Economic policy.  Presentation on the topic

Economic policy. Presentation on the topic "Modern economic policy of Russia" The main indicators of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

Silantiev V.B. Ufa branch of the Financial University 2013 website

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2 of 65 Beginning of reforms Their 20th anniversary L.I. Abalkin Cause of controversy How to assess the activities of Osi reformers Politicians and politicians Real and illusory results Privatization and its consequences Privatization and corruption Specifics of Russian privatization State capitalism + rent seeking Is Russia lagging behind? ….. Privatization and its consequences Privatization and corruption Specifics of Russian privatization State capitalism + rent-seeking

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3 out of 65 Is Russia lagging behind? Nomenklatura (Voslensky) Reform failures Financial capital at the expense of industrial capital? The backlog is growing! Not post-, but de-industrialization The oil and gas trap and the “Dutch disease” The vicious raw material model Is the dependence on raw materials objective for Russia?! Techno-economic failure The decline of the most advanced industries and technologies There was no modernization. Will it? (Primakov: It won’t! Irresponsibility and mismanagement Theft in offshore companies, the need for “deoffshorization”

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Responsibility and mismanagement

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    5 of 65 Renald Khikarovich Simonyan (b. May 1, 1935) is a Russian sociologist. Doctor of Sociology, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Head of the Russian-Baltic Center of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Deputy Head of the Center for Northern European and Baltic Studies at MGIMO. Member of the editorial board of the journal Sociological Research. Expert of the Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy of the Federation Council.

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    20th anniversary of current economic reforms in Russia

    6 out of 65 Over the past thousand years, Russia has gone through a wide variety of reforms. The current reforms began immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which led to humpback perestroika (?!). Twenty years in a time of rapid social change, which characterizes the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century, is a significant period. What have economic reforms given to post-Soviet Russia? Simonyan's article analyzes the economic, social, demographic, cultural, and moral and psychological consequences of the economic transformations initiated by young Russian reformers in early 1992, led by the EBN.

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    On January 2, 1992, the administration of B.N. Yeltsin (often referred to as "the government of Ye. Gaidar") released retail prices for consumer goods. From this date, the countdown of Russian economic transformations begins. They are evaluated in different ways - from praise to censure. So we need to look for new judgments and assessments. Otherwise, it will come to civil conflicts.

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    L.I. Abalkin

    8 out of 65 In December 2007, speaking at a meeting of the Presidium Russian Academy Sciences, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of economic reforms, Academician L. Abalkin, decided to interrupt the general critical tone of the speakers, but did so in an almost outrageous manner. “It is impossible, dear colleagues, to see only the bad,” he said, “the Russian reforms also have achievements. Look around - almost every Muscovite today has a mobile phone. Isn't that a positive result?"

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    The reason for the disputes is poor knowledge

    Page 9 of 65 This example plunged those present into deep bewilderment. Indeed, in 1991, before the start of reforms cell phones the Russians didn’t have them (they couldn’t have them, they appeared in Russia a few years later). For 15 years, Russia has been enriched by many technical innovations, including cell phones. Which is not at all surprising, since Russia, like all other countries, enjoys the achievements of world scientific and technological progress. L.Abalkin's sarcasm was aimed at those who seek to present everything positive in today's Russia as the result of economic reforms. Indeed, in comparison with the Soviet past, today the isolation of the country from the outside world has been overcome, censorship has been eliminated, the ideology of equalization has been rejected, private property has been restored, free exchange of currencies has been allowed, business initiative has been liberated, the administrative-command system has been eliminated with the inevitable emergence of natural market regulators in society, first commercial banks, Soviet people got the opportunity to travel abroad. In this sense, life has become better for Russians. But all this happened even before Gaidar's reforms (thanks or in spite of?)

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    How to evaluate the activities of Russian reformers?

    10 out of 65 (“young reformers”)? On the one hand, we must admit haste and unpreparedness (See, Bilzho's cartoons in Izvestia), impudence (attitude towards pensioners) and deceit (See Chubais at Pozner!). But on the other hand, it is impossible to imagine the transition to a market economy without such obligatory generic elements as price liberalization, commodity and stock exchanges, market development. valuable papers etc. regardless of who was assigned to carry it out. In creating forms of market infrastructure, Russian reformers implemented the well-known economic axiomatics. But they are bad. They clumsily did something that could not be done, which was dictated not by someone's personal idea, but by a procedure set (by whom?). In all post-socialist countries, the planned distributive economy was dismantled, in each of these countries their specific difficulties were overcome and market regulators were restored. Commodity deficit disappeared in all states

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    General patterns of reforms

    In all post-socialist countries, the planned distributive economy was dismantled, in each of these countries their specific difficulties were overcome and market regulators were restored. The commodity deficit disappeared in all the states of the "socialist camp", which abandoned the planned distribution economy. And in this sense, life in all these countries has also become better. But only in Russia the obligatory attributes of a market economy are presented in the form of "merits" of the reformers. There is a general logic of events, and sometimes even just a typical, routine procedure for performing a specific task.

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    Politicians and politicians

    12 of 65 But just the same, there are politicians who try to credit normal obedience to this logic. Yes, life is different than it was in 1991. Today these are cell phones, laptops, liquid crystal monitors, digital cameras, Skype, Wi-Fi, broadband computers, electronic tablets, smartphones, and tomorrow some other new technical innovation, which, if not the reformers themselves, then their admirers will (whether directly or indirectly) will pass off as a consequence of the reforms of the 1990s, or even as their own achievements. Alas, in everyday consciousness there is always a disarming quasi-logical figure - "after, therefore, therefore." And cell phones appeared after Gaidar's reforms, therefore, therefore. It was this plot that was articulated by L.I. Abalkin.,

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    Real and illusory results of reforms

    13 of 65 It was this story that was articulated by L.I. Abalkin at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Hearing about Cell phones, everyone sitting in the hall could not help but be surprised: what does Gaidar have to do with it? It was this reaction that the speaker was counting on. His example also seems to be particularly successful, since the presence of cell phones in modern world is not at all an indicator of material well-being. Residents of Cairo or Nairobi are no less equipped with this technique than residents of Moscow or St. Petersburg. (Just like owning a used car is not an indicator of material solvency)

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    Privatization and its consequences

    The privatization of 1992-1995 created new owners and new ownership relations in Russia. Namely, these relations in the system of social relations are basic. Property relations determine not only economic development, but the social structure of society, its civil law system, management organization, have a decisive influence on value orientations and attitudes, on the general moral and psychological atmosphere in the country.

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    Privatization and corruption

    15 out of 65 “It was assumed that the young democrats would restore order in Russia, develop an appropriate legal system and give the green light to a market economy,” writes P. Khlebnikov, author of a documentary book on reforms in Russia. “Instead, they led a regime that turned out to be one of the most corrupt in the history of mankind.” Private owners do not really steal from themselves. They steal from each other, from others. Including the state..

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    Specifics of Russian privatization

    The reasons for the emergence of an economically inefficient, corrupt state in place of the USSR excites the minds of our neighbors in Eastern Europe. Most social scientists agree that it is privatization that is the main factor in the emergence of this. Here, for example, is how P. Tamas, director of the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, explains: “Unlike post-socialist countries, in Russia new order was formed not as a result of the breakdown of the state, but as a result of specific privatization. The system that had always surrounded and protected the state was completely disabled. Threw the cry "grab everything." Why not take advantage of this police officer? Why not take advantage of this for an officer in the military registration and enlistment office or an official who gives permission to export oil?”28. The “specific” privatization is the main difference between the economic transformations in Russia and the post-socialist states of Europe.

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    State capitalism + rent seeking

    17 out of 65 By the end of 1999, a new political economy mechanism had finally taken shape. This is recognized by the leaders of the right opposition themselves. “Capitalism, with large elements of state capitalism, a huge concentration of property in very few hands, appeared precisely in the nineties and has successfully survived to this day,” one of its leaders, V. Ryzhkov, writes in Izvestia. - Fridman, Potanin, Abramovich, Deripaska, Vekselberg, Alekperov - these people still remain. In the same nineties, the subordinate role of the parliament and courts in Russia was also identified. What we have in the socio-economic sphere today was created in the 1990s. Therefore, attempts to lay responsibility for the results of the reforms on the current leadership of Russia are methodologically naive, but historically absurd. Society is now reaping the fruits sown and nurtured by the reformers of the 1990s. The model created at that time has considerable stability. It consists of three elements, or rather three rents: natural rent (inexhaustible natural resources), administrative rent (corruption), social rent (ensuring social stability) That is, the model constructed by the reformers combined bureaucracy and wealth, therefore bureaucracy consistently increases its political and economic potential. This phenomenon was also noticed by Herbert Marcuse, who emphasized that “the conflict between the production potential of society and its destructive use inevitably leads to an increase in the power of the state apparatus over the population.” Pensions also have a rent character, and pensioners behave like rent seekers..

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    Is Russia behind?

    The private initiative that emerged and became dominant in the national economy, freed from the rigid totalitarian shackles in the post-socialist countries of Europe, served as a powerful impetus for the NER of these countries. But to a different extent. Why did Russia in many areas, with the exception of the natural resource potential, did not retain its former leadership either in development or in politics?

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    Nomenclature (see Voslensky)

    19 out of 65 “The core of the economic reforms carried out by the Gaidar government,” writes Academician T. Zaslavskaya, “was privatization, which allowed the new Russian nomenklatura to appropriate the main and most promising part of the state property»2. She further writes that “the clans that took possession of state property lost interest in further reforms. The liberalization of the economy that had begun was put on the brakes, the development of small and medium-sized businesses froze at one level, and steps towards the democratization of the political sphere ceased”3. The practically free distribution of state property is a catastrophic outcome of the reforms. This fact is so destructive and obvious that even the most consistent defenders of Gaidar's reforms are forced to condemn it.

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    Reform failures

    20 of 65 “It is my deep conviction that the cash phase of privatization has failed to a large extent,” Prof. E. Yasin. “We could get a lot more money for government property.” American economists P. Reddway and D. Glinsky in their book “The Tragedy of Russian Reforms” cite statistics: “During the Second World War, the gross domestic product in the USSR decreased by 24%, during the Great Depression in the USA, GDP decreased by 30.5% , in Russia from 1992 to 1998. Russia's GDP fell by 47%, while industrial production fell by 58%."

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    Financial capital at the expense of industrial?

    21 out of 65 In Russia, a fable about Trishkin's caftan is known. The emphasis of reformers on financial scams, where you could make quick money, led to the destruction of the real sector of the economy. “The fall in output in Russia is already qualified in economics textbooks,” states P. Dutkevich, director of the Institute for European and Russian Studies at Carleton University (Ottawa) and V. Popov, professor at the Russian Economic School, “as the largest man-made economic crisis, fabricated by the makers of economic policy".

