Foreign experience in ensuring and improving economic security. Modern problems of science and education Strategy for ensuring the economic security of the region Foreign experience

Derenutsa A.S.

UDC 351.863/339.923:061.1EC+001.8



Derenutsa A.S., undergraduate

Taurida National University. IN AND. Vernadsky

The article discusses the main methodological approaches to ensuring national economic security in the countries of the European Union. The experience of developing and implementing the doctrines of economic security of European countries is systematized and the possibility of its application in Ukraine is analyzed.

Keywords: economic security, foreign experience, European Union, national security concept, European cooperation.

Main methodological approaches to ensuring national economic security in the European Union are examined in the article. The experience in developing and implementing the doctrines of economic security in European countries are systematized and the possibility of its application in Ukraine is analyzed.

keywords: economic security, foreign experience, the European Union, national security concept, European cooperation.

World financial crisis 2008-2009 marked a milestone in a long period of uncertainty in international system political, economic and security relations that began at the end of the Cold War. The idealization of the existing socio-economic model of the world order and the monopolarity of the world economic system led to a global crisis not only in the economic sphere, but also in the political, environmental, humanitarian and, most importantly, security spheres.

Under these conditions, a real vision of the place and role of Ukraine in the global dynamically changing world is extremely important. However, the post-crisis model of the world economy, in particular the financial and economic system and the new architecture of global and European security, may take shape without taking into account the interests of Ukraine. At the same time, our state will still be integrated into the global political and economic space, but not as a full-fledged subject, but as an object of influence of certain forces. As world experience shows, ensuring economic security is a guarantee of a country's independence, a condition for the stability and efficiency of society's life, and success. Therefore, ensuring economic security is one of the most important national priorities of most countries of the world, and the analysis and subsequent adaptation of the successful experience of such provision are one of the most effective mechanisms for achieving stability and efficiency of the national economy.

The experience of the countries of the European Union shows that ensuring national economic security has a decisive influence on securing a clear place for the state in global world, which would correspond to its geostrategic significance and potential. That is why, today, the adaptation of the experience of the EU countries in ensuring economic security should become one of the priority areas of Ukraine's foreign policy, not only in terms of achieving sustainability and efficiency of the national economy, but also from the standpoint of a long-term national development strategy.

In the European Union, the term "economic security" refers to the position of association in the world economic system. The EU dictates the importance of European integration in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness in the context of globalization. Separately, each member state of the European Union has much less economic resources than other developed and even developing countries. The synergy effect achieved through the exchange of resources determines the ability of the European Union to ensure a high level of economic security and competitiveness. The ultimate goal of ensuring economic security in the EU is the formation of a fully integrated Europe with the same standard of living in all member countries.

Most of the EU countries define the strengthening of the European space of stability in their national doctrines as the main task of security policy through the development of European integration and an active neighborhood policy of the European Union with the countries of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, in our opinion, the concept of the economic security of the European Community must be considered to a large extent in the context of the economic security of each individual state, national doctrines, programs and concepts of national security.

In Germany separate law dedicated to the concept of economic security does not exist. The state philosophy of economic security in practice is implemented mainly through laws that regulate the most important areas of market activity and endow the state with significant control functions. Thus, the main interests of the country in the field of national security, including its economic component, are presented in the form of an official directive of the Ministry of Defense.

Germany sees its economic security in maintaining economic and social progress, democratization in Europe and throughout the world, protection from economic blackmail, freedom of trade and access to raw materials and markets within a just world economic system. In the domestic economic plan, the goal is to guarantee a healthy economic development country, material and social well-being of the population. In the foreign economic plan, the main emphasis, due to the export orientation of the economy, is placed on stability and improvement of sales markets.

The main methods for ensuring the safe development of the economy in Germany are actions to maintain the civilized nature of market relations, create equal conditions for competition, prevent monopolization in certain industries and maintain the stability of the national currency.

In a broad sense, economic security in France is understood as the prevention and prevention of economic threats by introducing new schemes, adapting the norms and structures of international security and creating a network of cooperation, in particular between the public and private sectors and between states.

In France, the main state document that addresses certain provisions for ensuring economic security is the Law "On National Security" of 1964. The concept of national economic security in France is interpreted as the creation of favorable internal and external conditions for increasing national welfare and strengthening the economic potential of the country. economic security in a broad sense, it is provided by the whole set of tools economic regulation. To this end, in France, in the process of developing and making economic decisions, criteria are used that are associated with reducing the vulnerability of the economic system and maintaining the economic foundation of an independent foreign policy. These criteria include: elimination of serious disproportions in the level of economic development of business entities; avoiding excessive external dependence in the most important sectors of the economy: minimizing the risks associated with dependence on the outside world.

Security policy in the UK is closely linked to defense policy: both are based on assessments of national interests and are implemented through their protection. Under the "national interests" in the field of economics, we mean the economic interests of the whole society as a whole, which have priority over other forms of public interests.

Threats to national economic security are divided into external and internal and are ranked according to the degree of importance and probability of occurrence, which makes it possible to concentrate efforts to predict and prevent the most dangerous risks from the point of view of national economic security. At the same time, it should be noted that in the field of preventing economic threats, the government traditionally relies on private business, providing it with maximum support. In addition, the country has an extensive network of institutions that ensure effective interaction between parliament, government and big business in the development and implementation of decisions related to ensuring national economic security. In particular, it includes such organizations as the Confederation of British Industry, the Council for Trade with Eastern Europe and a number of more specialized organizations representing the interests of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

The concept of economic security is considered in Spain to a large extent in the context of the economic security of the entire European Community. At the same time, an effective system has been created to ensure national interests in the economic field. It is based on: flexible legal and regulatory framework; a clear delineation of the competence of ministries, departments and organizations in the implementation of regulations relating to economic development; the presence at each stage of development of a legislatively approved program of economic priorities, which, in principle, should have excluded the possibility of distributing targeted privileges; availability of special public services control .

In the system of ensuring the economic well-being and sustainable development of the country, an important place is occupied by the identification of priority sectors of the national industry that fall under the protection of protectionist measures; regulation of the investment promotion procedure; currency control; carefully crafted legislation joint-stock companies. .

In Italy, the state pays great attention to foreign economic expansion, which is carried out through the economic and technological binding of Italy to its foreign partners. At the same time, the most promising among them are the OECD countries, as well as the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Emphasis is also placed on the Italian presence abroad through the development of international industrial cooperation and, as in Germany, the diversification of energy suppliers. In the absence of an officially formulated doctrine of economic security, the fulfillment of Italy's international obligations related to participation in political or economic groupings is an objective guideline for the Italian government. At the same time, the state, within the legal framework, uses all available mechanisms to protect the interests of its own producers in the domestic and foreign markets.

An analysis of the experience of such Western European countries as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland in ensuring economic security shows that their main strategic goal in protecting national economic interests is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market. These countries do not have the opportunity to significantly influence the formation of the structure of the world economy, as a result of which they are forced to adapt to the conditions of the development of the world economy, change the existing structures of national economies and the proportions of their development. At the same time, the so-called "small countries" of the European Union determine the formation of an effective structure and specialization of the economy as strategic goals.

The economic security policy of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic countries is based on convergence of national interests with common European interests, as well as political, economic and institutional transformation in accordance with Western European standards. In the early 1990s, these countries chose practically the same model for ensuring economic security, which included the following actions: an assessment of the geopolitical situation in the region; determination of the vector and development strategy; building and implementing a behavior model, including in the economic sphere, in accordance with the dominant trends of the regional and global evolutionary process; correlation of basic quantitative and qualitative indicators of development with global and regional standards; adjusting the course of economic reforms . The main threats to the economic security of this group of countries can be called: the economic backwardness of the regions of Central Europe from Western European countries, the difficulties of transition to a market economy, the problems of forming democratic and market institutions, and in some countries, for example Poland, the restriction of imports of strategically important raw materials.

Giving a general description of the current state of development of the economic security sector in all the countries considered, one can single out relatively stable economic systems (Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France). These countries are predominantly focused on improving the efficiency of the economy and at the same time maintain the existing level of personal economic security of their citizens. The new EU member states (Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic) can be said to have completed their “first generation” reforms (with a focus on restructuring and re-subordination) and have reached the final stage of security structure reforms.

An analysis of approaches to the economic security of the state in the countries of the European Union convincingly indicates that the level of security depends on many factors. In order not to end up in the position of a state without its own independent economic future, Ukraine needs to carry out purposeful work to get out of economic crisis, prevention of real threats, fight against corruption, criminal elements in the economy. In this regard, it is very important not only to understand the essence of economic security at all levels (international, national, regional, personal), but also specific actions of management structures to bring the level of economic security of Ukraine closer to the European level.

Of course, the adaptation of any foreign experience to the conditions of Ukraine is quite laborious and does not represent copying of the entire regulatory system, but only a phased introduction of individual elements, tools, methods, programs. The experience of foreign countries should be borrowed based on the similarity of tasks, goals, and priorities of national strategies. It is necessary to take into account the level of economic development, the development of institutions of management, provision and control over security, using a systematic approach and comparative analysis.

Models that can be proposed based on the results of studying the experience of the countries of the European Union, not only theoretically, but in some cases and practically can be effective in Ukraine. Implementation of the experience of the countries of the European Union in the context of the transformation of the global economic system today is the most pressing issue of cooperation within the framework of the Ukraine-EU system. Based on the experience of European countries, including the states - new members of the European Union, a new security ideology should be formed in Ukraine, the core of which is to achieve sustainable economic development by performing certain tasks and obtaining specific results based on effective use resources and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

It is obvious that the implementation of the "best" models should be carefully calculated and timely. As an analysis of the experience of the new EU member states shows, it is very important to avoid mechanical copying of the practices of other countries, which can lead to a decrease in the capabilities of national security structures.

Ultimately, the success of the countries of the European Union in providing national economic security depends on the stability and strength of their national economies. Only a strong economy makes it possible to successfully protect national interests in the face of increasing global competition and growing world economic disproportions. Therefore, the state should not only develop national concept security, based on world experience, but, above all, to reform the economic domestic and foreign policy in order to protect all business entities.


