3). Green mass is used for about production of haylage, which is included in the ration and he is a KRS. Income in crop production increased and chilas for 96 thousand rubles, in animal husbandry- by 23.6 million rub. From production and real and animal products management, the enterprise receives 99% of the proceeds, incl. h. proceeds from production and re and lysing milk - 86%. During the study period, an enterprise from a loss-making e turned into a profitable one both in general in production and in about the livestock industry and - therefore, This sector needs special attention improving, first of all, fodder production.

Table 3. Composition and structure of sown areas LLC "Egida"







Change 2015 to 2011.







Total crop area







including grains and grain legumes










fodder cult at ry











of which: perennial grasses for hay






annual herbs on green e mass












Highest specific gravity in seb e value of livestock products tva pr and belongs to feed (49 - 53%), and d The share of own feed is 2436% of total feed(table 4).

Thus, with reducing feed costs is the main objective of increasing e profitability and competitiveness about livestock products to tsiya.

Table 4. The cost structure of livestock products LLC "Egida"




Cost of everything

including wages with deductions


Ele k tro-energy

Oil-prod to you

OS content


including own production



Increase in live weight of cattle


52,6 ; the yield of hayfields and natural pastures for hay also increased elich and and amounted to 12.5 q/ha; the yield of annual grasses for green mass decreased and amounted to 5 5.41 q/ha (Table 5).

Table 5. Productivity of fodder crops LLC "Egida"







Change 2015. to 2011.

Perennial grass for hay, c/ha





Annual herbs on green e mass, c/ha






– 1,8

Hayfields and natural pastures t bischa for hay, c/ha





Gross the collection of all fodder crops increased. For perennial grasses, this happened due to an increase in yield by 6.2 c/ha, and for annual- due to the increase 2.7 times less crop area. took away and area ratio - this is an extensive way of development of the industry; space is limited - therefore, the right decision to increase production volumes t wa feed is yield growth green noah mass of annual herbs.

The diet of cattle includes concentrates (grain fodder), haylage, hay, straw, and body of whole milk, molasses. The largest share in the diet of cows, fattening about go livestock and breeding stock come t on the share of haylage, the quality of which and sieves from technol o gii his blanks.

In this way, when organizing a forage crops you can highlight the following blowing problems:

1. The low yield of annual grasses for green mass, which depends on the X cultivation technologies (fertilizers are not applied e niya, not carried outplant protection measures).

2. The low quality of haylage, which and sieves from the technology of its preparation (loss of and tatel nye substances during silage).

In order to increase productivity, one about summer grasses for green mass in the technology of cultivation of perennial grasses, it is necessary and can include the introduction of phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

To improve the quality of haylage, it is necessary about dimo usemodern technologies his workpieces. One of them consists in packing haylage in a special film. Show experience s believes that packaged haylage gives an increase in the nutritional value of feed r but by 20%, allowing get a completely balanced feed, use it effectively and about increase animal productivity by 20–3 0%, reduce cost R mov in dry matter and the cost of pr about livestock production, reduce n about space requirement for production R mov by 25% even when saving existing t growing level of yieldawns of fodder crops and lands.

The result of the implementation of the proposed activities in the end will rise efficiency of workover, increase in production volumes and saleslivestock breeding e s prod ucts and improvement the financial condition of the organization.

Bibliographic list

one . Ivanova A.P., Mezhueva L.V. . Problems of improving the quality of feed // Herald Ore n burg state university.- 2005. - No. 4 - S. 154 - 156.

2. Official Internet-portal of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

3. Sharonov E.V. . Approach to assessing the economic efficiency of production // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 18. - S. 470– 473.

4. Laretin N. Methodological foundations development of sustainable fodder production // APK: economics, management. - 2013. - No. 9. - S. 73 - 78.

5. Hitskova I.F. On the way to the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: programs, experience, scientific support / ed. I.F. Khitskova. - Voronezh, 2014. - 776 p.


L. A. Tsvetkova, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

S. A. brit, graduate student

Novosibirsk state agrarian university

(Russia, Novosibirsk)

abstract.The article deals with modern problems of feed crops and fodder for the role of agriculture as a whole. The analysis of the state of alternating-ency-feed production in the Novosibirsk region. For example, the organization of "Aegis" proposed measures to improve the efficiency of cultivation Kor-atoms, in particular by improving the productivity and the use of modern technologies forage harvesting.

keywords:efficiency, forage production, structure, productivity, over-spending, technology.

State budget educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo Agricultural College"


According to the interdisciplinary course MDK 04.01

"Management of a structural unit of an organization (enterprise)"

Topic: Economic efficiency of the use of modern equipment and technology for the cultivation of crops in a structural unit

Completed by: Lyasnikov D.A.

group M-601

specialty 110809


1. Economic efficiency of the use of modern equipment and technology for the cultivation of agricultural crops in the structural unit

1 Economic entity and features of the process of reproduction of equipment in agriculture

2 Innovation as a driver of efficiency

2. Calculation of the efficiency of the agricultural enterprise

1 Calculation of performance indicators of an agricultural enterprise

2 Calculation of performance indicators for the use of machine and tractor fleet

Construction of the management structure of the units of an agricultural enterprise

Analysis of the balance of the use of working time of linear engineers of the structural unit




Reforming agriculture on present stage aimed at the transition to a market economy. Indispensable conditions for the development of market relations are the formation of a mixed economy, the privatization of property in the agricultural sector. Diversity presupposes the functioning of various forms of ownership and management, subject to the maximum use of their resource potential, efficient management of the economy and expanded reproduction.

As a result of the agrarian reform, fundamental changes in production relations took place, consisting in the transition from administrative methods of management to predominantly economic, market ones, in increasing the independence of agricultural producers.

Agrarian reform is carried out by the complexity of the socio-economic situation, which is characterized by inflation, price disparity in commodity exchange between agriculture and other industries National economy, a sharp reduction in state support for agriculture. As a result, the requirements for the level economic training Agriculture.

In order to better use fixed assets in conditions of high inflation and price disparity, it is necessary to restructure not only property relations and forms of management, but also economic mechanism generally. We need targeted programs for the intensification of agriculture, the development of scientific and technological progress, the restoration and development of agricultural engineering. The equipment that the farms have is of very poor quality in all basic parameters and needs to be modernized. Experts believe that at present Russian technology is two generations behind foreign analogues (20-25 years).

The efficiency of production at agricultural enterprises depends on the level of capital-labor ratio, and the more fixed assets, the higher their labor productivity and capital-labor ratio. But since too high a provision with fixed assets can lead to low maintenance, they should be in a moderate amount.

1. Economic efficiency of the use of modern technology and the cost of crop cultivation technologies in the structural unit

The production of agricultural products is the main function of agriculture and its primary links - enterprises. In the production process, production resources are used - land, labor, fixed and circulating assets, and the result is a product with its consumer properties.