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    The backlog is growing

    On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the Reformation, Academician N. Petrakov wrote that “in the overwhelming majority of cases, the new owners did not prove the effectiveness of private property. The reforms in Russia not only did not bring it closer, but even further moved it away from the average world standard - they dropped it from the 20s-30s to the 70-80th places in terms of the level and quality of life. They simply seized natural resources and instead of a state monopoly, we got a private one. Labor productivity in all privatized sectors fell by 2-3 times. Production volumes have not yet exceeded Soviet times. Neither modernization, nor the introduction of new technology, nor the use of advanced scientific achievements - as a rule, there is none of this. The promised structural reorganization of industry did not materialize. On the contrary, the technological gap has increased

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    Not post-, but de-industrialization

    23 out of 65 The promised structural reorganization of industry did not materialize. On the contrary, the technological gap has increased. “Could it have been assumed then, in the early 1990s,” writes R.S. Grinberg, “that after 15 years of reform, the country’s economy will not only not reach a qualitatively new level in terms of diversification of production and the share of goods with high added value , but, on the contrary, it will turn out to be even more primitive than in late Soviet times”8. Russian reforms have led to the fact that even third world countries have begun to circumvent it. Russia has become a raw material appendage not only of the West, but also of the East. Export of raw materials, not development and modernization industrial production- the economic result of the reforms. Russia found itself on an oil needle. The Dutch disease will drive us into the epicenter of a global crisis that will destroy us.

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    Oil and gas trap

    24 out of 65 Experts from the energy company BP have calculated that the world's proven oil reserves will last for 53 years, natural gas - for 56 years at the current level of production and consumption of fuel. In terms of proven gas reserves at the end of 2012, Iran ranked first with 33.6 trillion cubic meters, surpassing Russia, whose reserves are estimated at 32.9 trillion cubic meters of gas

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    A vicious commodity model

    25 of 65 Launched in the 1990s economic model determines the dynamics of the commodity structure of exports, in which the specific gravity products with high added value. The share of mineral raw materials in total exports in 1995 was 44.1%, in 1999 - 44.4%9, in 2001 - 54.7%, in 2002 - 58.8%10, in 2007 63 .3%, and in 2008 - 67.8%. The share of machinery and equipment fell during this time from 10.4% in 1995 to 5.1% in 2007,11 to 4.7% in 201012 In the same year in China, which the Soviet Union in 1950- The 1960s helped create modern industry, share finished products 92% in exports. Hydrocarbons, ore, concentrates, timber, seafood and other natural products accounted for more than 90% of all exports

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    Is raw material dependence objective for Russia?!

    26 out of 65 Raw material dependence of today's Russia is increasingly presented in our media as an allegedly fatal inevitability. Seems. That after the reforms of the 1990s, this can already be believed. But world practice shows other options for states rich in natural resources. The work of J. Robinson, R. Torvik and T. Verdier shows that commodity dependence does not arise in countries where there was no appropriation of national wealth by the oligarchy, but in fact a historically random group of people. Most illustrative examples this is demonstrated by Norway with its oil, Australia with its gold, Chile with its copper, and especially Finland with its forest wealth (reproducible wealth!). Our northern neighbor, Finland, over the past twenty years has become one of the most modern technology park states.

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    Deindustrialization instead of modernization

    In 1992, embarking on economic reforms, Russia, like all post-socialist countries, had to solve the central problem - the modernization of industry. Actually, for this, economic reforms were launched. But no modernization has taken place. As a result of the reforms, production was curtailed, and the economy turned into a primitive sale of natural resources. Russia moved not forward, but backward. Instead of modernization, deindustrialization took place in the country.

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    Techno-economic failure

    28 out of 65 innovative products accounts for less than 3.0% of the total output, 12-15 times less than in developed countries. The volume of Russian high-tech is 90-120 times smaller than the American one, and its share in domestic GDP ranges from 0.6 to 1%. 5%. In terms of exports of high-tech products, Russia in 2008 was 41 times behind the United States, China - 13 times, South Korea - 15 times.

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    The decline of the most advanced industries and technologies

    29 out of 65 In the 1980s, Russia annually produced an average of 130-140 civil aircraft, and in the 2000s - no more than 5-716. If in 1991 our aircraft accounted for about 40% of the world civil aviation fleet, then at the beginning of 2009 it was less than 2%. And three-quarters of them are old aircraft with increased specific fuel consumption.

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    There was no upgrade. Will it? (Primakov: will not!)

    30 out of 65 No modernization has taken place even in the primary industries. For those who own the Russian economy, there is no need to create new technologies and new productions at home, it is easier to buy abroad. In the post-reform economic everyday life, the concept of “easy money” was established - income from the sale of natural resources. Why take risks, some additional worries for new owners, when they don’t know what to do with this “easy money”, either buy another villa on the French Riviera, or order a new yacht, or buy English football club. What can be investment risk? And in general, why invest in the Russian economy? As long as these people are in power, Russia will have no prospects. They will finish off Russia in the same way that Brezhnev killed animals in Zavidovo;

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    Irresponsibility and mismanagement

    In order to obtain high-octane gasoline from oil, which can be exported abroad and have a much higher profit than by selling crude oil, certain efforts are needed - to create appropriate production facilities, train personnel, form cooperative ties for supplies, organize labor, carry out control, in a word, manage, i.e. to have, as they now say, "an extra headache." The same is true with untreated wood - they sell sawlogs, round timber, and just a plot, i.e. forest per hectare (!). Thus, even the smallest added value is excluded from the production process, raw materials are sold in their purest, original form.

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    offshore theft

    32 out of 65 Russian foreign trade is largely carried out through offshore companies, where, as a rule, the prices of exports are underestimated, while imports are overestimated. Of course, the difference falls on the taxpayers of Russia, whom the government brazenly robs. For this, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 213 of November 25, 1991 “On the liberalization of external economic activity”, which actually legalized such a practice of foreign trade, as it allowed it to be carried out without special registration (!). This decree, which opened the way to chaos and lawlessness in our foreign trade, legalized the export of looted valuables from the country for everyone, did not cause any response in the Russian media, with the exception of two or three specialized publications.

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    Non-environmental and inefficient

    33 of 65 These "not" are closely connected with the unworthy power and anti-national behavior of the "nomadic elite". There is no industrial production, because it is easiest for those in power to buy everything they need by selling energy and raw materials, the extraction of which makes the economy unenvironmental and inefficient. More than 90% of aluminum, copper, tin, 2/3 of zinc are exported from Russia. After economic reforms, Russia ceased to feed, clothe and shoe itself. Half of the food sold through the trade network, 80% of manufactured goods, 75% of medicines come from abroad. National security is lost.

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    New nomadic elite

    34 of 65 In 1980, Jacques Attali, a French economist who was an adviser to President François Mitterrand at the time, used the term "nomads" to predict the time when the rich and the elite would travel the world in search of fun and opportunity, and the poor , but similarly, unattached workers will migrate in search of a place to live. In 1990, Tsugio Makimoto and David Manners co-wrote the first book with "digital nomads" in the title, adding the embarrassing possibilities of the latest gadgets to their vision. But in all these descriptions of the new nomadism as a phenomenon, one very important detail was missed. The mobile lifestyle is currently taking shape all over the world and there is nothing in it that was described in these old books. But the authors cannot be blamed for this, since the basic technologies and the authentic and everyday nomadic way of life did not yet exist. But one cannot underestimate the threat of separation of the Elite from the Nation!

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    35 out of 65 Construction is one of the most profitable businesses in modern Russia. But in the RSFSR in 1989 housing was built with a total area of ​​74 million square meters. m., and in 2010 in Russia - only 58 million square meters. m. But there is an even more impressive result: by the beginning of 2009, i.e. 184 km of new highways. In China over the same period, over 190,000 km of them were built, of which 56,000 are modern autobahns (“highways”). Unlike China, in Russia so far, unfortunately, there is nothing of the kind. Even connecting both capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - the road very little resembles a modern transport highway.

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    Pro-Hindean repentance

    36 out of 65 Even former high-ranking officials have to admit that the reforms of the 1990s put the country in a difficult position. So, A.Ya. Livshits, who occupied in 1996/1997. the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 2005 stated that “the Gaidar market and the privatization of Chubais did not create any productive capitalism, but only gave rise to an economic model like the Philippines of the times of Marcos or Indonesia of the times of Sukarno. In fact, Boris Yeltsin distributed state property to his closest circle for personal use.

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    Still socialism?

    We are not even aware that we live in a socialist country. The oligarchs earn money in socialist factories - they have not yet built anything themselves. Their goods are transported along socialist rails, and electricity is transmitted through socialist transmission lines. Repair? Yes, but not built. This is all inherited from the country that has been gone for fifteen years. And we do not see at least some input of capacities”19. A similar recognition was made by an even higher-ranking Russian official, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation V. Surkov: “Let's not forget that we live on the legacy that we inherited from the Soviet Union, that we have not done much ourselves yet.” Now Surkov performs the functions of Golikova

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    Why are satellites falling and the Bulava not flying?

    38 of 65 A.S. Novikov about secret bugs in imported electronics: “Only a well-developed domestic electronic industry can serve as a guarantee (of Russia's security). But it has been destroyed for a long time.” Unofficially, experts say about the failures of obon tests that imported electronics failed. “The Medvedevs, Manturovs and Pogosyans still rely on imported electronics. What is it: stupidity or betrayal?! (AN, September 19-25, 2013, p.25). Most likely it's both!!!

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    What lies ahead for science and education?

    39 out of 65 Expert: We are at the lowest point of financing science and at the highest point - the destruction of the Russian Academy of Sciences If the State Duma adopts a bill on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it will be a terrible blow not only for Russian science, but also for the world, since Russian scientists, despite numerous difficulties, do a lot for science in general. This is how Sergey Smirnov, a senior researcher at the Main Astronomical Observatory (GAO RAS), commented on the situation with the reform of the Academy of Sciences to Rosbalt. He said, “The situation in the RAS cannot but be of concern. It is a pity that in the preparation of all these documents on the RAS there was neither scientific, nor intelligent, nor intellectual approaches. It was prepared undercover, and by the most unpopular ministers. We very much hope that decisions will prevail reasonable. I would like to return to the creation of large telescopes, to receive decent funding for research. But, alas, now many graduate students do not return to Russia from foreign business trips, and even their scientific supervisors hint that there is no future for them here yet." According to the scientist, now astronomy is in dire need of modern scientific equipment. The lack of attention to science has already led to chronic failures of the most sought-after spacecraft and projects. Recall that the draft law on the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences was approved by the State Duma of Russia in the second reading on July 5. The document, in particular, proposes to enlarge the RAS by merging with other academies. Scientists believe that such a reform will cause serious damage to Russian science. Earlier today, the draft law was returned to the second reading. More details: S. Navalny called EP a party of veins and thieves.