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A word to young scientists


1. Badoev S.Kh. Analysis of the world market of luxury goods // Socio-economic sciences and humanitarian research. Publisher: Limited Liability Company "Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation" (Novosibirsk). 2015. No. 7. pp. 24-28.

2. Berezova I.S., Tikhomirova I.I. Analysis of the market for luxury goods and services in Russia // Marketing and Commercialization. 2015. №3. pp. 279-281.

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Badoev Soslan Khazbievich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of department of International relationships; North-Ossetian State University after K.L. Khetagurov (44-46, Vatutin st., Vladikavkaz city, 362025, Russian Federation). Email: [email protected]

Zaseeva Kristina Telmanovna, student of department of International relationships; North-Ossetian State University after K.L. Khetagurov (44-46, Vatutin st., Vladikavkaz city, 362025, Russian Federation). Email: [email protected]


The condition and prospects for further development of luxury goods market in Russia are analyzed in this article. The author focuses on the crisis of the Russian luxury goods market and possible ways out of this crisis.

Keywords: luxury, Russian buyers, volume of luxury goods sales, crisis, luxury goods market, Russia.

UDC 339 DOI: 10.22394/2079-1690-2017-1-2-197-201


Vlasenko Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, South Russian Institute

Andrey management - branch Russian Academy National economy

Vladimirovich and public service under the President of the Russian Federation

(344002, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya st., 70/54). Email: [email protected] annotation

The article is devoted to the analysis of foreign experience in ensuring economic security. Particular attention is paid to the identification and analysis of factors affecting national security and providing socio-economic conditions for sustainable development and support for business structures. As a result, a system of measures has been proposed that contributes to ensuring economic security at the macro and micro levels.

Key words: foreign experience, ensuring economic security.

In the context of strengthening international integration and globalization, with simultaneous strengthening of crisis impacts and instability of national economies, ensuring the economic security of the state and protecting its economic interests is an important condition for the development of both the country as a whole and its business structures. In this regard, the need to review the effectiveness of the economic security management system, taking into account the best world experience and the search for its new models, is being updated.

Given that the most economically independent countries in terms of GDP are the United States - 18124.7 trillion dollars, China - 11211.9 trillion dollars, Japan - 4210.4 trillion dollars, Germany -

3413.5 trillion dollars, France - 2464.8 billion dollars, India - 2288.7 billion dollars, Italy - 1848.7 billion dollars, Brazil - 1534.8 billion dollars, Canada - 1462.3 billion dollars, South Korea - 1321.2 billion dollars, Spain - 1242.4 billion dollars, Australia - 1200.8 billion dollars. , then their experience in the formation of a mechanism for managing economic security is of particular interest for building a domestic management system.

An analysis of existing foreign approaches to the definition of economic security demonstrates that simultaneously with its theoretical understanding, state economic strategies were developing and the mechanism of public administration was being formed. Depending on the continent, the specifics of economic development, global integration processes and the mentality of the population, as well as the priorities of national interests, the positions of countries in the field of ensuring economic security differ.

At the same time, there is a close relationship between solving problems (neutralizing threats] of socio-economic development, increasing the level of economic growth and consolidating the interests of all sectors of society and economic entities. In order to solve the problems that have arisen in countries in connection with the global financial and economic crisis (a decrease in GDP , unemployment, a decrease in the level of gold and foreign exchange reserves, an increase in the differentiation of incomes of the population] and the management of economic security, the governments of a number of foreign countries are taking active measures to regulate the national economy.

The key government authorities, whose powers include ensuring economic security, balanced development of industry, foreign and domestic trade, are in the USA - the Ministry of Commerce, in Japan - the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry, in China - the Ministry of Industry and Informatization, in the UK - the Ministry of trade and industry.

It is interesting that in a number of developed countries (USA, Japan, China] ensuring economic security is equated with the protection of national interests and national security in the priority areas of life of citizens. Therefore, the fundamental documents that define key areas in this area are strategies or concepts of national economic security.

An analysis of US strategic documents shows that economic security is seen as the main element of national security. Moreover, in the Strategies of 2010 and 2015, globalization is presented not only as an advantage of economic development, but also as a threat to the internal economic growth of the country and its economic entities. In addition, in the United States, the mechanism for ensuring economic security was based on the measures defined in the Law on urgent measures and the Anti-Crisis Plan.

Regarding the management of economic security in the eastern countries (Japan, China), it is worth noting that initially these countries developed taking into account their specifics and closeness from globalization processes. Moreover, it was in Japan that the issues of economic security and its provision were raised to the national government level. Until 2000 unlike Western countries, the key external threats were the security of energy, mineral and food resources and the security of transport routes.Moreover, no attention was paid to internal economic security. side of the pro-American concept, an active financial policy in order to preserve payment system countries, improving the structure of the economy and protecting the environment. As a striking example of copying, it is worth citing the Kaifu doctrine, based on the American doctrine of the new world order by George W. Bush, the anti-crisis measures of the Japanese government, policy documents of high officials of Japan.

In China, since 2013, the political, military, and economic aspects of security have been considered as a whole. As noted in the White Paper on Defense Issues, the interests that may be at risk include sources of raw materials and energy resources, strategic sea lines of communication, the rights of Chinese citizens and organizations abroad. It is the issues of internal economic security that are in the first place in this country.

Interestingly, this document from 2015 describes a potential adversary of China, outlines the course for declaring globalization interests and opportunities, and also understands the issue of national economic interests outside the country. Besides,

W o r o u n o u n d s c h a n y

the leadership of the country has identified as priorities the course towards sustainable and relatively rapid development of the country’s economy (bao zengzhang], a “scheme” (“technology”] is defined for solving this problem by accelerating the transition to a new growth model and adjusting the structure (tiao jiegou], reforming the “key links” (tui gaige), increasing the level of openness and improving the life of the population (bao mingsheng] .

In India, the main measures to ensure economic security are aimed at increasing the liquidity of the financial and banking sector, supporting national producers and exporters, and stimulating domestic consumption. In addition, the adoption of the government plan to reduce the budget deficit allowed in 2012/2013. reduce the budget deficit to 4.1%, change in 2010 to Standard & Poors agency the forecast on long-term and short-term ratings to "stable" and to carry out foreign commercial borrowings for Indian companies.

In addition to the experience of developed countries, such countries as Brunei and Singapore deserve special attention, which managed to ensure the economic growth of the country in a short period of time. Thus, since the 2000s, in Brunei, a distinctive feature of economic activity has been the intensification of entrepreneurial activity by the state and industry. For example, in 2001, the Brunei Economic Development Authority was reformed, the Wawasan Brunei 2035 socio-economic development strategy was developed and adopted, several large projects were identified with the participation of public investments (for example, in industry - petrochemical and renewable energy enterprises, pharmaceutical and food flavoring, in the service sector - information and communication technologies, logistics, in infrastructure - the construction of a new port and the modernization of the airport], the largest investment project is being implemented with the participation of the state, centers have been created industrial development. Besides, in five year plan attention is paid to the development of priority types of business and, first of all, information and communication technologies. Moreover, for comparison, it should be noted that 12.1% of all budget appropriations were allocated for these purposes, and 13.6% for education within five years.

In Singapore, economic security is ensured through accelerated industrialization with a focus on the external market and reliance on foreign capital. Moreover, earlier industrialization was carried out at the expense of its own financial resources without resorting to large borrowings abroad. However, the Strategic Economic Plan determined that Singapore in terms of GDP per capita should reach the level of the Netherlands by 2020, and by 2030 the level of the United States.

Accordingly, in order to achieve these results, activities aimed at developing human resources, industry and services, increasing international status and international competitiveness, creating a favorable environment for innovation and economic reconstruction, maintaining national unity and reducing the vulnerability of the country are identified as priority areas. In addition, the economic strategy contains measures to stimulate the diversification of national enterprises, increase the level of their technological development and achieve the status of a regional business center.

As a result, the transformation of Singapore into a country with high international ratings and a level of economic security has been achieved through the implementation of a targeted economic strategy of the government focused on solving domestic problems, raising the country's international status, creating a strong and efficient cluster of business structures, and influx of foreign capital to raise the technological level. national production, targeted stimulating tax policy (for example, corporate tax rates decreased from 26% in 1999-2000 to 22% in 2003-2004, 20% - in 2005-2007; to 18% in 2008-2009 and up to 17% in 2010-2015, tax incentives have been introduced, firms established since 2005 receive full tax exemption for three years, etc.], training highly qualified personnel.

A similar change in the priorities of domestic policy is taking place in countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany, France, as well as leading companies in the world, which are moving to a new innovative economic policy, to an economy capable of ensuring the universal quality of manufactured products based on a serious development of the knowledge base.

Yes, the United States has increased spending federal budget for education in the period 2000 -2016. by 50%. Although the global financial and economic crisis has significantly affected the ability of states to increase their economic security, as well as the adoption and implementation of additional anti-crisis measures by the governments of these countries.

It should be noted that the following measures are taken as the main forms of ensuring economic security in foreign countries at the national level:

Economic patronage of economic activity, which provides support for key producers and industries;

Economic cooperation, within which unrelated industries and lines of production can interact (for example, the financial sector and industry), joint functioning national farms and the exchange of economic resources between various industries, fields of activity, states and regions;

Economic confrontation, the essence of which is to increase the level of competitiveness, achieve and ensure superiority in a certain field of activity;

Economic regulation of internal processes of economic development of the country.

At the same time, in connection with the intensification of globalization processes, the increase in threats to economic security and the increase in the types of economic crimes, the role of business structures in ensuring economic security at the micro level is increasing. Therefore, under the current conditions, it is interesting to study the experience of developed foreign countries in ensuring the economic security of business structures, the use of leveling tools illegal actions, as well as issues of combating economic crimes.

For example, in the United States, firstly, there is a program for the prevention and combat of economic crimes in cooperation with the country's law enforcement agencies with public and private institutions, security and detective bureaus, thanks to which programs are developed to combat crime and prevent a wide range of threats to business. Secondly, in order to ensure that the general interests of the business community are protected in the event of the dismissal of employees who deserve to be prosecuted for committed economic crimes, companies inform the business community about the personality and behavior of this person. Thirdly, companies create internal security structures, where employees of special government organizations, or working closely with government security services . This experience of the United States in creating a large-scale system of collective security of American business allows you to regularly exchange information on the most topical issues business threats to protect American citizens since the early 90s. under an agreement between the State Department and over 500 US corporations.