Comparison of products with resources and costs characterizes its effectiveness, which is expressed by the category - economic efficiency of production. Quantitatively, the economic efficiency of production can be expressed in different ways. In some cases, it manifests itself in the growth of production volumes with unchanged resources and costs, in others - in a decrease in production costs for the same amount of production, and thirdly - in both an increase in production volumes and a reduction in production costs.

With regard to agriculture, production efficiency means obtaining more of the products needed by society from each hectare of land, from each head of livestock at the lowest cost of labor and material resources. Briefly, this position can be formulated as follows: maximum production with a minimum of resources and costs.

Increasing the efficiency of production has been and is of great importance, both for the entire national economy and for each enterprise. This is due to many factors.

First, the growth of production volumes in conditions of limited resources contributes to a more complete satisfaction of the population's needs for food products.

Secondly, with the efficient use of labor and material resources, production costs are reduced, which affects the level of retail food prices.

Thirdly, the increase in production efficiency ensures the growth of enterprises' incomes, the allocation of more funds for economic and social development labor collectives.

In the system of market relations, increasing the efficiency of production is practically the only condition for the normal functioning of enterprises.

The economic efficiency of agricultural production is multifaceted, has many goals and, accordingly, several groups of indicators that characterize its specific features and level.

So, the economic efficiency of production is subdivided: according to the stages of reproduction - into production - technological, production - economic and socio - economic efficiency; by levels of production - for the national economic, sectoral (agriculture), enterprises and associations, on-farm divisions, individual measures (intensification, specialization, agro-industrial integration, cooperation, etc.)

Production and technological efficiency characterizes the level of use of production resources. To assess it, indicators of yield and productivity are used, production per 100 hectares of agricultural land, the average annual worker, per 100 rubles. production assets and etc).

Production and economic efficiency is the efficiency of production, due to the level of production and technological efficiency and the current economic mechanism of management. It is largely determined by the system of relationships between an industry or an enterprise with government agencies, other industries and enterprises, as well as intra-industry and intra-economic relations. To characterize it, cost indicators are used, such as: gross and net output, gross income and profit in relation to production costs and investments.

Socio-economic performance reflects the implementation economic interests society as a whole or labor collectives and characterizes the efficiency of agriculture, agro-industrial complex or the enterprise as a whole.

These types of efficiency are interrelated. Thus, the value of production and technological efficiency depends on the state of the material and technical base of production, which, in turn, is determined by the level of production and economic efficiency. Social efficiency, being a consequence of production and economic efficiency, affects the level of the latter through the material interest of workers in the performance of production.

The economic efficiency of production reflects the ratio of the end result obtained by society in the form of material goods and services and the costs of living and materialized labor. It is expressed as the amount of national income in absolute terms or per capita. Such an indicator for evaluating the efficiency of the national economy is based on the ultimate goal of production - the satisfaction of society's needs for material goods, and the national income is used precisely for consumption and accumulation.

The economic efficiency of agriculture is determined by the level of provision of the population with food, the share of food costs in general expenses population, the state of food exports and imports and other indicators.

The sectoral efficiency of agriculture is characterized by a system of general and particular indicators. General indicators include such indicators as the degree of satisfaction of the population's needs for food products, the level of production and consumption of certain types of products per capita, the volume of gross output, gross and net income per unit of production resources, the degree of return on capital investments and production costs and etc.

Private indicators include crop yields, animal productivity, and the volume of production of individual products per 100 hectares of agricultural crops. land, on the average annual worker and a number of others.

Economic economic efficiency reflects the effectiveness of the production and economic activities of enterprises. It is characterized by a system of natural and cost indicators.

National economic efficiency is closely related to sectoral efficiency, which in turn is determined by the efficiency of enterprises. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of each higher link in social production is determined by the efficiency of the lower link. Hence the need to study efficiency at all levels of management.

At the same time, at each level, it is possible to use different, but interrelated indicators of the effect and costs. Since social production is directly carried out in its primary link - the enterprise, then all aspects of its economic efficiency should be considered with the greatest completeness.

The problem of increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural production, including in animal husbandry, is the solution of two interrelated groups of tasks: on the one hand, the growth of productive indicators of production (natural and gross output), and on the other hand, the rational use of land, labor and material resources and the associated with it Reducing production costs.

The volume of production is the value of production from the amount of resources involved in the production and the level of productivity of their use. So, in animal husbandry, the factors of production are the number of productive livestock, the level of productivity, and in agriculture - the area under crops and crop yields.

Solution of the second group of problems, i.e. reduction of production costs is associated with the implementation of many activities:

firstly, the most complete use of the production capacities of buildings and structures on farms, and in agriculture - the machine and tractor park;

secondly, a sharp increase in labor productivity on the basis of increased mechanization of production processes, which will make it possible to reduce the labor intensity of products, and hence the share of labor costs in total production costs;

thirdly, the economical use of feed, repair materials and spare parts, fuel and electricity, medicines and other working capital through scientifically based rationing, material incentives, and the prevention of all kinds of losses of material resources;

fourthly, all-round reduction of general production and general business expenses, rational use of transport costs and other works and services.

Improving the efficiency of agricultural production in the context of its consistent intensification is impossible without an objective assessment of the various phenomena taking place in agriculture. On the basis of one criterion of economic efficiency, such an assessment cannot be made. Specific indicators are needed that reflect the influence of various factors on the production process. Only a system of indicators makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive analysis and draw reliable conclusions about the main directions for increasing the economic efficiency of production. With the help of a system of indicators, one can specify the main or auxiliary criteria (private, specific), give a generalized quantitative and qualitative description of economic processes associated with production efficiency.

To assess the economic efficiency of agricultural production, both natural and cost indicators are used. The importance of yield as an economic indicator is that it reflects the extent and efficiency of land use. It should be noted that the yield value has a direct impact on the value of other indicators.

natural indicators(yield, productivity of animals) reflect only one side of the efficiency achieved. To identify the economic effect, it is also necessary to know the total labor costs that ensured the receipt of a given yield or productivity of animals.

1 Economic essence and features of the process of reproduction of technology in agriculture

The development of technology is an objective prerequisite for improving agricultural activity. Character economic development changes significantly over time, so each stage of the development of the agricultural economy has its own characteristics.

Technique is a set of material factors of production in which new knowledge and skills of a person are materialized. The reproduction of agricultural machinery is integral part the process of recreating the whole variety of means of production and has its own specific features stemming from the leading role of agriculture and the development of other sectors of the agro-industrial complex.

Firstly, the development of the field of agricultural machinery production is inextricably linked with the development of agricultural production, therefore, with changes in land use and the development of agricultural science, which in turn are determined by the current socio-political conditions and progress in the field of agricultural knowledge.

The second factor influencing the development of agricultural engineering is scientific and technological progress, the historical course of which makes it possible to technically improve both agricultural machines and equipment and technologies for their production.

The reproduction of technology is a continuous process (dynamic category) of its renewal through the acquisition of new technology, modernization and overhaul of the existing one.