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    Secrets of Russian growth

    40 out of 65 For almost ten years, Russia has lived in an unusually favorable world price environment. It is difficult to see the merit of the reformers in the GDP growth rates in 1999-2008 - two-thirds of this is a consequence of world prices for raw materials and energy resources, and one-third is the result of the adaptation of Russian entrepreneurs, primarily small businesses, to new conditions, more precisely , to the conditions of existence in an aggressive environment. In addition to the starving and therefore “unsinkable” small business, this is also the rapidly growing quality of financial adventurous speculative management. Russian companies, and the increased aggressiveness of domestic business in the competitive struggle with imports for effective demand, and other natural processes of self-regulation of any social system. In Russia, a modern combination of all 4 (according to Max Weber) types of business is being formed (RP, AS, shadow and criminal)

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    Not thanks, but in spite of! How long?

    41 of 65 Adaptation to changes in the environment (including the political environment, power and control) is a natural quality of people. As for the Russian people, they have an unprecedented historical experience of adapting to any, even the most unfavorable, conditions for survival. Suffice it to recall the millions of those whose farms were taken away in the process of collectivization, and the owners themselves were expelled, and who were again built and produced in a new place. And often in a new place they were again selected, but they built and produced again and again. In the USSR there were not only “twice”, but also “thrice dispossessed”. The history of our country in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s is replete with similar examples of "life in spite of." Such is the genotype of a significant part of the Russian ethnos. The state machine infringes on him, suppresses, destroys him, but he stubbornly survives and produces, and, what a paradox! - only thanks to his work this machine is gaining momentum.

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    Is there any hope?

    42 of 65 The indestructible natural energy inherent in our people (Russian. Russian) is described by classical literature. For example, L. Tolstoy in the novel "Resurrection" has a famous description of spring in the city: grass, no matter how they smoked with coal and oil, no matter how they cut the trees and drove out all the animals and birds - spring was spring even in the city. But will it continue like this? Or is the global crisis just the beginning of a global catastrophe?!

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    Search, search, search...

    43 out of 65 By the end of the 1990s, the population found its new forms of survival in a system that was unambiguously tuned to the formation and support of a large owner and in every possible way suppressed small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Internal mechanisms of regulation of the new socio-economic system appeared and gained momentum. As in the USSR, grassroots spontaneous self-organization was constantly taking place, and, consequently, natural production and distribution, just like today, a significant part of the internal gross product(GDP) are the results of the same internal self-regulation. So the poor and the middle class, small and medium business experiences the monstrous pressure of the bureaucracy, but, nevertheless, taxes to the budget from them come in an incomparably greater amount than from the Russian oligarchs. Now the oligarchs are no longer a support of power, but a dead weight. And the government can now show the notorious "political will" if it does not sit on the hook.

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    Increasing external dependency

    44 out of 65 So far external factor economic growth also had nothing to do with the effectiveness of the reforms. It was due to the prevailing (or artificially created?!) price situation on the world market, which was unusually favorable for Russia (on July 5, 2008, the price of one barrel of oil reached $144). The placement of Russian assets abroad politically means the emergence of dependence of the elite and the authorities on the countries that have accepted these assets, more than on the Russian people. Hence the deceitfulness of power.

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    Reforms did not increase Russia's development potential

    45 out of 65 In January 2008, Rosstat reported that Russia's GDP had reached the pre-reform level. This almost coincided with the peak of world oil prices. In the 1990s, there was neither the Great Patriotic War, nor the Civil War, nor the First World War in Russia. Nevertheless, it took the country more than 15 years (more than after the wars) to return to the pre-reform level in terms of GDP. For many others no less important indicators socio-economic development, and, above all, in terms of real incomes of the population, consumption, this level was far from being reached even after 15 years.

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    Time and money work against Russia

    46 of 65 And how was the pre-reform level of GDP achieved? Since 1999, world energy prices have risen sharply. The favorable situation for Russia continued for almost ten years, until the start of the financial crisis in the fall of 2008. And it took 15 years. It should be emphasized here that the speed of social life in the 1990s compared with the 1940s, and even more so with the 1920s, is qualitatively different. Time is inexorably shrinking, the world is developing at an ever faster pace. The slow flow of time in the past has to be compared with the furious speed modern life. This makes the contrast even more striking. So time and money work against us. against Russia.

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    Growth of man-made disasters

    Profits from natural resource rent are “shove into pockets”, but there is no money to renew the fixed assets of production, and hence the rapid growth of man-made disasters. Calling post-reform Russia a society of increased and general risks, Prof. O.N. Yanitsky emphasizes that “the line is approaching, beyond which the production of risks begins to exceed the production of products, management turns into extinguishing fires, into activities to eliminate accidents and disasters.” The recent accident at the world's largest hydropower plant, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station - the biggest man-made disaster in Russia in the last 25 years - confirms this gloomy forecast.

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    48 out of 65 The reforms of the 1990s led to a sharp decline in agriculture. Reducing the area under crops, slaughtering cattle - if during the period of collectivization Russia lost 16.1 million heads, then from the reforms of 1992-1996. – 19.8 million heads, i.e. the number of livestock during the period of the reformation has halved22 - led to the fact that the needs of the Russian population in food products are now satisfied mainly through imports. Analyzing the current crisis in agriculture, Prof. V. Desyatov, director of the VASKhNIL Research Institute, cites the following figures: “The United States is investing $327 in the development of 1 hectare of arable land, other developed countries are investing $400-500, and Russia is only $9-10 . With such an attitude, agriculture cannot develop. Therefore, 40 million hectares of arable land in today's Russia are overgrown with weeds, shrubs, while in the West every meter is protected.

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    Even if loud declarations about the need to create science-intensive industries, which intensified in early 2009 due to a sharp drop in oil prices, lead not only to an increase in various programs and projects on this topic, but also to some point implementations, then it will not affect the general trend. According to B. Kagarlitsky, even if it suddenly starts fast development in some industries, several modern enterprises will be built, this in itself will not be able to compensate for the accumulated general backwardness. The economic model created in the 1990s is aimed at extracting and distributing raw material rent, and not at developing National economy and technical progress. Occurred in the 1990s. in the country, deindustrialization has too much inertia, and the degradation of mechanical engineering dooms all efforts to create a course towards technological innovations to no avail. It should be emphasized that every year the opportunities for diversifying Russian industry are decreasing, because in

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    Growth without development and development without growth

    50 out of 65 The flow of "oil dollars" did not bring success to Russia in the modernization of the country, because the economic model created by the reformers blocks technical progress. In Russia in 1999-2008. was GDP growth but there was no economic development. Now, apparently, there is a need to achieve development without growth

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    The need to change the model and change in the world

    Page 51 of 65 The economic model created in the 1990s is aimed at extracting and distributing raw materials rent, and not at the development of the national economy and technical progress. Occurred in the 1990s. in the country, deindustrialization has too much inertia, and the degradation of mechanical engineering dooms all efforts to create a course towards technological innovations to no avail. It should be emphasized that every year the possibilities of Russian industry diversification are reduced, because in the globalized world the division of labor and the level of specialization of individual countries and regions is rapidly increasing. Having assumed the function of providing raw materials and energy services to countries that have carried out technological modernization, Russia after the 1990s is rapidly losing prospects of taking a place among them. Over the 20 post-reform years, competition has increased, and the spheres of world production have already been practically divided.

    Slide 52

    Political corruption

    The unprecedented manipulation of the mass consciousness and the manipulation of the voting results, carried out by the ruling nomenklatura in the 1996 presidential elections, dramatically changed the vector of the country's political development. Russia was not given the opportunity to correct the excesses of the monetarists, as happened in all post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe when the parties of the left political spectrum replaced the first extreme liberal ones. Parliamentary elections in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and other post-socialist countries held in 1994/1995, i.e. after the first results of the economic reforms, this was convincingly shown. It was thanks to the votes of those who “were not ready for cardinal social changes” that the parties of the left political spectrum (former communist, as well as socialist, social democratic) won the victory, which allowed these states to balance the economy, ease social tension, take into account the interests of those who failed to adapt to the free market segments of the population. The coming to power of left-wing and center-left politicians in many post-socialist countries in the mid-1990s. saved economic reforms from excessive liberalization, from monetarist excesses, which turned out to be very useful both for the economy itself, and for the civil world, and the general political atmosphere in these countries. The attempt to create a popular front in Russia has not yet succeeded. GDP skillfully used this idea as an instrument of its own influence, and not of national consolidation.

    Slide 53

    Manipulation of the century

    Page 53 of 65 In order to gain approval for their reforms from the West, the reformers sought to present the Russian people as a kind of regressive force, as if only longing for the restoration of communist power. They somehow immediately forgot about the recent multimillion-dollar rallies of Soviet people, as a result of which the fall of that very power occurred. A. Chubais, the main organizer of the presidential elections in 1996, then explained the need for dirty electoral technologies by saying that the Russian people cannot be trusted with elections, since they will definitely elect communists. Therefore, V. Putin should not be blamed for "destroying democracy" by abolishing fair, free elections. The destruction of elections as the most important, in fact, the main instrument of democracy in Russia occurred in 1996, i.e. four years before the arrival of V. Putin. GDP intercepted this manipulation and thereby saved it (and reforms) and continued them

    Slide 54

    Social results of reforms

    54 out of 65 Russian reformers have chosen exactly the variant of reforms, which knowingly provided the new nomenklatura with the possession of all state property, and doomed the majority of the population to poverty and misery. Today, even according to official data, over 26 million people in Russia (every fifth or sixth) are below the poverty level.31 ”, based on an all-Russian representative sample, a multifaceted study of social inequality was conducted. Its results showed that more than a third of the population of Russia lives below the threshold or on the verge of poverty, and 7% are in a state of extreme poverty, deep poverty. Another 14% of the poor are actually also firmly "stuck" in this state. In addition, 17% of the population is at constant risk of poverty, although so far they manage to stay “afloat”, balancing on the verge of poverty and low income, and the number of this “risk group” is increasing.

    Slide 55

    Social results of reforms-2

    This negative trend is recorded by sociologists against the backdrop of a decrease in the number of poor in all regions of the world over the past 10 years.33 Over the years of reforms, emphasizes prof. A. Vdovin, real wages in Russia decreased by almost 2.5 times, and per capita income by 2 times.