In Germany, the competence of the Ministry of the Interior of the country includes the improvement of legislation regulating the procedure for carrying out measures to prevent the leakage of information constituting commercial or industrial secrets of business structures. At the same time, business structures, together with independent and private detective and security agencies, actively cooperate with the national security service and participate in the creation modern structures protection and security . Created on the initiative and with the support of the special services, detective and security firms and agencies, the security services exchange relevant information with the police and counterintelligence, in some cases even carry out joint measures to ensure economic security.

In France, the tendency to organize independent private economic security services of industrial and commercial firms and financial institutions, engaged in the prevention of trademark abuse, the detection of facts of unfair competition, industrial espionage and counterintelligence, security in the banking system, etc., has been actively developed. A prerequisite for the formation of these institutions is that their founders can only be persons with citizenship of France or the European Union. Former members of the French police can take on such functions only with the written permission of the Minister of the Interior of the country.

With regard to ensuring the internal security of business structures, it is worth noting that in the United States and Great Britain, companies carry out preventive activities with employees whose behavior raises suspicions of unlawful

Word to young scientists

conduct or the existence of economic interests that could be detrimental to the firm. In addition, employees of companies are selected, checked and tested when they are hired to ensure internal security.

In general, it should be noted that in foreign countries attention is paid not only to the declaration of national threats and tasks in the field of economic security, but also to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of business structures and attracting foreign investment. At the same time, it is important to ensure economic security within industrial and commercial firms, their close cooperation with law enforcement agencies and independent organizations providing services in this area. In addition, in the current conditions of globalization, there has been a clear trend of focusing the attention of foreign countries on the management of economic security through state regulation of the economy.

Thus, we can conclude that the creation of an appropriate institutional structure, organizational and methodological reference documentation, the definition of a mechanism and tools for managing economic security, as well as the involvement of stakeholders (government bodies, business structures, citizens] in ensuring the economic security of the country are the main criteria its effectiveness and efficiency in foreign countries.


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Vlasenko Audrey Vladimirovich, postgraduate student; South-Russia Institute of Management -branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (70/54, Push-kinskaya St., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation], E-mail: [email protected]


The article is dedicated to the analysis of foreign experience of economic security. Special attention is paid to the identification and analysis of factors affecting national security and ensuring economic and social conditions for stable development and support of entrepreneurial structures. consequently, the proposed system of measures that promote economic security at the macro and micro levels. Keywords: experience of foreign countries, ensuring an economic safety.

The goal of national economic security is to ensure a long, high-quality life for the population based on minimizing the socio-economic costs arising from objective threats. Economic security regulation technologies are based on targeted predictive planning and management of optimization and control processes of criteria indicators and benchmarks contained in state target programs and priority national projects.

The methodological basis for the formation of a system for ensuring the economic security of the state is:

  • 1. Cameralist concept of protection foreign economic security;
  • 2. Keynesian concept of protection against internal macroeconomic threats;
  • 3. institutional concept of protection from administrative barriers.

The cameralist concept of national economic security by Friedrich List assumes that the main responsibility for ensuring it lies with the state bodies that develop laws on import quotas, and with customs and border services.

An alternative approach to the interpretation of national economic security was formulated in the 1930s. English economist John Maynard Keynes. In accordance with the Keynesian paradigm, the main threats to the national economy are unemployment and economic decline in production. Methods for preventing threats in accordance with the recommendations of Keynes - active state regulation economic activity on the basis of financial support and administrative control over competition.

In accordance with the institutional point of view on economic security, the main threats are administrative barriers, and the priority measures to prevent them should be the adoption of laws adequate to the development of market relations.

The prioritization in the protection of national economic security is determined, first of all, by the degree of development of a particular country. For the so-called core countries, or capitalist, the Keynesian approach is most relevant, for the countries of the periphery and semi-periphery - the theory of E. de Soto. As for the concept of F. List, in the context of the globalization of the economy, this paradigm is of secondary importance for all countries. In this regard, we can conclude that in the modern conditions of the formation of economic security models, the considered approaches complement each other.

The world has accumulated some experience in this area, but a coherent institutional security system has developed to date only in the United States. Such a system is sufficiently developed in Germany and France. The UK security model is characterized by a specific construction, where there is no legally defined institutional system, but in fact it exists.

The experience of the countries of the European Union shows that ensuring national economic security has a decisive influence on securing a clear place for the state in the global world, which would correspond to its geostrategic significance and potential.

In the European Union (EU), the term "economic security" refers to the position of unification in the world economic system. The EU dictates the importance of European integration in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness in the context of globalization. Separately, each member state of the European Union has much less economic resources than other developed and even developing countries. The synergy effect achieved through the exchange of resources determines the ability of the European Union to ensure a high level of economic security and competitiveness. The ultimate goal of ensuring economic security in the EU is the formation of a fully integrated Europe with the same standard of living in all member countries.

Most of the EU countries define the strengthening of the European space of stability in their national doctrines as the main task of security policy through the development of European integration and an active neighborhood policy of the European Union with the countries of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, the concept of the economic security of the European Community must be considered to a large extent in the context of the economic security of each individual state, national doctrines, programs and concepts of national security.

In Germany, there is no separate law dedicated to the concept of economic security. The state philosophy of economic security in practice is implemented mainly through laws that regulate the most important areas of market activity and endow the state with significant control functions. Thus, the main interests of the country in the field of national security, including its economic component, are presented in the form of an official directive of the Ministry of Defense.

Germany sees its economic security in maintaining economic and social progress, democratization in Europe and throughout the world, protection from economic blackmail, freedom of trade and access to raw materials and markets within a just world economic system. In the domestic economic plan, the goal is to guarantee the healthy economic development of the country, the material and social well-being of the population. In the foreign economic plan, the main emphasis, due to the export orientation of the economy, is placed on stability and improvement of sales markets.

The main methods for ensuring the safe development of the economy in Germany are actions to maintain the civilized nature of market relations, create equal conditions for competition, prevent monopolization in certain industries and maintain the stability of the national currency.

In a broad sense, economic security in France is understood as the prevention and prevention of economic threats by introducing new schemes, adapting the norms and structures of international security and creating a network of cooperation, in particular between the public and private sectors and between states.

In France, the main state document that touches on certain provisions for ensuring economic security is the Law "On National Security" of 1964. The concept of national economic security in France is interpreted as the creation of favorable internal and external conditions for increasing national welfare and strengthening the economic potential of the country. Economic security in a broad sense is ensured by the whole set of economic regulation tools. To this end, in France, in the process of developing and making economic decisions, criteria are used that are associated with reducing the vulnerability of the economic system and maintaining the economic foundation of an independent foreign policy. These criteria include: elimination of serious disproportions in the level of economic development of business entities; preventing excessive external dependence in the most important sectors of the economy: minimizing the risks associated with dependence on the outside world.

Security policy in the UK is closely linked to defense policy: both are based on assessments of national interests and are implemented through their protection. Under the "national interests" in the field of economics, we mean the economic interests of the entire society as a whole, which have priority over other forms of public interests.

Threats to national economic security are divided into external and internal and are ranked according to the degree of importance and probability of occurrence, which makes it possible to concentrate efforts to predict and prevent the most dangerous risks from the point of view of national economic security. At the same time, it should be noted that in the field of preventing economic threats, the government traditionally relies on private business, providing it with maximum support. In addition, the country has an extensive network of institutions that ensure effective interaction between parliament, government and big business in the development and implementation of decisions related to ensuring national economic security. In particular, it includes such organizations as the Confederation of British Industry, the Council for Trade with Eastern Europe and a number of more specialized organizations representing the interests of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

The concept of economic security is considered in Spain to a large extent in the context of the economic security of the entire European Community. At the same time, an effective system has been created to ensure national interests in the economic field. It is based on: flexible legal and regulatory framework; a clear delineation of the competence of ministries, departments and organizations in the implementation of regulations relating to economic development; the presence at each stage of development of a legislatively approved program of economic priorities, which, in principle, should have excluded the possibility of distributing targeted privileges; availability of special state control services.

In the system of ensuring the economic well-being and sustainable development of the country, an important place is occupied by the identification of priority sectors of the national industry that fall under the protection of protectionist measures; regulation of the investment promotion procedure; currency control; carefully developed legislation on joint-stock companies.

In Italy, the state pays great attention to foreign economic expansion, which is carried out through the economic and technological binding of Italy to its foreign partners. At the same time, the most promising among them are the OECD countries, as well as the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Emphasis is also placed on the Italian presence abroad through the development of international industrial cooperation and, as in Germany, the diversification of energy suppliers. In the absence of an officially formulated doctrine of economic security, the fulfillment of Italy's international obligations related to participation in political or economic groupings is an objective guideline for the Italian government. At the same time, the state, within the legal framework, uses all available mechanisms to protect the interests of its own producers in the domestic and foreign markets.

An analysis of the experience of such Western European countries as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland in ensuring economic security shows that their main strategic goal in protecting national economic interests is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market. These countries do not have the opportunity to significantly influence the formation of the structure of the world economy, as a result of which they are forced to adapt to the conditions of the development of the world economy, change the existing structures of national economies and the proportions of their development. At the same time, the so-called "small countries" of the European Union determine the formation of an effective structure and specialization of the economy as strategic goals.

The economic security policy of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic countries is based on convergence of national interests with common European interests, as well as political, economic and institutional transformation in accordance with Western European standards. In the early 1990s, these countries chose practically the same model for ensuring economic security, which included the following actions: an assessment of the geopolitical situation in the region; determination of the vector and development strategy; building and implementing a behavior model, including in the economic sphere, in accordance with the dominant trends of the regional and global evolutionary process; correlation of basic quantitative and qualitative indicators of development with global and regional standards; adjusting the course of economic reforms. The main threats to the economic security of this group of countries can be called: the economic backwardness of the regions of Central Europe from Western European countries, the difficulties of transition to a market economy, the problems of forming democratic and market institutions, and in some countries, for example Poland, the restriction of imports of strategically important raw materials.