Maintenance is maintenance, current and major repairs. Activities are planned according to current goals. Implemented with own funds. The costs of the work performed are written off to current costs.

Recovery is modernization, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion. Activities are planned in accordance with strategic and current goals and are implemented both at our own expense and at the expense of borrowed funds. Expenses for the work performed are capitalized with subsequent depreciation according to the nature and complexity of the work, according to the sources of financing, according to the types of goals, according to the method of writing off the expenses.

The renewal of technology is an objective process of expanded reproduction. The need for rapid renewal of agricultural machinery in modern conditions is due to a decrease in the rate of renewal of equipment, its aging, as well as wear and tear, which is increasing. One of the types of renewal should be considered a major overhaul, as a result of which equipment that has worn out acquires a number of characteristics inherent in new equipment of the same functional purpose.

In conditions of an acute shortage of agricultural machinery, its intensive aging, and a decrease in reliability, of course, the maximum use of available reserves, the preservation of the machine and tractor fleet, is of essential importance.

2 Innovation as a factor in improving the efficiency of the reproduction process of agricultural machinery

Throughout its history, Russia's agriculture has undergone many modernizations and revolutions, but even in the 21st century it still remains an agrarian country, unable, unfortunately, to feed itself through its own agriculture. A big problem is the innovative orientation of the reproduction of agricultural machinery. Unlike industry in agriculture, there is no need to stop the conveyor, re-equipment of equipment can be done during the period outside the field work season. However, the financial capacity of the agricultural producer is much lower than industrial enterprises and limited by both time and size. In this regard, it is important that innovations pay off in the enterprise as quickly as possible. Technology is increasingly becoming the materialization of scientific knowledge. The evolution of agricultural engineering has specific features.

The purpose of this subsection is to analyze the evolution of the innovative direction of the reproduction of agricultural machinery. The development of technology is considered both through gradual quantitative accumulation of shifts, and through rather radical sharp changes in the original foundations. The first way of development is characterized as evolutionary, and the second one is revolutionary. The creation of new technology occurs within the divisions of research laboratories, and the market plays only a passive role, accepting the results of research and development. The needs of the consumer in this concept are not taken into account, marketing is present at the final stage of innovation.

Today, the state and corporate policy in many countries is built on this very basis - simplicity, concreteness, visibility, manageability. But "isolation" from consumers at the initial stage does not guarantee commercial success and competitiveness in the market of new technology. In this model, there is no clear causal relationship between research and produced equipment. Leaps in the economic situation forced us to reconsider the issue of the economic efficiency of science and the application of the principles of "economic rationality".

Research and development is in this case a response to market demands. The study of consumer demand determines the development of innovation. This model has positive aspects: a clear relationship between the result and the organization of the innovation process; reduction of terms; focus on specific market needs; economical effect; minimization of organizational barriers in the transition from one stage of the process to another; possibility of use in small and medium-sized businesses.

Calculation of the efficiency of the agricultural enterprise

1 Calculation of performance indicators of an agricultural enterprise

To characterize the economic efficiency of agricultural production, a system of natural and cost indicators is used. Natural performance indicators are crop yields and animal productivity. In-kind indicators are the basis for calculating cost indicators: profit, profitability, cost, gross and marketable output, etc.

Table 1 Economic indicators agricultural enterprise

Economic indicators

Indicator value

Sales revenue

RUB 348,948 thousand

Cost of goods sold

RUB 208,800 thousand

Agricultural area

Average annual cost of fixed assets

230 500 thousand rubles

Power of energy resources

Number, pers.

payroll fund

20,000 thousand rubles

Profit is financial results activities of the enterprise and is determined by the formula:

P \u003d B - C

P \u003d 348,948 - 208,800 \u003d 140,148 (thousand rubles)

Where B - sales revenue;

C is the cost of goods sold.

Capital ratio is the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets per unit of agricultural area. It is determined by the formula:

F about \u003d F cf / S s / x

F vol \u003d 8 109 / 5 850 \u003d 1.39 (thousand rubles / ha)

where Ф about - capital security of enterprises, rub.;

F cf. - average annual cost fixed assets, rub.;

S agricultural - the area of ​​agricultural land, ha.

The capital-labor ratio is defined as the ratio of the value of fixed assets to the number of workers in the enterprise.

Fv \u003d Fsr / H

Fv \u003d 230,500 / 670 \u003d 344.03 (thousand rubles / person)

H - number.

The power-to-weight ratio of labor is the power of energy resources per one average annual worker, hp.

Ev \u003d M / Chppp

Ev \u003d 8 109 / 670 \u003d 12.1 hp / h.

where M - power energy resources;

H - number.

Energy supply - is defined as the ratio of the power of energy resources to the area of ​​agricultural land, h.p. per 100 ha.

Eo \u003d M / S s / x * 100

Eo \u003d 8 109 / 5 850 * 100 \u003d 138.62 hp / 100 ha

where M is the power of energy resources; s / x - the area of ​​agricultural land, ha.

Return on assets is an indicator of the output of products produced for one ruble of the cost of fixed production assets and is determined by the formula:

Fo \u003d V / Fsr

Fo \u003d 298869/230 500 \u003d 1.3 (r / r.)

where V is the volume of output;

Fsr - the average annual cost of fixed assets.

The profitability of fixed assets characterizes the amount of profit attributable to 1 ruble of funds and is determined by the formula:

R \u003d P / Fsr

P \u003d 140148 / 230 500 \u003d 0.61 (r / r.)

where Фср - the average annual cost of fixed assets;

P - profit;

Labor productivity characterizes its efficiency and shows the value of output per employee. In value terms, it is determined by the formula:

Fri = 298869 / Chppp

Fri = 298869 / 670 = 446.07 (rubles / person)

where TP - commercial products;

Chppp - number.

Average annual wage calculated by the formula:

ZP \u003d Ftr / Chppp

ZP \u003d 20,000 / 670 \u003d 29.85 (thousand rubles)

where Ftr - Wage Fund;

Chppp - number.

Profitability - an indicator of production efficiency and shows the profitability, expressed as a percentage or coefficients.

P \u003d P / S * 100%

P \u003d 140148/208 800 * 100% \u003d 0.67%

Where P - profit;

C - cost.

b) Profitability of sales:

R \u003d P / VR * 100

P \u003d 140 148/348 948 * 100 \u003d 40.16%

where P - profit;

VR - revenue.

Table 2 presents the results of calculating the performance indicators of the enterprise.

Table 2 Performance indicators of the enterprise

Economic indicators

Indicator value

Revenue from sales

RUB 140,148 thousand


1.39 thousand rubles

capital-labor ratio

344.03 thousand rubles per hour

Power supply of labor

Energy supply

138.62 hp/100ha

return on assets

return on investment

Average annual labor productivity

RUB 446.07/person

Average annual salary

29.85 thousand rubles

Product profitability

Profitability of sales

In general, the economy received a profit in the amount of 140,148 thousand rubles. The level of product profitability amounted to 0.67%, which is almost equal to the return on investment, which is one of the main performance indicators. And the return on sales has a more significant ratio, at least 40%, which is a good indicator. With this indicator, it is quite possible to cover the main costs and make a profit.