    Slide 56

    Social results of reforms -3

    Director of the All-Russian Center for Living Standards Vyacheslav Bobkov, noting that the official subsistence minimum, which is taken into account by statistics when determining the number of the poor, is clearly underestimated, he cites no less discouraging data: in 2006, one third of the Russian population was poor, another third were low- and middle-income people. And only about 10% are wealthy and wealthy. A year later, in an interview Russian newspaper» he defines the number of poor people in Russia as 50 million people, i.e. 42% of the population. Another impressive figure comes from Russia's Citi-Bank: there are approximately 1.2 million people in the country who are actively looking for ways to save their money. And at the same time, according to Rosstat, 72.6% (!) of the population have no savings at all.

    Slide 57

    Social results of reforms - 4

    57 out of 65 In 1990 railway transport Russia transported 3098 million people, and in 2002 only 1241 million people, Russian civil aviation in 1990 - 97 million people, in 2002 - 25 million people; maritime transport in 1990 - 16 million people, in 2002 - 0.6 million people.39 The growth of railway and air tariffs significantly outpaces the growth wages. Russians stop traveling around the territory of their state, visiting relatives and friends. This is not only a rupture of the most important social ties, it is a real danger of the country's disintegration. In the conditions of the world's largest territory, it is in principle impossible for a state to maintain its unity without a communication exchange.

    Slide 58

    Social results of reforms - 5

    Beggarly wages exist in such mass professions as health care and education, not to mention science and culture. About the extremely difficult financial situation The 37 million Russian pensioners (the average pension is about 180 euros today) are often spoken by the leaders of the country. Retail prices for basic necessities are constantly rising, the rise in food prices far outstrips the rise in wages, so the number of poor people is increasing. “For all 18 years, the balance cash income and expenses of the population, - notes the head of the Center financial research Institute of Economics RAS prof. V. Senchagov, - reduced by increasing consumer prices and increase in imports in the absence of production and market of domestic goods”

    Slide 59

    Social results of reforms - 6

    59 out of 65 The poor in today's Russia are much more than official statistics claim. The main criterion for determining the level of poverty is the subsistence minimum, established on the basis of the minimum consumer basket. “Neither the structure, nor, to an even greater extent, the very value of the subsistence minimum corresponds to the cost of a set of funds necessary for the implementation of reproductive and social functions income, - emphasize E.E. Shestakova and T.V. Sokolova, leading researchers of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, - The volume of consumption of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits former USSR.

    Slide 60

    Social results of reforms - 7

    60 out of 65 Experts notice that the cost of living is actually taken out of the context of real distribution relations in society and does not regulate the level of compliance of actual income and payments in practice. The official sets of norms for food and non-food products included in the subsistence minimum reflect the wishes of experts, and not the real consumption patterns of the population”41. According to the Levada Center, in Russia, the population estimates the subsistence minimum 2 times higher than its official level, while 21.3% of the population barely make ends meet and their incomes are not even enough for food, another 40.5% are balancing on the verge of absolute poverty, they have enough money for food, but not enough for clothes.

    Slide 61

    Social results of reforms - 8

    61 out of 65 Sharp polarization still persists in the country personal income that emerged in the 1990s. The distribution of income is also aimed at strengthening it: both the one who receives a million dollars a month and the one who receives 200 dollars a month pay the same tax - 13%. The 10% growth in real incomes of Russians, noted since 2000 by official statistics, mainly concerns non-poor social strata. Thus, from April 2002 to April 2003, in the group of rich citizens, the increase in the average monthly increase amounted to 3,300 rubles, and in the group of the poor, only 116 rubles43. This trend is confirmed by more recent studies. According to calculations carried out at the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2007, for every 100 rubles of GDP growth per capita, the income of the poor increases by 5 rubles, and that of the rich by 200 rubles.44 I.e. the economic model created in the early 1990s reinforces social stratification. To this we can add that in 1999 there were 7 official billionaires in Russia, in 2008 there were 102 of them, and in September 203 there were 131

    Slide 62

    Social outcomes of reform-9

    62 out of 65 Russian nouveaux riches have taken a leading position in the world in purchasing real estate in European capitals and the richest resorts, in prestigious acquisitions at international auctions. Thus, the share of Russians among buyers of luxury housing on the Cote d'Azur of France is 12%.45 Polls by VTsIOM show that the majority of Russians are either ashamed that Russia ranks second in the world in terms of the number of dollar billionaires, or are confused by this phenomenon (only 7 %)

    Slide 63

    Social results of reforms - 10

    63 out of 65 Prof. N.M. Rimashevskaya of the Russian Academy of Sciences believes that “as a result of “shock therapy”, the problem of poverty as an independent one disappears, being replaced by the problem of economic devastation, a drop in the level of economic development and, as a result, the living standards of the population as a whole. The country as a whole is becoming poor.” Other leading economists come to the same conclusion regarding the assessment of the social results of the reforms. “A unique category of the “new poor” has arisen in the Russian Federation,” says Academician S.Yu. The reformers inspired the people. what a shame to be poor in a rich country. The nouveau riche have no shame. That they are ruining the country and compatriots

    Slide 64

    What is wrong with the nation?

    64 out of 65 “Implemented in 1992-1994. the so-called “shock therapy” hit the health of the population with the greatest force, sharply increasing its mortality, states the well-known Russian demographer prof. L. Rybakovsky. - The number of deaths in the country in 1994 exceeded the level of 1991 by 760 thousand people. The essence of the reforms of the Yeltsin-Gaidar era is most clearly characterized by the dynamics of suicides. The number of suicides in 1994 compared to 1991 increased by 59.7%, including among men by 66.4%, and among rural men even by 73.6%”61. The famous cardiologist academician E. Chazov writes: “In the “dashing 1990s,” I warned the authorities more than once about the impending surge in deaths “from the heart” after shock therapy. Including due to the depletion of the vitality of the people. Didn't get it! We have not lost such a huge number of people since the war.” Drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, general demoralization of the population, and uncertainty about the future are on the rise. Distrust of the authorities and each other.

    Slide 65

    There are all signs of disaster

    65 of 65 The destruction of Atlantis was followed by a deep decline in the economy and civilization in general. The catastrophe of the Roman Empire led to a decline in living standards and to the so-called Dark Ages, which spanned almost a thousand years. The global crisis can lead to an even more severe catastrophe, if not to death. The reforms did not improve, but worsened Russia's position in the world, undermined its competitiveness for a long time. There is little that can be improved now. Almost nothing depends on us, except for the world authority of GDP.

    Slide 66

    Thank you for your attention

    66 out of 65 Patience and success!

    View all slides

    Economic policy -

    Economic policy is a set of ideological and theoretical foundations, methods and
    state measures to influence economic processes in
    country as a whole, aimed at meeting certain
    interests and achievement of goals;
    the general line of action and the set of measures carried out
    by the government on behalf of the state in the field of production,
    distribution, exchange, consumption, accumulation, export, import
    economic product in the country;
    system of purposeful measures of the state in the field of management
    is a set of measures taken by the state to influence
    economic processes for the implementation of socially significant

    Principles of economic policy of the state

    production efficiency principle
    - supply of citizens of the state
    state to socially effective
    development strategy (sustainable growth
    final product, full employment,
    no inflation, fair
    income distribution)
    the largest number of products
    a given amount of costs (with
    minimum cost)
    principle of justice
    income distribution - aspiration
    smooth income inequality of citizens
    countries and an increase in the income of each
    its contribution to the growth of efficiency
    Full implementation of the principles is the way out
    Violation of the implementation of the principles -
    exit of the state to the corporate
    selfish strategy
    ruling stratum (corporations) at the expense of
    lowering the standard of living of everyone else.
    A signal to the authorities about the threat
    state security

    Reasons for state regulation

    the state provides certainty and integrity
    territorial space of management, as well as international
    communications, protects the position of its subjects in the world market.
    the state determines the long-term interests of the population as a whole
    the state maintains a balance of economic interests in the country, which
    makes society a stable, balanced and developing system.
    expansion of social reproduction.
    creation and maintenance of developed infrastructure (in the broad sense
    words) only the state can do.
    only within the framework of a particular state is it possible to improve
    institutional environment (legal framework, institutions of law, systems
    information, control and management apparatus).

    The criterion for the effective organization of the economy
    the level of the smallest transactional
    State regulation of the economy in
    market economy - a system of standard measures
    legislative, executive and supervisory
    nature, carried out by competent
    government agencies and public
    organizations in order to stabilize and adapt
    existing socio-economic system to
    changing conditions.

    Problems that the market mechanism does not solve - externalities

    Problems that the market mechanism of externality does not solve
    Externalities (externalities) costs or benefits from market transactions,
    not reflected in prices:
    - Negative externalities - costs

    the activity of another.
    - Positive externalities - benefits
    one economic agent caused by
    the activity of another.

    Negative externalities

    Subjects of execution of economic policy

    State regulation of the economy pursues the following goals:

    sustainable growth of the national
    maintaining an effective size
    stabilization of the price level;
    maintenance of foreign trade balance.

    "Pyramid of goals"

    1. Goals, not
    noah policy
    2. Achievable goals



    Instruments of state economic policy

    State economic policy includes:

    institutional policy;
    structural policy,
    financial policy,
    monetary policy,
    investment policy,
    foreign economic policy,
    social policy,
    innovation policy,
    Competitive policy.

    Institutional policy

    measures taken by the state
    formation of new, elimination of old or
    transformation of existing proprietary,
    labor, financial, social and other
    economic institutions;
    change in the organization of the economy - the creation
    new, elimination of old economic,
    social and financial institutions, change
    their functions and connections.

    Institutional transformations

    Institutional transformations for 2012-2014 were
    aimed at ensuring sustainable socio-economic development Russian Federation.
    In doing so, special attention was paid to:
    - carrying out administrative reform,
    - support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses,
    - improvement of legislation in order to attract
    investment in the economy,
    - ensuring the effective use of public
    - development of human capital.

    Structural policy

    a system of measures aimed at the formation
    necessary national,
    intra-industry and inter-industry and
    regional proportions;
    change policy
    macroeconomic proportions between
    final consumption and gross capital formation,
    government revenues and expenditures, exports and
    import, industry and regional
    structural economies.

    The main direction of the structural
    state policy is
    increasing competitive
    advantages of the country's economy through
    achieving four interconnected

    Promoting Competitiveness
    domestic producers of goods and services in the domestic
    and global markets and ensuring structural maneuver in
    towards an increase in the share of industries producing products
    with a high degree of processing, and service industries.
    Correction of accumulated structural deformations, restructuring of the unprofitable sector of the economy,
    artificially supported by the system of budgetary
    subsidies, unclaimed tax arrears and non-payments
    natural monopolies, problem solving
    single-industry cities.
    Completion of the transformation of existing
    ineffective institutions of the economy of the “transitional type”
    (structures of state ownership, commodity and
    financial markets, innovative mechanisms, systems
    state regulation and a number of others) to institutions,
    meeting the requirements of modern market economy.
    Accelerated development and restructuring of the economic system,
    enterprises and markets in the global
    economic transformation taking place on the basis of new
    information technology, strengthening global and
    regional integration processes.