Giving a general description of the current state of development of the economic security sector in all the countries considered, one can single out relatively stable economic systems (Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France). These countries are predominantly focused on improving the efficiency of the economy and at the same time maintain the existing level of personal economic security of their citizens. The new EU member states (Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic) can be said to have completed their “first generation” reforms (with a focus on restructuring and re-subordination) and have reached the final stage of security structure reforms.

An analysis of approaches to the economic security of the state in the countries of the European Union convincingly indicates that the level of security depends on many factors.

Ultimately, the success of the countries of the European Union in providing national economic security depends on the stability and strength of their national economies. Only a strong economy makes it possible to successfully protect national interests in the face of increasing global competition and growing world economic disproportions. Consequently, the state should not only develop a national security concept based on world experience, but, above all, reform the economic domestic and foreign policy in order to protect all business entities.

economic security leasing investment


Japan is the first country in the Far East that has clearly demonstrated the ability to adapt the world's managerial and technological experience to the conditions of Asian society and its national interests. The main thing is that the Japanese manage to preserve the foundations of their culture, traditional institutions and relations, modifying them only to the extent that this is required by the tasks of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the country and its citizens in the post-industrial era and global development. Particular attention is paid to the culture of management, macroeconomic regulation. An important element in the adaptation of the Japanese economy to new conditions was the transfer (while maintaining control) of a number of production capacity abroad - to countries with large markets, cheaper labor and favorable exchange rates. Japan has become the world's largest creditor and has the world's second (after China) gold and foreign exchange reserves ($850 billion).

As a result, the high competitiveness of Japanese society was achieved. Its features include: stability, sustainable development, low inflation and a high savings rate of the population, favorable investment conditions, quality education and healthcare, a high standard of living, outstanding life expectancy, etc.

With a territory of 378 thousand square meters. km. and a population of 127 million people, Japan accounts for up to 12% of world industrial production (3rd place in the world in terms of GDP), every fourth car or TV created in the world and every second merchant ship are Japanese. The Japanese are not only good, but also work hard. The country has one of the highest working hours in the world, amounting to 2088 hours per year (in the USA - 1924 hours, in Germany - 1655 hours), and holidays usually last no more than a week.

The Japanese are characterized by a dual worldview: a calm adaptation to the Western way of life and at the same time the protection of national values ​​and customs. As a result, a situation often arises when the external pattern of behavior, appearance, clothing are borrowed, and the motivation for life decisions is traditional. At work and in politics, outwardly a Japanese can behave "in a European way", but internally he is in a system of traditional values. And only at home or while traveling, he allows himself to fully be himself. In contrast to the unlimited active principle of Western culture, in Japan, the wisdom of contemplation has been cultivated since ancient times, leading to the comprehension of the laws of the inner and outer world of man. For the Japanese, virtue is the ability of a person to control his feelings and not show them to the outside world. A Japanese smile is a pleasant facial expression that hides the truth.

The Japanese example shows that the path to success is not a rejection of one's culture, but the choice of a development strategy that includes an acceptable ratio of cultures. The outstanding Japanese humanist Akutagawa Ryunosuke wrote: “The ideas of Confucius, other prominent Chinese thinkers and even hieroglyphs came to our country from afar. And after all, it was not the hieroglyphs that subjugated us, but we subjugated them to ourselves. Otherwise, our language could become Chinese. But we won a victory not only over hieroglyphs. Our breath, like the sea wind, softened even the teachings of Confucius and the teachings of Lao Tzu. Buddha suffered the same fate. Our strength is not to destroy. It's about remodeling."

1. National Interest and National Security Strategy of Japan

Japanese society has developed over the centuries special type development based on the preservation of historical continuity. This approach to one's own historical heritage, probably, should be sought in the centuries-old practice of cultural interaction with civilizational centers, in relation to which Japan occupied a peripheral position (China, the USA). Neighborhood with them, in the absence of direct political dependence, confronted the Japanese with the problem of preserving their identity in the face of massive cultural and technical borrowings and prompted them to develop the practice of a kind of combination of innovations external in origin with local conditions. All this determined the peculiar nature of the relationship between traditions and innovations in the Japanese genesis in general. It is also important that Japanese society was closed off from the outside world for many centuries and was ethnically homogeneous.

The development of Japanese society and its management are based on traditions, continuity and corporatism, descending to the Confucian socio-psychological and ethical stereotype "wa" ("balance", "harmony"). In the management culture of Japan, a command-collectivist (or corporate-collectivist) principle is distinguished, mediated by the relevant norms of this society. Traditional system relations seeks to ensure participation in decision-making by the maximum number of members of the group. Further, it is desirable that decisions be taken by consensus of all its members. The main goal is consent. Thus, functionality appears as an important feature of Japanese paternalism.

However, collectivism in the East is inseparable from hierarchy. A Japanese company may be cohesive, but certainly not democratic. The drive belts that connect managers and subordinates cannot be broken. Information follows from top to bottom and from bottom to top vertically in strict accordance with the protocol. You can not cut corners and cross the path. With the advent Email there have been some relaxations in the system, but the psychology of unity, the unwillingness to stand out, is still unshakable.

In this regard, the Japanese concept of "Enlightened National Interest" can be mentioned. Enlightened national interests are those that express the interests of the whole society, participating in their formulation and placing public interests above private or group interests. Japan's foreign policy is also formed from the point of view of national interests and good neighborly relations, primarily with the states of the Asia-Pacific region. The concept of "enlightened national interests" sort of accumulates the basic values ​​of Japanese society and proposes to steadily implement them (mainly in a tolerant but persistent form), both in domestic and foreign policy.

An important role is played by the system of lifetime employment, which guarantees the Japanese a comfortable existence in exchange for obedience to the "eternally right" majority. 70% of Japanese build their existence on bank loans and loans. The money for the purchased house is paid in full only towards retirement; more than half of society repays debts all their lives, in the event of a job loss, everything is lost.

The mentality of the Japanese is beginning to change, especially in large cities. Part of the youth goes abroad to study, more and more enterprises are hiring mixed staff. The value of the group, of course, retains its value, but individualism also appears. About 2 million young people today prefer not to bind themselves immediately for life, but to try to realize themselves in different areas, changing jobs - they are called "furita" (from English - "freedom" and German - "work"). However, this small, usually wealthy stratum, which accepts postmodern approaches to management and life, is not yet large and, over time, is usually incorporated into the traditional management system - its inconsistency is well shown in Murakami's novels.

The objectives and goals of Japan's national security concept were developed and formulated in the mid-1980s. The doctrine of "comprehensive national security" was supposed to substantiate, on the one hand, the multicomponent nature of the means of achieving national security, and on the other hand, to link the national security of one's country with the entire Western world. Unlike all previous concepts and doctrines, it was expressed in clear categories.

In previous doctrines, the country's security was considered only in the context of Japan's national interests, while the NSC doctrine was permeated by the idea of ​​"global", "indivisible" security of all countries of the "market zone" in the face of the threat from the Soviet Union. In this regard, the Blue Book of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan noted that "countries with common values ​​in politics and economics should develop a coherent, unified and fundamental strategy."

The concept of Japan's security was formed under the influence of a complex interweaving of a whole complex of various factors. These included, first of all, the ruling circles of Japan, who considered the security of the country as a kind of derivative of the stability of the capitalist system as a whole.

Japan's position was strongly influenced by high degree integration into the US military-political system in Asia. The presence of military bases and facilities that the United States had on Japanese territory gave the United States a powerful means of putting pressure on the Japanese government.

Trade and economic relations between them were also very important. The growing importance of the markets of the United States and other developed capitalist countries was directly related to the profound changes in the structure of the Japanese economy under the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution.

The strongest attachment to the American economy forced Japan to try to prevent the introduction of protectionist measures in the United States through concessions in the political and military fields. Support for the political course of Washington and satisfaction of its demands regarding the build-up of military potential and the expansion of Japan's functions in the joint military-strategic system with the United States were, therefore, a kind of payment that Japan was forced to pay in order to maintain the necessary trade and economic relations with the United States. . At the same time, Japan was relatively willing to satisfy the demands of the United States, since they basically coincided with its own long-term goals. The Japanese military department frankly emphasized that one of the most important directions of government policy in the field of security was the "stabilization of the internal political situation." The presence of powerful armed forces, according to Japan, was an indispensable attribute of a great power and an important tool achieving foreign policy goals.

The Japanese concept of security, formed under the influence of all these factors, was based on the desire of the ruling circles to avoid being drawn into armed conflicts, and a concrete way to achieve this goal was seen in support of the US course in the region.

The security concept included a combination of three components:

· political;

· economic;

· military funds.

In the foreground was political security, the specifics of which at that time were not only the unification of the conditions of the "strategic triangle" of the United States, Europe and Japan, but also the desire to create a new "strategic triangle": the United States - Japan - China, where Japan would be an intermediary between the United States and China, not wanting the rapprochement of these countries to the detriment of their interests in East Asia.

The Japanese government stated that it proceeded from the need to “resolve all disputes or conflicts between Japan and other countries through negotiations, deepen mutual understanding and establish friendly ties in the political, economic and other spheres of relations. At the same time, diplomatic relations with those states that were directly related to the security of Japan, namely, China and the Soviet Union, were given special importance.

At the regional level, primarily in the "south direction", i.e. in the most important sub-regions for Japan in the Far East and Southeast Asia, the requirements of "political security" in accordance with the above doctrine were met by a situation that would be characterized by the preservation of the unfriendly policy of the PRC towards the USSR and its allies and Indochina, and the consolidation of the hostile confrontation between South Korea and the DPRK , the existence of Taiwan as a state independent of China, the narrowing of the spheres of activity of the Soviet Union in the Asia-Pacific basin, the strengthening of the military and political role of Japan in the region.

Economic security was closely connected with the national economic interests of the country and was considered in the context of the West-West, North-South theory. Along the West-West line, Japan was not tired of the existing mechanism for regulating relations between the three centers of power. The United States and Western Europe, seeing the activity of Japanese monopolies on the world stage as one of the main reasons for the destabilization of the market economy, tried to restrain the expansion of Japanese capital with the help of government agencies authorities and international economic organizations.