2 Calculation of performance indicators for the use of machine and tractor fleet

The initial data for calculating the indicators of the use of MTP are given in Table 3.

Table 3 Initial indicators of the machine and tractor fleet

Economic indicators

Indicator value

Average annual number of conditional tractors


average working speed

implement working width

sum of worked tractor shifts

sum of tractor-days worked

shift duration

net working hours

tractor days on the farm

tractor-days in good condition


250 thousand rubles

repair costs

150 thousand rubles

fuel costs

RUB 63,000 thousand

storage costs

200 thousand rubles

Table 4 Indicators of the efficiency of the use of the machine and tractor fleet

Classification sign


Formula for calculation


Annual output

wг= Q/n w - annual output; Q is the amount of work; n - number of tractors

wg= 5 850/25 Wg = 234 ha

Wcm \u003d Q / SM Q - the amount of work; Wcm - shift output; CM - the sum of worked tractor shifts.

Wcm = 5 850/6 775 = 0.86 ha

Wdn \u003d Q / D Wcm - daily output; Q is the amount of work; D is the sum of tractor-days worked.

Wday = 5 850 / 4 525 = 1.29 ha

Working Time Fund

Shift ratio

Kcm \u003d SM / D Kcm - shift coefficient; CM - the sum of worked tractor shifts; D is the sum of tractor-days worked.

Kcm \u003d 6 775/4 525 \u003d 1.5

Shift utilization rate

t = Tr / Tcm t - shift utilization factor; Tr - net working time of the shift; Tcm - shift duration

t = 7.5 / 8 = 0.94

MTP utilization rate

Ki \u003d D / Dx Ki \u003d MTP utilization factor; D - the sum of worked tractor-days; Dx - tractor-days of stay on the farm.

Ki \u003d 4,525 / 6,750 \u003d 0.67

Technical and design properties

Technical readiness factor

Kg \u003d Di / Dx Kg - coefficient of technical readiness; Di - tractor-days in good condition; Dx - tractor-days of stay on the farm.

Kg \u003d 4,500 / 6,750 \u003d 0.66

Net hourly productivity

Wh \u003d 01 * Vp * Vp Wh - hourly productivity; Вр - width of capture of the unit; Vp - working speed

Wh \u003d 01 * 1.04 * 2.2 \u003d 2.29 ha

Cost of mechanized works

Operational cost per unit of work

Ze = (Za + Zr + Zgsm + Zxr) / Q Ze - operating costs; For - depreciation; Зр - repair costs; Zgsm - the cost of fuel and lubricants; Зхр - storage costs; Q is the amount of work.

Ze \u003d (250 + 150 + 63,000 + 200) / 5,850 \u003d 10.87 thousand rubles.

From table 4, we see that the utilization rates of the MTP and technical readiness are less than one, or rather, approximately equal to 0.67 and 0.66, respectively, which affects productivity, because. these indicators are directly related.

3. Building the management structure of the units of the agricultural enterprise

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the management of the MTP of the enterprise

Table 5 The main job responsibilities of the departments of the MTP of the enterprise

Job title

Short description official duties

Head of MTP (Chief Engineer)

1. The chief engineer is the first deputy head of the organization (enterprise). 2. Appointment to the position of Chief Engineer is made by order of the director (head of the organization). 3. The chief engineer must know: 3.1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation; 3.2. laws Russian Federation, resolutions and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the activities of the industry; 3.3. Methodical and normative materials other bodies related to the activities of the organization. 3.4. Prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the industry and organization. 3.5. Organization of production and labor. 3.6. Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the activities of the organization; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the organization 3.7. Methods of managing and managing an organization. 3.8. The procedure for concluding and executing business contracts. 3.9. Achievements of science and technology in the country and abroad in the relevant industry and the experience of advanced organizations.

Machine Repair Service (Chief Mechanic)

1. Appointment to the position of Chief Mechanic is made by order of the director (head of the organization). 2. The chief mechanic must know: regulatory, methodological and other materials on the organization of repair of equipment, machinery; - organization of repair service at the enterprise; - procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and production repair work; - A unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment; -production capacity, technical characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of the enterprise equipment, rules for its operation; - methods of installation and repair of equipment, organization and technology of repair work; the procedure for compiling lists of defects, passports, albums of spare parts drawings, equipment operating instructions and other technical documentation; rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after repair; -requirements for the rational organization of labor in the operation, repair and modernization of equipment and repair equipment; -advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance of the enterprise; - fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of environmental legislation; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - Rules and norms of labor protection.

Logistics Engineer

1.1. The supplier belongs to the category of technical performers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise 1.2. The supplier must know: regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions documents relating to the use of material resources; the basics of organizing logistics and loading and unloading operations; rules and procedures for receiving and sending goods, ordering containers and vehicles, processing documents for received and sent goods; the nomenclature and consumption rates of raw materials, materials and other inventory items, the conditions for their storage and transportation; basics of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations.

tool technician

1. A tool technician belongs to the category of specialists. 2. Appointment to the position of Technician on the instrument and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director (head) of the organization. 3. A tool technician must know: - the basics of tool and tooling manufacturing technology, the rules for their operation and storage; - technical requirements applied to tools and equipment, materials used in their manufacture; - organization of warehousing; - basics economic statistics; - the procedure for determining the needs of enterprise divisions for tools and technological equipment; - the procedure for calculating consumption rates and stocks of tools and technological equipment; - price tags for tools and equipment valid at the enterprise; - the procedure for keeping records of indicators of the implementation of production programs by the tool shop, the expenditure of tools and equipment; - fundamentals of economics, scientific organization of labor, organization of production; - internal labor regulations; - rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Master installer

1.1. The master - adjuster of agricultural machines and tractors belongs to the category of workers. 1.2. The master - adjuster of agricultural machines and tractors must know: - resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies; - internal labor regulations; - rules of labor protection, safety measures; - arrangement of serviced tractors, combines, agricultural machines and equipment used in the maintenance of the machine and tractor fleet; 2. Job responsibilities: 2.1. Adjustment, check and adjustment of simple and average complexity of knots and units of agricultural machines, tractors and combines. 2.2. Performing all types of tractor maintenance operations.

Master diagnostician

The diagnostician belongs to the category of specialists hired and fired by the head of the company. 1. In its activities, the diagnostician is guided by: - ​​Current Legislation of the Russian Federation; orders, internal normative documents and oral orders of the Management of the company; - methodological materials by specialty. 2. The diagnostician must know: - Fundamentals of production technology; - Terminology used in specialized literature on the profile of work, work programs and instructions; - Specifications, design features, purpose, principles of operation and operating rules of the equipment used, methods of inspection and detection of its defects; - Rules of internal labor regulations, rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


1. A mechanical assembly fitter belongs to the category of workers. 1.1. The mechanical fitter must know:- specifications on the assembled units and mechanisms, the name and purpose of a simple working tool; - name and marking of processed materials; 2. Job Responsibilities 2.1. Assembly and adjustment of simple components and mechanisms. 2.2. Locksmith processing and fitting of parts according to 12-14 qualifications.