    Structural policy objectives

    increasing innovative activity and advancing development
    high-tech sector of the economy;
    stimulating economic growth and improving efficiency
    production at the micro level through support for emerging
    import substitution chains, export contracts and
    use of other indirect instruments;
    reduction of transaction costs of enterprises for
    through the development of institutions for the markets of goods, services, labor and capital,
    formation of an infrastructure for ensuring entrepreneurial
    termination of direct and indirect subsidies for inefficient
    enterprises, effective selection of efficient enterprises,
    increasing the effectiveness of the institution of bankruptcy, restructuring
    inefficient sector of the economy, problem solving
    monoprofile cities;

    stimulation of restructuring processes and
    reforming enterprises, increasing their
    efficiency, including through market development
    consulting services, assistance to processes
    integration and formation of large efficient and
    competitive companies with all possible
    promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses;
    final removal of the burden from enterprises
    content of non-commercial links;
    reduction and optimization of the public sector
    with an increase in management efficiency
    state property;

    efficiency improvement natural monopolies through
    greater information transparency and
    tightening control over their costs; organizational
    separation of natural monopoly and non-monopoly
    segments; formation of a competitive environment in non-monopoly
    segments ensuring equal access to networks; ensure
    monitoring the maintenance of the required level of investment;
    implementation of targeted infrastructure development programs
    transport, communication and telecommunications, formation
    competitive environment, creation of equal and predictable conditions
    economic activity in Russia, both on the scale of the entire
    economy, and on specific industry markets.

    Structural policy should be implemented based on the application of the following basic principles

    competitive market as the main controller
    economic development;
    minimization and optimization
    government intervention in
    openness of the economy;
    economic liberalization
    activities at the micro level.

    financial policy

    set of targeted
    actions using
    financial relations;
    set of public
    activities for the use
    financial relations for
    fulfillment by the state of its
    government measures to
    mobilization financial resources, them
    distribution and use
    basis of financial legislation
    As the most important components
    financial policy at the level
    states are:
    budget policy
    Tax policy
    Customs policy
    Money-credit policy
    Investment policy.

    Fiscal policy

    set of state
    impact on taxation and
    regulation of the structure of state
    spending (fiscal policy) and in
    areas of budget regulation
    (budget policy).

    Fiscal (tax) policy

    system of legal norms and organizational and economic measures of the regulatory
    nature adopted and implemented by public authorities (at the federal and
    regional levels) and local governments in the field of tax relations with
    organizations and individuals
    The Tax Code of the Russian Federation formulates the basic principles for building the tax system
    Russian Federation, which should regulate taxation throughout Russia
    Laffer curve

    Tax classification

    from the object
    on use
    by level

    "The main directions of the tax policy of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planned period of 2014 and 2015"

    The tax policy of the state in
    coming years will be held in
    conditions of the federal budget deficit.
    In this regard, the most important task
    The government of the Russian Federation is the creation
    efficient and stable tax
    system that provides budgetary
    sustainability in the medium and
    long term.

    Specific measures include the following:

    1. Tax incentives for innovation and
    development of human capital.
    In particular, it is planned to further reduce insurance tariffs
    contributions, improvement of depreciation policy,
    provision of tax preferences in the implementation
    socially significant expenses.
    2. Monitoring the effectiveness of tax incentives.
    It seems necessary to conduct regular analysis
    the demand for established tax mechanisms
    incentives and tax incentives.
    It is planned to clarify the list of income exempted from
    taxation of personal income tax, as well as the elimination of existing inaccuracies and
    contradictions leading to ambiguous interpretation of the norms.

    3. Excise taxation.
    In the planned period, periodic indexation of rates will be carried out
    excise tax, taking into account the actual economic situation,
    at the same time, an increase in excise taxes on alcoholic, alcohol-containing and
    tobacco products will be produced at a faster pace
    compared to the rate of inflation.
    4. Improving taxation in transactions with valuable
    papers and financial instruments term transactions,
    financial transactions.
    It is planned to take a number of decisions aimed at improving
    taxation when making transactions with Eurobonds
    Russian issuers, depositary receipts, as well as
    receipt and payment of dividends.
    5. Corporate income tax.
    It is proposed, in particular, to clarify the procedure for recognizing income from
    sale of property, the rights to which are subject to state registration.

    6. Taxation of natural resources.
    In order to equalize the level tax burden on the
    gas and oil industry in the planned period
    work will continue to establish additional
    fiscal burden on the gas industry by
    differentiation of the severance tax rate. It is also expected
    Minerals rate adjustment, share
    whose exports exceed 50 percent, depending on
    from world prices for the corresponding useful
    7. Improving taxation within the framework
    special tax regimes.

    8. Introduction of real estate tax.
    Indicates the need to speed up the preparation of the introduction of the tax
    for real estate. It is envisaged to develop a system
    allowing to charge this tax based on the market
    the value of taxable property with a non-taxable minimum
    for low income families.
    9. Tax administration.
    It is proposed to introduce tools that counteract
    tax evasion. In addition, in particular,
    planning period, it is planned to work out issues
    collecting taxes from electronic money, settle
    procedure for collecting taxes from currency accounts and accounts
    in precious metals in banks.

    budget policy

    purposeful activity of the state on
    definition of the main tasks and quantitative
    parameters for generating income and expenses
    budget, public debt management
    “The budget is a form of education and spending
    fund Money intended for
    financial support for the tasks and functions of the state
    and local self-government” Budget Code 1998
    (Art. 6)
    functions state budget:
    - ensuring the strategy and tactics of economic development
    (policy of economic growth, stabilization
    - ensuring the production of public goods (defense,
    medicine, health care, scientific research and
    - ensuring the individual income of some
    categories of citizens (public administration,
    institutions public sector, pensions, allowances)

    budget deficit

    A budget deficit is an excess
    expenditure side of the budget over revenue.
    Reasons for the budget deficit:
    reduction in the revenue side of the budget,
    increase in government spending
    inconsistent financial and economic policy of the state.
    Types of budget deficit:
    structural, cyclic, actual,
    Deficit Coverage Methods: Release
    government loans, tightening
    taxation, money production "seigniorage".

    State debt

    is the amount accumulated over a certain period of time budget deficits minus those available in the same
    time of budget surpluses.
    Economic consequences of public debt:
    - a significant reduction in consumption opportunities for the population of a given country;
    - crowding out private capital, which may limit further economic growth;
    - increasing taxes to pay for the growing public debt acts as a disincentive to the economic
    - redistribution of income in favor of holders of government bonds
    - psychological effect - with the growth of public debt, the uncertainty of the country's population in the future increases

    Public debt management

    Ways of managing the state
    Redemption of public debt reducing the size of public
    debt by paying money to owners

    Refinancing of public debt 0payment by the government to owners
    government securities with
    the maturity of the money,
    received from the sale of new securities
    securities, or exchange of redeemed securities
    papers for new ones.
    Conversion is a change in the original
    loan terms relating to yield
    valuable papers
    Consolidation - change of initial
    terms of the loan relating to its terms

    Money-credit policy

    is a government policy that affects the amount of money in circulation with the aim of
    ensuring price stability, full employment and real growth
    change in the supply of money in circulation in order to achieve a non-inflationary
    production of the total product under the condition of full employment; means
    influence of the state on the process of reproduction.
    The main goal is to regulate the economic situation, in particular the pace
    economic growth, mitigation of cyclical fluctuations in commodity markets,
    capital and labor force, curbing inflation, achieving a balance
    balance of payments by influencing the state of credit and monetary
    Types of PrEP
    credit expansion
    Credit restriction

    The structure of the monetary system

    Monetary Policy Instruments

    Dynamics of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on January 1, 1992 – June 1, 2010

    Publications and reports on PrEP

    "The main directions of the unified state monetary
    policy for 2013 and the period of 2014 and 2015" contains:
    - principles of monetary policy for the medium term
    - - assessment of the development of the Russian economy (inflation and economic
    growth, balance of payments, exchange rate, monetary policy implementation)
    - macroeconomic development scenarios and payment forecast
    - - goals and tools monetary policy(quantitative
    landmarks, policy exchange rate, tools and their
    - - a list of measures taken by the Bank of Russia (to improve
    banking system, financial markets, payment system
    banking supervision)
    Strategy for the development of the banking sector of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2013
    Financial Stability Review 2014

    Money supply and monetary aggregates

    money supply- the totality of cash and non-cash funds held in
    treatment that physical, legal entities and state
    Monetary aggregates are a hierarchical system:
    M0 - cash in circulation
    M1 - M0 + checks, demand deposits
    M2 - M1 + funds on settlement, term deposits
    М3 - М2 + savings deposits
    Dynamics of monetary aggregates in Russia

    The velocity of money is an indicator of the intensification of the movement of money when they function as a means of circulation and a means of payment.

    Velocity of money
    - an indicator of the intensification of the movement of money during the functioning
    them as a medium of exchange and means of payment.
    The change in the velocity of money circulation depends on:
    - General economic factors (cyclical development of the economy, rates
    economic growth, price movements)
    - monetary (structures of payment turnover, development credit operations and
    mutual settlements, level interest rates in the money market, etc.)

    Inflation is the depreciation of money, accompanied by an increase in prices and a fall in the standard of living of the population.

    There are several types of inflation:

    Anti-inflationary policy - a system of measures to prevent and overcome inflation.

    Investment policy

    a system of measures aimed at establishing the structure and
    scale of investments, areas of their use and
    sources of receipt in the spheres and sectors of the economy.
    scoping system
    investments, their sources and directions of use
    the federal law"About investment activity in
    Russian Federation carried out in the form
    capital investments" dated February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ
    (as amended on 07/24/2007)

    State regulation of investment activity

    Creation of favorable conditions:
    - tax and depreciation mechanism
    - protecting the interests of investors
    - development of financial leasing
    - revaluation of fixed assets in
    according to the rate of inflation
    Direct participation of the state:
    - development and financing of investment
    projects funded from the federal budget
    - presentation on a competitive basis of guarantees
    for investment projects
    - placement on a competitive basis of funds
    budget for investment projects on the
    age basis
    - examination of investment
    - development and approval of standards of norms and

    Foreign economic policy

    state policy in the field of export and import, customs duties,
    tariffs, restrictions, attraction of foreign capital and export of capital for
    border, foreign loans, providing economic assistance to other countries,
    implementation of joint economic projects.
    The main goal is to form an effective system for the protection of national
    foreign economic interests of the Russian Federation, support for its economic entities
    activities in the world markets for goods and services, intellectual property rights
    property and information technology.
    Objectives of foreign economic policy:
    - ensuring the priority of national economic interests in the process of participation
    countries in the globalizing world economy;
    - formation of a favorable legal climate for correct activity
    national economic entities;
    - economic stimulation of foreign trade operations;
    - ensuring effective foreign economic activity for everyone
    economic entity, and for the purposes of national development;
    - regulation of the country's balance of payments.