In this regard, Japan put forward its own plans to stabilize the world economy. The United States was asked to end economic "wars" on the basis of the "spirit of free enterprise." As for the European countries, their leaders were urged to generally leave aside the resolution of economic contradictions and concentrate on military-political cooperation. It was in this direction that Japan saw ways to ensure the economic security of the entire West.

Another option was envisaged for the settlement of relations along the North-South line. This direction of Japanese foreign policy is especially important for Japan, because. to the "South", i.e. Asia, Africa and Latin America account for nearly half of Japan's trade investment. Therefore, if earlier the achievement of "economic security" in the "southern direction" was associated with purely economic means, for example, it was conceived by increasing assistance to developing countries, now military means were not excluded.

In the report of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Political Support Program for the 1980s", which outlined the main provisions of the NSC doctrine, paramount importance was attached to the military aspects of security. At the same time, military security was considered in two planes: military and geopolitical.

In the military sphere, the concept of Japan's national security was based on strengthening the military alliance with the United States and building up the combat power of its own Self-Defense Forces. At the same time, Japan made a number of serious decisions. In the mid 80s. It has become a major ally of the United States, whose importance in the strategic balance of power has been steadily growing in the following main areas: the expansion of Japan's role in the US military-strategic system in Asia as a result of the commitments made to organize anti-submarine and anti-aircraft operations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean; expansion of moral and political support for the US position on all issues of war and peace and disarmament; giving freedom to the United States in the implementation of plans for the use of bases in Japan; willingness to join the work on the creation of space weapons; activation of various kinds of military-political ties with NATO countries, South Korea, Australia.

The former doctrines limited the security zone to the Far East, but the KNB extended this zone to 1,000 miles from the coast of Japan. Particular importance was attached to "military cooperation with South Korea", the security of which was considered in the context of its own security.

All aspects of the CONB doctrine were interconnected and interdependent.

The CONB strategy ceased to exist with the collapse of the USSR, since its main goal was achieved, and we must pay tribute to politics. Conducted on its basis. Japan's partnership with the United States in this direction was real and tangible.

With the end of the Cold War, the East Asian region has undergone strategic changes. The process of reducing the Russian military threat has begun. The new geopolitical conditions forced the Japanese leadership to revise its policy in the Asian region and make some adjustments to it. This was served by the proposal put forward by Japan in 1997. In Singapore, the Hashimoto Doctrine.

Among the main factors influencing the New Deal in Asia was a change in the regional balance of power, brought about by a certain rapprochement between the US and China, which in turn reduced the risk of China being isolated. The biggest impact came in 1997. The Japanese-American "guidelines" for defense cooperation, which put a new, broader multilateral security system on the agenda.

ASEAN countries account for 16% of Japan's trade, 10% of Japan's oil imports, and 80% of their natural gas. Japan considers the increase in official assistance to the countries of the region, which currently accounts for 50% of total assistance, to be the main instrument for expanding its influence on these countries.

This distinguished the "Hashimoto Doctrine" from the previous ones, when Japan openly declared its goals. The announcement of the new course reflects, in part, a shift in the balance of power in a region where Japan has some worries about China's rising influence in Asia. The main goal of the "Hashimoto Doctrine" is to counter the expansion of Chinese influence in Asia without being openly opposed to it.

Under the current new conditions, Japan is not interested in a large-scale arms race, because Japanese capital is striving to develop world markets for high-tech products and new technology, which makes it possible to reduce unproductive costs and direct the released funds to improve the living standards of the population and the competitiveness of its industry.

With the new geopolitical conditions, Japan also associates the increased danger of the emergence economic wars. In Japan, fears have been expressed more than once about the breakage of the bipolar system of international relations, when political and ideological contradictions recede into the background, and contradictions of a purely economic order come to the fore, causing a sharp competitive struggle for markets and sources of raw materials.

Japan is interested in maintaining the strategic confrontation that developed in the post-war period in the Asia-Pacific region between Russia, China and the United States, which would continue to deter each other with the help of nuclear and conventional weapons. On the one hand, Japan is objectively interested in weakening Russia's power potential in the Japanese direction, and on the other hand, in strengthening the American forces to contain Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. Welcoming any steps to reduce the arms of Russia and the United States. At the same time, the Japanese government is counting on maintaining sufficient US military potential for Russian direction capable of responding to any changes in the strategic field around Japan. At the same time, Japan is interested in containing the United States and China in the Asia-Pacific region by Russia.

Such inconsistency is not surprising and well reflects the position of the Japanese government, which is interested in the fact that in the 21st century the United States and Russia continue to deter each other with the help of nuclear and conventional forces, since while maintaining the global confrontation between the United States and Russia, Japan can count on ensuring its own security without additional costs. .

Judging by the numerous statements of Japanese political scientists, it is in Japan's interests to develop relations between Russia and the United States, in which each of the parties would seek rapprochement with Japan and improve bilateral relations with it. Only in this case, Japan hopes to maintain a stable strategic position for itself. At the same time, Russia must not only remain a strong state capable of performing the functions of a superpower in maintaining international stability, but also meet the “status of a non-aligned state”, primarily in relation to Japan’s allies and partners.

Thus, in the approach to modern international and regional problems, Japan in the overwhelming majority of cases is blocked with the position of the United States and focuses on the positions of the Western countries as a whole, based on the conceptual foreign policy setting to enhance its role in determining the strategic line of the West. At the same time, while maintaining a general pro-American orientation in international and regional issues, Japanese diplomacy, especially in last years, in a number of cases, formally distances itself from the United States, taking certain steps to demonstrate its "independence" for world purposes, to give its foreign policy more multi-headedness within the framework of the country's leadership's policy of turning it into a world-class power, bringing Japan's political authority in the international arena in accordance with its status as a powerful economic power, which, ultimately, is determined by its national benefits in the political, strategic and economic fields.

2. Economic strategy of Japan.

The turn of centuries and millennia was marked by cardinal changes in the system of the world economy, which were the result of qualitative shifts in national economic complexes and international economic relations, as well as the transformation of corporate practices.

Beginning of the 21st century became a new stage in the development of the Japanese economy. At the end of the first five years of this century, there were signs of the country's exit from a long economic depression following the collapse of the "soap bubble" economy. At the same time, Japan faced the need to define the contours of a new model of economic development, which would allow the country to create a basis for sustainable economic growth in the context of globalization, increase its international competitiveness, maintain and strengthen its position in the world economy as one of the world leaders.

The development of a new model and strategy for long-term growth was actively carried out under the government of Dz. Koizumi and continued under Prime Minister S. Abe. The Council for Economic and Financial Policy developed a document called "Japan's 21st Century Vision", which identified the main factors and directions of Japan's development for the next quarter of a century, as well as outlined the contours of further reform of the country's economy and social sphere.

In May 2006, Dz. Koizumi created the Council for Comprehensive Financial and Economic Reform, which, together with the Council for Economic and Financial Policy and with the active participation of various ministries and departments, developed the New Economic Growth Strategy, which became part of the Fundamental Principles of the Economic Growth Strategy (along with a comprehensive income and expenditure reform program). ).

The basis of the New Economic Growth Strategy, aimed at achieving sustainable economic development in the face of a long-term trend of population decline. The New Strategy for Economic Growth and the Global Economic Strategy as the most general, "core" strategic developments that will be discussed in this chapter.

2.1 New economic growth strategy

The new strategy for economic growth (hereinafter - the Strategy) determines the direction of Japan's development for the coming decades, the main goals and priorities of economic development. It shows the image of the future economic model of the country, as it is seen today, taking into account the main trends in the development of the Japanese economy and society, as well as global development trends.

According to the authors of the Strategy, Japan, after a long recession, is now entering the trajectory of sustainable growth, however, in the long term, its development will be influenced by such problems as population aging (decrease in the birth rate and population decline), aggravation of environmental and energy security issues, a significant budget deficit and increased international competition.

The decline in population will affect economic growth through both the demand category and the supply category. Experts' calculations show that the reduction of the working population in Japan by 4 million people over 10 years will lead to a slowdown in economic growth by 0.4%.

Under these conditions, sustainable economic growth will largely depend on the development of the social insurance system and the reform of the financial sector. Therefore, the main path to the "new growth", which is outlined by the Strategy, is the growth of national prosperity in the face of a declining population based on technical innovations, growth in labor productivity and the use of "Asian dynamism".

Innovation in the broadest sense of the word has become a kind of "national idea" in Japan.

Increasing international competitiveness and stimulating regional development are identified as the main development priorities, and the goal of the Strategy is to simultaneously ensure a “virtual cycle” of innovation and demand.

The introduction of the concept of a "virtual cycle" of innovation actually means recognizing the need to move to a new growth mechanism, which assumes that innovation creates demand, and demand gives impetus to new innovation. In the future, Japan should become a world innovation center and, as such, offer new products and new technologies to the world market, i.e. create a "virtual cycle" on a global scale and, first of all, in Asia, which has become the center of growth of the 21st century.

Thus, we are talking about the adaptation of the country's economic system to the conditions of the multiplier in the period of formation new economy” - according to the principle “innovations give rise to innovations”.

2.2 Regional economies

As for the regional economies, the authors of the Strategy believe that in conditions when the Japanese province has already fully faced the consequences of population aging. It is especially important to use the potential of innovations related to health and social care. Thanks to deregulation and the opening of new areas where previously operated public enterprises, new segments of demand for private business will be created and expanded.

In the field of stimulating the development of the innovative and market potential of the Japanese regions, the developers of the Strategy proceed from the existence of noticeable and fundamental differences in the conditions and levels of development of individual regions.

Therefore, measures related to regional economies are designed so that different regions can find their place and focus on reviving the local economy, developing infrastructure, and ultimately achieving "independent economic growth."

The main directions for stimulating regional economies are defined in the Regional Industrial Strategy, which is also part of the New Economic Growth Strategy.

The Strategy specifically notes the insufficiently high efficiency of the tertiary sector, which is inferior in terms of productivity to the service sector of the United States and European countries. Therefore, in order for this largest economic sector to contribute huge contribution in the economic growth of Japan in general and the regional economy in particular, it needs to be reformed.