1. The welder belongs to the category of workers. 1.1. The welding welder must know: - the principle of operation of the contact machines used and the rules for their maintenance; - butt, point, relief and seam types of welded joints; 2. Job responsibilities 2.1. Welding on contact and spot machines of simple products, assemblies and structures made of carbon steel and tools. 2.2. Cutting bays, foldings, growths.

4. Analysis of the balance of the use of working time of linear engineers of the structural unit

Table 6 Actual balances of the use of working time of linear engineers

Types of working time costs

Actual costs of working time in% of the total

Conditionally-normative costs of working time in% of the total

repair shop manager

Engineering and creative work

Analytical work

Work with documents

Participation in meetings

Quality control


Personnel management

Territorial movements

Direct loss of time

Scheduled breaks

The coefficient of extensive working time is determined by the formula

Ke \u003d 1 - P / F

where Ke - coefficient of extensive working time;

F - the general fund of working time;

P - loss of working time.

Master Ke \u003d 1 - 19.0 / 100 \u003d 0.81

head of the repair shop Ke \u003d 1 - 15.1 / 100 \u003d 0.85

The coefficient of intensive working time determines the rationality of the structure of its use in comparison with the normative one and is calculated by the formula

Ki \u003d 1 - (S Ö (ia - in) 2)

where Ki is the coefficient of intensive working time;

n is the number of types of time costs.

Table 7 Calculation of the sum from the formula of each element of the structure of the balance of working hours in shares

Types of working time costs

(master) Ö (ia - in)2

(head of the repair shop) Ö (ia - in) 2

Engineering and creative work

Ö (0.053- 0.09)2 = 0.037

Ö (0.052 - 0.11)2 = 0.058

Organizational and technological work

Ö (0.082- 0.26)2 = 0.56

Ö (0.094 - 0.21)2 = 0.116

Analytical work

Ö (0.01- 0.06)2 = 0.05

Ö (0.018- 0.07)2 = 0.052

Receiving and transmitting information

Ö (0.07- 0.05)2 = 0.02

Ö (0.132- 0.06)2 = 0.072

Work with documents

Ö (0.135- 0.11)2 = 0.025

Ö (0.135- 0.11)2 = 0.025

Participation in meetings

Ö (0.006- 0.03)2 = 0.003

Ö (0.012- 0.05)2 = 0.038

Quality control

Ö (0.086- 0.17)2 = 0.084

Ö (0.124- 0.15)2 = 0.026


Ö (0 - 0.05)2 = 0.05

Ö (0 - 0.05)2 = 0.05

Personnel management

Ö (0.005- 0.06)2 = 0.055

Ö (0.053- 0.09)2 = 0.037

Territorial movements

Ö (0.012- 0.08)2 = 0.068

Ö (0.128- 0.10)2 = 0.028

Unusual job work

Ö (0.127)2 = 1.27

Direct loss of time

Ö (0.019)2 =1.9

Ö (0.151)2 = 1.51

Scheduled breaks

Ö (0.006- 0.03)2 = 0.003

Ö (0.016- 0.03)2 = 0.014

Master Ki = 1- 0.91=0.09

head of the repair shop Ki = 1- 0.76 = 0.24

The coefficient of use of working time K allows not only to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the use of working time, but also to trace its relationship with production and personal factors

K = Ke * Ki

where K - coefficient of use of working time;

Ke - coefficient of extensive working time;

Ki - coefficient of intensive working time.

Masters K \u003d 0.81 * 0.09 \u003d 0.73

head of the repair shop K = 0.85 * 0.24 = 0.204

In the optimal case, the value of the total indicator of the use of working time K should be close to one. The lower the value of the indicator, the worse the manager's working time is used.

An analysis of the balance of working time of linear engineers shows us that the foreman spends a little more time on work that is unusual for his job duties than the head of the repair shop. And I would also like to note that the boss and foreman should devote more time to working with personnel.


The financial result is the most important final indicator of the economic activity of the enterprise. It reflects the rational use of all available resources, the level of organization of production, the strengthening of the austerity regime, and the mobilization of on-farm reserves.

In this term paper indicators of the economic efficiency of agricultural production as a whole, as well as indicators of the efficiency of the use of available resources, were determined.

To assess the effectiveness of the use of the machine and tractor fleet in the course work, the volume of work (production: annual / shift / day), the working time fund (shift utilization factors) and technical and structural properties were analyzed. These results tell us that the state of the machine and tractor fleet does not allow full operation and requires more careful maintenance in order to avoid more expensive unit and unit repairs.

In general, labor resources began to be used more efficiently. One of the main growths in labor productivity is to accelerate the transition to comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, as well as to increase the intensity of labor, to observe labor discipline, and to introduce the achievements of the scientific and technical process.

Usage analysis labor resources, the growth of labor productivity, must be considered in close connection with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites for raising wages are given up. At the same time, funds for wages must be used in such a way that the growth rate of labor productivity outstrips the growth rate of wages.

Profit is of particular importance for assessing the performance of an agricultural enterprise. It is the main source of raising the living standards of workers and characterizes in a generalized form the final results of the processes of production and circulation at the enterprise. In general, the enterprise is profitable. Profit amounted to 140,148 thousand rubles.

To increase the economic efficiency of agricultural production, it is necessary to increase the volume of agricultural production while reducing the cost of producing a unit of output.


1. Economics of an organization (enterprise): textbook / V.D. Gribov, P. Gruzinov, V.A. Kuzmenko. M: - KNORUS. 2012. - 408 p.

2. Operation of the machine and tractor park: textbook / Zangiev A.A., Shpilko A.V., Levshin A.G. - M.: Kolos, 2004. -320 p.

Planning at the enterprise: lecture notes / E.G. Nepomniachtchi. Taganrog: TIUE, 2011. - Internet version.

4. Economic efficiency of agricultural production and ways to improve it.

5. Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers (ETKS).

6. Catalog job descriptions agricultural enterprise.

Similar works to - Economic efficiency of the use of modern equipment and technology for the cultivation of crops in the structural unit

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Economic efficiency of soybean cultivation in Belarus

V. G. Taranukho, O. V. Levkina

(Received 10/25/12)


cultivation of soybean fodder yield

The article presents an economic assessment of soybean cultivation in the conditions of Belarus, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of its use for fodder and commercial purposes in comparison with other crops. The calculated indices of yield and cost are given, according to which promising enterprises for growing soybeans are identified. Based on the analysis carried out, the necessity of organizing in our country its own import-substituting production of soybeans in order to provide domestic animal husbandry with fodder protein is substantiated.