    Types of foreign economic policy

    manufacturers from foreign
    free trading
    free trade policy,
    based on the principle of comparative
    Benefits and Aimed at
    enabling global
    economy to achieve more
    efficient allocation of resources
    and higher level
    material well-being.

    Protectionist measures to restrict world trade

    Payment balance

    is a systematic record of the results of all economic transactions between
    residents of a given country (households, firms and governments) and
    the rest of the world within a certain period of time (usually a year).
    Methods of state regulation of the balance of payments

    The main trading partners of Russia among the countries
    foreign countries in January-August 2012
    (billion US dollars)
    33,5 3,9
    13,3 9,0
    19,6 18,2
    9,8 4,7

    Commodity structure of Russian exports
    Federations to far-abroad countries

    Food 1.5
    Fuel and energy
    Chemical products
    industry, rubber
    Wood and pulp2.1
    paper products
    Metals and products from
    Machinery, equipment
    and vehicles
    Other goods
    January-August 2011
    January-August 2012

    Commodity structure of Russian imports
    Federations from far-abroad countries
    (according to customs statistics, in %)
    M ineral products
    Chemical products
    industry, rubber
    Textile, textile
    products and footwear
    Metals and products from
    Machinery, equipment
    and vehicles
    Other goods
    January-August 2011
    January-August 2012

    Commodity structure of exports
    Russian Federation to CIS countries
    (according to customs statistics, in %)
    Fuel and energy
    Chemical products
    industry, rubber
    Wood and pulp3,4
    paper products
    Metals and products from
    Machinery, equipment
    and vehicles
    Other goods
    January-August 2011
    January-August 2012

    The main directions of the foreign economic policy of the Russian Federation until 2020 (ONVEP)

    Intergovernmental commissions for trade, economic and scientific and technical cooperation
    (IPC) are one of the main tools for implementing
    foreign economic policy in bilateral relations
    continued work on coordinating the participation of federal
    authorities in the economic activities of the Forum
    "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation"
    the process of agreeing on the draft roadmap continued
    trade, economic and investment cooperation
    Russia - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

    The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia continues to work on increasing
    economic cooperation in the format of East Asian
    summits (EAC).
    the study of issues related to the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation in the framework of
    informal association "Brazil-Russia-India-China and
    South Africa” (BRICS), in particular, provided
    content of the Fourth BRICS Summit in New Delhi (India) on March 29, 2012
    Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
    work continued on the implementation of the Action Plan for
    implementation of the Multilateral Trade and Economic
    cooperation between the SCO member states until 2020 and the Joint
    initiatives to revitalize the multilateral economic
    cooperation to overcome the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis

    In this way,

    The main directions officially enshrined those principles and
    direction of foreign economic policy, which Russia
    has been consistently leading since 2000, and about which the leaders of the country
    periodically inform in their speeches:
    - reducing the dependence of the economy on the export of raw materials and support
    high-tech export;
    - rationalization of import policy, primarily by stimulating
    import of high-tech equipment while simultaneously
    maintaining the competitiveness of domestic production;
    - priority will be further integration into the Customs Union
    within the framework of the EurAsEC and the development of trade relations with the CIS countries, the EU,
    China and India;
    Most of the document is not intended for official publication

    Social politics

    a system of activities carried out by the government through local and
    regional authorities aimed at improving the quality and level
    life of large social groups financed from the state budget and
    corresponding either to the ideological attitudes of the state at the given
    moment, or the value orientations of society for a long-term
    a set of measures of state influence aimed at
    regulation of the whole complex of social processes and relations between
    policy aimed at changing the level and quality life of the population, on the
    mitigation of contradictions between market economy participants and
    prevention of social conflicts on economic grounds.
    Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a social state,
    whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life
    and free development of man.

    The main directions of the social policy of the state

    Main directions of social policy
    -regulation of income, employment, social protection of citizens,
    -housing policy.

    An indicator of the effectiveness of social policy

    Standard of living
    population - totality
    indicators characterizing
    level of material consumption
    population, such as consumption
    products per capita,
    availability of these products
    per family or per 100
    families, consumption structure.
    (consumer basket)
    Quality of life of the population
    - a set of predominantly
    quality features,
    reflecting the material
    social, physical and
    cultural well-being of the population.

    Consumer basket

    On March 31, 2006, Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On
    consumer basket in the whole of the Russian Federation.

    The structure of the consumer basket

    The structure of the consumer basket

    Human Development Index

    is an integral (integral) indicator calculated
    periodically for cross-country comparison and measurement of poverty,
    literacy, education and longevity as the main phenomena,
    defining human potential (human development)
    the area under study.

    HDI 2013

    Provisions defining the possibilities of the state in the social sphere:

    1) the amount of social payments should be
    aligned with financial possibilities
    state, its budget:
    2) tax rates should not undermine
    economic incentives for production;
    3) when determining the scope and timing of social
    benefits need to take into account the negative effects
    that can distort the labor market and
    the market mechanism as a whole (for example, pension
    system, unemployment benefits, when and how much
    to pay).

    Innovation policy

    a set of forms, methods and directions of state influence
    to production in order to stimulate the release of new products and
    technologies, expanding on this basis the sales markets of domestic
    goods and increase their competitiveness.
    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1998 N 832 "On the Concept
    innovation policy of the Russian Federation for 1998 - 2000"
    Science and technology policy -component socio-economic
    policy, which: - expresses the state's attitude to scientific and scientific and technical activities; - defines goals, directions, forms
    activity of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and
    implementation of the achievements of science and technology.

    Officially at present in the Russian state
    documents, the concept of “innovation” is presented as follows:
    - innovation (innovation, innovative product) - result
    innovative activity, embodied in the form
    a new product, service and technology and / or a new organizational and economic form, which has clear qualitative
    benefits in use.
    It can be seen from the above that the concept of “innovation” has different
    content - from activity (process) to a new product,
    the use of which is aimed at improving the efficiency
    economy through its implementation.
    innovation is the final materialized result
    creative labor received from investing in science,
    new equipment or technology, into new forms of labor organization,
    maintenance and management, including forms of control, accounting,
    methods of planning, analysis, etc., the use of which
    aimed at improving the efficiency of the economy.

    Among the characteristic features
    innovations, the measure (criteria) of their presence will be
    be: novelty (point 1); readiness for implementation
    (point 2); socio-economic importance
    (point 6).
    The combination of these criteria can be
    used at all levels of management, both for
    determining the presence of innovations, and for their
    industry-wide or individual use
    taken enterprise.

    For example, among the technical type (type) of innovations
    there may be such types of innovations as: experienced or
    industrial samples of equipment, laboratory analytical installations of a new generation, etc.;
    among the technological type of innovations such types,
    as: techniques, individual methods of operations, recipes,
    ways and so on; among regulatory
    innovations such as: laws, regulations,
    regulations, standards, instructions, etc.

    Functions of the state to create an innovation sphere

    - general economic (inflation,
    refinancing rate, taxes,
    - general administrative (quality
    public services, protection of rights
    ownership, organizational
    forms of management)
    - economic (lack of funds
    business, economic risks)
    - social (quality of staff,
    management quality)

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 899 "On approval of priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 899
    "On the approval of priority areas for the development of science,
    technologies and equipment in the Russian Federation and the list
    critical technologies of the Russian Federation"
    In order to modernize and technologically develop the Russian
    economy and increase its competitiveness
    1. Security and counter-terrorism.
    2. Industry of nanosystems.
    3. Information and telecommunication systems.
    4. Life sciences.
    5. Promising types of weapons, military and special
    6. Rational nature management.
    7. Transport and space systems.
    8. Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear power.

    Areas of state support and stimulation of innovation

    Traditional - budget financing (targeted
    priorities, programs and megaprojects)
    tax incentives(on income taxes, UST, VAT)
    Creation of organizational structures (state
    corporations in the aviation industry, shipbuilding, etc.)
    Formation of market development institutions (venture
    company, Development Bank, free economic zones,
    technology park complex)

    Ministry of Economic Development Department of Innovative Development

    As part of the promotion of modernization:
    Territory brand promotion tools
    Implementation cluster policy
    Innovative development programs for companies with
    state participation
    Formation of technological platforms
    (Technology platform is a tool and
    communication platform for the introduction of innovative
    projects of technological development of the country. It is aimed at
    combining the efforts of the state, science and business in the development and
    production of unique products as part of the modernization
    Russian economy.)

    Chemical cluster of the Novgorod region

    Forest cluster of the Novgorod region

    At the heart of the concept of purposeful formation of clusters
    is the creation at the regional level of business associations in
    within each of the identified priority clusters in
    Initiation is needed in the Novgorod region
    executive authorities of the region
    creation of such business associations as Forest Cluster
    Novgorod region", "Chemical cluster of the Novgorod
    region", "Cluster of food products of the Novgorod region",
    "Cluster of metallurgical production and production of finished
    metal products.
    In this connection, the following cluster scheme can be proposed.
    business associations to form cluster policy in
    Novgorod region

    Scheme of a cluster business association

    Scheme of a cluster business association

    Innovation infrastructure

    Interrelated areas of innovation

    Implementation of the Innovation Policy of Russian Railways

    Strategy 2020 on innovation policy

    presented two polar options for the development of the situation:
    inertial and "progressive".
    The latter involves a radical modernization
    educational programs, a radical reform of the corporate
    legislation, the real independence of the courts, the introduction
    case law, an open program of fundamental
    research, focus on the support of the best specialists and
    In terms of the level of budgetary financing of science, Russia is
    at the level of Great Britain and France, nevertheless
    the productivity of scientific research is declining from year to year.
    The "progressive" option also implies support
    sectors of the new technological wave and access to growing
    markets, as well as support for low-tech sectors
    Russian economy.

    Competition policy

    a set of successive measures,
    carried out to ensure
    conditions for competition
    business entities, increase
    efficiency and competitiveness
    Russian economy, modernization
    enterprises and creating conditions for
    way of the needs of the population in
    goods and services.