The Strategy identifies five complex areas, on the development of which, according to the authors of the document, progress in the future depends:

human resources Under conditions of reduction, "new growth" is possible only through the development of the capabilities of each individual. Therefore, it is necessary to direct investment in human potential - to educate modern leaders, to make the system of education and development of human resources more flexible, including the diversification of educational paths, strengthening its practical orientation in technical and commercial higher schools, strengthening cooperation between industry and the academic sector. equipped Japanese industry and infrastructure sectors are such that in order to increase the productivity of capital, it is necessary to replace production capacities. A comprehensive review of the depreciation system is required, as well as a "strategic development" of the logistics infrastructure in order to "shrink the distance" between Japan and the rest of Asia and increase competitiveness. yen, which could become an important resource for economic growth in the country and more efficient use in the form of investments in: - financial instruments with an average level of risk and return - high-risk sectors, in particular, venture capital and SMEs - regional economies - Asian countries. technical innovation Without being able to compete with emerging economies on cost, Japan must improve its technical capabilities. It is necessary to strengthen cross-sectoral integration and intensify joint research of the private sector, universities and government organizations, create a human resource development infrastructure in cooperation between industry and universities, and cultivate pioneer ventures. A policy of creating clusters should be pursued in order to create 40 thousand new business units in the next five years. Knowledge, or management resources should be improved, mainly in the direction of maximizing the use of human resources, capital, financial management, knowledge and other intellectual assets . It also needs to improve the institutional infrastructure and organizational design. Companies' operating systems need to be reassessed in light of changes in the business environment associated with the need for wider international expansion, as well as changes in the system of cross-shareholding. regional economy growth national

2.3 Global economic strategy

According to the authors of the Strategy, one of the distinguishing features of the current stage of globalization has become a noticeable increase in the importance of Asia in the world economic space. Japan has played a significant role in this process. First, the production networks of Japanese companies in Asian countries, the development of which reflects the process of deepening the international division of labor at the corporate level, contributed to the formation of the basis for the development of industry and the entire economy in many Asian countries. Secondly, the beginning of the revival of the Japanese economy is also contributing to the expansion of free trade and the movement of investment in the region. At the same time, integration processes are intensifying in Asia, as well as in North America, and in Europe, and the ideas of creating "free economic zones" are becoming real.

Based on the above, the country's global strategy focuses on three main points.

Joint development in Asia.

Economic activity in Japan is closely linked to the creation of production networks in Asia. East Asia's role as the center of global economic growth is fueled by a "virtual cycle of aggressive direct investment and economic growth" in Asian countries. In addition, as their economies grow and the purchasing power of the population increases, these countries are becoming one of the world's most promising consumer markets.

Japan, which accounts for about 60% of the GDP of the ASEAN + 3 group of countries, should strengthen its functions as an “absorber” of possible financial and economic shocks and contribute to the stability of the East Asian economy. And Japan's experience in building a market economy, developing industrial technologies, and solving environmental and energy problems can be useful for other countries in the region.

Thus, in order to provide the basis for long-term growth in Japan itself, it is necessary to strengthen the mechanism of "joint" growth, creating a "free and open economic space" in Asia, where free trade and entrepreneurial activity will be covered by the relevant laws.

The current task in this context is the formation of "free trade zones in East Asia", including relying on the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between Japan and ASEAN.

Therefore, an integration strategy in East Asia should include two initiatives:

the prospect of a comprehensive economic partnership in East Asia with the participation of ASEAN as a key regional organization.

the creation of an international organization that would become a political forum.

Support for soft power.

One of the key concepts in Japan's global economic strategy has become the concept of "soft power", which is embodied in the country's social values, its culture, political ideology, and ability to cooperate. In the modern world, it increasingly determines the strength of the country with a relative decrease in the importance of "brutal power" - economic and military potential.

In order to build up "soft power", it is important for Japan to ensure an influx of talent from abroad. This goal can be served by the implementation of the concept of the "Asian Human Fund", as the Japanese version of the Fulbright scholarship.

At the same time, the focus of international competition is shifting from the prices and functions of goods and services towards more “cultural” aspects, such as brand and quality. The combination of Japanese cultural values ​​and advanced technologies will create a new strength for the Japanese economy.

Japan's contribution to the creation of "world values".

In the 21st century Japan, as part of Asia, can play the role of a "pivot" in the creation of a new global system and new system in Asia. Japan, before other countries, faced the problems of environmental pollution, urbanization, an aging society, many of which have become universal, and can contribute to solving such problems at the global level.

The report outlines four main directions of Japan's international policy:

Further economic integration of East Asia and Japanese initiatives.

Globalization and strengthening of the country's competitiveness.

The transformation of Japan into a more open and attractive country.

Regional strategies of Japan and contribution to the solution of universal problems.

At the current stage of globalization, Japan can become one of the centers of international production and distribution. To do this, the government should help improve the innovation and investment climate in the country, including improving the intellectual property protection system and international logistics infrastructure, and creating an environment for reinvesting profits.

Japan's greater openness should also help increase the country's competitiveness in terms of attracting first-class specialists from other countries, in which Japan is still inferior European countries and USA.

Among the 11 areas of the Global Economic Strategy of Japan, Russia is also singled out, which is part of a group of countries with rapidly emerging markets which are currently and in the future of strategic interest for Japanese companies. The strategy considers Russia as a source of resources, and the stability of the Russian economy as a factor of stability in the Far East.

Development in 2004-2007 of a comprehensive long-term strategy for sustainable economic growth for the coming decades and its content testify to the level of understanding by the government and business of Japan of the nature and magnitude of the tasks facing the country in the first half of the 21st century, and also that the “platform” for building the foundation for this growth in cleared in a certain way. The most severe consequences of the depression have been overcome, and all elements of the growth strategy are based on the premise that the emerging positive dynamics will be sufficiently stable, and systemic reforms will continue.

The new economic strategy clearly demonstrates the traditional feature of the Japanese system of planning and programming, namely, a high degree of coordination of strategic and current tasks and the corresponding levels and time horizons of planning, systemic reform programs and the current economic policy.

The new strategy links together the social and economic aspects of the country's development, since the development of the social sphere is seen not just as an obligation and the state in relation to citizens, but as a promising field of activity for companies and enterprises, and the development of human resources becomes the first condition for maintaining and strengthening the country's international competitiveness.

3. Japanese Science and Technology Policy

The development and establishment of science and scientific and technical activities is directly related to the development of human society. The development of knowledge was facilitated by intensive contacts, the exchange of information between different peoples and civilizations.

It is believed that throughout history, the Japanese economy has struggled to catch up with technologically advanced countries. During the Meiji era (1868), Japanese leaders realized how Japan lagged behind Western countries in technological development in many areas. The government has made efforts to import new technologies, hire engineers from abroad, train people, and encourage entrepreneurs to assimilate foreign technologies and apply them to Japanese factories. However, success depended not only on the government, but also on the private sector: investors, managers, engineers, workers and on their willingness and ability to respond to the opportunities open to them. In the Meji era, entrepreneurs appeared in many industries, and most people are quite educated. The private sector was ready to start an unfamiliar business. This was the main driving force behind Japanese development.

The end of isolation (1854) and the change of government (1868) prompted the Japanese government to import foreign technology and close the gap with Western countries. The government began to take measures to improve communications, public services, education, and the financial sector. The government began to import technology in every possible way: by obtaining written information, hiring foreigners, sending Japanese to study abroad, importing technology, direct foreign investment. Thanks to the help of Western countries, Japan in short time was able to improve and establish a nationwide primary education system. By 1904 School attendance was 99% boys and 96% girls. The system of secondary education was also improved. The British played an important role in the system of higher education. In 1873 A college was founded, headed by 9 English professors. Gradually, English professors were replaced by Japanese who graduated from this college. The Japanese government favored technical education, while more developed countries considered science over technical developments.

By 1915, the scientific and technical basis of the country had been formed. The national education system has already produced quite a lot of qualified specialists. During 1914-1930. 38 research laboratories and several national research institutions were founded. For the development of basic research, the Council of Science was created in 1933. The goals of the foundation were:

· increase research funds at universities and research institutions;

· creation of effective management for scientific cooperation.

In Japan, there are three organizations responsible for conducting science and technology policy and coordinating R&D:

· Ministry of Education;

· agency of science and technology;

· Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry - MITI.

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry plays a major role in developing science and technology R&D policy in Japan. The main task is the coordination of research between public scientific institutions and private industrial firms, as well as the determination of future promising directions development of Japanese industry. It includes many divisions. Prominent scientists of academic institutions, representatives of industrial enterprises and consumer associations. Other functions of this ministry are: financial support for industrial R&D in the initial stage and development; collection, processing and transfer to the industrial sector of world information in the field of the latest discoveries of science and technology and the results of research by domestic universities and research institutes. MITI is not looking for new scientific and technical ideas, they come to the ministry from private firms. The task of the ministry is to select the most promising ones.

Basic research is very expensive and risky, so firms do not risk investing in it, but if this research is supported by the state, companies are also ready to invest in development. Competition between firms begins after receiving the result of fundamental research.

The share of public spending on NIKOR in Japan is 20% of all spending on science and about 1.5% of spending on NIKOR in industry, which is the lowest figure among developed countries. But the role of the state in this area is very great. This is done through a special approach to financing. The start of development is financed, then private firms, having learned about the support of the project by the state, invest their capital in further development. In the later stages, the project is carried out entirely at the expense of private firms.

The government promotes the transfer of scientific results from public research institutions to the private sector. Joint researches of the state scientific centers and private companies are stimulated. The latter get access to the work carried out in state scientific institutions, and their employees can conduct research in the laboratories of private firms.

The Science and Technology Agency is responsible for conducting basic research. The agency has a large research center. The main task of which is to transfer technologies created in government laboratories to private business. Half of its activity is devoted to fundamental research, 25% each is for technology transfer and scientific and technical cooperation.

The Ministry of Education is a financial donor to public universities and blue-collared research institutes. In Japan, 50% of basic research is done at universities. Under this ministry, an advisory body has been created that gives advice in the field of scientific and technological policy.