The article presents economic efficiency of soya cultivation in the conditions of Belarus and analyzes the efficiency of its use for fodder and product purposes in comparison with other crops. We have calculated indices of productivity and cost price and on their basis determined companies with favorable conditions for soya growing. The analysis shows the necessity of organizing home import-replacing soya production, which could provide home animal husbandry with fodder protein.


Increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex and, on this basis, strengthening the food security of Belarus depends on increasing the production and sale of competitive livestock products. In modern business conditions the most important means effective livestock management is the creation of an intensive and economical fodder base. Despite the fact that in last years the situation in the production of concentrated feed has improved in the country due to the expansion of sown areas and the increase in the yield of corn, triticale and other grain forage crops, the problem of feed protein deficiency remains unresolved. The imbalance of grain fodder in terms of protein leads to a significant overspending of feed, a shortage of livestock products, its rise in price, an increase in cost and a decrease in production profitability. In such a situation, it is becoming increasingly important to increase the production of high-quality feed grains with a high protein content and an optimal composition of amino acids. From an economic and economic point of view, these requirements are best met by soybean grain, which, depending on the variety, contains 33-45% of a protein that is complete in amino acid composition and 18-22% of fat.

Source Analysis. World practice shows that at present the most effective and widespread protein component of animal feed is soybean meal and cake imported into our country from abroad. Every year, enterprises of the republic import more than 270 thousand tons of soybean meal at an average price of $490 per 1 ton. At the same time, many scientists focus on the need to organize their own import-substituting soybean production for the needs of animal husbandry. This became possible thanks to the success of the Belarusian breeders of the Soya-North Co company, who bred a whole range of varieties of the so-called "northern ecotype" capable of sustainable maturation in our country with limited thermal resources, and also developed an effective technology for cultivating this crop. According to the head of this company, O. G. Davydenko, to fully provide livestock with vegetable protein, it is enough to cultivate soybeans on an area of ​​150 thousand hectares.

To date, the issues of increasing soybean sown areas are being paid attention to in a number of state programs. However, indicators of the development of soy-breeding provided for in these documents are quite contradictory. Thus, the Program for providing animal husbandry with vegetable protein for 2008-2012, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, provides for bringing soybean sown areas to 120 thousand hectares by 2012 with an average yield of 13.5 q/ha. The largest areas under crops, according to this program, should be concentrated in the Brest and Gomel regions (35 thousand hectares each), 20 thousand hectares are allocated to the share of the Grodno and Minsk regions and 10 thousand hectares - to the Mogilev region.

In turn, the Program for the Development of the Production of Oilseeds, Oil and Fat Products and Protein Feed in the Republic of Belarus for 2012-2015. provides for the cultivation of soybeans on an area of ​​​​only 21 thousand hectares (by 2015). At the same time, the main sown areas are supposed to be concentrated in the Gomel region (15 thousand hectares), 3 thousand hectares are allocated to the share of Minsk and Brest regions. In our opinion, this is a serious omission, since the Grodno, Brest and Minsk regions have the best natural and climatic conditions and economic potential for growing this crop. The volume of industrial processing of soybeans, according to the Program, should amount to 28.65 thousand tons by 2015, which, according to our calculations, will meet the needs of the livestock industry in soy protein by only 8%.

In our opinion, for a stable increase in soybean production in the country, it is necessary to develop a unified state program soybean development.

Research methods. When conducting research, methods of abstract-logical analysis, analytical, monographic, and other methods were used.

Main part

At present, despite the obvious economic, biological and economic significance, as well as the conditions created for the efficient cultivation of soybeans, its production in our country is at a low level (Table 1).

Table 1. Soybean Cultivation Efficiency Indicators (2011)


By republic




Number of farms cultivating soybeans

Sown area, ha

Harvested area, ha

Productivity, c/ha

Gross harvest, c

Production costs per 1 ha, million rubles


wages with deductions

fertilizers and plant protection products

fixed asset maintenance costs

works and services

cost of fuel

production organization costs

The cost of gross output from 1 ha, million rubles

Cost of 1 centner of soybeans, million rubles

Gross income from 1 ha, million rubles

Payback, rub./rub.

The analysis shows that 41 farms were engaged in soybean cultivation in 2011. The sown area of ​​culture in the republic amounted to 3297 hectares, actually harvested - 2648 hectares.

The leading position in soybean production is occupied by the Gomel region, which accounted for about 40% of the republican gross harvest. The main gross-forming factor in this region was the size of the sown area, while the average crop yield was only 12.2 q/ha. This, in our opinion, is explained by the extremely low level of costs for fertilizers and plant protection products in the farms of the region, while in Belarus the protection of plants from weeds is a critical factor for the formation of soybean yield.

In the Brest region, 1089 centners of soybeans were harvested, the average yield was 13 centners per hectare. At the same time, the region's farms have the lowest indicators of the efficiency of cultivating this crop, which is explained by the highest cost of 1 quintal of production.

The most effective was the cultivation of soybeans in the farms of the Grodno region. Indicators such as gross income per 1 ha, cost recovery exceeded the national level by almost 2 times. This is mainly due to the fact that the grain yield of this legume-oil crop on average in the region has reached the world level and amounted to 21 c/ha. In this regard, the simplest option for increasing the efficiency of soybean cultivation in the conditions of Belarus is the shift of the industry to the Grodno region. However, a high level of the entire grain economy has been achieved here, and due to limited land resources, this region cannot provide the republic with soybeans in full.

Analysis and evaluation of data on soybean cultivation, obtained by us during the survey of co-sowing farms in Belarus, indicates that in different agricultural organizations of the republic, the indicators of crop yield, cost, profitability, etc. vary significantly. Averages hide a large differentiation in the results of soybean production. In this regard, we additionally assessed the efficiency of soybean cultivation according to the methodology proposed by T. N. Gunbina (Fig. 1) .

Rice. 1. Algorithm for assessing the efficiency of soybean cultivation

Within the framework of the proposed algorithm, we have identified two main indicators - productivity and production cost. In order to obtain an objective assessment of the efficiency of soybean cultivation in the conditions of Belarus, each of these indicators, in the context of co-sowing farms, is compared with the average value for the republic.

At the first stage, we calculated yield indices, which made it possible to identify farms that are the most promising for soybean cultivation. These include agricultural organizations that have achieved crop yields above the national average. Their share was 44.4%. The group with yield index less than 1 included 55.6% of co-sowing farms.

At the second stage, the cost indices were determined in a similar way, characterizing the expediency of cultivating the crop. According to the calculations, in 44.4% of farms the cost of soybean cultivation turned out to be lower than the average for the republic, 33.3% of organizations fell into the group with a cost index from 1 to 2. The share of farms in which the cost exceeded the republican level by more than 2 times, amounted to 22.3% (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Efficiency of soybean cultivation in Belarus, 2011

At the final stage, by dividing the partial indices of yield and cost, integral indices of soybean production efficiency were calculated, which characterize the relative level of output per unit of costs. Calculations showed that 59.3% of farms fell into the group with an integral efficiency index of less than 1; 22.2% - with an index from 1 to 2 and 18.5% - more than 2. An example of highly efficient soy breeding can be farms such as SPK im. Denshchikov, OJSC "Akr-Agro" of the Grodno region, KSUE "Sudkovo", OJSC "Agro Sloboda" of the Gomel region.