    Competition policy is a tool
    implementation of the following areas of the Concept
    long-term socio-economic development
    Russian Federation:
    firstly, the formation of the institutional environment
    innovative development,
    Secondly, lower inflation,
    thirdly, creating conditions for improving the quality and
    standard of living of the population,
    fourthly, the development of national

    The task of developing competition requires
    improvements and directions
    use of all tools
    economic regulation and policy
    for the development of competition.

    Goals and values ​​of competition policy

    Presentation style
    information in the newsletter
    allowed to combine
    one site
    co-executors for
    development program
    regional bodies
    authorities (responsible for
    development of regional
    development programs
    associations and experts.

    Instruments for the development of competition

    Customs-tariff and non-tariff
    Tax policy
    State programs development
    infrastructure and individual industries
    State procurements
    Regulation of natural monopolies
    Development of small and medium

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 1. Prime Minister: Yeltsin B.N. (- d) simultaneously with the office of the President of the Russian Federation. 2. Gaidar E.T. (– d.) The main directions of politics The beginning of the radical economic reform- "shock therapy" (January 1992) 1. A sharp decline in production. 2. Falling living standards of a significant part of the population. 3. The emergence of unemployment. 4. Massive delays in the payment of salaries.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 3. Chernomyrdin V.S. (d.) Main directions of policy 1. Achievement of commodity abundance. 2. Attraction of foreign investments. 3. Stabilization of the ruble exchange rate. 3. Beginning of privatization. 1.Sharp social stratification. 2. The growth of the shadow economy. 3. Emergence of the oligarchic clan 4. Rise and fall financial pyramids. 5.Gangster methods of privatization. 6. Commercialization of science and culture. 7. Speculation in the GKO market (government credit obligations) in order to support the high exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar. 8. Dependence on imports of consumer goods.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 4. Kirienko S.V. (d.) Main policy directions Attempt to balance the state budget, stop speculation in the GKO market. 1. Financial and banking crisis (default) on August 17, 1998. 2. Aggravation of the energy crisis. An attempt to balance the state budget, stop speculation in the GKO market. 1. Financial and banking crisis (default) on August 17, 1998. 2. Aggravation of the energy crisis.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 5. Primakov E.M. (d) Main directions of policy 1. Maintaining the exchange rate of the ruble 2. Stabilization of the situation in society. 3.Repayment of debts on salaries and pensions. 4. Anti-corruption criminal cases. 1. The beginning of industrial growth in the country. 2. The growth of tension in relations with the West. 3. Failures in the negotiation process with the IMF.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 6. Stepashin S.V. (d) Main policy directions 1. Obtaining loans from Western countries. 2.Restructuring the debts of the former USSR. Aggravation of the situation in the North Caucasus.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 7. Putin V.V. (d.) Main policy directions A course towards stabilization of political and social relations. The beginning of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya and Dagestan. (August 1999) 2nd Chechen war.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 8. Kasyanov M.M. (d) Main policy directions 1. Implementation of tax reform. 2. Introduction 13% income tax and single social tax. 3. Beginning of pension reform. 1. Reducing the volume of barter in the economy. 2.Snizhenie unemployment. 3. Growth of real incomes. 4. Beginning of economic growth.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 9. Fradkov M. (-) Main directions of policy 1. Beginning of monetization of benefits. 2. Reform of housing and communal services. 3. Doubling the level of GDP by 2010 due to the development of science-intensive technologies. 4. Army reform. 5. Creation of a stabilization fund. 1. Growth in payments of social benefits. 2.Rise in prices in the structures of housing and communal services. 3. Growth of reserves of the Central Bank. 4. Restraining the growth of the ruble. 5. The beginning of the creation of Science Cities. 6. Increasing spending on the army, science and culture. 7.Change the procedure for electing local authorities in order to monitor efficiency government controlled. 8. Increasing salaries for state employees.

    Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 10. Zubkov V. (–) Main policy directions Stable rhythm of the government's work during the parliamentary (December 2, 2007) and presidential (March 2008) elections in Russia. October 2007 - Vladimir Putin topped the United Russia List in the Duma elections. On December 2, United Russia received 67%. December 2007 — Vladimir Putin announces First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as his political successor.

    The main directions of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the years. 1. Strengthening the vertical of power and achieving political stability in society. 2. Creation of seven federal districts with plenipotentiaries of the President. 3. Changing the principle of forming the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly - the Federation Council and turning it into a permanent legislative body. 4.Creation State Council RF as an advisory and advisory body of the heads of subjects of the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation. 5. Change in the procedure for electing the heads of subjects of the Russian Federation. 6. The course towards the enlargement of the regions of the Russian Federation.

    The main directions of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the years. 1. Continuation of the course towards liberalization of the economy: weakening of bureaucratic guardianship and state control over entrepreneurial activity; taking measures to support small businesses; 2.More efficient use budget funds in the field of social payments through the monetization of benefits and targeted assistance. 3. Use of the stabilization fund to increase the real incomes of state employees. 4. Control over the growth of tariffs in the field of housing and communal services and energy companies. 5. Guarantees of non-review of the results of privatization in order to attract investment in production. 6. Creation of Science Cities to increase the share of technology exports, not energy resources. 7.Strengthening the fight against terrorism. 8. January 2006 Adoption of 4 national projects: health care, education, housing, agriculture and measures to increase the birth rate in the country.

    The main directions of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the years. 1. Adoption of a new concept of Russian foreign policy based on a multipolar system international relations. 2. Development of partnerships with all countries of the world. 3. Striving for Russia's entry into the WTO and the structure of the EEC. 4.Strengthening cooperation in the fight against international terrorism. 5. Struggle for an equal position of Russia in the European community in terms of partnership in the economy, human rights, the position of Russian-speaking citizens in the countries of the former USSR. 6. Reform of emigration policy.

    1. Stabilization of political relations and improvement of the psychological mood of citizens. Putin's popularity 2. The collapse of financial pyramids in August 1998, which diverted finances to the speculative market from the real sector of the economy. The devaluation of the ruble is an increase in the attractiveness of Russian exports on the world market. 3.Strengthening domestic production. Revitalization in the military-industrial complex. The emergence of a critical mass of enterprises that operate effectively in market conditions during the years of reforms. 4. Favorable situation in the world oil and metal markets for domestic exporters. 5. Creation of a program to double GDP by 2010. 6. Reducing the inflation rate to 8% per year. Revival of activity in the credit and banking sector.

    This presentation was developed for the lesson "Modern Russian Economy" during the testing of the new curriculum "Economics" for students in grade 10 with a two-hour weekly planning, developed within the framework of the European Commission's TEMPUS project "Development and implementation of sustainable structures to foster entrepreneurial spirit in Russia".

    This presentation can be used by the teacher during the lesson.



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    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 The modern Russian economy The development of the Russian market economy Until 1991, Russia had a command - administrative economic system From 1991 to 1998, an active transitional stage took place on the way to a market economy, which was accompanied by: Changeable forms of ownership Formation of modern legislation (Civil, tax code) Crisis phenomena (high inflation From 2000 to 2008. Stable growth and development of the Russian economy (an average of 7% of GDP growth) After the crisis in 2008, a course was taken to modernize the Russian economy, and a long-term concept of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation was formed until 2020

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 The modern Russian economy Characteristics of the Russian economy Large-scale economy, a whole range of minerals, huge territorial resources In the structure of economies, the non-material sphere occupies 56%, the material 44%, which allows us to classify the Russian economy as post-industrial. Most developed industries: - Defense - industrial complex(VPK) - Engineering - Agriculture- Heavy engineering - Oil refining industry - Ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy - Energy 80% of all manufactured products are in the European part, so the main population of Russia is concentrated here, about 100 million. 6th place in the world in terms of GDP (54 trillion rubles) GDP per capita population 13236 $ About 10 largest Russian companies provide 20% of GDP In the budget of the Russian Federation for 2012, spending on social policy amounted to 3.898 trillion. rubles or 30.8% of the total budget.

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 The modern Russian economy On October 15, 2008, after the start of the IFC, the “Long-term concept of the socio-economic concept of the development of the Russian Federation until 2020” was adopted. The main goal of which is the modernization domestic economy, the transition to innovative industries, the economy of production, as well as the growth in the number and well-being of citizens. Russia in the WTO Russia joined the WTO quite recently on August 22, 2012, becoming 157 of its members. The entry process is one of the longest - 18 years. What it gives: + First of all, pluses for consumers, domestic markets become more free for foreign companies (lower customs barriers), this leads to competition, usually lower prices for goods, and improve the quality of products. + For domestic firms, is that since domestic markets have become more open to foreign companies, respectively foreign markets have become more accessible to Russian firms, which creates additional sales outlets for domestic products. - The biggest disadvantage is also associated with Russian firms and enterprises, namely, fierce competition with foreign companies, if foreign products are cheaper and of higher quality (and this is true), then Russian enterprises will incur losses, and as a result, may lead to their ruin.

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Development challenges Long-term challenges: changing nature of globalization new technological wave increasing role of human capital in economic development the financial system and the economy as a whole Orientation of policy towards strategic development goals Formation of long-term "rules of the game" necessary for decision-making by economic agents KRA-2020

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 Modern Russian economy Implementation of the KDR “WHAT” Ideology, “image of the country”, goals and principles of the policy “HOW” Specific directions, tasks, mechanisms, indicators Within the framework of the Concept, the “ideology” and “technology” of long-term development are balanced. At the same time, the detailing is not redundant: more specifically, the measures are formulated in the Main Directions of the Government’s Activities and the Action Plan

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Stages of implementation Stage 1 – consolidation competitive advantage, 2009-2012 Implementation of competitive advantages in the "traditional" sectors Adaptation to crisis processes in the global economy. Creation of conditions and technological groundwork to ensure the transfer of the economy to the mode of innovative development. Leading investments in human capital and infrastructure 2nd stage - innovative breakthrough, 2013-2020 A breakthrough in increasing competitiveness based on: transition to a new technological base to improve the quality of human potential and the social environment; structural diversification of the economy and completion of the modernization of infrastructure sectors. Formation of a society of trust and social well-being, mitigation of social and regional differentiation.