Japan ranks first in the number of patent applications and is a technology leader in some industries. Japan's positions are especially strong in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering, chemistry and pharmaceuticals. The share of Japanese applications in foreign patent offices is also high.

Japan is the second country in the production of high technology products. Its economy is almost entirely dependent on imports of raw materials and exports of products. The main high-tech exported products are electronics and optoelectronics. The share of Japan in such areas as biotechnology, medical equipment, telecommunications and information technology varies between 13-17%, not being an absolute leader in any area. An analysis of the Japanese trade in high-tech goods showed that the growing exports to China until 1966. began to shrink. Exports to the USA are constantly increasing and occupy a leading position in the field of transport and metallurgical equipment.


Currency crisis of the 90s. in Asia showed a certain dependence of the Japanese economy (as well as other countries) on incoming and suddenly outgoing foreign "hot" multibillion-dollar deposits, and slowed down the pace of its economic development. Played a negative role and speculative "bubbles" on stock market and the land market. This forced the ruling circles to adjust the management strategy. For a long time, following the principles of “mutual assistance” and corporatism, the top management elite did not take appropriate disciplinary measures, which led to the emergence of many insolvent campaigns and even the bankruptcy of some of them. Under these conditions, the state increased control over weak banks and deposits, allocated additional funds for their recapitalization under the strictest control. The Fund for the Recovery of Industry was created, which was engaged in buying up debt obligations, converting debts, selecting sponsors for their purchases, and conducting out-of-court bankruptcy proceedings. As a result, Japan gradually solved these problems not so much by traditional liberal macroeconomic methods, but by decisive government measures to additionally finance weak firms through the Bank of Japan, maintain liquidity in their accounts for the necessary period of time to strengthen, and prevent risks in the face of reduced demand. The government played the role of active anti-crisis management to reorganize the private sector. At the same time, it did not go for its reduction or absorption. Powerful governmental support small and medium business (gives 50% of GNP, it employs 75% of all employed in economic production). As a result, since 2003, Japan has seen a further economic recovery (annual 3%) achieved using both innovative and traditional management methods.

The Japanese example of "economic and cultural modernization" is interesting and instructive. It testifies that positive results cannot be achieved only by copying Western models and ignoring the peculiarities of one's own culture and national psychology. Success is achieved by combining these two principles, as well as taking into account the deepening processes of globalization, developing the ability to protect national socio-economic development from the vagaries and interventions of the world currency market.


1.Association of Japanologists//Publications / Long term strategy economic growth: a Japanese approach. I.L. Timonin. 2005

2.Dinkevich A.I. Economic development of modern Japan//Money and credit. - 2003. - No. 10. S. 74

.Irkhin Yu.V. Sociology of Culture: Textbook. M., 2006. S. 330.

.Leontieva E. Japan. Complex tasks // ME and MO. - 2005, p. 126

.Ogawa M. Practical management / Per. from Japanese M., 1990. S. 178.

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The problem of ensuring the economic security of Russia is an indispensable condition for its revival. The quality of ensuring economic security in modern conditions is complicated by the impact of globalization and the conditions of close interdependence of the national economies of various countries.

As world experience shows, ensuring economic security is a guarantee of the independence of the national economy, a condition for the stability and efficiency of society, and success. Ensuring economic security is one of the most important national priorities.

The object of the study is the mechanism for ensuring economic security.

The subject of the research is the practice of ensuring the economic security of foreign countries.

The purpose of the work is to explore strategies for ensuring the economic security of foreign countries.

Work tasks:

Expand the concept of economic security;

To study the types of threats to economic security;

Explore the experience of ensuring the economic security of European countries;

Explore the experience of ensuring economic security in the United States and Canada

Explore the experience of ensuring the economic security of Japan The structure of the work is presented: an introduction, two chapters divided into paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for ensuring economic security

1.1 The concept of economic security

The need for protection from various kinds of undesirable external influences and radical internal changes, in other words, the need for security acts as a basic, fundamental need, both in the life of an individual or family, and within various associations of people, including society as a whole and the state .

Security is defined by a number of authors as “a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, and its implementation is ensured by the formation of a system of relations between the subjects of public life (as well as “society-nature” relations), which are supported by a combination of legal, power , administrative, technical and informational measures”.

Three can be distinguished basic level security: individuals, societies and states, which, in turn, intersect with various functional areas of security, such as external, internal, state, military, economic, food, transport, environmental, information, etc.

Economic security can be attributed to the number of the most priority functional areas of security. Meanwhile, in the scientific literature there is still no single concept of national economic security. Some authors understand national economic security, first of all, the security of the international economic system and include in its composition such issues as the uneven economic development, the growth of debt, the spread of hunger, cyclical fluctuations and other aspects of the general destabilization of the world economy. Other authors primarily study the problem of providing favorable conditions for the most effective development of the competitiveness of the national economy, including free access to foreign sources of raw materials and energy, the stability of foreign investment and guarantees for the freedom of exchange of goods and services.

1.2 Types of threats to economic security

To ensure economic security, it is necessary to identify those real and potential destructive security factors that have a variety of manifestations that act as potential threats.

Threat to the economic security of the country - the possibility of causing damage to the national economy as a whole and its sectors in particular, the financial and credit system of the state, the possibility of violating the socio-economic stability of society and economic situation person.

Threats include various types of crises and crisis situations, catastrophes, situations with destructive content. Threat as an immediate danger that requires a quick response should be distinguished from risk as a possible danger requiring preventive action, and vulnerability as an indicator of the state of security, indicating its potential insecurity. The threat to economic security is a subsystem of the system of threats to national security.

Among the threats to economic security, one should consider, firstly, the threats are objective and subjective. Objective threats are associated with the impact of factors that do not depend on human intervention (changes in the natural environment, environmental disasters not related to human activity), subjective ones are due to human activity (errors and shortcomings of human activity).

The second type of threats are external and internal threats. External threats in modern conditions are of particular importance. This is due to the fact that modern development is characterized by fundamentally new characteristics in relation to the previous stage. Comparison should be carried out according to such parameters as the main production resource (raw materials, energy, information), type production activities(mining, manufacturing, sequential processing), the nature of the underlying technologies (labor-intensive, capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive). The modern post-industrial society is characterized by complex social interaction - that is, interaction between people, where the nature of interpersonal relations is determined not by the reproduction of the experience of previous generations, but by a joint search for optimal solutions that are fundamentally new. Such a system of connections replaced the interaction of man with nature in a traditional society and transformed nature in an industrial society.

The development of the world as a global socio-economic process is evidenced by the presence of global threats to humanity, first identified in the first reports to the Club of Rome. Global problems are dynamic in nature - in the period from 1945, the moment the Second World War ended, until 1991, such a problem was the arms race between the USSR and the USA and the threat of nuclear danger. In 1998, India and Pakistan became nuclear powers, South Africa, Israel, Iran, North Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Argentina are called “near-nuclear”. Today, the threat of war and the militarization of national economies is becoming the second most important, giving way to the threats of poverty and backwardness associated with a growing gap in the quality of life of the "rich North", where 20% of the world's population lives, and the "poor South" - the underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa. and Latin America.

The threat of food shortage concerns not only underdeveloped countries, but world leaders, which is associated with a reduction in agricultural areas due to the development of urbanization, a decrease in seafood production associated with pollution of rivers and seas, with an expected increase in the world's population to 10 billion people, with irrational use of territories leading to an increase in food imports. The UN has classified 37 countries of the world as in dire need of food assistance.

The global status is posed by threats to environmental security and the exhaustibility of natural resources, expressed in energy and raw material crises, the most severe of which were the problems of the 1970s and 1980s. These factors lead to the phenomenon of ecologization of consciousness, which acts as "the process of steady and consistent implementation of systems of technological, managerial and other solutions that allow to increase the efficiency of the use of natural resources and conditions ... at the local, regional and global levels." Dependence on external energy supplies characterizes the development of many countries in Europe, Asia and America. Forecast studies suggest that Western Europe will be 80% dependent on natural gas imports by 2030 compared to the current 50%.

As internal (endogenous) threats today are:

Deindustrialization of the country, preservation of the deformed structure of the economy;

Institutional incompleteness of economic transformations;

Imperfect legislation and regulatory framework;

Weak coordination of the relationship between the real and financial sectors;

Limited opportunities for risk insurance;

Deterioration of the scientific and technical potential;

Withdrawal from internal circulation of finance and intellect;

Rising unemployment;

Differentiation in the incomes of the population.

This category also includes socio-demographic security associated with the processes of reproduction of the population and providing the population with decent living conditions.

Thirdly, it is possible to single out current threats - designed to be implemented in the short term, and long-term - designed to be implemented in a significant time perspective.

Speaking about threats to the economic security of the country, it is necessary to be aware of their dynamic nature, the ability to localize and arise, which allows us to talk about real and potential threats.

Thus, the threats are - just like economic security in general - complex.

economic security policy

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the strategies for ensuring the economic security of individual countries

2.1 Strategy for ensuring the economic security of European countries

In France, the main state document, which affects certain provisions for ensuring economic security, is the National Security Law of 1964.

In accordance with it, three categories of national interests are distinguished: vital, strategic interests, interests associated with the status of France as a world power.

Vital interests include: territorial integrity, sovereignty, protection of the population. The strategic interests are: maintaining peace on the European continent, in the zones adjacent to it from the east and south, in the Mediterranean basin and in the Middle East; in maintaining the full-fledged economic activity of the country, freedom of foreign trade and communications, and security of sea routes. The interests associated with the status of France as a world power are to ensure the independence of the country, the fulfillment of international obligations, the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law.

Germany does not have a national security law. The main interests of the country in the field of national security, including its economic component, are presented in the form of an official directive of the Ministry of Defense. Germany sees its economic security in maintaining economic and social progress, democratization in Europe and throughout the world, protection from economic blackmail, ensuring freedom of trade and access to raw materials and markets within a just world economic system.

Despite the fact that Germany is one of the largest consumers of imported raw materials, this fact is not seen as a threat to economic security. While maintaining the achieved level of consumption of energy resources, the task is to achieve an increase in industrial production and an increase in prices for German exports.