In general, our studies indicate a fairly high level of soybean cultivation efficiency in Belarus.

However, in order to determine the feasibility of further development of soybean production in the country, it is necessary comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of soybeans and other agricultural crops for commercial or fodder purposes (Tables 2, 3).

Table 2. Indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of agricultural crops (2011)


Cost of goods sold, million rubles/t

Selling price, RUB mln/t

Profit from sales, million rubles/t

Profitability, %



Our analysis shows that the cost of soybean significantly exceeds the cost of other crops (with the exception of sunflower). At the same time, soybean is also characterized by the highest average price, as a result of which the profit from sales per ton of products amounted to 1.399 million rubles, which is significantly higher than for other crops. It should be noted that, despite the low average soybean yield in the country (13.1 c/ha), this crop is highly profitable. According to this indicator, it is second only to wheat, the profitability of which was 221%. The sale of such crops as barley, oats, peas, sunflower turned out to be unprofitable.

When comparing crops by fodder purpose, their effectiveness should be determined mainly by fodder nutrition, yield per unit area and its cost (Table 3). In terms of the content of feed units and digestible protein in the grain, soybeans are significantly superior to all other crops. At the same time, in 2011, the yield of feed units per hectare of soybean crops was lower than for other crops, which is explained by its low average yield. However, even with low yields, soybean is the leader in the yield of digestible protein per hectare of crops, which amounted to 4.48 kg/ha. At the same time, soy protein in terms of amino acid composition is the most balanced in comparison with other crops. According to our calculations, the cost of soy protein produced in the country is about $535 per 1 ton, while the cost of 1 ton of protein contained in imported soybean meal exceeds $1,160 per ton.

Table 3 Indicators of efficiency of agricultural crops by feed purpose (2011)


Average yield in the republic, c/ha

Yield of fodder units from 1 hectare, q.

Yield of digestible protein from 1 ha, c





Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary and economically feasible to cultivate soybeans in the conditions of Belarus. The expansion of the acreage of this crop will help solve the problem of vegetable protein deficiency and strengthen the fodder base of animal husbandry in Belarus, reduce costs and increase the profitability of domestic livestock products. With a responsible attitude to the cultivation of soybeans and state support This strategic industry in the country has a real opportunity to completely abandon the import of expensive co-products.


1. Gunbina, T. N. economic mechanism functioning of the grain market: author. diss. … cand. economic Sciences / T. N. Gunbina; Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Siberian Branch Russian Academy agricultural sciences. ? Novosibirsk, 2001. ? 29 p.

2. Soya in the farms of Belarus - an additional source of vegetable protein / O. G. Davydenko, [and others]. - Belarusian agriculture. - 2008. - No. 4. - S. 25-30.

3. Kagan, A. M. The use of soybean and its products as a feed resource in animal husbandry in Belarus / A. M. Kagan, O. V. Levkina // Organizational and legal aspects of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: coll. scientific Art. - Gorki-Szczecin, 2012. - S. 221-224.

4. Program to provide livestock with vegetable protein for 2008-2012. / G. P. Romanyuk [and others]; ed. N. A. Sivoedova; Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk: Belarusian Scientific Institute for the Introduction of New Forms of Management in the AIC, 2008. ? 89 p.

5. Program for the development of the production of oilseeds, oil and fat products and protein feed in the Republic of Belarus for 2012-2015: Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Rep. Belarus, 31 Aug. 2012, No. 799 // Nat. Legal Internet portal Resp. Belarus. - 09/05/2012. - 5/36178.

6. Soya in fodder production / V. F. Baranov [et al.]; ed. V. M. Lukomets, L. G. Gorkovenko; rec. T. R. Toloraya, A. E. Chirkov; Russian Agricultural Sciences, State Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry", State Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds named after V. S. Pustovoit". - Krasnodar, 2010. - 365 p.

7. Taranukho, V. G. Status and prospects of soybean cultivation in the Republic of Belarus / V. G. Taranukho, O. V. Levkina, O. A. Klepcha // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 69-73.

8. Taranuho, V. G. Soya: a guide / V. G. Taranuho. - Gorki, 2011. ? 51 c.

9. Shvedov, O. Soy has many advantages. And the disadvantages are in the unwillingness to notice them / O. Shvedov // Belorusskaya Niva. - 2011. - No. 62. - P. 4.

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An important reserve for increasing the production of apricot fruits and increasing the economic efficiency of horticulture is the selection of highly effective variety-rootstock combinations that fully correspond to the conditions of a given area. By selecting appropriate variety-rootstock combinations, it is possible to change the size of trees, stimulate their precocity, productivity, and taste.

As the rich experience of world horticulture has shown, the most effective today is a low-growing type of garden.

The undeniable advantage of small trees lies in their higher productivity, since they are cultivated in dense planting, and technological processes, care and harvesting are carried out with the lowest labor and cost.

To assess the efficiency of crop cultivation and crop production, a system of natural and cost indicators is used, reflecting the ratio between the final results and the costs incurred.

If crop production is produced mainly for sale, then the following system of indicators can be used:

    profit per ballo-hectare, thousand rubles;

    productivity, centner/ha;.

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    average selling price of 1 centner (kg) of manufactured products;

    the amount of profit per 100 hectares, 1 centner of products, 1 man-hour;

    profitability level, %.

In practice, only four indicators are usually used: profit per ballo-hectare (thousand rubles), labor intensity of products (person * h / c), full cost(per 1 q) and profitability. For fodder crops, the cost of 1 centner of feed units is mainly calculated.

An economic assessment of new crop cultivation technologies is performed by comparing the results and costs of the basic and new technologies. The initial data here can be both experimental values ​​(obtained during field tests) and computational and analytical values ​​(actual yield and production costs according to technological maps of the basic and new technologies). A technology with a relatively low cost of labor and material resources will be more cost-effective. If with the new technology the yield does not increase, but the unit costs (per hectare of crops) decrease, then the economic effect of its implementation (E) is determined by the following formula:

E \u003d F * (Zbt - Znt),

where F is the area under crops when using new technology;

Zbt and Znt - the cost of labor and material resources per unit area, respectively, for the basic and new technology.

If the cultivation of a crop using a new technology leads to an increase in its yield, then the economic efficiency is determined by the volume of production (gross harvest) according to the new technology and the costs per 1 centner in the basic and new technologies:

E \u003d Qn (Zbt - Znt),

where Qn is the volume of production based on the new technology, c;

Zbt and Znt - the cost of labor and material resources per 1 centner of products obtained, respectively, using the basic and new technologies

In general, the growth in yields far outstrips the growth in costs, as a result of which the cost of production decreases. In our opinion, the quality of the products of the compared options is improving, which affects the market price of the goods. However, in our calculations, the market value of products is the same in all options. Despite this, the effectiveness of apricot cultivation in an intensive garden is obvious. The unit cost of production decreases, income and profitability of production increase


Before fruiting two years, rub.