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 The modern Russian economy Russia 2020: the image of the country Attractive for life Innovative high standard of living multiple increase in the share of the middle class access to quality education and health services comfortable living conditions new image Russian regions developed democratic institutions 5-10% share in the markets of high-tech goods and intellectual services in 8-10 positions Leading positions in fundamental and applied scientific developments and related technologies

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Globally competitive Status of one of the world leaders multiple growth of labor productivity energy intensity – decrease up to 1.7 times high competitiveness of markets geographic and product diversification of exports Russia is a logistics hub in the global energy infrastructure the largest transit country Russia’s leadership in integration processes in the Eurasian space, the stability of ties with the world economic centers an active role in the development of the economic world order a key participant in the development of rules for the functioning of global energy markets a high level national security and defense capabilities of Russia 2020: the image of the country

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy social development Involvement of youth in social practice, support for scientific, creative and entrepreneurial activity Support for talented youth and leadership Civic education and patriotic education Improving the social climate in society, reducing poverty and stratification Increasing the effectiveness of state support Rehabilitation and integration of the disabled Social services for the elderly NPOs in the social sphere Support for people in difficult life situations Improving the social climate in society, reducing poverty and stratification Increasing the effectiveness of state support Rehabilitation and integration of disabled people Social services for the elderly NPOs in the social sphere Support for people in difficult life situations Increasing labor market flexibility and reducing illegal employment Development of labor market institutions, increasing employment and labor efficiency Creating favorable working conditions Attracting foreign workers forces Youth policy Social support Cultural policy Labor market

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 The modern Russian economy Pension system Purpose: Objectives: Indicators: increasing the level of pension provision for all categories of pensioners and ensuring a long-term balance in the pension system streamlining the taxation of employers' contributions to non-state pension funds introduction size limit annual earnings, on which accrue insurance premiums, and the loss of which is subject to replacement by a labor pension Introduction of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance at a single tariff Strengthening the funded element of pensions Increasing pensions for the older generation by increasing the monetary value (valorization) of pension rights Creating a system for assessing and monitoring long-term pension obligations Average old-age pension - at least 2 ,5 living wages pensioner, achieving an individual replacement rate of 40% by 2020

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 The modern Russian economy Health GOAL: ensuring the availability of quality medical care, its compliance in terms of volume, types and quality of technologies with the level of morbidity and the needs of the population Key areas: Development and mass implementation of clinical and medical standards health care, emphasis on clinical examination Protection of the rights of the patient and doctor Improvement of drug provision Informatization of health care, development of science and new medical technologies An effective system of prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle Formation and implementation of the State Health Development Program Indicators: Growth of government spending from 3.6% of GDP in 2008 to 5.2-5.5% external causes - 2 times. Infant and maternal mortality - at the level of developed countries

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 Modern Russian economy Demography Purpose: Objectives: Indicators: reducing the rate of natural population decline, stabilizing the population and creating conditions for its growth, improving the quality of life and increasing life expectancy Reducing mortality Preserving and strengthening the health of the population, increasing the duration of active life Increasing the birth rate Management of migration processes Ensuring protection from emergencies growth of the population of Russia by 2025 to 145 million people the death rate is not higher than 10.8-11 the total birth rate is 1.75-1.80

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 The modern Russian economy significant IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF HUMAN LIFE, the formation of a balanced environmentally oriented model for the development of the economy and environmentally competitive industries "Ecology of production" a gradual reduction in the levels of environmental impact from all anthropogenic sources a safe and comfortable living environment for the population, places of work and recreation, other social activities "Ecology of the natural environment" preservation and protection of the natural environment "Environmental business" - the creation of an effective environmental sector of the economy a new system of normalization of MPE for the environment, etc. Reducing specific levels of environmental impact by 3-7 times, depending on the industry. setting standards for the quality of water, air, soil, standards for permissible anthropogenic load, etc. Reduction by 2020: -5 rubles. number of cities with high and very high level pollution - in 4 p. number of residents living in unsatisfactory conditions. conditions Formation of environmental audit rules, requirements for technology development, etc. - Growth of the eco-development market, goods and services by 5 times; new methods of territorial planning, land use and development - preservation of natural ecosystems, etc. Increasing bioproductivity. Restoration of species diversity Living conditions - ecology

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Increasing the availability of QUALITY EDUCATION that meets the requirements of innovative development of the economy, the modern needs of society and every citizen Indicators: The share of teachers who receive salaries above the regional average will increase from 12% to 45% The share of citizens receiving continuing education services will grow from 15% to 50% Growth general expenses for education - from 4.8% of GDP to 7% of spending budget system– from 4.1% of GDP to 5.5-6% World-class scientific and educational complexes New generation educational standards Allocation of a part of the state budget to universities for scientific research, etc. Support for gifted children and talented youth Provision of pre-school education Development of primary and secondary vocational education, etc. Implementation of the system of "applied bachelor's degree" Creation of support systems for consumers of continuous education services and organizations providing these services, etc. Education

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy National competitiveness. Science and innovation Creation and dissemination of innovations in all sectors of the economy, including increasing the competitiveness of the research and development sector Indicators: the share of enterprises implementing technological innovations - 40-50% in 2020 (2007 -9.5%); the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial output - up to 25-35% in 2020 (2007 - 5.5%); domestic spending on research and development - 2.5-3.0% of GDP in 2020 stimulating investment in technology, R&D, their commercialization, IP capitalization transfer to small and medium innovative business parts of the state order for R&D, innovative focus of public procurement Implementation of a system of technological and research initiatives (projects) that ensure Russia's breakthrough position in scientific and technological competition in world markets introduction of the institute independent evaluation activities of state scientific organizations increase in the share of competitive funding creation of 5-7 nat. research centers ("national laboratories"), 20-30 research. universities radical increase in the efficiency of innovation infrastructure (SEZs, technology transfer centers, business incubators and technology parks, etc.) development of financial innovation infrastructure support for the entry of Russian enterprises both in the high-tech sectors and in other sectors into business alliances in global technology projects, international programs

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Infrastructure OBJECTIVES OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Elimination of obstacles to the acceleration of economic growth associated with its backwardness, ensuring the necessary volumes, quality and reliability of infrastructure services Energy transport communications Directions and main projects (example) Increasing the capacity of the backbone transport network implementation of PPP projects (including concessions), construction of roads (WHSD, TsKAD…); railway infrastructure at points of prospective industrial growth; modernization of the fleet of aircraft and river vessels, railway cars Implementation of the transit potential creation of large logistics centers at the border (dry ports); international transport corridors in the directions "East-West", "North-South", "Transpolar Airways", "Northern Sea Route"; development of port SEZs; Ensuring regional development ensuring the integrated development and development of the territories of Siberia and the Far East and the development of new mineral deposits

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Industrial policy OBJECTIVES OF THE INDUSTRIAL POLICY OF THE STATE: Diversification of the economy Increasing the global competitiveness of industrial products Supporting the export of Russian industrial products Ensuring the technological security of the country

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 The modern Russian economy Energy efficiency technical regulations and energy efficiency standards energy efficiency labeling of goods encouraging the use of renewable energy sources. (Growth in electricity production based on alternative RES: 2007 - 0.5 billion kWh, 2020 - 10-20 billion kWh) support for the development of domestic samples of new generation energy-saving technologies. stimulating the development of energy audit as part of programs to support the development of small businesses about equipping consumers with energy meters in the retail market special measures to improve the energy efficiency of housing and communal services. Energy saving potential in housing and communal services - more than 80 million tons of fuel equivalent. Russia has the potential to reduce energy intensity by up to 4% per year. This will allow reaching the level of energy efficiency comparable to Canada in 2020, reducing energy intensity by 40% compared to 2008.

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 The Modern Russian Economy Global Competitiveness GROWTH OF COMPETITIVENESS IN THE WORLD MARKETS BY 2020 Civil aviation is the third largest civil aviation manufacturer; reaching 10-15% of the level of the global sales market at the turn of 2020-2025. Rocket and space industry - the share of product presence in the segments of the world space market will increase from 8 to 15 percent. Space launch market - holding leading positions; up to 30% of the commercial launch market. Shipbuilding industry - export of civilian products will increase by more than 5 times, military products by 1.5-2 times (20% of the market). Nuclear power industry complex - exports of at least 8-14 billion dollars a year. 2007 2020 Russia's share in the world economy, % 3.2 4.3 Export, billion dollars 354 > 900 Export of machinery and equipment, billion dollars 20 110-130 Contribution of domestic products to domestic demand, % 50 80 share of Russian exports in the world volume of exports of high-tech goods,% 0.3 2

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 Modern Russian economy Foreign economic policy Priority - integration in the Eurasian space. Transformation of the ruble into a regional reserve currency Orientation of support for exports and joint projects to countries with rapidly growing markets Diversification of exports and rationalization of imports Shifting the focus from foreign trade in goods to global production cooperation (joint projects, mutual exchange of assets, entering the markets of third countries, etc.) .) Active role in the activities of international and regional economic organizations, especially influencing the formation of oil and gas markets

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Financial system Development of the banking system Development stock market Development of the insurance market; increase in the capitalization of banks - improvement of prudential supervision; optimization of mergers and acquisitions procedures; - introduction irrevocable deposits; expansion of refinancing instruments facilitation of issuance of shares and bonds of banks improvement of regulation expansion of investment volumes by financial market Russian institutional investors development of organized trading infrastructure (central depository, clearing organization, clearing house, stock exchanges) development of the business environment and improvement of the investment climate development accumulative insurance life incl. through non-state pension funds, the development of mechanisms for insuring the liability of business entities in case of damage, as well as in case of natural disasters

    Lesson 1.5 - 1.6 Modern Russian economy Regional policy Innovative and social orientation of regional development Formation of territorial production clusters Development of scientific, technical and educational potential of large urban agglomerations Significant reduction of interregional and intraregional differentiation in the level and quality of the social environment and incomes of the population - logistics and production hubs Formation and development of tourist and recreational zones with a high level of service provision in areas with unique natural and climatic conditions Preservation of cultural diversity, traditional way of life and employment of the indigenous peoples of the North

    Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Growth poles of the NWFD - transport and business services - high-tech. import-substituting industries - traditional industries Resource-producing regions - new technologies for the development and modernization of traditional industries ARCTIC - development of oil and gas fields - increasing the knowledge of the Arctic continental shelf and determining its boundaries - extraction of marine biological resources and their processing - increasing the competitiveness of the Northern Sea Route - environmental protection - ensuring national security, etc. Volga Federal District - modernization of industrial potential through the introduction of new technologies CFD - expansion of the network of high-speed highways - new centers of advanced industry and service economy - development of Moscow. logistics hub - international. transport corridors Central-Chern. zone - advanced technologies in agriculture - modernization of enterprises focused on the Kursk magnetic anomaly of the Southern Federal District Primorsky and mountainous regions - tourism Regions with the potential of processing industries - new technologies in processing - development of high-performance industries of the Siberian Federal District - effective use natural resources (including the depth of processing) based on new technologies South of Siberia - processing of agricultural raw materials - tourism Ural federal district - extraction of mineral resources based on new technologies - modernization of industrial potential - development of business, innovative, educational services in large agglomerations of the Far Eastern Federal District -introduction of new technologies in the production of hydrocarbon raw materials -gasification -development of transport and energy infrastructure -modernization of large cities -efficient use of marine bioresources -engineering -shipbuilding, aviation -ship repair -aircraft building

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