And yet, the main emphasis of the EU countries is on ensuring national security through the measurement of European security, without paying such important attention (as, for example, the former post-Soviet or totalitarian countries) to their own capabilities to ensure economic security. For example, the already mentioned directive of the German Ministry of Defense notes that “the problems of our complex world can be best solved through international discussion and compromise, therefore German politics security focuses on international relations and supranational institutions.

In other words, in the countries of Western Europe, the economic security of the country is understood not as a desire for self-sufficiency and independence of the national economy or politics from the rest of the world, but as a state of stable and sustainable socio-economic development of the country, which can be ensured on the basis of close political and economic cooperation. In general, it is worth noting that in developed countries with an established market economy, the concept of the country's economic security is often the equivalent of the concept of economic policy, a function of the chosen political and economic course.

For example, in Germany, economic security is understood rather as the stability of economic growth. The Law “On Supporting the Sustainability and Growth of the Economy”, according to which “the state must pursue such an economic policy that, within the framework of the chosen model of a market economy, it simultaneously contributes to price stability, a high level of employment and external economic balance with commensurate constant rates of economic growth”, can be considered peculiar German economic security law.

This document spells out the measures that need to be taken in the field of economic policy in the event of internal and external threats to sustainable socio-economic development, which include: the negative impact of external economic factors, economic policy errors, manifested in "overheating" or slowdown in economic development, expansion of demand exceeding the productivity of the national economy.

The experience of small countries of Western Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland) in ensuring economic security shows that their main strategic goal in protecting their national economic interests is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market .

These countries do not have the opportunity to significantly influence the formation of the structure of the world economy. They are forced to adapt to the conditions of the development of the world economy, to change the existing structures of national economies and the proportions of their development.

From this follow the strategic goals of forming a flexible, efficient structure and specialization of the economy. Timely structural reforms are designed to help increase competitiveness in foreign markets and mitigate the social consequences of structural changes for the population of these countries.

The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Baltic countries in the early 1990s adopted an almost identical model for ensuring economic security, which included the following actions:

Assessment of the geopolitical situation in the region;

Determining the vector and development strategy; building and implementing a behavior model, including in the economic sphere, in accordance with the dominant trends of the regional and global evolutionary process;

Correlation of basic quantitative and qualitative indicators of development with global and regional standards;

Correction of the course of economic reforms.

The security policy of these countries was based on the course of bringing national interests closer to common European interests; political, economic, institutional, cultural transformation in accordance with Western European standards.

The fundamental principle of the concept of Hungarian security policy is that security cannot be reduced to political and military only; at the same time, the importance of economic factors increases. The main element of the Hungarian concept is the concept of the integral nature of security, including its economic component: no state can enhance its security at the expense of another state; security can only be understood and ensured in terms of cooperation. Based on this, the Hungarian security policy rests on three fundamental pillars: political, military and economic integration with Western Europe.

The second fundamental pillar of the Hungarian security policy is the opportunities offered by regional cooperation within the framework of the Visegrad Group, the Central European Initiative, and bilateral relations.

The main threats to the economic security of Hungary, as noted in the concept, are:

Economic backwardness of the regions of Central and Eastern Europe from Western European countries;

Difficulties in the transition to a market economy;

Problems of formation of democratic institutions.

In addition to the threats to Hungarian economic security listed above, Poland's concept adds one more threat - the cessation or significant restriction of imports of strategically important raw materials.

2.2 US and Canadian Economic Security Strategy

According to the Canada Clearinghouse, the government's strategic goal for the economic security of the country is to maintain conditions for long-term growth in labor productivity and capital, and thereby the standard of living of the population, including a reliable and dynamic business environment conducive to innovation, attracting domestic and foreign investment and sustainable economic growth.

First national program to ensure economic security in the United States can be called a memorandum approved in 1990 with the aim of taking appropriate measures to ensure economic security.

In this document, annexes on ensuring the national economic interests of the United States in the competitive struggle with rivals on the world stage and on protecting "the leading positions of the United States in technological fields" were additionally introduced as priority goals, and "preserving economic power United States” is directly associated with the implementation of measures to ensure economic security.

Subsequently, US presidents more than once initiated the adoption by Congress of various documents that contained the phrase "economic security" in their titles.

For example, the US Economic Security Act of 1996 was dedicated to US information security, in particular, the fight against economic espionage.

In this document, "economic security" is understood as part of national security; it is aimed at strengthening the legislative protection of information about innovations and innovations from foreign espionage, which are the basis for increasing the competitiveness of the US economy.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2000 in the United States, there is a shift in emphasis in the content of the documents proposed for adoption to ensure economic security.

Thus, the 2001 Economic Security Package is devoted mainly to the problems of workers losing their jobs as a result of the destruction of buildings in New York, as well as the organization of social assistance to these citizens (in the field of medicine, education).

This document, however, proposes measures to revitalize American economy, which should create opportunities for the construction of more buildings, reduce unemployment and increase jobs; proposals to increase energy independence (a separate energy plan), to reform the education system, to expand markets for their products abroad.

The analysis data show that in the United States, as well as in other countries, there is no generally accepted methodological approach to ensuring economic security. In this country, "... the problem of economic security is not formulated due to confidence in one's own power and consideration of economic security issues as part of the general national interests."

The U.S. National Security Strategy states that "U.S. economic and security interests are becoming increasingly inseparable"; and in the same place: “this Strategy also applies to the economic sphere”.

However, this is understood as ensuring the prosperity of the country through an economic policy that should help restore order in own house, to promote the development of free and open markets and sustainable development, improvement of market mechanisms and structures”.

At the same time, the Strategy clearly identifies three components of strengthening American national security:

Maintaining a strong defense capability and using active diplomacy to develop security cooperation with other countries;

Activities aimed at opening foreign markets and accelerating global economic growth by accommodating and building institutions that help secure and accelerate economic growth worldwide;

Contribute to the acceleration of democracy abroad.”

2.3 Japan's economic security strategy

In Japan, the transition from the traditional interpretation of security in the military-political sense to a broader interpretation of the concept of security took place in the early 1970s, when the signs of the end of the era of undivided economic superiority of the United States at the global level and in certain regions, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region.

The actualization of economic security for Japan was associated with another important aspect - with the desire to increase the country's role in international affairs through the use of its power as the second economic power in the world.

The main obstacle to this goal was Japan's economic vulnerability due to high level external resource dependence, which at that time reached 80%.

Proceeding from this, the outstripping economic development of the country, trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation with other states was adopted as a priority direction in ensuring national security. Since then, national economic security has been singled out, by which they began to understand the ability of the country's economy to withstand any external threat.

In the process of forming the concept of the country's economic security, the starting point is the concept of threats, which is central to most foreign studies in this area. “Very often, when studying the problem of ensuring the economic security of the country, the authors do not share the threats and factors that make economic system vulnerable to these threats.

As a result, many weaknesses of the national economy, which are of an objective nature, especially in developing countries, are mistakenly identified with threats. The identification of economic weaknesses with threats is quite common in the scientific literature, and this "carries the danger of taking inadequate measures to ensure economic security."

In accordance with this approach, dependence on food imports indicates the weakness of the country's agro-industrial complex, but if food products can be freely purchased on the world market (and even at prices lower than domestic prices), then this weakness is not a threat.

The threat in this case will be factors that can lead to limited opportunities for importing cheap food, for example, due to an embargo, a shortage in the world market or lack of necessary funds from domestic importers, or an erroneous policy of the authorities of a country aimed at import substitution. The same applies to the insufficient production of grain per capita and the strong dependence of one country on the markets for raw materials and sales of another.

In both cases, the real threat comes not from the indicated weaknesses of the national economy, but from the possibility of stable access to the markets of interest to the country. In other words, "the threat is not the lack of relevant industries in the national economy and dependence on foreign markets (it does not matter due to the lack of what factors of production - raw materials or sufficiently productive technologies), but factors that can prevent the acquisition of relevant products and technologies."

For example, Japan, which is unable to provide itself with food and energy resources, sees the main threats to its food and energy security not this inability, but “violation of stability in the world’s main oil-producing regions for this country, crop failure in grain exporting countries, circumstances in which the country’s maritime transport may be paralyzed, a sharp reduction in supplies due to tensions in bilateral political relations with countries that are important in terms of the dynamics of the development of the Japanese economy, undermining the world free trade system, and reducing the economic power of the state.


Economic security is the material basis of national security. It acts as a guarantee of sustainable, stable development of the country, its independence. Currently, many different definitions of the concept of "economic security" are used.

Most authors understand economic security as the state of protection of the economy from internal and external threats. The goal of economic security is to ensure the sustainable economic development of the country in the interests of meeting the social and economic needs of citizens with optimal labor costs and reasonable use of natural resources.

Threats in the economic sphere are complex. This means that economic security is affected by various factors; and not only in pure economic form. It is significantly influenced by geopolitical, social, environmental and other factors.

The state must implement a set of measures, primarily to ensure economic growth, which will guarantee the country's economic security. These measures should cover all sectors of the economy. These measures include the implementation of an active structural and social policy, the strengthening of the state's activity in the investment, financial, monetary and foreign economic spheres, and the continuation of institutional reforms.

An analysis of the experience of foreign countries has shown that the basis of their security strategy is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market.

List of sources and literature

1. Buchwald E. Macro-aspects of economic security: factors, criteria and indicators / E. Buchwald, N. Glovatskaya, S. Lazurenko // Questions of Economics. - 2012. - No. 12. - S. 13-16.

2. Gusakov N.P. Conceptual approaches to the development of a new Economic Security Strategy / N.P. Gusakov, I.V. Andronova // Nat. interests: priorities and security. - 2014. - N 45. - P.2-14.

3. Kornilov M. On the essence of economic security / M. Kornilov // Probl. theory and practice management. - 2015. - N 8. - P.123-129.

4. Krivorotov, V.V. Economic security of the state and regions: tutorial for university students studying in the direction of "Economics" / V.V. Krivorotov, A.V. Kalina, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2012. - 351 p.

5. Kruglov V.N. Improving the methodology for assessing the economic security of the region / V.N. Kruglov, D.V. Dotsenko // National interests: priorities and security. - 2013. - N 15. - S.85-92.

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