Fruiting in one year, rub.


Bonus fund (8% of direct costs)

Planting seedlings

Fuel and lubricants

Mineral fertilizers


Depreciation, maintenance, current repair of technical equipment

Total direct costs

Overhead costs -9.5%

Insurance payments - 2%

UST - 30.2%

Total costs


Annual depreciation, including laying and care for two years, calculated on six years of fruiting

Productivity (average for six years of fruiting), c

Wholesale cost (40% of the market price)

Cost price 1kg

Profitability, %

on beet productivity

Until recently, the growth of crop yields on the farm has been held back by the relatively low intensity of farming: incomplete technical equipment, low proportion of reclaimed lands, insufficient chemicalization of production, the use of inefficient crops, and poor labor organization.

A serious brake on the growth of productivity in the economy is a violation of production technology: non-observance of crop rotations, timing of fertilizer application and the ratio of nutrients in them, untimely implementation of measures to combat pests and diseases of agricultural crops, low level mechanization.

This is the most time-consuming process in the cultivation of beets. It begins at technical ripeness, at this time the rows open, some of the outer leaves fade, turn yellow and fall off Mukhortov S.Ya., Egorova Z.M. Intensive technologies for the cultivation of vegetable crops in the Czech Republic: Textbook. Posob.-Voronezh.: Agropromizdat, 2001. - S. 219 ..

The growth of root crops and the intensity of sugar accumulation are reduced. This period in most beet-growing areas falls on the second half of September - early October.

Beet cultivation technology is generally accepted for this region. The soil was treated with the Baikal EM-1 preparation using a knapsack sprayer. The consumption of the working solution is 200 l/ha. The drug was diluted with non-chlorinated tap water in a ratio of 1:100. The flow rate of the working fluid is 10 liters per 1 ton of seeds at a dilution of 1:1000. The seeds were not treated with pesticides.

The soil was sprayed with a solution of the drug immediately before pre-sowing cultivation. Experimental plots were sown on May 11. Harvested by hand, followed by counting and weighing the root crops.

The weather conditions of the growing season in 2007 were favorable both for the growth and development of beets and for the vital activity of the soil microflora.

The results of using the drug "Baikal EM-1" in comparison with the control are shown in tables 4-6.

Table 4 The effect of the drug "Baikal EM - 1" on the field germination of beet seeds

Effective microorganisms of the preparation "Baikal EM-1" increased the germination energy of beet seeds. The maximum result was obtained after seed treatment and when the drug was applied to the soil together with seed treatment, the germination energy increased by 200 and 185%. "Baikal EM-1" increased the field germination of beets by 1.5 and 1.2 times, respectively, while the mass of plants increased.

The stimulating effect of the activity of microorganisms of the preparation "Baikal EM-1" affected throughout the growing season, resulting in an increase in the productivity of beets.

The treatment of beet seeds with this preparation contributed to an increase in the yield of root crops by 4.9 t/ha. At the same time, sugar content increased by 0.47%. The introduction of the drug into the soil was more effective. The yield increased by 10 t/ha. The combined use of these two techniques was tantamount to the latter. Sugar content increased by 0.70 and 0.75%, respectively. As a result, the increase in collection per hectare was 0.9; 2.0 and 1.9 t/ha, depending on the method of treatment with the drug.

Table 5 Effect of Baikal EM-1 on beet productivity

The introduction of effective microorganisms into the soil contributed to the trend towards increasing the purity of the juice. At the same time, a significant decrease in the alkalinity coefficient and sugar losses in molasses was noted. Thus, effective microorganisms have a positive effect on the growth and development of beets from the moment of germination to harvest. Thanks to their vital activity, seedlings appear 1-3 days earlier, which allows the root system to quickly penetrate into the wetter lower soil horizons.

In addition, the functioning of beneficial microflora throughout the growing season has a stimulating effect on the growth and development of beets almost before harvesting, which makes it possible to increase productivity and improve the technological qualities of root crops.

The use of efficient microorganisms is a promising prospect for agriculture. In addition, the use of EM technology will solve many environmental problems countries.

Table 6 The effect of the drug "Baikal EM-1" on the technological quality of beet roots

First, the tops are cut with six-row BM-6A, four-row BM-4 haulers. Beets are harvested by in-line, in-line transshipment and transshipment methods. For harvesting, six-row root harvesters KS-6B, RKS-6 (non-irrigated lands) and four-row RSK-4 (irrigated lands), as well as beet harvesters KST-3A, are used.

With the in-line method of harvesting, root crops are unloaded into vehicles and sent to a receiving point.

The flow-transshipment method is used when there is a lack of vehicles, while part of the tubers is transported to a receiving point, and part is unloaded to specially designated transshipment areas.

With the transshipment method, the roots from the combine are taken to the edge of the field and placed in temporary piles, from where they are taken to a receiving point. Loaders SNT-2.1B, PS-100, SPS-4.2 are used for loading roots from field piles.

Economic evaluation of yield

Evaluation of the economic efficiency of production

vegetable growing is carried out using a system of natural and value

indicators. Natural indicators characterize the level of production

vegetables in general and by individual species.

To do this, use such indicators as: the yield of vegetable crops in general and by species, c. / ha;. the output of the gross output of vegetable growing in physical terms, based on the average annual worker employed in the industry, c./person;. production of vegetables per unit area of ​​arable land of the enterprise, t. / ha Popov N.A. Agricultural Economics: Textbook.-M .: Business and Service, 2000 - S. 118 ..

Cost indicators give a more accurate picture of

production efficiency, cost recovery in vegetable growing,

opportunities for expanded reproduction in the industry.

When analyzing the economic efficiency of vegetable production, the following cost indicators are used:

Gross output of vegetable growing per unit area of ​​sowing

vegetable crops, rub./ha; production of gross output in monetary terms per average annual employee and per 1 man-hour spent in the industry, rub./ man-hour, rub./employee; payback of production costs in vegetable growing, rub./rub.; the amount of gross income, net income and profit per 1 ha of vegetable crops, rub./ha; the sum of production costs per unit of output in the industry, rub./c.

A generalizing indicator of the economic efficiency of vegetable production is the level of profitability of vegetable growing or certain types of vegetable products Kotenko P.A. Economic results of the activity of the agro-industrial complex enterprise: Educational and methodological allowance. - Orel: OGSHA, 2005. - S. 341 ..

Table 7 Economic evaluation beet yield

As a result of the application of the drug "Baikal - M1" on beets, it was found that a double treatment during the growing season (phase 2-3 pairs of true leaves and the phase of closing leaves in a row) at a dose of 1 and 2 kg/ha had a positive effect on the growth of biomass of plants and root crops beets. When using the drug, the yield increased by 17 c/ha (2.2 and 4.1%).

Economic calculation showed the high efficiency of treatments with the specified drug.